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January 11, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-11

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11, 1963


11,u 1963 Tfl1 ~ i MrdA1 it tfi~

IN Discharges


CongressHolds Brief Session

Unification Hopes Strong

See Hope for Future Accord

WASHINGTON (1?) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk and Russia's
Vasily V. Kuznetsov joined yester-
day in expressing hope that "we
are entering a period in which
some outstanding problems might
be solved," a United States spokes-
man said.
This statement, by State De-
partment Press Officer Joseph W.
Reap, was not repeated by the
Soviet deputy foreign minister

himself after nearly four hours
with Rusk and other United States
Kuznetsov described his second,
day of Washington discussions as
"interesting" and "useful" and
said they covered "some import-
ant international problems." He
declined to go beyond that.
After the Russian's meeting
with President John F. Kennedy

Kenned Expects Initiative
To Bring Criticism of U.S.
WASHINGTON Em)-President John F. Kennedy put on the rec-
ord yesterday his conviction that the United States must be prepared
to accept increased criticism from abroad "in order to get something
Spelling out the United States role in leadership of the West,
Kennedy said:
"So I think what we have to do is to be ready to accept a good
deal more expression of newspaper and governmental opposition to
" the United States, in order to get
F something done, than we have per-
W nPI A NhnhXATQ I haps been willing to do in the past.

or eUJ l l vws
By The Associated Press
BOSTON - Richard Cardinal
Cushing, Roman Catholic arch-
bishop of Boston, disclosed yester-
day that he was the anonymous
last-minute donor of $1 million
to help liberate Cuban invasion
NEW DELHI-A number of So-
viet MIG-21 jet fighters are en
route from Russia to India, a for-
eign ministry spokesman said yes-
terday. He would not give the
number of planes, the route they
are taking or when they are ex-
WASHINGTON - The nation's
job picture improved a bit in De-
cember but not enough to get ex-
cited about-which pretty much
sums up all of 1962. The Labor De-
partment 'reported yesterday that
employment declined by 420,000 to
67.5 million, about what was sea-
sonally expected due to cold
w e a t h e r. Unemployment rose
slightly by 16,000 to 3.8 million-
less than the 100,000 rise normally
expected in December.
OTTAWA-Soviet Ambassador
Amasap A. Aroutinian said yester-
day he has approached the Cana-
dian government proposing an
agreement with the Soviet Union
for cooperation in the peaceful use
of atomic energy. He said the gov-
ernment's response to his prelim-
inary contacts were favorable.
Goldwater (R-Ariz) said yester-
day he has urged would-be pro-
moters of a Goldwater-for-Presi-
dent campaign to give him a year
to make up his mind. Goldwater
repeated in an interview previous
assertions that "I do not want to
run for the presidency" in 1964 and
that his only present intention is
to seek re-election to the Senate
from Arizona.
NEW YORK-A group of idle
pressmen yesterday won a federal
court review of the publishers' role
in New York's 34-day newspaper
blackout. The legal test was set
for Tuesday.
NEW YORK-Despite further
resistance in the form of profit
taking, the stock market moved
irregularly higher, yesterday. The
Dow Jones industrial average was
up 1.51, closing at 669.51.

Poorly Beloved
"I don't expect that the United
States will be more beloved, but I
would hope that we would get
more done."
In justification of this sort of
approach to problems among al-
lies, Kennedy said "the fact is
you can'thpossibly carry out any
policy without causing major fric-
Kennedy's remarks werermade
as part of a background briefing
for 35 newsmen on Dec. 31 at the
winter White House in Palm
No Attribution
Kennedy's views were fully re-
ported at that time but under con-
ditions laid down by the White
House which barred direct attri-
bution to him.
The session was held against
the background of the recently
concluded Nassau meetings be-
tween Kennedy and British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan. In
that meeting, Kennedy confirmed
United States plans to drop devel-
opment of the Skybolt, a bomber-
borne, air-to-ground missile which
Britain had been counting on as
its main nuclear deterrent.
Kennedy devoted considerable
time to justification of the United
States decision on dropping Sky-
bolt and on offering the Polaris
to Britain and France.
"Well, I think we are more
aware, probably, that we are going
to have to incur at intervals peo-
ple's displeasure. This is sort of a
revolving cycle. At least I think
the United States ought to be
more aware of it, and I think too
often in the past we have defined
our leadership as an attempt to be
well regarded in all these coun-

