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December 20, 1962 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-20

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will' Prevall"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. ThA must be noted in all reprints.

Survey Methods Clearly Misunderstood


Liberals Must Support
Revived Affiliate System

" ERE IS a tragic tendency toward blindness
in the anti-fraternity arguments of a num-
ber of liberal University students. Unfortunate-
ly it seems to be growing in intensity. Rather
than working constructively in cooperation with
affiliates to remove the rapidly vanishing flaws
in the Greek system, these campus "liberals"
loudly and thoughtlessly demand the total
abolition of an invaluable institution.
The fact that these individuals are usually
the best informed, most articulate spokesmen
for progress in the campus community makes
their misguided invective an even greater waste
of needed interest and ability.
Liberal influence in movements for peace
and civil liberties has accomplished much in
bringing the University up to date. But in at-
tacking the affiliate system at every oppor-
tunity, -these normally rational crusaders do
great disservice to more important liberal
Undoubtedly the feebly reasoned arguments
of these Trojan warriors stem from an honest
and humanitarian desire for campus equality
and social justice. But in hastily generalizing
about University Greeks, they too often lower.
themselves into a pit of ignorance, half-truth,
rumor and abusive argumentum ad hominem.
THE TOTAL misdirection of liberal effort
against the campus' social fraternities and
sororities is due to a stubborn refusal to exam-
ine the modern reality of affiliate ideals and
values. The independent antagonist typically
has had no contact whatever with the affiliate
system. He has never felt the filial tespect, and
unity that membership in a fraternity offers.
He has no realization of the value of a small
living group, as an alternative to the insensi-
tive disorientation of a monolithic university
He cannot hope to understand the practical
application of his own vague concept of
"brotherhood." He chooses to ignore or ridi-
cule all information which might clarify the
real social services a fraternity or sorority per-
Instead, the normally mature and intelligent
campus "liberal" and his alienated allies cling
to outdated concepts of the Greek system. They
stereotype the fraternity as an institution
whose most noticeable attributes are drinking,
hazing and discrimination. They are blind to
the fact that affiliated men at this university
long ago began the eradication of this false
image, without eliminating the basic values
which characterize the strength of the system.
r'HU 8, OUT of an almost pathetically des-
perate ignorance, with no real understand-
ing of the fraternity system, these self-styled
"independents" misinterpret the barely visible
evils of the system as the entire basis for its
existence. They insist that practices which
largely disappeared from this campus years
ago are still the backbone of all fraternities.
They cite examples of extreme hazing at
chauvinistic, provincial institutions and at-
tempt to apply them to their generalizations
about the University.
Admittedly many of these factless arguments
are an instinctive reaction to the fraternity
system's vocal lunatic fringe. These question-
able "traditionalists" defend the right of fra-
ternities and sororities to discriminate on the
basis of "freedom of choice," an ambiguous,
though plainly immoral argument.
The intelligent liberal has no alternative but
to condemn ruthlessly the hysterical rantings
of these Neanderthals. Liberals have not only
the right, but the obligation to investigate

all legitimate complaints of affiliate bias in
The mistake of liberal independents lies in
assuming that the few Greek proponents of
clearly evil social values are representative of
the feelings of the majority of University affil-
iates. The system would co well to silence these
moral and intellectual relics of a past gen-
eration, for they give the community a harmful
impression of all fraternity members.
THE DAY of the fraternity man as an anti-
intellectual, status-seeking, bigoted semi-
alcoholic is gone forever. The typical modern
Greek recognizes that he can be a good stu-
dent and a supporter of liberal causes and still
retain his basic purpose as a social being. He
realizes that there can be no justification for
physical brutality, nor for infantile rational-
izations of written or "understood" membership
bias clauses.
Thus, while independent liberals have been
wasting their efforts and their intelligence on
the fraternity system's dying old guard, the
progressive majority of the University's Greeks
have been working quietly from within to make
the system a social supplement to their basic
educational goals. Hazing has been virtually
eliminated from this campus. Few, if any
houses are recognized today as "drinking clubs."
Many of the old membership barriers against
Jewish and Oriental students have been broken
down, and the day is in sight when Negroes will
freely pledge the best fraternities and sororities
at the University.
Examples of fraternities and sororities in
conflict with their national chapters do not
show the recalcitrance of the system to de-
segregate; on the contrary, they show the ac-
tive interest of members of the system to bring
their chapters out of the introspective stagna-
tion of past decades.
FRATERNITIES no longer stultify opinion
and breed conformity. Rather, they enhance
the individuality of each of their members by
bringing students of diverse interests and back-
grounds into close living conditions. They
stress academic achievement and encourage
the broadening influences of extracurricular
activities. They offer relaxation from the seri-
ous pursuits of their members and provide
real service to humanitarian organizations in
the community. And no amount of "independ-
ent" invective can deny to a prospective pledge
the obvious advantages of harmonious small
group living in a University of this size.
The motto of one of the better houses on
campus is, "Alma Mater first, and (fraternity)
for Alma Mater." It is interesting to note that
the progress which has been made in the Greek
system has been initiated by Greeks who be-
lieve in that motto, and not by those misguided
independents who automatically condemn the
reality of brotherhood because of rapidly dis-
appearing inconsistencies.
It is time for an end to noisy lip service to
true social values. It is time independent lib-
erals admitted the value of the basic concepts
of the affiliate system, and worked in coop-
eration with its members to remove the tar-
nish that still clings to all Greek letters. It
is time for an end to the antagonistic harass-
ment of fraternities and sororities and the be-
ginning of a constructive cooperation that
will recognize the affillate system for what it
really is: a potent, thriving force for pro-
gressive social development within an academ-
ically oriented community.

