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January 15, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-15

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'huma Declares
taff Recruiting
t 'Critical Point'
aculty recruiting in the literary college has reached a "critical
Acting Dean Burton D. Thuma of the literary college said yes-
ean Thuma listed economics, English, mathematics, psychology
omance languages as the areas in which the literary college has
he most difficulty in obtaining new faculty members.
e noted the inability of the literary college to make commitments
v faculty members now because of the uncertainty of the budget.
, departmental requests for added faculty members would mean

Joint Judic Su gests Revamping

Joint Judiciary Council called for a major revision of the Uni-
versity judiciary system yesterday, urging the merger of Women's
Judiciary Council with Joint Judic and the formation of a new student-
faculty final appeal board to replace the faculty Subcommittee on
In a report, Joint Judic urged the creation of an all-campus judi-
ciary, to be called Joint Judiciary in place of separate male and fe-
male judiciary systems.
Office of Student Affairs
According to Joint Judic chairman Gary Hoffman, '63, the pro-
posed changes are in line with the re-organization of the Office of
Student Affars, and the elimination of the Dean of Men's and Dean of
Women's Offices, and with the drafting recently of "University Rules"
to replace separate provisions for men and women.
Hoffman said the proposed new structure was conceived with
"an eye to the future" and reflects the changes being made at the
University "where there is less and less differentiation between wo-
men's and men's rules."!
He said the new structure reflects the idea of the totality of the

campus in terms of rules and regulations as opposed to present for-
mulas which seem to emphasize two separate communities of men and
Lewis Comments
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, to whom the
report will be submitted for final approval, called the changes re-
garding Women's Judiciary and the faculty-student composition of
the final appeal board "excellent" and said that such a plan was "just,
what we have been trying to get."
Hoffman said the report would be submitted to Lewis at the be-
ginning of next semester after an all-campus meeting in which stu-
dents will be given the opportunity to suggest further recommenda-
The report recommends that the present final appeal board, the
Faculty Subcommittee on Discipline, be replaced by a "University
Committee on Standards and Conduct," to be appointed by the Presi-
dent. The president would select three faculty members and three
students from slates drawn up by a faculty committee and a Student
Interviewing Committee respectively.
Choice of Members
The plan would give the President a certain discretion in the
choice of members of the committee. Hoffman said his committee

hoped that such selection would give prestige and legitimacy to the
final appeal board.
Joint Judic would meet only rarely, but be concerned with major
appeals of University rules.
The recommended Joint Judic, immediately below the University
Committee on Standards and Conduct in the judicial structure, is
designed to re-organize the "floating" unit of Women's Judiciary
Council, which often tended to be autonomous and not closely tied to
the general student judicial structures. The new committee would pro-
vide "a direct line of appeal for women which did not exist before,"
Hoffman explained.
Men, Women To Serve
The new Joint Judiciary would include ten students of at least
junior standing to be appointed for one year terms, with at least four
members of each sex.
The proposals also provide for a meeting of just the female, or
the male members, of the council to deliberate on cases that might be
"embarrassing for consideration in a mixed group."
Hoffman foresaw bylaw provisions for a "screening committee"
which would examine cases of rule infraction from outside the Uni-
versity residence system and then refer such cases to Joint Judiciary
or to the appropriate agency.

... evaluates shortage

Crisis Cited
By Hannah
In the next three years an en-
rollment crisis will face high
school graduates and colleges,
Michigan State University Presi-
dent John A. Hannah told U. S.
News and World Report staff
members in a recent interview.
This crisis will effect "the young
people and their families-wheth-
er there is going to be an oppor-
tunity for all these young people
to get into college," Hannah com-
mented. The college can always
cut- back on admissions, he said.
Hannah maintained that for the
E past 15 years college and univer-
sity presidents have been warning
that this increase was coming.
State legislators have not listened
to these warnings "because what
we've been talking about was
something that was still down the
road a ways." -
Public-Supported College
The public-supported college
will have to absorb most of the
enrollment boom, since private
schools "have concluded that they
would rather hold the line in their
Shortages of facilities are not
the only problems faced by over-
crowded colleges.
In order to solve the shortage
problem in two years, teaching
aids such as television and teach-
ing machines must be used, he
Must Admit Many
The state-supported college
cannot arbitrarily close its doors
to the in-coming students. The
state schools must take the posi-
tion that "we will take all we can
of those who are adequately quali-
fied that we can do reasonably
well with, no matter how incon-
venient it may be - even if it
means operating six days a week,
night classes, full summer opera-
tion and all the rest," Hannah em-