Wednesday and with State De-
partment leaders yesterday, Unit-
ed States informants were in-
clined to think there was .some
indication that the Soviets are
interested in reaching a disarma-
ment agreement, particularly a
ban on nuclear testing.
Kuznetsov talked with the Unit-
ed States disarmament chief,
William C. Foster, for about an
hour following an hour's informal
discussion with Rusk.
Reap said there was no business
transacted at the State Depart-
ment talks, a general reference
was made to disarmament but.
none to Cuba, and no systematic
discussion of any East-West is-
sues was undertaken.
The State Department spokes-
man added:
"References were made to the
hope that we are entering a period
in which some outstanding prob-
lems might be solved. Both sides
expressed the hope that this was
the case.
Kuznetsov, here on a visit on
United States invitation, is to
head back for Moscow today.
Britain Tells
Polaris Plans
To Pentagon
WASHINGTON (P) -- Britain's
plan to build four submarines cap-
able of firing the Polaris missiles
the United States will provide was
disclosed yesterday by a member
of the British Parliament visiting
the Pentagon.
Julian Critchley, a Conservative
Party member, said the $700-mil-
lion cost would about equal the
amount the British would have to
spend to mount the discarded Sky-
bolt on its aging Vulcan bombers.
In the long run, however, it
will take more than that amount
for Britain to catch up in the nu-
clear field, he said. This gap
looms between the time the Vul-
can bombers lose their potency
in 1967 and the time the first
British Polaris submarines are
ready, perhaps in 1970.
Critchley did not say whether
the British submarines would be
nuclear-powered, but they could
be within the cost figure. It costs
the United States about $100 mil-
lion to build a nuclear under-
water craft.
Under last month's Nassau
agreement between President John
F. Kennedy and British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan, the
British will build their own sub-
marines and will buy the missiles
from the United States. It will be
up to the British to provide their
own nuclear warheads.

Still Reigns
In Koiwezi
Central Government
Ousts Two Diplomats
from house arrest, Katanga Presi-
dent Moise Tshombe made a peace
pilgrimage deep into South Ka-
tanga yesterday and appeared to
be taking the first step to meet
UN demands for unity in the Con-
But thunder clouds of uncer-
tainty still hung over Northern
In Kolwezi, where Tshombe had
set up headquarters for a time, a
diehard core of his backers were
said to be set to blow up vital
copper plants and a power dam
if the UN advanced.
On the diplomatic front, the
Central Congo government in Leo-
poldville ordered the British and
Belgian consuls to get out of Elisa-
bethville-the British said within
24 hours.
Political Ousters
Leopoldville ousted them be-
cause of their "political positions,"
an apparent reference to their
mediation efforts between Tshom-
be and the UN.
"I tell you not to oppose the
UN because I do not want the
people to be massacred," Tshombe
told his troops.
Tshombe's release came as a
surprise. UN Secretary-General U
Thant ordered his detention after
Tshombe had threatened to blow
up the installations at Kolwezi if
the UN advanced on the town.
Thant demanded free movement
into Kolwezi as well as every-
where else in the secessionist prov-
Free Movement
But Tshombe made guarantees
for freedom of UN movement only
to Sakania, a border crossing point
into Northern Rhodesia about 200
miles southeast of Elisabethville,
said an announcement from Brit-
ish Consul Derek Dodson.
Tshombe also had offered to
move out in advance of the UN
column to see that his troops with-
held their fire on the drive to Sa-
kania. Apparently, the United Na-
tions was satisfied with this first
move because of the need to open
supply lines.
A UN spokesman in New York
said Tshombe was released from
house arrest because he showed a
complete willingnegs to cooperate
with the UN.
The spokesman added that
Tshombe's movements would not
be restricted as long as he kept
on cooperating.
A senior UN officer claimed
Tshombe was prevented from leav-
ing the palace for his own safety.
Reports had reached the United.
Nations Wednesday of several
shooting incidents in the city.

