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January 08, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-08

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', JANUARY 8, 1963


,JANUARY 8, 1963 S

U.S., Soviet Discussions)
On Cuba To Terminate


Troops Remain

Viet Deaths
Reach 122
SAIGON (P) - Fighting in the
jungles is rising in fury, and in
five days the South Vietnamese
have lost 122 killed in action, gov-
ernment figures showed yesterday.
The Viet Cong guerrillas are hit-
ting harder with larger forces than
at any time since the Communist
attacks began four years ago.
Some say the Communist guer-
rillas are trying to eliminate a
weakness in tactics, failure to fol-
low through after scoring initial
successes. Others say the guerril-
las needed successes to buck up
morale that sagged under recent
heavy South Vietnamese attacks.
United States military advisers
feel the South Vietnamese show
the same weakness as the Viet
Cong in failing to drive through
to exploit early successes.'
"Vietnamese soldiers are good,"
said one adviser, "but we think
their officers do not push hard
enough or follow through on oper-
"Too many troops think more
about self-preservation than win-
ning ,battles. There are too few
qualified non-commissioned offi-
cers in the Vietnamese army. Our
advice often is turned aside."
United States advisers have been
quick to say the big battle of last
Wednesday was thoroughly botch-
ed. In that battle, 35 miles south-
west of Saigon, the Viet Cong am-
bushed Vietnamese after a bat-
talion had been landed in United
States-manned helicopters.
To Select Body
On Morality
LANSING (P) - Michigan Gov.
George Romney said yesterday he
will appoint an advisory panel of
religious and lay leaders to confer
with him on the moral and ethi-
cal aspects of basic state problems.
"Let me make it clear the panel
would have no official authority
or responsibility," Romney said.
"Separation of church and state
must be mainta'ned."
The members of the panel would
not participate as representatives
of their faiths, but merely as in-
World New
By The Associated Press
. WASHINGTON - A bipartisan
band of senators yesterday voiced
hope that President John F. Ken-
nedly will support their drive to
adopt a stronger anti-filibuster
"rule in the Senate. Their chief
spokesman, Sen. Hubert H. Hum-
phrey (D-Minn) contends that the
Senate must make it easier to halt
a filibuster if it is to function ef-
fectively as "a democratic and
representative legislative body."
BASE--A satellite boosted by a
Thor-Agena D rocket was launch-
ed by the Air Force yesterday. This
combination has been used in the
past to launch Discoverer satel-
lites, whose primary function is to
test secret gear for Samos photo-
graphic and Midas missile-detec-
tion missiles.
* * *
DAMASCUS - Saudi Arabia
charged that United Arab Repub-
lic jet bombers from Egyptian
bases made three raids yesterday
on the Saudi Arabian town of Naj-

...reports to OAS
Early Vote
May Favor
Lower Tax
WASHINGTON .(A)-A tax cut
on part of 1963 income is possible
if the House can vote on the is-
sue by June, highly placed strate-
gists calculated yesterday.
. The chances for a reduction in-
volving 1963 income-which Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy is expected
to ask-were not rated exception-
ally high by congressional sources
closest to the problem. But neither
was such a possibility being writ-
ten off.
For a tax cut to be voted this
year, one key strategist said, the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee would have to finish its hear-
ings and bill-writing by the begin-
ning of June.
Speaker -John W. McCormack
(D-Mass) told a news conference
he thinks the House will vote a
tax cut bill this year if the Presi-
dent wants one. McCormack made
no predictions about the Senate.
All tax legislation must originate
in the House, specifically in its
Ways and Means Committee.
Chairman Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark)
has consistently opposed a tax cut
unconnected with tax reform, thus
in effect ruling out a quickly pass-
cd stop-gap bill.
rs Roundup
OXFORD-The "Rebel Under-
ground," an anonymous newslet-
ter at the University of Mississip-
pi, appeared in dormitories again
early yesterday and said an organi-
zation has been formed seeking
impeachment, removal and execu-
tion of President John F. Kennedy.
* * *
OXFORD, England - Ban-the-
bomb enthusiasts wound up a
three-day conference yesterday
and announced formation of an
international organization to work
for nuclear disarmament. They
said it would be neither anti-East
nor anti-West.
* * *
NEW YORK-Trading was ac-
tive Monday although the stock
market's 1963 upwarddrive falter-
ed. The Dow-Jones Averages show-
ed 30 industrials down .09, 10
railroads up .92, 15 utilities up .73
and 65 stocks up .59.

