Cl A WITI V% A tier
SGC Members Dislike
GSC Plan for Change
TUE l~ im s HJi VLiN7 ll fl mSATURAY,
...... _........ _.....
Comment from several members
of Student Government Council.
on Graduate Student Council's
proposals for extensive SGC re-
organization reveal little support
for the plans.
The proposals were broughtj
forth at Thursday night's GSC
meeting by outgoing President
Edwin Sasaki, Grad., after SGC
had continually refused to seat
a graduate ex-officio member. Sa-
saki's plans call for the following:
1) The President and Vice-Pres-
ident of Council to be elected by
the entire student body. They
would not have voting power.
Elect by Schools
2) Council representatives to
be elected by the 15 schools and
colleges of the University in pro-
portion to their enrollment. There
would be one Council member per
1,000 students, or fraction thereof.
Under the 1960 enrollment fig-
ures used by Sasaki, the literary
college would have eight represen-
tatives; the graduate school six;
the engineering school four; the
education school and the Medical
School two each, and all other
divisions one each. There would.
be a total of 32 representatives.
3) The establishment of a com-
mittee on non-academic affairs to
serve in an advisory capacity con-
tainingthe heads of: Interfrater-
nity Council, Inter-Quadrangle
Council, Assembly Association,
Panhellenic Association, Michigan
Union, Women's League, Inter-
national Students' Association,
Inter-Cooperative Council and
Graduate Student Council.
other responsibilities, and the old
Student Legislature. Sa es
SGC Executive Vice-President
Thomas Brown, "3BAd., called the By DIA
proposals an "administrative im- The Michigan
possibility" because of the timeC
and work involved in elections by Commission ha
colleges. He said that he was not which will mak
sure whether a body of so many college yearbook
members would be too large to be per cent sales to
workable or not.p toctnspoi
He added that he did not want Up to this p
to see ex-officios leave the Coun- have been exem
cil at the present time because of cause of their c
their knowledge of membership ucational instit
discrimination problems in the According to
fraternity-sorority systems, but books are no lor
that eventually the entire Council educational acti
should be elected. the four per cen
SGC member Kenneth Miller, cost of printing.
'64, co-author of a motion being Ensia
considered by SGC now which The effect of
would remove voting powers from
ex-officio members, said that he University's ye:
does not think Sasaki's plans tain. The price
solved any problems. He feels that sian will remair
election by geographical districts ever, a , four 'p4
would be much more effective. w
Retain Editor would mean a
He added that he does not think for the Ensian,
The Daily editor should be re- tail a rise in pri
moved from the ex-officio group. aid Kramer, '64
He also believes that ex-officio ad- manager, said.
vice should not be limited to non- Donovan J. F
academic affairs.DNJ
SGC member Robert Ross, 63, missioner for N
indicated that he strongly doubt- ment of revenu
ed whether any improvement since the schoo
would result if the plan were books for re-sal
adopted. Just as it does ca
rings, and since
a ~considered textbc
YAF . Board" taxed.
Out of statey
Back Hhad to pay sal
Backs Hplained to thec
is the reason for
The executive board of the Asks
Young Americans for Freedom re- Prof. John Fie
cently sent a resolution to Con- Michigan Interse
gressman George Meader (R-Ann sociation and o
Arbor) urging that the House Un- department, said
American Activities Committee be organization, wh
retained by Congress. bers, would try t
The resolution cites HUAC's rec- the ruling. Pro
ord of legislative recommendations, would ask mem
the fairness of its procedures, its protest the actin
bringing to light of several estion- "I don't thin
age cases and its low cost com- valid," Prof.*Fiel
pared to other items used to main- will be so many
tain our security. ed that it won't
College Roundt
Excludes Editor
The committee embodies all the
current ex-officios now on SGC,
except The Daily editor, and adds
the heads of the last three organ-
4) The establishment of intern-
al committees, made up entirely of
Council members, and external
committees, made up of non-
Council members with a Council
member as chairman.
5) 411 other officers to be chos-
en from the members of Council..
Expand Power
6) The continuation of Joint
Judiciary Council with expanded
powers to become a "court of the,
Sasaki cited as rationale for his
proposals SGC's current difficul-
ties, rising student apathy toward
the present Council and the seem-
ing lack of sincerity and/or inter-
est of many Council members.
His proposals, he believes, are a
compromise between the current
SGC structure by which members
are either elected by the entire
school, or are ex-officios who hold
their place on Council because of
Panhel Allows
Test Program
Members of Panhellenic Asso-
ciation President's Council agreed
to let Prof. Daniel R. Miller of
the psychology department con-
duct an experiment concerning
sororities and rushees during this
rush period at their weekly meet-
ing Thursday.
"People meet challenges in their
developmental history all the
time," Miller said.