Still Looms
In Brazil
dent Joao Goulart's landslide ref-
erendum victory for full executive
powers was blooming today into a
major political controversy.
It had the earmarks of politi-
cal crises of the past year.
Under terms of the plebiscite
law, Goulart has to wait 90 days
at least after the new Congress
convenes Jan. 31 to reshape the
new presidency.
Controversy Grows
Controversy was blowing up over
efforts by some political leaders
to give Goulart the full executive
powers immediately or soon after
the lameduck Congress meets next
Goulart returned to the capital,
Brasilia, Wednesday and announc-
ed he planned to adhere to the
plebiscite law.
Nevertheless, Gouart privately
was reported anxious to start
swinging the kind of whip he feels
is needed to get pet reform pro-
grams moving.
Behind Scenes
It was considered certain he
would remain in the background
while his most influential associ-
ates exert the pressures.
One of these friends is Prime
Minister Hermes Lima, who will
lose his job under the presidential
system. He told newsmen after a
meeting of the cabinet he favors
giving Goulart full authority im-
Lima said that even though,
Goulart would have his powers the
new Congress still could work out
changes in the presidential office.
The plebiscite law called for
presidential reforms because con-
gressmen felt that executive au-
thority under the constitution gives
the president nearly dictatorial

. . . controversy

WASHINGTON (W) - Congress
settled, down yesterday- for what
many members predict will be a
long session, running probably un-
til October.
The Senate and House met
briefly, after yesterday's opening
ceremonies, and then adjourned to
await President John F. Kennedy's
annual State of the Union mes-
Kennedy will deliver the mes-
sage at a joint sesion of the two
chambers Monday noon. It is ex-
pected to include a general out-
line of the legislative proposals he
will submit in the next few weeks.
The White House announced the
President will send his budget to
Congress on Thursday, Jan. 17,
and his economic message on Mon-
day, Jan. 21.
Speaker of the House John W.
McCormack (D-Mass) told a news
conference that the 39-vote mar-
gin by which the administration
won its fight to prevent the Rules
Committee from returning to
Southern Democratic-Republican
control was "certainly a favor-
able sign."
McCormack said the 235-196
vote was a half-dozen votes more
than he had expected.
Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La), as-
sistant Democratic floor leader,
said "more than 50 per cent of
the Southerners were with us"
and the vote shows "the party is
becoming more unified."
In other action Sen. Frank E.
Venus Probe
Canceled; Set
Try to Mars
ed States dropped plans for an-
other probe of Venus yesterday
and decided instead to try a
spacecraft look at Mars.
The major shift in the inter-
planetary research program re-
sults from the unexpected success
of the first Venus launch, Mariner
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration said that,
"in the light of the mass of data
obtained by Mariner Two," it had
decided against another Venus
launch planned for March 1964.
Instead a somewhat similar
craft will be sent to Mars in No-
vember or December 1964, and
there will be later Venus missions
with an improved type of Mar-
iner spacecraft.
Although officials weren't com-
menting, one factor in the change
of plans may have been the probe
which the . Russians announced
last Nov. 1 that they launched
toward Mars.
The Soviet scientists said their
1,965-pound craft carried equip-
ment to photograph the surface
of Mars from a distance of 600
to 6,800 miles next June 25, and
relay the data to Earth.

Moss (D-Utah) issued a state-
ment that he will propose an up-
dating of what he called "a horse
and buggy operation" of congres-
sional machinery.
Moss said thg last time Con-
gress reformed its procedures was
in 1946.
Sen. Storm Thurmond (D-SC)
issued a statement that things
should be left the way they are
Criticizing efforts to revise the
Senate and House rules, Thur-
mond said the present rules pro-
vide for orderly deliberation and
As a byproduct, he said, they
provide "a measure of stability
which resists manipulation and
emotionalism, and to some ex-
tent even prove impervious to
'fact' manipulation and 'news
management' by the executive
Most of the Senate session was
devoted to speeches extolling Sen.
Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) for 30
years of Senate service, and Sen.
Lister Hill (D-Ala), who is' com-
pleting 25 years in the Senate.
Senate Republican leaders called
a conference for Monday morning


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