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January 08, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-08

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C 4 rA id0gan Bathy
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail..
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. Th must be noted in all reprints.

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Co-Ed Housing Report
Not Basis of Decision
To the Editor:
THIS LETTER is in response to Mr. Michael Harrah's editorial of
December 15, 1962. In his editorial Mr. Harrah stated that our Co-
educational Housing Survey Report was the "basis for the decision to
embark upon a co-ed housing project on this campus." I most sincerely
regret to inform him that such was not the case.
Coeducational housing first occurred on campus in 1952 when a great
demand for women's housing occurred. As a result Prescott and Tyler
Houses in East Quad were used in that accidental occupancy of men's
residence halls by women. Again in 1954 because of increased demands
for women's housing, Chicago House in West Quad was used by women.
This experience in co-educational housing, born out of necessity,
was so successful among the students that pressures were forthcoming
from all student groups for a deliberately planned co-ed housing
experience. These needs and pressures led to the deliberate plan-







Women's Regulations
And Moral Behavior


ACCORDING TO the 1962-63 edition of
"Women's Roles and Rules," a woman who
accepts the privilege of attending the Univer-
sity of Michigan has also accepted "the re-
sponsibility of maintaining both the academic
and social standards. ... These standards, be-
cause of the large size of your Michigan home,
must be expressed in rules and regulations."
In spite of this officially stated policy, Uni-
versity administrators have declared that cam-
pus judiciary bodies have legitimate power to
,rule on tacit moral standards which are no-
where stated in University regulations.
Although no specific cases have yet been re-
ported, the problem of sexual morality, euphe-
mistically known as "abuse" of privilege, is in-
herent in the new ruling permitting senior
women to use residence hall keys without time
restrictions on their nocturnal wanderings.
What the University has failed to realize is
that the problem is no more serious at 3 a.m.
than it is at 3 p.m. Where there's a will, there's
a way.
The key privilege was instituted on an experi-
mental basis, with the provision that individual
housing units would evaluate its "success,"
whatever that means. Concern has been ex-
pressed about "excessively" late hours, although
the ruling contains no prohibition against late
hours except that a girl must be checked in by
the time her housing unit opens qt 7 a.m.
DIRECTOR OF Student Activities and Orga-
nzations John Bingley, and Elizabeth Dav-
enport, assistant to the vice-president for stu-
dent affairs, have been frank enough to admit
that the sexual conduct of University students
is a prime concern relative to key permissions.
They have also admitted that there are no
written, official rulings governing sexual ac
tivities, and that, 'as far as existing written
rules are concerned, it is perfectly possible not
only for a senior girl to use her key permission
to stay in a man's apartment, but also to use
the alternate method of signing out on an
overnight blue slip for the same reason. Bing-
ley specifically stated that the ruling obliging
undergraduate women to stay overnight in
the company of a hostess who is over 25 and/or
married does not apply to senior women.
However, Mrs. Davenport said further that
the University does in fact have an official
position whereby it cannot condone such be-
havior, and both she and Bingley declared that
campus judiciary bodies, from individual houses
on up, have legitimate power to enforce these
S EVERAL PROBLEMS are immediately ap-
parent Does the University have the right"
to dictate the morality of its students? Is sexual
conduct a public or private matter? Most im-
portantly, may a judiciary body be empowered
to enforce rules which do not exist?
It is particularly necessary that these ques-
tions, and others just as basic, be discussed
now, before the "clarification" requested by
some house judiciaries takes place, and before
a trial case comes up to set precedent, perhaps
haphazardly. Clarification of public thinking
must precede clarification of legislation and
subsequent judgment.
Mrs. Davenport has been admirable in her
willingness to face the issue and state her own
position clearly. She recognizes fully that sex-
ual conduct is not a function of time of day
or night, and that staying out late repeatedly
is In itself no evidence of immoral conduct.
She maintains, however, that a member of a
group is responsible to maintain that group's
good reputation, in this case the reputation of
the housing unit and the University; and that
if a woman does not act in accordance with
group standards, the group has a right at least
to inquire officially into her actions.
DO NOT INTEND to claim that rules gov-
erning sexual conduct are ridiculous because
they are unenforceable. They undobutedly are
unenforceable, but the issue is rather the jus-
t"'p of such rulings in themselves.
The case in favor of such rules will be de-
fended on four grounds: first, that an individ-
ual is morally responsible to her chosen group;
second, that the University must protect its
reputation; third, that a public university re-
sonsible to an electorate must uphold the so-
cial standards of that electorate; and fourth,
that the University is responsible to protect an
individual from error.
The first premise, that an individual is re-

sponsible to the standards of a group which
she has herself chosen, carries the most logical
weight. However, it presupposes that the group
is the final and absolute moral authority, and
that in subscribing to a "package deal" one
necessarily accepts all parts of it. To maintain
either of these is to deny individuality and
minority rights. Because individual and minor-
ity rights are maintained within housing groups
on other issues, it must be only the nature of
the sexual morality question itself which would
cause them to be denied here. But a judiciary
system in a democratic society must preserve
minority rights, regardless of the question, if
no overt destruction of the group itself is in-
tended. Particularly it must preserve minority
rights in moral questions, for these are not -pub-
'v, but private.