How people react to challenges
has a -bearing on psychology, he
noted. Rush provides a good op-
portunity to investigate how peo-
ple feel toward the variety of ex-
periences which" they have and
how they adapt to success and fail-
ure, he said.
The experiment would consist
of a series of questionnaires given
to a random sample of rushees at
various stages of rush. There will1
probably be about 200 participants
in the'-experiment selected on 'a
volunteer basis, he said.
Miller said that he will ask'
rushees "mostly to rate themselves
on esteem and how they feel about
rush." He said that he would alsot
like to question girls who drop
rush to see what their reactionsf
By H. NEIL BERKSON tee on student a
WATERVILLE, Me.-The Colby a resolution whic
College board of trustees has giv- and tie requirem
en fraternities and sororities until the men's resider
June, 1965, "to satisfy the board for the first ti
they have the right to select their War II.
members without regard to race,
religion, or national origin."
The move strengthens a stand of non-interferer
the board took in November, 1961, lives of students
when it went on record as being mously approved
"strongly opposed" to discrimina- versity's faculty
tion within the Greek system. student affairs.t
* * *entissued last
EAST LANSING - Michigan mittee expressed
State University's faculty commit- students' ability
selves through
boards and orga
Outoing Staf OXFORD,Mis
' " tion to the ani
Names Anoff James Meredith
to the University
ranged from disl
Technic Editor ment, the Missis:
newspaper, repor
The new staff of the Michigan Mississippian e
Technic was announced yesterday er, under fire f
by outgoing editor-in-chief Mar- stand, wrote th
vin Roberts, '63E. The appoint- been steadily les
ments are for one year and are tioned Meredith'
effective immediately. tering the univer
Senior Board members' are:
Charles Anoff, '64E, editor-in- *
chief; Robert Moore, '64E, business iU c
manager; Dennis Hanink, '65E,
managing editor; and David Patt, Reveals
'64E, associate editor.
Other appointments were: Lloyd F r
Nirenberg, '64E, personnel direc- Fo O
tor; Daniel Patt, '65E, public re-
lations director;r Paul Niffenegger, The Hamburg
'65E, articles editor; Karl Legatski, chestra under th
'66E, features editor; Fred Coon, van Kertesz will
'65E, assistant business manager; concert of the Ex
Alden Johansen, '66E, advertising University Musice
manager; James Vardon, '66E, cir- P.M. Wednesday,
culation manager; Sandra John- Hungarian-born
son, '65E, production manager; made his Americ
and Robert Abbott, 166E, illustra- conducting the D
tions editor. apolis Symphoni
ed extensively th
The Hamburg Sy
tra, containing:
from the Berli:
t 6Cconcentrates its a
ly on contempor
Their Ann Ar
include the "Bran
to No. 2" by J(
Bach, "Symphony
ian") by Mendel
tok's "Concerto f
books To Begin Building B
P a y is\?r::ti i .. kvw : x<.'.."..'... . .O:v:tvC::F.. v .< ::.
n State Sales Tax ~
s passed a ruling
e high school and s
:s subject to a four .
'x from noW on. V..:.....}...,..."..
Lnt, yearbook sales
ipt from taxes be- '
onnection with ed-
the ruling, year-
nger considered an
Vity and must pay
nt sales tax on the .
n Price
this ruling on the
a.rbook is uncer- *..... .N.
of this year's En- 4,
n the same. How-
Tr cent sales tax # .: ......1 .
$400 rise in costs
and this might en- 6 N::T
ce next year, Ron-
L, Ensian business
DESIGN-Construction is to begin soon on the Lawrence D. Buhi
Rau, deputy com- research center is being financed from a private gift from the Buhi
ichigan's depart- new building, to be located on Catherine St., will contain only la
e, explained that of its main features will be cold and hot rooms.X
1 buys the year- -___
Le and sells them
ndy bars and class ~
yearbooks are not
oos~hymste DAILY OFFICIA L B
rinters who have 1 J '...... .l. 1.
e tax have com- .l.. * \ . }y .A 4v...
sommission which The Daily Official Bulletin Is an 24 for the exam on Sat., Feb. 9. This is
the ruling, officia publication of- The Univek- the last time the Mgmt. Intern Test
frotest sity of yon sh n o whiT will be given this year.
id, director of the responsibility. Notices should be inc TeCh. Wgre r Eor or
cholastic Press As- sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Aerospace Info. Div.; Music Cataloger
f i om 3564 AdmnIstratin Builing and Ass t. Head Music Sect, for Copy-
his public school publication. ad, Hispaic change Sect; Eec-
ich has 100 mem- tronic Data Processing Specialist and
o get a change in SATURDAY JANUARY 12 Scientific Analyst for Nat'l. Referral
f. Field said he Center for sci. & Tech.; Science spe-
bersof IPA o nmRI r,,. cialist for sci. & Tech. Div.