To the Editor:
IN REGARD to Mr. Harrah's edi-
torial in The Daily Saturday, I
find it necessary to correct a few
of the distortions given there.
Probably since there are so many
errors it would be best to start
through the whole report.
Near the beginning he stated
that my report was "The sup-
posed basis for the decision to em-
bark upon a co-educational hous-
ing project on this campus." If he
had been reading his own paper
last year he would have found that
the Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls passed a motion which
stated the following, "It is recom-
mended that plans and arrange-
ments be initiated to effect a pilot
program of Co-educational Hous-
ing on a permanent basis for the
fall of 1963", (Board of Governors,
March 1962)
So this report was not the basis
for embarking upon a co-educa-
tional housing project. Then the
question is what was the purpose
of this report? It only served to
find the number of people present-
ly living in residence halls who
might be willing to live in co-
educational halls. The survey
showed that approximately 65 per
cent of the men and 75 per cent of
the women presently in the halls
would be willing to live in a co-
educational dorm - this greatly
exceeded the 600 men and 600 wo-
men on campus who will be need-
et. to fill Mary Markley and South
Quadrangle with 50 per cent up-
per classmen
SKIPPING OVER to an analysis
of the problem as stated in the
report, "It is an acknowledged fact
that the success of the University's
venture into co-educational resi-
dence halls depends primarily
upon finding sufficient interested
students to fill the co-educational
This does not imply necessarily
a majority of those presently living
in Residence Halls or even a ma-
jority of those living in the select-
ed building (there still will be non
co-educational housing for those
who do not want to live in a co-
educational building) but it im-
plies finding enough students to
fill about 50 per cent of the beds
in the co-educational buildings be-
cause the other 50 per cent will be
filled by incoming freshmen. The
survey does show that there should
be sufficient interest (no matter
what the reasons may be) to fill
the co-educational halls.
A little further the article ac-
cuses'the report of clumping data
together and saying "that students
favor co-educational h o u s i n g
when, in fact, it should say that
most students are against it or
don't give a damn." The report
did not clump the groups togeth-
er, but it seems that Mr. Harrah
should be accsing The Daily of
clumping these groups together
because in the article about this
survey which appeared on Friday,
November 9, it was stated that 62.5
per cent indicated a lack of op-
position to living in co-education-
al buildings." Further the same
clumping appears, "By checking
either 'should be made co-educa-
tional or don't care' 78.7 per cent
support the board's choice of
Markley, and 82.0 per cent sup-
port for integrating South Quad-
S* * *
NEXT THE article states that
we switched from Alice Lloyd and
East Quadrangle to Mary Markley
and South Quadrangle even
though the students in the chosen
buildings were less gung-ho than
those in the non-chosen -buildings.
... South Quadrangle and Mary
Markley were chosen because we
felt the objectives of co-educa-
tional housing could best be ful-
filled within these halls. Also they
were selected over East Quad-
rangle and Alice Lloyd because
the survey showed that there are
enough interested students on
campus to fill the upper class
spaces in these buildings.