It is obvious, then, that the group does not
and cannot claim sovereignty over all areas of
a girl's life. If some amorphous public wishes
to condemn a group because of the actions of
an individual, then that amorphous public has
committed an error in justice. The individual is
responsible only for her public actions, such as
coming in late. What the public imagines is the
fault of the public.
THE ARGUMENT that the University must
protect its image may be disposed of by sim-
ilar discussion. In addition, however, it must
be stressed that the nature of a university is
freedom, particularly freedom of conviction.
Mrs. Davenport stated that in cases of sexual
misconduct "the University must deal with the
individual who is failing socially just as it would
deal with the individual who is" failng aca-
The analogy is false for two reasons: first,
academic instruction is the primary concern of
a university; morality is not. If it were, there
would presumably be required courses in dog-
matic morals, as well as definite, written moral
rules, in the University program. Second, aca-
demic work refers to tangible facts, while mor-
ality never has and never will.
Few competent psychologists will maintain
that premarital sexual relations necessarily in-
dicate social failure, nor is it possible to main-
tain that social failure or success is in any way
subject to University regulation.
In the realm of ideas, the University may, and
should, present any and all that have ever
existed, but the ultimate value judgment is al-
ways left to the student-and morality lies
within the area of ideas rather than fact.
The claim that the University must uphold
the standards of the electorate has been 'made
time and time again in defense of all kinds of
restrictions. The fact remains that a University
is, more than any other institution, commit-
ted by nature to the perpetuation of diversity.
Where the University cannot show absolute
truth in the form of fact, it cannot restrict
opinion, and enforced value judgments are
contrary to its nature. A university totally
committed to the perpetuation of the opinions
or standards of an electorate is simply not a
OF MOST immediate concern, and, I think,
sincerely so, is the question of the Univer-
sity's responsibility for possible tragic effects
upon the lives of individual students. Bingley
and Mrs. Davenport both feel that counseling,
rather than punishment, is the proper pro-
cedure for a girl whose sexual morality is
judged to be deficient. However, tragedy can-
not be postulated as a necessary logical conse-
quence of premarital sexual relations, and
tragedy is itself a subjective value.
More important, learning cannot involve in-
tellectual and emotional protectiveness. A girl
who wishes counselling should find help avail-
able at her request, but it should never be forced
upon her. The precious guarantee of an educa-
tional institution is that the individual mind is
its own judge, and judgment proceeds from er-
ror as well as success, with no venture pre-
supposing either.
The administration, believing that senior
women are mature and responsible, made cer-
tain that parents recognized that the Univer-
sity would take no responsibility for senior
women when key permissions were issued. By its
own premise, the University must accept the
consequences of that decision, just as senior
women and housing units themselves must.
QUESTIONED about the absence of written
rules governing sexual morality, Bingley
stated that such misconduct falls under the
category of "conduct unbecoming a student."
This handy, catch-all phrase has been discussed
many times, but remains as the most insidious
threat to students' rights before the law at this
University, precisely because it is undefinable
except by judicial and/or administrative whim.
Conduct unbecoming a student would seem
to depend for definition on the meaning of the
word "student." If a student is a person engaged
in the process of learning, then "conduct un-
becoming a student" can only mean conduct
destructive of the learning process, or, con-
duct directly reflected in academic failure. Any
extension of that phrase to mean anything
else is utterly indefensible, and no student can
be liable for his moral conduct under it.

The situation stands such that student mor-
ality is being called into judicial question in
complete absence of the first judicial require-
ment-codified University regulation. Any puni-
tive action, or enforced counselling action,
taken against a man or woman on this campus
for premarital sexual activity would thus be
manifestly contrary to all principles of justice.
MORE FUNDAMENTAL, however, is the na-
ture of sex itself. Sexual activity takes place
between two people, and, whatever its conse-
quences, it belongs to them alone, unless they
voluntarily choose otherwise. No one has any
business giving sexual advice unless invited to
do so by the persons involved.
Emotions are similarly private. To assume
that the moral non-conformist (who, by the
way, is probably not so much a non-conformist
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Thayer Seeks Improvement