ngercs id r d a of M\ oD y~US ii evc- o d Srie p.
n individually . cia s ertie nv e gree plu s 1
ik the ruling is 3:00 p.m.-Wrestling-U-M vs. North- per, gained in a food _services mgmt,.
d said, "and there western Univ.: Intramural Bldg' and/or staff capacity, and 1 yr. exper.
exceptions grant- 7:00 oan 9:00 p ..Cnem Guild in the rep, of sudes concerning pe-
be worthwhile." flere's "Le Bourgeois Gentlihomme"; operational type rations for emergency
short, "Texture of Decay": Architecture survival & other conditions.
Aud.* * *
8:00 of Speec U niv.latay-i Fonrafurther information,Aplease call
in Search of an Author": Truebood sAB, Ext. 3544. s
Aud., Frieze Bldg.-
aookirsspsdProfessional Theatre Prgram: "The
oh makes the coat The Student Automobile Regulations Fantasticks," in Trueblood Aud. Tues.,
Lent for dinner in will be lifted for that period between Jan. iS through Jan. 20. Tickets are on
r:ce hals o ti na hefis ad5~second semester,. <:i. . ro 2 al ow t thvT. eloo A
n5:0e 0apn Wed.,Ja. 16, to 80 am ofice in the Frieze Bldg. 20 per cen
[me since World Mon., Feb. 4. discount is available to all APA mem-
All student automobile driving permit ers. Evening performances, Tues.
Sholders are reminded to report any and through Sat., begin at 8:30 MatInee
ene r l changes of ownership, local address, performances at 2:30 are on Thurs.,
Ena ine nsuranceicense plate number changes, Sat, and Sun.
Dce in the private etc. to the Office of student Affairs,
as beeunani- Atobilenpermit office, third pioor pat i m e
- committee for The 1963 tab numbers for 162 MEhlonan
1e, xplinedtha figanmlicnsefatedwnot be reortd adhtros
In a policy state- toti E
month the com- fairs. The following part-time jobs are
confidence in the available. Applications for these jobs
Lit.,nt t cience an AtSchool menteO ffice, 2200 Student Activities
nizations;" of Public Health, and School of Bus Bhr.,Frin8ga ti 12 on andr 1:3
* * ness Admin: ti 5 p.m.
s.-Student reac- Students are advised not to reque Employers desirous of hiring students
nouncement havgrades are absolutely imperative, the work, should conta Bob-t HgesPart
may not return work must be made up in time to al- tie rviewer at NO 3-1511p Ext. 3553.
of Mississippi has low eouristructor to reprt the make- Students desiring miscelaneous odd
belief to wonder- up grades ctl ter than830h Mon., jobs should consult the bulleti s board
sippian, Ole Miss' may defer the student's graduation un-
ted. til a later date. _________ ___________
ditor Sidna Brow- Recommendation for Departmentali
or her moderate Honors: lTeaching departments wishing cuRgAN iZA EtoN
at tensions had to recommend tentative Feb. gradseo RGc n iZ;Tuic oN
sening and ques- from the Coilege of Lit., Science, and NOTICES
,efArts, for honors or high honors
s purpose in en- should recommend such students by
sity. forwarding a letter (in two copies; one
copy for Honors Council, one copy for Congregational Disciples E & R Stu-
the Office of Registration and Records) dent Guild, Seminar: History of Chris-
ci y Angellhall, by 3:00 p.m, Fri., Feb 10 tian Thought, Rev. J. E. Edwards, 9:30
Teaching departments in the School a.m. & 7:30 p.m.; "U.S. & Russia: A
1of Education should forward letters di- Comparison of Values," Dave Olsen
P lans rectly to the Office of Registration and (Grad stud. & teaching fellow, Dept.
Records, Rm. 1513 Admin. Bldg., by 8:30 of Econ.), 8:30 p.m.; Jan. 13, 802 Monroe.
a.m., Mon., Feb. 4 Unitarian Student Group, Meeting,
ertJan. 13, 7:30 p.m., 1st Unitarian Church.
cecem e t Speaker on racial discrimination.
Symphony Or- POSITION OPENINGS: Graduate Outing Club, 2 p.m., Jan. 13,
z direction of Ist- General S e r v i c e s Administration, Rackham Bldg., Huron St. Entrance.
give the fourth wash., D.C.-Management Interns. Op-
portunities in: Acct. & Budget; Ar-
'tra Series of the chives; Building Mgmt.; Communica-
al Society at 8:30 tions; Digital Computer Analysis; Mgmt.
in Hill Aud. Analysis; Personal Property; Personnel
'n Kertesz, who Admin.; Public Utilities; Real Proper-
ty; Records Mgmt.; Supply; Transporta-
,an debut in 1961 tion. Candidates for these positions
es, has concertiz- Mgmt. Intern Exam. Must apply by Jan.
roughout Europe.