*an increase of $800,000 in next
year's literary college budget, Dean
Thuma said.
Faculty Hiring
Also, many of the professional
meetings where new faculty mem-
bers must be hired are held over
Christmas, he added. Except where
there is some exceptional reason
for an early commitment, new fac-
ulty members cannot be hired at
this time of year.
Another factor making the situ-
ation worse than in other years is
that the University used nearly all
of last year's increased appropria-
tion and tuition money to boost
salaries and comparatively few
new people were added to the
teaching staff, Dean Thuma said.
Furthermore, people with newly
granted doctorates are receiving
increasingly better offers each
year, many of them beginning
their full-time teaching work as
assistant professors, he added. This
increases the cost of hiring them.
Senior Professors
in addition to younger faculty
memnbers, the literary college is
trying to recruit senior faculty in
some areas in order to reduce the
percentage of teaching fellows on
the staff and to boost the overall
faculty-student ratio, Dean Thuma
He also noted that present lit-
erarycollege recruiting drives are
aimed at alleviating a "faculty
panic" about what will happen in
1965 when the University is hit by
waves of new students.
Math Department
Prof. George E. Hay, chairman
of the mathematics department,
commented that while.specific fig-
ures on faculty needs within his
department could not be mention-
ed, the rate of increase in mathe-
matics enrollment over the last
ten years has been more than 100
per cent while the faculty has
grown only 15 per cent.
Prof. William Haber, chairman
of the economics department, said
that the demand, both on the part
of universities, government, in-
cluding the federal reserve system,
and businesses for doctorates in
economics has never been as vig-
Hard Competition
"Competition makes it difficult
for universities not in a position
to offer salaries high enough to
compete," he declared.
Prof. James C. O'Neill, chairman
of the department of Romance
Languages, noted that the main
difficulty in obtaining faculty in
his field is that many younger doc-
torates are unwilling to accept the
position of instructor.
Belgians Ask
Tshombe Truce
gian delegation was reported in
Kolwezi yesterday trying to per-
suade Katanga President Moise
Tshombe to surrender that strong-
hold to the United Nations with-
out a fight.
Diplomatic sources in Elisabeth-
ville said Tshombe wasi consulting
with his ministers on what action
his secessionist government should
take. It was felt Tshombe must
decide soon whether to give in to
the UN or fight, either in Kolwezi
or in the bush.
Tshombe's gendarmerie and
white officers and soldiers are
said to have mined Kolwezi's vital
power and mining installations.
They have threatened to destroy
them should the UN try to take
the town by force.

Siir ijan

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom








Urges Action
To Eliinate
Economy Lag
To Stage Reductions
Over Three Years
WASHINGTON (' - President
John F. Kennedy called on Con-
gress yesterday for speedy action
.to spread a $13.5 billion tax cut
over three years to achieve in time
"a balanced budget in a balanced
full employment economy."
Proposed reforms would recover
$3.5 billion of the lost revenue.
Noting in his State of the Union
message the seeds of internal dis-
integration within the Communist
camp, he said that steady progress
has been made in building a world
of order.
"We cannot be satisfied to rest
here. This is the side of the hill,
not the top. The mere absence of;
war is not peace. The mere ab-
sence of recession is not growth.
We have made a beginning - but
we have only begun," Kennedy
Three Reduction Stages
The tax reduction, biggest in
world history, would become ef-
fective in three annual stages, be-
tween 1963 and 1965. About $11
billion of the savings would go to+
individual taxpayers, the rest to
corporations. The first-step reduc-
tions would take effect this year
and would be at an annual rate
of $6 billion-but the total re-j
duction for 1963 would not be that
much unless it were made retro-
active to Jan. 1.
Kennedy discarded the idea of
a massive increase in federal
spending as a means of creating
jobs and economic growth. Favor-
ing instead the tax cut he is pro-
posing, the President said "in to-
day's setting, private consumers,
employers and investors should be
given a full opportunity first."
Opposed to Hours Cut
The President expressed whatt
appeared to be unalterable oppo-
sition to the hopes of organizedt
labor that it may achieve a cut
in the standard 40-hour work week1
See ASKS, Page 3









Slat es







China Snubs
Peace Plan
NEW DELHI (A') - Informed
sources said yesterday Red China
has rejected truce proposals drawn
up by six Asian-African neutralist
nations in Colombo last month to
settle the Chinese-Indian border
Fear rose in some quarters that
the Chinese may renew their drive
into India which Peking halted
with a cease-fire order Nov. 22.
Informed sources said a Ceylon-
ese delegation now in New Delhi
conceded the Chinese turned down
the suggestions.
Truce Positions
In addition, the Chinese now re-
fuse to accept the Indian army's
return to overrun areas of north-
eastern India until a firm agree-
ment is reached.
India's attitude toward the Co-
lombo proposals is still to be de-
termined. Prime Minister Jawa-
harlal Nehru is laying them before
Parliament after it meets Jan. 21.
He said an issue of this scope
should be decided by "the repre-
sentatives of the people."
Ladakh Gain
Including their fall gains, the
Chinese hold about 14,000 square
miles of disputed territory in La-
dakh. They want to keep it to as-
sure a highway connection in the
Himalayas between their province
of Sinkiang and Tibet.

