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January 15, 1963 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-15

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Harroy Reviews Conservation

"I know of no region in Africa
where independence resulted in a
noticeable improvement in wild-
life conservation there," Prof.
Jean-Paul'Harroy of the Univer-
sity of Brussels, former. vice-
governor-general of the Belgian
Congo and former governor of Ru-
anda-Urundii, said yesterday.
Speaking on the topic of "Wild-
life Conservation in Africa," Prof.
Harroy noted that the past 60
years has seen a complete reversal
of the situation where the native
fauna are concerned.
Where the African landscape
once was "an ocean of wildlife,
with islands of human occupation
here and there," the situation is
now exactly the opposite, with
many native species facing ex-
The motivating factor behind
the changing trend was the influ-
ence of colonization in Africa,
Prof. Harroy explained. He noted
that this led to attempts on the
part of the power in control to

increase production of food, since
the birth rate was far ahead of the
death rate in most areas.
Greater Agriculture
More people were needed to
grow the food; consequently more
surface area which the fauna once
had to themselves was being con-
verted to agricultural use. The in-
troduction of large herds of cattle
did nothing to help the situation,
Prof. Harroy noted.
"There were three main factors
contributing to the general prob-
lem: the cattle herds, a corre-
sponding reduction in the wild
animals' natural habitat and the
hunt for food, which often became
a serious threat because of the
hunters' greed.
Some Improvement
Some improvement has come
about in the field of conservation
since the early years of inde-
pendence, however, Prof. Harroy
confirmed. In 1953, a conference
was set up to study the matter
and from it arose three plans.
Among these was the National

Parks System, a group of reserves
set aside as sanctuaries for the
native wildlife.
Several regulations were also set
up for game preservation, to aid
in controlling the trade and trans-
portation of meat and trophies.
In conjunction with this there was
established a list of animals to be
placed under protection by the
government. This list was divided
into several categories, such as
"completely protected," "largely
protected," and "pests and ver-
At present, several agencies are
considering one program or an-
other for conservation in Africa,
but these are not enough, Prof.
Harroy said. He added that the
large development programs which
the United Nations has before it
"nowhere contains conservation
on the agenda," and concluded
that the situation in Africa, if not
as bad as it could be, is also not
nearly as good as it should be to
prevent the eventual extermina-
tion of many native species.

Tad Szulc, member of the New
York Times Washington bureau,
will speak on "Cuba and Latin
America: 1963" at 3 p.m. today
in Aud. A. His address is part of
the University Lectures in Jour-
nalism series.
* * *
Nursing ...
Mrs. Christy Hawkins, director
of nursing at Edward Sparrow
Hospital in Lansing, will discuss
"Nursing since the Mid-Century"
8 p.m. today in Rackham Aud.
* * *
A seminar on supersonic trans-
port will be held }today and to-
morrow in the Rackham Bldg. It
is sponsored by the Institute of
Science and Technology.
* * *
Dr. David Karnofsky of the
Sloan-Kettering Institute, New
York City, will present a special
lecture on "The Ethical Aspects of
Clinical Trials", at 4 p.m. today in
Rm. M-7412 Medical Science Bldg.

Student Reports Vary
On South QuadDivision

Ending Wednesday
Shows at 7 and 9 p.m.
-Crowther, N.Y. Times

(Continued from Page 1)

The Quadrant report, issued Dec.
11, 1962, called for a vertical divi-
sion of South Quad reserving one
complete side of the building for
women, the other for men.
The report upheld its findings
on the basis that the vertical split
"bests suits the physical structure
of South Quad," and that residents
"would retain a necessary portion
of the cohesion, unity, privacy and
security which now exists."
It asserted that the vertical plan
of division would result in a mini-
mum of adverse public and alumni
Vertical More 'Secure'
Robert Ditz, '64E, spokesman for
the Quadrants group, said that the
horizontal plan does solve some
problems more adequately than the
vertical plan, but that "more im-
portant" questions of "security"
are better solved with the vertical
The IQC-Assembly report, made

public for the first time last night,
states: "the necessary physical fa-
cilities would be equally well pro-
vided under either plan, but we
believe that the educational and
social functions of co-educational
housing are served better by a hor-
izontal division of South Quad-
rangle." The report suggests that'
the space now occupied by Kelsey,
Van Tyne and Huber Houses be
occupied by women.
Markley Split
In dealing with the division of
Mary Markley, the report suggests
that "the front half of Markley
should be used for men and the
back half by women.'
"The dining rooms are easily
separated for non-co-ed eating.
When two or four dining rooms are
being used for co-ed dining the
students can cross the concourse
and go through the line together."
The report also outlines possible
changes in study and recreational
facilities of Markley.