THE NEW leader of the state
Senate is a shrewd, open-
minded conservative who hopes
that Gov. Nelson Rockefeller's
successes in New York state can
be repeated here.
Sen. StanleyG.Thayer sees
Mich'igan as a smaller New York,
and Rockefeller's solutions as
workable in Michigan. Aside from
a wide population difference, he
argues, the two states have very
much in common. Both have a
large urban area of one party
counterbalanced by a rural region
of the opposite party. Both are
major industrial and agricultural

fled loan legislation were passed.
The resulting surplus allowed
Rockefeller to lower the income
tax rate in 1961.
THAYER emphasizes that the
surplus did not come from in-
creased taxation by itself, but from
a re-arrangement of the tax base
to encourage business growth and
thus more taxable revenue.
Thayer hopes Gov. George Rom-
ney will work the same sort of
program here. During his first
term in the Legislature, he was
the leader of efforts to effect fiscal
reform. In 1961 a tax reform plan
based on an income tax was
scuttled, but last year Thayer and
his fellow moderates came within
a couple of votes of passing the
Managing to line up eight mod-
erate GOP senators behind him,
Thayer hammered out an agree-
ment with the Democrats on a tax
program. A three per cent fiat-
rate income tax on individuals,
five-per cent on corporations and
seven per cent on banks would
raise needed new revenue. The re-
gressive nuisance, business activ-
ities and intangibles taxes would
be repealed. Several other taxes
would be reduced.
THAYER approaches politics
"with the careful eye of the busi-
nessman and the enlightenment
of the scholar." He is an exper-
ienced politician, having served as
Washtenaw County Republican
chairman before his election.
He speaks little on the Senate
floor, but his desk is usually a
beehive of activity as he and his
fellow moderates plan strategy for
the day's session.
However, Thayer seeks academ-
ic advice when confronted with
major issues and sees politics be-
yond mere day to day power.
When the state Supreme Court
declared the Senate reapportion-
ment unconstitutional last sum-
mer, one of Thayer's first actions
was to call Prof. Samuel Estep of
the Law School for advice.
* * *
IMPROVING the quality of the
Senate, Thayer asserts is the best
way of solving its problems. Re-

apportionment would not help the
situation as that action would re-
arrange the Senate not bring bet-
ter blood to it.
Senatorial quality is more im-
portant than equal representation,
he declares. He says that many
Democrats introduce ill-conceived
legislation merely for show. Thay-
er once told of how he asked a
Democrat what he would do if
all his legislation passed. "My
God, I would not know," was his
Thayer suggests that raising
pay and prestige of the Senate
would be the best way to draw
better men. Even with a pay raise
of $2,000, the $7,000 salary is in-
sufficient to draw individuals
away from their occupations for
six months a year, he asserts.
Further, Thayer advocatesha
differential for members of the
Legislature such as the speaker
of the house, the floor leaders of
both houses and possibly key com-
mittee chairmen. These men incur
increased expenses in their posts,
he explains, while receiving a sal-
ary identical to the average legis-,
lator. Such a differential might re-
move burdens barring competent
representatives or senators from
seeking these positions.
* * *
THAYER now holds a key posi-
tion. Twelve of the 23 GOP mem-
bers of the Senate elected him
caucus chairman and chairman of
the committee on , committees.
With the aid of three other mod-
erates on the committee Thayer
controls senatorial committee as-
signments and is planning changes
especially on the crucial appro-
priation committee that will cast
the Senate in a moderate image.
However, some dark clouds lie
ahead. The Governor has in the
past advocated a fiscal reform
program that conservative Repub-
licans have opposed. Romney's
failure to identify, himself with
the GOP also irks stalwart Repub-
licans as well as the lack of state
appointments for conservatives.
These complaints may eventually
undo the moderate bloc, but right
now Thayer is the boss of the