WOMEN'S RESIDENCE-The third through eighth floors of South Quadrangle's west wing (in-
dicated on photograph) will be given over to co-educational housing next fall. The section includes
the present men's houses of Van Tyne, Scott and Reeves.
Hart Defends ori Rights

To Relocate
Three Units
At Markley
Decides To Transfei
Reeves, Van Tyne,
Scott Next Autumn
South Quadrangle will be di-
vided on a vertical plan to ac
complish co-educational housing,
with yan Tyne, Scott and Reeves
Houses slated to accommodate
women students, Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lew-
is announced last night.
Lewis emphasized that "any
man in the houses involved will,
as an individual, be given prefer-
ential treatment in any of his at-
tempts to remain in some other
house in South Quad," if he does
not wish to live in Mary Markley
Hall. If some house other than
those slated to move wishes to be-
come part of Markley, "every ef-
fort will be made to relocate Van
Tyne in South Quad," he added.
Van Tyne has previously expressed
extreme hesitation to move.
The decision does not include
any transfer of Kelsey House "be-
cause the location of Kelsey on
the ground floor of the building
does not offer the necessary de-
gree of security for women resi-
dents," Lewis explained.,
Primary Considerations
The primary considerations in
the final decision were privacy and
security, but questions of eating
facilities, access to the ninth floor
study hall, and structural matters
were also taken into account, he
The vertical split, which would
divide the Quad into East and
West wings, one for men, the oth-
er for women, "makes control of
fire escapes and stairwells less of
a problem and eases the difficul-
ties of using the ninth floor study
facilities by all residents," Lewis
The problem of access from
Reeves House to Kelsey House is
presently under study, and archi-
tects are considering plans to
build fire escapes directly from
Reeves so that the stairwells lead-
ing to Kelsey House may safely be
locked, Lewis said. He also noted
that many of the details of the
change-over, notably checking to
see that women abide by their
hours, have not yet been formally

[annah denied that MSU will
>me more selective in admis-
is policy. "We're too selective
r. I mean: we know that we
r reject for admission many
spective freshmen who could
well enough if they were ad-
ted," he asserted.,
uition raises place "economic
riers to university opportun-
" Hannah said. Fee hikes
uld be held to a minimum.
Financing Innovations
ew ways of financing univer-
es will have to be initiated,
nah predicted. State appro-
tions cannot meet the entire
ds of the university.
[ think we must come to some
of bonding program, with
ment over a long period of
rs. A university building is used
decades. It seems unrealistic
xpect thatta university pay in
h" before using facilities when
i term payments are used for
er types of private buildings.
ederal aid for academic and
.-academic buildings will be
>rstad Pushes
ripartite Force

The majority of the Senate has
the right to act for the people and
as such should have the right to
be able to close debate, Sen. Phil-
lip A. Hart (D-Mich) said Sun-
Under the present Senate rule

o Present Play for 'U' Enjoyment



22 a minority can prevent the ma-
jority from acting. "The minority
does have rights; it has the right
to be heard and to develop what'
they believe in but they do not
have the right to prevent action,"
he continued.
The senator was speaking in re-
lation to proposed changes in the
filibuster"rules of the Senate which
would allow a simple majority in-
stead of the present two-thirds of
the members to close debate on
a particular item.
Diluted Legislation
"I suspect that one could prove
that the existence of a filibuster
threat under the present rules
has diluted not only civil rights
bills but social legislation as well,"
he said.
The new proposed bill is not a
gag, Hart maintained. He cited
the provisions which allow 15 leg-
islative days for debate after ini-
tial filing of a bill to close debate
signed by 16 Senators, the 100
hours of debate allowed if ahyes
vote is taken for cloture, (this
being divided between the oppo-
sition and the proponent) and the
additional one hour per Senator
allowed for debate if he requests
Aid to Education

'battle lines' and now that the
trenches are dug they-are unlikely
to change," he added.
Hart noted that he would like
to get a formula to aid education
and still placate all of the groups.
"I think, however, that grants to
parochial schools would be uncon-
stitutional," he said.
Quality of Students
"The survival of the country de-
pends on the quality of the stu-
dents. At the present time new
ideas will be defeated because of
past discussion and therefore the
same type of aid will probably be
given to educational institutions,"
he predicted.
City Accepts
Zoning Law,
Hears Protest
City Council last night unani-
mously adopted a completely re-
vised zoning chapter of the Ann
Arbor City Code.
The new zoning ordinance,
drafted by the Planning Commis-
sion after five years of work, will

"The Fantasticks" have brought their whimsical revue from their
home-base, the Sullivan St. Playhouse off-Broadway, to Ann Arbor
as part of a unique triple exchange.
Under the auspices of the Professional Theatre Program, the
present off-Broadway cast of "The Fantasticks" arrived in Ann
Arbor yesterday for a special week's engagement, while a "Fanta-
sticks" troupe from the Fred Miller Theatre in Milwaukee replaces
them in New York.
Romantic Musical
Displaying what The New Yorker calls "whimsy as thick as that,"
the troupe brings to Trueblood Aud. a romantic musical which is
currently the longest running show off Broadway. It is in its fourth
year with more than 1200 performances.
Ty McConnell, '61, who plays the boy romantic lead, returns with
"The Fantasticks" to the scene of previous dramatic activities.


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