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September 05, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-05

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Urge Acceptance

Bar Unit

Constitution Changes
Cause Ballot Bulge

Of A-Ban



WASHINGTON (A)-The Senate was urged yesterday to acceptj
the risks of the limited nuclear test ban treaty as a "venture" which
can lessen the greater dangers of nuclear holocaust created by con-
tinued atmospheric testing.
That view was expressed in different words in a speech by Demo-
cratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana and in a report by the
Foreign Relations Committee recommending that the Senate ratify

@" LANSING (I)-Election changes
made necessary by the new state
constitution may cause voters to
be confronted next fall by the
In its annual report, the Civil most puzzling maze of names and
Liberties Committee of the State officers ever pasted on the face of
Bar of Michigan yesterday de- a voting machine.
manded a strong "open occupan- Depending in part on an im-
cy" law and revision of the search- pending ruling by Attorney Gen-
and-seizure provision of the new eral Frank Kelley and in part on
state constitution. the inclination of third parties to
The report was prepared for hrun candidates next year, the bal-
SteBronvwsreiondlater the lot could run well over 100 names.
State Bar convention later this This would encompass candi-
month. The committee indicated it dates for officers ranging from
belivesComms nsonw ihiga viPresident of the United States
enough power unless new laws are down to township constable. Even
assed at that, however, it would not in-
It asked the Legislature to enact lude every candidate and every
It akedtheLegslatre o eactoffice.
new laws to eliminate racial dis-f .
erimination in housing. emplov- Record Ballot

Britons Veto
Wage Plan
BRIGHTON, England OP)-Brit-
ain's organized labor refused yes-
terday to discipline its wage de-
mands as part of a national effort
to plan the nation's economy, with
old-line leaders saying they didn't
trust the Conservative government
to do the planning.
The union's old guard, with
memories of depression and dec-
ades of prewar labor strife, pushed
through a resolution rejecting "any
form of wage restraint" at the
annual conference of the eight-
million - member Trades Union
Passage of the resolution, even
by the narrow margin it won,
colored the Labor Party's political
picture by dimming the moderate
image the party has been trying
to present for the national elec-
tions which must be held in the
next year.
The old guards' action also'un-
dermined Congress General Secre-
tary .George Woodcock's appeal to
speak for organized labor in bar-

,the treaty. They provided the pro-
Iogue for opening of Senate debate
next week on the pact to ban all
except underground testing. Mean-
while, administration hopes for
overwhelming bipartisan support
of the treaty received a boost
when Senate Republican leader
Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois in-
dicated he would swing behind it
He told newsmen that, at his
invitation, a small group of GOP
senators had been briefed exten-
sively last week by Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara, Un-
dersecretary of State W. Averell
Harriman, William Foster, head of
the disarmament agency, and
"They resolved a good many of
the doubts in my mind about the
treaty," Dirksen said, adding that
he may make his stand clear later
this week.
Mansfield advised his colleagues
to avoid what he termed "a most
dangerous and tragic obsession"
that continued indiscriminate test-
ing would provide a margin of
security for the nation.
All that such testing could pro-
vide, he said, is "insurance that
if our civilization is put to the
nuclear torch by any hand, others
will be consumed in the same
stupendous blaze."

II I . i i ll ii lllloii
- - -
.i. e

ment, education and public ac-
commodations as a means of im-
plementing the Civil Rights Com-
State Control
"The state, by its control over
licensed brokers and salesmen, can
effectively and substantially re-
duce discrimination in housing,"
the committee reported.
It recommended support of leg-
islation similar to a Senate bill,
defeated in the 1963 session, which
would have enabled the state to
revoke real estate licenses for dis-
criminatory practices.
The committee's position on leg-
islation to support the Civil Rights
Commission disagrees with Attor-
ney General Frank Kelley's opin-
ion. Kelley believes the commission
will have "all-encompassing pow-
ers" rendering unnecessary any
new laws.
Within the Province
Kelley said housing and the oth-
er points mentioned by the com-
mittee were within the province of
the civil rights commission.
The committee called for amend-
ing the search-and-seizure provi-
sion of the new constitution to ex-
clude language which permits cer-
tain evidence, though illegally ob-
tained, to be used in court.
Bombs Included
This type of evidence, which is
admissable even though obtained
in an illegal search, includes
bombs, narcotics, guns, explosives
and other dangerous weapons
found on a person, in a car or
public place.
South African
Asks To Hold
PRETORIA (AP)-Prime Minister
Hendrik F. Verwoerd has offered
to take over the British protector-
ates bordering South Africa.
In a major policy change with
far-reaching implications, he chal-
lenged the British government to
hold a plebiscite in the protector-
ates of Swaziland, Basutoland and
The vote would allow Africans
in the three areas to decide wheth-
er, in Verwoerd's words, they want-
ed to "prosper" as part of South
Africa or face "economic decay"
under the British.
The net effort of the offer would
be to make Swaziland, Basutoland
and Bechuanaland purely Negro
states, in line with Verwoerd's plan
to turn South Africa itno a check-
erboard of white and Negro areas.
Verwoerd's plan would trans-
form the three protectorates into
"natural democratic states" with
legislatures that would "reflect the
aspirations" of the 1.2 million Af-
ricans in these areas and be "free
from the dictates of a handful of
authoritarians," he said.
In addition, it would make the
few thousand white settlers in
these areas South African citizens
with a vote in that nation. As far
as the Africans in the protectorates
are concerned, these settlers would
thus become transients with no
political power.
Make a Strike
with Your Date
Open 7 days-l-11 p.m.
Automatic Pinsetters