Further the article criticizes the
idea of surveying those presently
living in Residence Halls, of whom
about 60 per cent will not be re-
turning, to get their opinion of
co-educational dorms. Mr. Harrah
seems to have overlooked the fact
that the people who make the final
decision (Board of Governors),
know that many of the respond-
ents are not returning. He also
seems not to have noticed that
the opinion of the 38.9 per cent
of the sample who feel they will
be living in residence halls next
year was given. Also Mr. Harrah
in his lack of knowledge of sampl-
ing, surveying, and residence halls
(although he has lived in them)
seems to forget that the people
presently living in the halls should
be very similar in makeup, i.e.,
IQ, religion, age, opinion, etc., to
those who will be in the residence
halls next year so they are the
best group we have for finding
residence hall opinion. Further,
the report never said that this is
or will be the opinion of the stu-
dents in residence halls next year
--only God could give that to us
-but it said the opinion of those
presently living in residence halls.
NEXT, Mr. Harrah seemed to
have confused the goals of co-
educational housing with those of
the survey. He was unhappy about

residence halls toward co-educa-
tional dorms . ..
It appears that there is a com-
plete lack of knowledge on Mr.
Harrah's part of what statisticians
would say about a 10 per cent
sample. The accuracy of results
fcr measuring does not depend
upon the per cent of the popula-
tion covered in the sample. The
accuracy of the results depends
upon the standard errore ofthe
mean and the standard error of
the mean depends upon the sam-
ple size. The standard error of the
mean for this sample is about two
per cent and I am 99 per cent sure
that the percentages given are
within five per cent of the real
population values.
Mr. Harrah seems to feel that
the figures do not show "The gen-
eral attitude toward co-education-
al residence halls is favorable." He
used the responses to the first
question (preference toward living
in a co-educational building) as
the only measure of attitudes,
while the conclusion was drawn
from looking at all of the questions

terial" as the deciding factor in
the failure of college humor maga-
zines. Just what does 'Gargoyle'
consider as quality material, as
new humor, as a new trend -
"The Michigan Coloring Book?"
The coloring book idea has become
somewhat overworked in the last
year, but perhaps editor Dobber-
tin hasn't noticed since he prob-
ably reads only old issues of 'Gar-
What is funny or humorous in
"The Kaleidoscope"? What is "A
Day at the Doily" -a conglom-
eration of cliches, and overcrowd-
ed cartoons? It is perhaps funny
to some 'ingroup' but not to me.
This "cartoon" is very reminis-
cent of the style of many of the
humor magazines during the fad
for them a few years back. And
everyone knows what happened
to them!
-* * *
WHERE WAS contributing car-
toonist Charles Schulz? - oh, yes,
there he was heralding the com-
ing of the 'Gargoyle', but I paid
my quarter to see an original car-

DESPITE citation of the above
examples, and also a;. offer (un-
accepted and unreplied to) of my
help in solving The Daily's prob-
lem. I find it necessary to cite this
additional example of blatant
news distortion.
A comparison of The Daily story
with the actual text of the tele-
gram and a little further research
have revealed the following inter-
esting points:
1) There was at least one false
statement, distortion of meaning,
or revised quotation in every sen-
tence of The Daily article includ-
ing the headline.
2) Only a small portion of one
sentence of the telegram was re-
ported and this so as to change
the meaning of the news.
3) The thirteen-word phrase
The Daily did quote had been re-
worded prior to being printed.
4) The Daily story explicitly
stated the "fact" (source unnoted)
that, "The telegram was in re-
sponse to a wire sent by Voice to
the agriculture department last

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Coeds and Christmas

Spring has sprung,
Fall has fell,
Winter is here
And it's colder than. .. usual
THE LEAVES long ago turned
into their crimson colors and
fell to the dry earth. The nippy
winter air is pestering bare
hands thrust into jacket pock-
ets. The smell of the fall Satur-
day has passed-the time when
the campus is left barren for
three hours while its residents
attend the gladiatorial rite in
the big arena. Last spring's love
affair has turned into this win-
ter's forgotten niemory.
But wait! This cute coed who
glides across the diag in her
collegiate patents (virgin white
canvas sneakers, woolen, white
socks, bonny-short plaid skirts
and fire-ball bouffants)-is not
so innocent. She is one of a
man-devouring species. After
four years in back-seats, the
Arboretum or the UGLI, she has
made her catch or she hasn't.
The campus is perfect for
studying the species and answer-
ing many intriguing and impor-
tant (at least to males) ques-
tions. The coed can be studied in
her habitat without the annoy-
ing influence of the more world-
ly seductress-the pursuer who
has so out-stripped the pursued
that all the fun and enchant-
ment has left the game.
How does this coed go about
her instinctual and life-long
profession of man-baiting? How
does she get her prized MRS
* * *