Calls Island
Red 'Threat'
Stevenson, Martin
Urge American Unity,
States-Soviet talks on Cuba are
ending with no final agreement,
even though there are believed to
be 16 to 17 thousand Russian sol-
diers still on the island, it was
learned yesterday.
For this and other reasons, a
State Department representative
told the Organization of American
States, the Communist beachhead
in the Caribbean remains a threat.
And, the United States spokesman
added, the problem is one that
must be tackled jointly by the
American republics.
Adlai Stevenson, United States
ambassador to the United Nations
and director of the United 'States
negotiations, gave a closed OAS
meeting the somber news that the
talks are being terminated with no
agreement about the troops and
on two other major remaining
Verification on Missiles
There are United States efforts
to get on-the-ground verification
that all nuclear missiles, bomber
planes and other offensive weap-
ons have been removed from Cuba,
and a Soviet effort to obtain a
United States pledge .of no inva-
sion against the Communist dic-
tatorship of Fidel Castro.
Edwin M. Martin, assistant sec-
retary of state for inter-American
affairs, appeared at the OAS meet-
ing with Stevenson.
Asked by the various Latin
American nations "where do we go
from here?" on the Cuban prob-
lem, Martin is understood to have
replied that this is not a matter
for United States decision alone,
but one for all members of the
OAS to determine.
Some Leave Cuba
Martin gave the figure on the
number of Russian troops remain-
ing in Cuba. He said also that
about 4,000 other Russian military
men, mostly military advisers, al-
ready'have left Cuba.
The United States, the Latin
Americans were told, has no in-
formation that nuclear missiles
and other offensive weapons still
remain in Cuba. But it has no
proof, either, that they have all
been removed.
United States officials have ex-
pressed belief such offensive weap-
ons have been removed under the
October agreement.
New Developments
The appearance of the two Unit-
ed States officials with De Lesseps
S. Morrison, United States am-
bassador to the OAS, was inter-
preted to suggest two new develop-
ments in the offing: the United
States and the Soviet Union, after
weeks of haggling in New York on
the Cuban problem, are expected
to make public shortly a carefully
phrased statement saying the dis-
cussions are terminated.
The other development could be
mounting pressure within the OAS.
These could include pressure to
prevent any ships outside the
Communist bloc from doing busi-
ness with Cuba, a cut-off in all
trade with Cuba except for medi-
cines and drugs and possibly even
a shut-off on communications with
Cuba by radio, cable and mail.

Attack Plot
By Chinese
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Com-
munist Party is openly accusing
the Red Chinese of trying to over-
throw Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev's leadership of world Com-
In an editorial in Pravda, the
Soviet Communist Party yesterday
demanded that Red China and Al-
bania stop attacking the Kremlin's
policy of so-called peaceful co-
Pravda also lambasted the Chi-
nese contention that American
"imperialism" is a paper tiger
and that the Soviet retreat from
Cuba was a second Munich.
Plea for Conference
The editorial ended, however,
with what sounded like a plea for
an ideological peace conference.
"The Communist parties," said
the party newspaper, "have a test-
ed method of settling contentious
issues by way of collective discus-
sion. Our party has always advo-
cated this method."
A date and place for a peace
conference was not mentioned. But
it came only a week before the
leaders of the Communist world
assemble in East Berlin for the
Sixth Congress of the East Ger-
man Communist Party.
East Berlin Meeting
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev announced last week he is
There are reports in Moscow
that the Chinese delegation will
include a number of important fig-
Beirne Views
Of Economy
CIO leader said yesterday the na-
tion is moving toward a state-
steered economy which will require
a far greater degree of restraint
and cooperation by both manage-
ment and labor.
That appraisal is made in a book
titled "New Horizons for American
Labor" published yesterday by Jo-
seph A. Beirne, president of the
AFL-CIO Communications Work-
ers of America. Beirne is an AFL-
CIO vice-president, chairman of
the federation's community serv-
ices committee and among the
possibilities for the group's presi-
dency in the future.
Beirne said labor unions must
change their ideas and methods
and start to "think modern." He
predicted they will take an in-
creasingly important role in com-
munity and economic planning, as
well as in politics at all levels.
He predicted a continuing de-
cline in labor strikes.
"The bargaining function of to-
morrow's international union will
be subordinate to the service func-
tion," he predicted. "The econom-
ic factors of the employer-worker
relationship will operate within
predetermined limits outlined on a
national level.
"By this I do not mean that I
believe we are moving toward a
rigidly controlled state economy.
Rather, I think, the signs point
to a state-steered economy in
which the general outlines are
agreed upon at a national level
and implemented on an industry
group basis."
January 8, 1963

To New York Times Subscribers,
We are sorry about the in-
convenience caused by the
printers' strike in New York.
Adjustments will be made
before the end of this semester.
Student Newspaper Agency.





















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