'mphony Orches-
many musicians
in Philharmonic,
ttention especial-
ary works. WEEK-END PACKAGE only $17.50
bor program will T-Bar, Tows, Trail, Night Skiing,
ndenburg Concer- odge, Family and Club Rates.
rohan Sebastian Phone: 946-5035
y No. 455 ("Ital- ,
ssohn, and Bar- TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.
or Orchestra."
5 6 90 ! Feature 8 M inutes later
Ii Longest Running Hit
Direct from New York!
uhl Center
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration is embark-
ing on the biggest of its govern-
mental fellowship aid programs to
date, but the University will only
get a small share of it.
The University has 10 NASA-
supported graduate students as
part of this year's pilot program
involving 100 students at 10 uni-
versities, Associate G r a d u a t e
School Dean Freeman W. Miller
noted yesterday.
Under the full $25 million pro-
gram, NASA will provide approxi-
mately 800 fellowships next year
and eventually support 4,000 stu-
dents a year, adding 1,350 new fel-
lowships each year.
Ripple in Pond
The University will probably .re-
ceive 15 fellowships each year.
"The NASA program is big na-
tionally, but for the University,
with its many graduate students,
it is a ripple in a pond," Miller
The fellowships are available to
graduate students in "space-ori-
ented" studies. No limitations are
placed on the appropriate fields,
but the agency indicates that it
emphasizes physical and biologi-
cal sciences and engineering. So-
^ial sciences are included in the
)rogram, but at a lower priority.
Of the 10 NASA-supported
graduate students here, eight are
in engineering, one is psychology
and. one in chemistry, Miller re-
More for Dependents
Each student will receive $2,400
and up to $1,000 for dependents a
year. The $1,000 is the maximun
available for two dependents.
The NASA aid is the highe
paying federally-sponsored fe
lowship. The National Scienc
Foundation pays $1,800 the fir
year, $2,000 the second and $2,2(
the third, and like NASA, provide
$500 for each dependent for ti
first two dependents.
National Defense Education Ac
fellowships provide $2,000 the firs
year, $2,200 the second and $2,4(
the third.
SNCC Friends
To Organize
Second Drive
The Ann Arbor Friends of the
Student Nonviolent Coordinatit
Committee have announced a se
ond drive to aid destitute Negroe
in the Mississippi delta area wh
are being denied federal surplu
food by local authorities.
The first drive collected $6(
and 1,000 pounds of food befor
Christmas. Two Michigan Stai
University students who trans
ported the supplies to Mississipp:
Benjamin Taylor and Ivarnho
Donaldson, w e r e arrested h
Clarksdale, Miss. Now out on bai
they intend to take whatever :
collected by Ann Arbor Friendso
SNCC when they return to Clarks.
dale next week.
Barbara Greenstein, '64, and D&
vid Strauss, '64, are in charge o
the drive.
-Daily-Todd Pierce
Center for Human Genetics. The
I Fund and a federal grant. The
boratories and no classrooms. One
4-Childcare workers. Must be current-
lyaattending school and have at
least 60 credits in field related to
disturbedrchildren. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift.
Transportation needed.
-There are several current openings
for full-time temporary and per-
manent half-time secretaries and
clerk-typists. Requirements vary,
but each opening will involve good
typing skills and some office ex-
perience. Skilled applicants who
are presently available should come
to the Part-Time Employment Serv-
4-Childeare workers. Must be current-
ly attending school and have at
leastr60 credits in field related to
disturbed children. 40 hours per
week, morning or afternoon shift
Transportation needed.
1-Physical Ed. background to direct
an adult women's gym class on
Wed. evenings. Some experience
NASA Begins Aid Plan;
'U' To Get Small Share
DIAL 8-6416
Continuous today
from 11: p.m.
"Brilliantly done - Bold -
Startling - Exceptional!"
-N.Y. Post
-Crowther, N.Y. imes
DIAL 2-6264
2:45-4:40-6:55 and 9:00
TODAY Feature starts 35
minutes later
matching his strength
and courage against
i rAL
King of The Wolfpack
West Side Methodist Church
900 S. 7th Street
Ann Arbor, Mich.
invites you to hear
Dr. Vaughn
Whited's series on
: F
"God's Initiative"
Jan. 13-"Lving
Color-God's Economy"
TONIGHT and SUNDAY at 7 and 9
Jan. 2_-"Amazing-Godis Love"
Jan. 27--"Existential ism-God's Proving Ground"
Feb. 3-"Eschatology-God-Man's Co-existence"
Services at 9:30 and 11:00 A.M.