the sensual sophomore, the
jaded junior, and the so-glad-
its-almost-over senior.
Unlike the rest of the animal
kingdom, it is the female in
this case who is adorned with
bewitching, baiting colors. The
plumage that characterizes each
of these four categories is faint-
ly different in each case.
With the naive freshmen, the
outstanding difference is that
white woolen material, worn on
the feet, probably to keep them
warm but which is absolutely
incongruous with warm weather
wear. Sidled up the leg so that
the top is about five inches
above the ankle, the rest of the
limb is brought into such out-
rageous disproportion that the
calf of the leg resembles a
bloated banana turned upside
down with a white beanie on
its crown and all topped by a
soiled sneaker. Maybe this fram-
ing of the calf is for aesthetic
reasons, but it is too bulbuously
gross to be sanely considered. It
is supposed to be part of the
* * *
THE NAIVE and frivolous
freshman quickly becomes edu-
cated as to her purpose on cam-
pus and how she should go
about fulfilling it. She eventually
becomes a sophomore, finds
more dark corners in the UGLI
than she thought existed, and
learns how to sneak out the
dorm's back door for a night
Sophomores have some Freud-
ian attachment to hair. The bee-
hives, buns, bouffants, Marien-
bads and the myriad forms do
the same thing to the head that
the woolen sweat socks do to
the feet. The hair is neatly plied

in imperial regality with a whirl
here, a curl there and a bang
to set it off. Sane proportions
are forgotten for outlandish ex-
travegance. What would ever
happen if a disease caused all
coeds to become bald?
It is much harder to pick out
the differences that stand out
in juniors and seniors because
after two or three years they
have either kept some of their
earlier traits, modified them, or,
as in the, case of seniors who
have failed up to that point,
have made one last outrageous
and daring pitch for their catch.
* *. *
OF COURSE, there are always
some exceptions: the beatnik
(the long black socks type) ap-
peals to her own kind, usually
the bearded male. There are
also the momma-don't-I-look-
nice-and-puritan-now type and
the high-fashion model type dis-
played in bedazzling and exquis-
ite plumage.
Shaw called this inveigling of
man by woman the Life Force.
During the season of Christmas
cheer the season of the male
hunt is at its zenith. The Christ-
mas party brings members of
both sexes into close contact, the
Christmas spirits imbibed at
such occasions serve to becloud
the rationality of men and in-
tensify the guiles of women.
But can we men refrain from
falling into these traps? No! As
much as the coed enjoys drop-
ping the line, we enjoy getting
caught, hook, line and sinker.
But if they would only get rid
of- those sneakers, skirts and
bouffants . . . they don't need
them if their natural charms are
as enticing as poets have said
for thousands of years.

of context which seemed to prove
the interpretation of the "spokes-
man" that the intent of the tele-
gram was "passing the buck." In
reality the communication was a
quick and helpful answer to sev-
eral informational questions.
* * *
TO THE question of the scope
of coverage of the surplus food dis-
tribution program came the an-
swer that this "is a matter for
county determination under state
agreement with (the) Department
of Agriculture." The answer to the
question of the Administration's
position was, "We favor broadest
possible surplus food distribution
to meet human need." To the
question of the best person in
Washington to contact came the
reply, "For further information
suggest contacting Mr. Howard P.
Davis-director, food distribution
division-Agricultural Marketing
Service, Department of Agricul-
ture, Washington 25, D.C."
The point of this whole exposi-
tion is that if The Daily allows
reporters to print interpretations
of the news by unnamed "spokes-
men," and if the newspaper allows
reporters to print only that part
of the news which coroborates
such an interpretation, and if the
paper allows printing of outright
factual inaccuracies, then it is
time for reform.
It seems unusual that a news-
paper which prints so many stories
about reform attempts and pub-
lishes thousands of editorials de-
manding reform elsewhere, is so
unwilling to initiate reforms with-
in its own ranks.
Although my previous letter to
The Daily has never been an-
swered and my offer of help has
not been responded to, I still hope
that the citing of this additional
case of poor journalism will bring
some positive results, however
small, from those responsible in-
habitants of the Student Publi-
cations Building.
-Chris Cohen,'64
To the Editor:
rangle have voiced their dis-
sent - through the West Quad
Council - of 'the poor sports cov-
eraae in your paper given to West
Quad teams. Since we are cur-
rently the strongest quad team in
intramural sports, we are espe-
cially disgusted that our efforts
are not recognized through your
Certainly, intramural sports is
comparable to any other extra-
curricular activity. We emphatic-
ally suggest that all intramural
sports be covered for all teams.
I am certain that this would mean
very little extra work. We feel
that such action is your obligation
to the residents of this University.
If you are currently unable to
meet' this phase of your obliga-
tion to the students, I would sug-
gest taking steps so that full in-
tramural sports coverage may be
realized in the future.
West Quad Athletic Chairman
-Mike Elledge, '65E
Mad Dog;s
OUR MILITARY friends will re-
tort that force of character
cannot protect a country against
a "mad dog" neighbor country, if
the latter decides to attack. Prob-
ably true. But the point is that
some people are more anxious to
go out and shoot what they think
is a mad dog than to make sure
that it is really mad. They don't
want to inquire whether some
other action might not be more
-James J. Wadsworth
The Saturday Review