ning of Bursley Hall, capacity
1,200, to be built on North Cam-
pus. Planning began in Septem-
ber, 1955, and continued through
1956. Representatives from IQC,
Assembly, Vice-President Lewises
Office, and the Deans' Offices
comprised the members of a plan-
ning committee formed in Novem-
ber, 1956, for Bursley. Work ended
in 1958, buth adecrease in enroll-
ment growth led to a shelving of
the plans.
* * *
NEVERTHELESS a recent ex-
perience with Frederick House in
South Quad confirmed once again
the desirability of coeducational
tem. The results from Frederick,
housing in the residence hall sys-
compounded by pressures from
students in the past two years led
to the Board of Governors motion
passed March, 1962, which stated
"It is recommended that plans and
arrangements be initiated to effect
a pilot program of Coeducational
Housing on a permanent basis for
the fall of 1963"
At that time it was announced
that two houses in both Alice
Lloyd and East Quad would be-
come coeducational for Septem-
ber, 1962. As we know, that plan
was not implemented. Instead the
Board of Governors formed the
Coeducational Housing Committee
comprised of members from As-
sembly Association and IQC to
study the coeducational plan for
September, 1963, and report to
them or Vice-President Lewis in
the general realms of physical fa-
cilities, student government, hous-
ing priorities, etc.
Our student committee is com-
posed of six people from through-
out the residence hall system and
an invited member , from both
South Quad and Markley who is
familiar with the operation of his
respective building.
* * * -
NOW IN accord with the Coed-
ucational Housing Committee's
goal of determining which physi-
cal facilities were adequate and
best fulfilled the needs of co-ed
housing, we prepared a survey
with professional guidance from
the Survey Research Center. This
survey was designed to determine
whether there would be enough
people to fill Mary Markley and
South Quad if it were used for
coeducational purposes. The sur-
vey sampled aten per cent cross
section of the residence hall sys-
tem which, and contrary to Mr.
Harrah's statement, is a more
than adequate sample.
Also included in the Commit-
tee's work were meetings with the
presidents of Markley and South
Quad, open meetings for the resi-
dents of Markley and Alice Lloyd
Hall, meetings with staff members
of both buildings now concerned,
and meetings with our adminis-
trators. As I have said, the im-
petus for coeducational housing
came from the students and is be-
ing worked on by the students.
The students, staff, and admin-
istration are all concerned. We
are not trying to pull a "snow job"
on anyone as Mr. Harrah suggests.
We are simply working with all of
those people concerned, trying to
do the best job for the future resi-
dents in coeducational housing,
and trying to do the best job for
the entire program..
We foresee coeducational hous-
ing as a marvelous educational and
social learning experience, as it
was in the past, and we feel that
the best means are being used
t h r o u g h which coeducational
housing may be achieved.
-Charlene Hager, '64
Housing Committee

T ouch ing
ROD SERLING, whose television
stock in trade Is hatching weird
stories, took a standard situation
with four standard characters and
wrote a very fine TV drama, "Re-
quiem for a Heavyweight." Now
four accomplished performers turn
It into what may be one of the
better movies of 163.
Anthony Quinn, as the near
punch-drunk prize fighter who has
just finished his last fight, puts
on a solid show. Jackie Glason,
as the fight manager who used his
friends too often, is just as good;
and he leaves the viewer wonder-
ing if he had really been a decent
Mickey Rooney, the loyal hang-
er-on, provides some comic relief,
but slips into a one-sided, tearful
portrayal. And Julie Harris, as the
spinsterish, employment counselor
with a big heart but not enough
courage, provides some balance to
a movie that is solidly masculine.
* * *
THE STORY is about a former
fifth-ranked heavyweight who is
made to quit while he still has
his brains left. But after 17 years
in the ring, he has little of that
and nothing else.
His short effort to acquire some
dignity has no more chance of
succeeding than his fumbling ef-
forts to get a decent job. Even
then, if the employment counsel-
or had not felt pity for him, he
wouldn't have gotten any chance.
While Miss Harris is capable of
igniting a spark of hope in the
poor bum, she doesn't have the
courage to give herself completely,
which might have saved him.
SO HE turns to the ignominious
occupation of wrestling after the
urging of Jackie Gleason, who has
to use him to pay off gambling
The manager suffers from the
same disability as Miss Harris: he
is unable to go all the way. He is
caught between his loyalty to old
friends and his desire to make
money. He's cynical enough to bet
against his own boy, but not cruel
enough to make him dive in time.
He loses in the end even more
completely than Quinn, who does
achieve some stature by recogniz-
ing his uselessness and making
the best of it.
THERE IS one thing that tugs
at your sense of credulity, how-
ever, and that is the fact that the
dumbest person is the only one
able to preserve any sense of
His friend sells him out in the
end. His love-life, such as it is,
only clarifies his tragedy. And his
last act of integrity turns him into
a phony.
--Tom Brien
A mend ment
THE PERSONAL income tax,
which was devised by Karl
Marx and was prescribed by him
in the "Communist Manifesto" for
the self-destruction of America, is
the source of great evil. It can,
and must be, repealed if America
is to remain a nation of free
.-Proposed "Liberty Amendment"
To the Constitution
American Opinion


-s 1

... caucus leader
states. Both depend on the tourist
as a major source of incone. Both
had fiscal problems - until 1959.
That year Rockefeller put a tax-
ation and fiscal reform program
into effect that has put New York
into the black and allowed later
for a tax cut while improving
state services - including educa-
tion. The tax plan is similar to
Michigan's. An increase in the in-
come tax was forced through a
reluctant legislature and taxes on
business were reduced. New laws
aiding small business and simpli-


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