"It's probable that next year's
ballot will be the biggest in the
state's history," Rep. Russell
Strange (R-Clare), chairman of
the legislative subcommittee work-
ing on implementation of the new
constitution, said recently.
"When the Constitutional Con-
vention abolished the spring elec-
tion last year, it left us to find a
place for candidates on the No-
vember ballots and when you con-
sider that a voting machine has
about 40 name slots, the problem
is obvious," he added.
"It could get even worse if there
are a lot of third-party candidates,
such as in 1958, when seven par-
ties were on the ballot," Strange
Head the List
The ballot will carry names of
candidates for President, vice-
president, United States senator
and congressman, governor, lieu-
tenant governor, state senator and
representative, and eight State
Board of Education offices.
Also to be elected are two mem-
bers of the Michigan State Board
of Trustees, two members of the
Wayne State University Board of
Governors, members of the new
StaterCourt of Appeals (by dis-
tricts) and probate judges.
Intownships, there will be votes
cast for supervisor, clerk, treasurer,
trustees, constables and justices of
the peace.
County Officers Too?
And if Kelley should rule that
the terms of county officers elect-
ed in 1962 for two years cannot be
extended an additional two years,
they also will appear on the ballot.
Into this last category fall the
offices of sheriff, prosecutor, clerk,
treasurer, register of deeds, drain
commissioner, surveyor, coroners
and (in some cases) circuit court
and read commissioners.
Strange said his subcommittee
favors the plan under which town-
ship officials would run for four-
year terms in presidential years
and county officials in non-presi-
dential years, when the governor
and lieutenant governor would be
on the ballot.
Problem Solved
This would solve the problem of
the clumsy ballot after 1964, he
Although not yet complete, rec-
ommendations by Strange's group
to the 18-man constitutional im-
plementation committee next week
will be in the form of proposed bills

1) Two-year "holdover," or ex-
tension, of certain offices such as
county officers and circuit judges
(already approved by Kelley).
Canvassing Boards
2) Provision for local nonparti-
san elections to be canvassed by
bipartisan boards formed for that
3) Detailed changes in wording
and references in the state elec-
tion code to comply with changes
in the new constitution.
Discussed by the subcommittee,
but not resolved as yet, has been a
proposal to cut down the size of
the ballot by making no provision
for "write-in" votes for statewide
educational offices.
This plan, as well as the hold-
over and canvassing proposals, can
prove "troublesome," Strange said.
"I don't want to call them con-
troversial until they become con-
troversial," he added.
The canvassing proposal is an
issue because many local officials
and officials of county elections
are expected to object to non-
partisan elections being checked
by partisan boards.
Stock Market
Figures Near
.All-Time, Peak
NEW YORK (P) - The Stock
Market yesterday nudged close to
an all-time peak as measured by
the popular yardstick, the Dow
Jones industrial average.
Many Wall Street brokers con-
fidently predicted that the 30 in-
dustrial issues which make up the
average would go over the top in
the next few trading sessions.
More conservative elements held
that a tough struggle was ahead.
The average, closely followed by
millions as a prime indicator of
market health, closed at 732.92,
just a hair's breadth below the
historic high of 734.91 established
Dec. 13. 1961, at the height of a
speculative boom that degenerated
into the crash of 1962.
Final trading ended mixed, with
30 industrials up .90, 15 utilities
down .53, and 65 stocks down .33,
thus failing by a whisker to reach
the record point.
Anderson -Cites
'Military Peril'
Anderson, admiral turned ambas-
sador, finally spoke out yesterday
about the way things are run in
the Pentagon under the tight
civilian management of Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara.
He said, among other things:
"There is . . . alarming peril to
obscuring the role of the military,
found in a modern fallacy that
theories, or computers, or econom-
ics, or numbers of weapons win
wars. Alone, they do not! Good
leadership unfailingly recognizes
that man is the key to success or


World News Roundup


Sept. 5.9 Union & Diag

Mass Rush Meeting Sept. 5, 7:30 Union Ballroom

Rushing Period

September 8 19

8 WOE t w " 4

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Roy M. Cohn, the
one-time tenacious young anti-
Communist investigator for the
late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-
Wis), was accused yesterday of
lying and plotting to obstruct jus-
tice in a stock fraud probe.
* * *
AMMAN, Jordan - Jordan has
lodged a complaint against Israel
with the United Nations truce
team for allegedly firing across the
border in the Wanajeh area, a few
kilometers from Jerusalem, a mili-
tary spokesman announced yester-
NEW DELHI - The United
States made 110,000 tons of corn
available to India yesterday for
manufacture of starch for tex-
tiles and other industries. The
consignment is valued at $7.7 mil-
lion. India will pay in rupees, but
85 per cent of the proceeds will
be ployed back to finance Indian
development projects.

HONG KONG-Red China is
sending hundreds of blind people
to the nearby Portuguese colony of
Macao, the Hong. Kong Tiger
Standard reported yesterday.
The English-languae newspaper
said the blind people, branded by
the Chinese Communists as "un-
productive mouths," are given one-
way exit permits and not allowed
to return to China again.




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