COLLEGE campus
four categories of
frivilous freshman,

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The New Toys

'HE CHRISTMAS toy market is presently
undergoing an inundation of highly con-
trived, realistic toys "exact in every detail"
that not only threatens to stifle the imagina-
tion of the modern child but also to eliminate
one of the natural experiences of childhood:
the adventure into the realm of fantasy.
Today's child is fascinated by the scale
THE MICHIGAN Fraternities booklet for
1962-63 includes, among a glowing descrip-
tion of the fraternity system, a message from
Walter B. Rea, billed as the dean of men.
Who says fraternities aren't behind the
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director' City Editor
CAROLINEOW...............Personnel Director
JUDITH BLEIER ........... Associate City Editor
FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .. Assoc. Editorial Director
CYNTHIA NEU................... Co-Magazine Editor
HARRY PERLSTADT ............. Co-Magazine Editor
TOWS WEBBER .............Sports Editor
DAVE ANDREWS........Associate Sports Editor
JAN WINKLEMAN.............Associate Sports Editor

model cars that brag of their own air-cooled
engines. He listens intently to the TV com-
mercial that tells how to send for a miniature
destroyer, suitable for operation a la bathtub,
that steams in the direction of the drainpipe
under its own power.
He plays cops and robbers with toy pistols
that shoot actual size wooden bullets, holding
all pertinent telephone conversations with his
"accomplices" over a play phone that is the
full-size reproduction of the real object.
MEANWHILE, his feminine counterpart
drools over pop-up toasters that propel
plastic toast a distance of three feet and other
kitchen toys that not only look, but sound "just
like Mommy's."
Does this year's child really need playthings
fashioned in this vein of reality as our society
sees it? Is he so deficient in imagination that
his playtime requires near-reality rather than
the illusion of reality?
Surely this cannot be true, for it has been
proved that a child naturally thrives on fan-
tasy and imaginative creations when left to
his own resources.
If he is not lacking in a natural capacity for
imagination, why then is he so utterly rapt
over realistic toys and unsatisfied, even re-
bellious when he finds not a scale model sky-
scraper kit, but a set of blocks requiring an
exercise of the imagination under the Christ-
mas tree? Isn't it that he has been integrated
too early into the modern, imagination-stifling

and answers because there were
many inconsistencies which have
to be considered before drawing
Mr. Harrah disagrees with the
manner in which some of the
questions were stated, i.e., the Hill
or campus, Hill only; campus only,
for where one would be willing to
live in a co-educational dorm. If
he had checked with a book which
explains the use of pre-coded
(multiple choice) questions he
would have found the following:
"The alternatives offered in pre-
coded questions must above all be
exhaustive and mutually exclu-
sive" (Moser, 1958) and if the
Hill or Campus was not included
then this question would have
broken the basic principle of sur-
vey question design.
In conclusion, this editorial ap-
pears to have been written by
someone who does not know any-
thing about surveyhtechniques. In
the future, it might be better if
Mr. Harrah would like to show
how poor and biased a survey is,
that he contact someone who
knows something about surveying.
-Robert Levine, '63
violation.. .
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to correct two
statements in the Dec. 18 Daily
concerning the Shapiro case.
Quoting me, The Daily reported
that the University chapter of the
AAUP met December 17 and found
that there was no apparent viola-
tion of academic freedom.
The chapter did not meet; the
Executive Committee met. The
committee did not find "that there
was no apparent violation of aca-
demic freedom;" instead, I said
to The Daily reporter: "We con-
tinue to feel that this is not an
academic freedom case." The dif-
ference between what The Daily
was told and what was reported
therein may seem minor, but it is
-Prof. Ralph A. Loomis
'Gargoyle' .. .
To the Editor:
IF the "new" 'Gargoyle' is any'