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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN, form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding.
Day Calendar
'8:00 a.m -to 6:30 p.m.-Institute of
Navigation and the Institute of Science
and Technology Supersonic Transport
Seminar-Registration: Lobby, Rackham
7:30 p.m.-Sigma Theta Tan Nursing
Sorority Lecture-Mrs. Christy Hawkins,
Lansing, co-author of "Nursing to the
Mid-Century," "Nursing Since the Mid-
Century": Rackham Lecture Hall.
8:30 p.m.-Professional Theatre Pro-
gram Off-Broadway Musical--Original
New York cast in "The Fantasticks":
Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.
3:15 p.m.-Center for Japanese Studies
-Prof. James T. Araki, Univ. of Calif.
at Los Angeles, "Ballet Drama in Ja-
pan's Heroic Age": 2203 Angell Hall.
Philosophy Dept. Lecture-Jaako Hin-
tikka, Prof. of Philosophy, Univ. of Hel-
sinki, will speak today at 8:00 p.m. in

Rm. 2014 Angell Hall. The lecture is formation can be obtained in Rm. 1203
entitled "The Modality." . lUniversity High School.I

Mathematics Colloquium: Meets to-
day at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 311 W. Engrg.
Prof. Robert F. Williams, Univ. of Chi-
cago, will speak on "Dimensionally
Difficient Spaces."
Refreshments will be served in Rm.
350 W. Engrg. at 3:30 p.m.
Foreig 1isitors
Following are foreign visitors who will
be on campus this week on the dates
indicated. Program arrangements are
being made by Mrs. Clifford R. Miller,
Ext. 3358, International Center.
Takashi Kuroda, Chairman of the
Dept. of English and Director of the
Modern Language Institute, Tokyo
Univ. of Education, Japan, Jan. 15-20.
Tin Htoo, Lecturer in Geography,
Univ. of Rangoon, Burma, Jan. 17-22.
General Notices
All Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Everyone receiving a teacher's certificate
must secure a health statement in the
junior and senior years. This service
will be free during the February orien-
tation and registration period only.
There will be a charge at all other times.
Plan to attend the Health Service be-
tween Jan. 29 and Feb. 2. Further in-

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Academic Costume: Can be rented at1
Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. Univ. Ave., Ann
Arbor. Orders for Midyear Grad. Exer-
cises should be placed immediately. 1
A Valid Identification Card will be
required for the spring registration,t
Jan. 30, Al, or Feb. 1. Those students1
who have lost their cards may secureE
a replacement by making application
at Window A of the Office of Registra-
tion & Records prior to Jan. 25. Stu-i
dents who require a new card becausef
of marriage, may have their cards
changed at Window 2 of the Cashier's
Office prior to Jan. 25.<
To Members of the Univ. Faculty: TheI
Mich. Memorial-Phoenix Project invites
requests for faculty research grants to
support research in those fields within
the scope of the Project. Awards may
be granted to assist investigations in
the social, philosophical, legal or eco-l
nomic aspects of nuclear energy; the
physicad, mathematical and chemical
aspects of nuclear theory; the use of
radioisotopes in the biological, medical,
physical and engrg. sciences; radiation-
induced changes in physical and biolog-
ical systems; and the release, control
and utilization of nuclear energy. The-
scope of the Phoenix Project will be
interpreted as broadly as possible to'
cover the various problems of thej
atomic age.
Requests for grants of $3,000 or less
are most appropriate. Grants may cover
equipment, supplies, research assist-
ance, and necessary research travel. Ap-
plications for these grants should be
returned by Feb. 7, 1963. Requests will
be acted on by April. Application
blanks may be obtained from the office
of the Phoenix Project at the Phoenix
Memorial Lab.-Rm. 3034, Ext. 86-406--
on the N. Campus.
The Actuarial Club will meet Wed.,
Jan. 16, at 2 p.m. in Rm. 3003 Angell
Hall. Dr. T. N. E. Greville will speak
on "Some Practical Aspects of Life
Table Construction."
Actuarial Students who plan to in-
terview this year should attend a meet-
ing Fri., Feb. 1, at 1:30 p.m., in Rm.
268 School of Business Admin. There
will be a discussion of opportunities
for summer and permanent positions,
and of procedures for interviews.
The Jan. Meeting of the Research Club
will take place on Wed, evening, the
16th, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Speakers will be Prof.
George H. Forsyth and Prof. George S.
Mendenhall's. The program will be de-
voted to reports on Mich. research ac-
tivities in the Near East. Prof. For-
syth will discuss "Mich. Archaeological
Expeditions to the Near East - Past,
Present, and Future." Prof. Mendenhall's
topic is "Of Shibboleths and Saints."
Next Peace Corps Placement Test will
be on Jan. 26. It will be given in Ann
Arbor-Civil Service Rm., U.S. Post Of-
fice, Downstown Station. It will also
be given at various other locations
throughout the country. For further
information, call General Div., Bureau
of Appts., Evt. 3544.
Air Force Logistics Command - You
must apply by Jan. 24 for the Manage-
ment Intern Tests for the Air Force.
Further literature available at Bureau
of Appts., 3200 SAB.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointments with the following:
THURS., JAN. 17-
Stanford Graduate School of Business
-Feb., June and Aug. grads. Men and
women with any major, including En-
grg., Physics, Math or any of the tech-
nological disciplines. All liberal Art
majors being sought.
Paul Revere Life Insurance Co., Wor-
cester, Mass.-Openings for Actuarial
Trainees. Interested in seniors or re-
cent grads who are considering actuar-
ial careers. Particularly interested in
men with mathematical training who
are seeking oppor. in field of business.