toon by him, certainly not an ad
out of The Daily!
My opinion of the remainder of
the magazine is exactly the same
as that above: bad and the maga-
zine is worthy of no further com-
ment. However, there was one ex-
ception; that is,'the "Do It Your-
self Page" where one could write
various obscene and derogatory
remarks concerning the quality of
the magazine.
It is indeed unfortunate that
the University does not have at
least enough talent somewhere to
get out a better magazine than
this. Editor Dobbertin and his
staff have a long way to go before
'Gargoyle' reaches the quality of
the humor magazines of other col-
leges. Let's hope that the next is-
sue will provoke more of a laugh
than having to laugh at oneself
for being foolish enough to waste
a quarter on it.
-Herbert J. Czerwon, '64
To the Editor:
DAILY irresponsibility must be
curbed. In a determined third
attempt to influence the policy of
The Daily, I wish to cite several
outstanding examples of irrespon-
sible journalism which were con-
nected with a single story of Dec.
18 entitled "Cohen Replies to
Voice Plea."
The front page story, which was
about a telegram from Assistant
Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare, Wilbur J. Cohen, is
so full of inaccuracies that a
resume of action leading to the
sending of the telegram is made
First, though, it must be said
that this attempt to change Daily
opinion is done not in an angry,
destructive manner, like all too
much Daily reporting and editor-
ial writing, but as further docu-
mentation of an argument that I
wish to use as a means for increas-
ing the respectability and respon-
sibility of our campus newspaper.
My previous unsuccessful attempts
to this end have been to outline a
specific policy of reform and to
document previousrspecific cases
of distorted quotations about the

week." The actual fact is that the
telegram was a reply within 24
hours of receipt of a special deliv-
ery from me to my home asking
for helpful information.
5) The Daily quoted an inter-
pretation of the telegram made by
a "spokesman for Voice" who was
also unnamed. Whoever the per-
son was, he was neither a Voice
spokesman nor authorized to speak
for Voice by either the party
membership, the party executive
committee, or the party's acting
6) Daily inaccuracy even ex-
tended to changing the spelling of
Leflore County, Mississippi to La
Fole County.
7) Daily irresponsibility also ex-
tended to choosing a phrase out


cert by
and Symp
sented Tu(
a high po
The Po
Tuesday fo
Arbor, was
achieved r
this work
sound and
the contra
prano pass
massed ch
The pow
chestra an
delicate cox
solo voice

Concert Excellent
NUAL Christmas Con- Judged by professional stan-
the University Choir dards, one could find fault with
hony Orchestra, as pre- the soprano soloist in the Mozart
esday evening, marked piece. She seemed to have diffi-
int in student artistic culty initially with breath con-
n on campus this year. trol and vocal quality, both of
ulenc "Gloria," given which however improved as the
ir the first time in Ann work progressed.
well received. Poulenc In like manner one could hope
his artistic temper in that the orchestra strings will, in
through a variety in the future, try to find a better
color, as for example in togetherness in playing the pizzi-
st between the lone so- cato sections of their score. The
ages and the answering choirs in its presentation was
oir. notably short of male voices, a
erful tonal surges of or- fact which made it difficult to
d choir, mixed with the distiguish the fourhseparate
ntemplative notes of the voices in certain of the choral pas-
adequately acknow- sages.

ledged the reality of belabored
twentieth-century man in this ad-
vent season. The intimacy that
prevails throughout the gran-
diose style of this contemporary
score is a tribute to the perceptive
spirit of the composer.
THE SECOND work of the even-
ing was the Mozart "Mass in C
minor," written in the late 1700's.
Though not quite finished by the

the concert was a resounding suc-
cess. Prof. Klein had the choir
in superb condition; enunciation,
clarity, and good blending spoke
well for both individual talent and
long hours of practice. The orches-
tra played its finest supporting
role in recent years, aided no
doubt by the fact that it was for
a change at full strength.
It must never be doubted, either
1... .,nnn 14 nc. nr. ,ne~r,,mna~lioc

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