Trainees will have responsible jobs while
they are learning.
National Music Camp, Interlochen Arts
Academy, Interlochen, Mich.-Adminis-
trative Accountant. Man with MA in
Accounting, BA in Bus. Ad. 5 yrs, ex-
per. in accounting. Age 28-40.
Montgomery County Child Welfare
Board, Dayton, Ohio-1) Caseworker-
Child Welfare Supervisor II-MSW su-
pervisory exper. or extensive casework
exper. 2) Intake & Protective Service
Workers-Child Welfare Caseworker II
-MSW plus exper. 3) Child Welfare
Caseworker II-MSW or BA & social
agency exper. 4) Child Welfare Case-
worker I-BS with major in social serv-
ices or related field OR BS with un-
dergrad social work curriculum.
Management Consultants in St. Louis,
Mo.-Client firm with plant at Mani-
stee, Mich. desires Chief Chemist. Feb.
or June grad. Degree in Chem. Prefer-
ence given to those with previous lab.
exper., but this is not mandatory.
WWTV 9/WWUP-TV 10, Cadillac,
Mich.-WWTV-FM seeking Staff An-
nouncer with mature appearance &
voice for general announcing on FM &
TV. Work involves FM board operation,
news & commercial announcing, plus
some on-camera TV. Prefer man with
some college training, over 21, and draft
exempt. Commercial radio exper. help-
ful, but not mandatory. TV exper. not
YWCA, Battle Creek, Mich.-Vacancy
in Feb. for Young Adult Program Dir.
Degree & must work well with people,
be creative, supervise leadership of
Adult Educ. Prog.
North Shore Congregation Israel,
Glencoe, Ill.-This Reform Jewish Con-
gregation is seeking a graduate from
Sch, of Social Work or Educ. & Rec.
to conduct its Youth Program. Good
oppor. for individual with either BA or
Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., N.Y., N.Y.
-Evaluation Analysts in Supply & Dis-
tribution Planning Dept. Although grad-
uate degree is desired, undergraduates
with degrees in engrg., econ. & bus. ad.
with related exper. in the petroleum
industry Will be considered.
Ansul Chemical Co., Marinette, Wis.-
Development Engineer for Chem. Mfg.
Dept. Degree Chem. Engrg. plus 2-5
yrs. exper. in process development work
(pilot plant operations).
S * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.

pointments must be made through Miss
Marjorie Fuller, Overseas Placement Of-
ficer, Office of Civilian Personnel, Self-
ridge Air Force Base, Mich. General
requirements include United States cit-
izenship, a Bachelor's Degree, a valid
teaching certificate, and two years
teaching experience. For additional in-
formation contact, Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Education Division, 3200 SAB,
663-1511, Ext. 3547.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for interview appointment with
the following:
JAN. 15-16-
Computing Devices of Canada, Ltd.
Entire Corp.-Ail Degrees: AE & Astro.,
EE, EM, Mat'ls., ME, Math & Physics
& Bus. Ad.-(Contract Admin.-BBA &
MBA). Prof. Degrees: Applied Mech. MS-
PhD: IE, Instru., Nuclear. BS: E Math,
E Physics & Sci. Engrg. R. & D., Des.,
Prod. & Sales.
JAN. 17--
Stanford Grad. School of Business,
Stanford, Calif.-Al Majors. Both Men
& Women. Stanford Grad School of
JAN. 19-21-
San Fernando Valley State College,
Northridge, Calif.-Adv. degrees in En-
grg. required. Industrial exp. in Engrg.
or college research exp. desirable for
pref. assistant professors rank, but will
consider advanced rank with proper
qualifications. Teaching lecture-recita-
tional classes in undergraduate engrg.
(most specialties). DevI of new labs.
Teaching Lab. classes. Planning gradu-
ate programs & courses.

jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
4-Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 60 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
--There are several current openings
for full-time temporary and per-
manent half-time secretaries and
clerk-typists. Requirements vary,
but each opening will involve good
typing skills and some office ex-
perience. Skilled applicants who
are presently available should come
to the Part-Time Employment Serv-
4-Childcare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
least 60 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
1-Physical Ed. background to direct
an adult women's gym class on
Wed. evenings. Some experience

Ems' - "



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