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December 13, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-13

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(hrushc hev







Gives Policy,
Backs Stand
During Talk
Associated Press Special Correspondent
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
foreign policy speech before the
Supreme Soviet yesterday sounded.
like the statements of a witness
on trial before a court of world
Communist opinion.
There were curious notes in the
Khrushchev repeated over and
over that the USSR is Cuba's
friend and will not abandon her,,
as if to suggest that somebody,
sormewhere in the Communist
camp or in Cuba; had to be reas-
sured on that score.
Berlin Question
Khrushchev revived the Berlin
question, but mildly. Ever since the
Caribbean showdown, Soviet prop-
aganda had permitted this to re-
cede, giving the impression that
the Russians had been caught of f
balance by the Kennedy-Khrush-
chev showdown. ,
Khrushchev appears in the po-
ation of explaining to world Com-
munism *hy he did what he" did
in the Cuban crisis, and justifying
it in light of the violent criticism
from Red China and Albania.
The Soviet leader tried' to jus-
tify his Cuban backdown by say-
ing that it proved "the imperial-
ists" could be prevented from
starting a war. That is the gist of
his ideological argument with the
Chinese, who still contend the big
clash between two 'systems is in-
'The Imperialists'
Khrushchev agrees with the
Chinese that "the imjperialists"
have not changed their aggressive
ways. But, he argues, the balance
of world forces' has changed, and
thus war can be avoided. The So-
viet Union has too much to lose to
risk any more dangerous doctrine
than that.


-AP Wiephol
DELIVERS TALK-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev told
the Supreme Soviet yesterday that he was holding the United
States to its pledge not to invade Cuba.

British Troops Curb
Rebellion in Borneo
LABUAN, North Borneo M-)-The North Borneo uprising appeared
to be near collapse yesterday as British troops mounted coordinated;
attacks on centers of rebel strength.
The British announced the recapture of-a holdout, center in"the
oil town of Seria, and claimed three other rebel-held towns were
In taking the town's jail, a pocket of resistance in Seria, the Brit-
ish freed 45 men who had been held hostage there for four days.
It was reported one American-his name was given as Harold
Eighmie of Wenatchee, Wash., was wounded, He had been used as a
- human shield by a group of rebels
T when they attempted to take Pen-
Lissuer GCites aga police barracks nearby on Sat-
urday and had been held hostage
Hall Refus.since.
Hall Re usal sThe British command said La-
was and Limbang in the adjoining
TO 000 erate colony of sarawak also were recap-
To Cooperate tured, but reports from Sarawak
said the fight for Limbang was
WASHINGTON (P) - A New continuing with the rebels still
York Times newsman testified yes- in control of about half of the
terday- that top Communist Gus town.
Hall said registration as an agent The British also announced the
of the Soviet Union would "require regaining of Kuala Belait, anoth-
the Party to commit suicide." er oil center south of Seria.
"We're not going to cooperate," Four hundred pro-British Sara-
Will Lissner, veteran reporter, wak tribesmen, responding to a
quoted Hall as saying during a government appeal for assistance,
news conference June 8, 1961. fanned out near the .border of
Lissner was the first witness as Brunei and Sarawak in a move to
the Justice Department sought to cut off any rebels retreating, into
prove that the Communist Party the jungle from Brunei.
"wilfully and unlawfully" failed to Three hundred troops of the
i'egister.last year as required under British First Green Jackets moved
the 1950 Subversive Activities Con- ashore at Labuan from the cruiser
trol Act. Tiger. Commando forces also land-
Lissner said Hall told the news- ed in Sarawak.
men the Communist Party was go- Soldiers of the Queen's own
ing to start an educational cam- highlanders took the Seria jail and'
paign, "the biggest in our history." freed the hostages withaut a fight.

Saved World
From War
Premier Tells Nation
First Crisis Account
MOSCOW )A'--Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev said yesterday he
is holding Pesident John F. Ken-
nedy to what he called pledges
against an invasion of Cua and
warned if they are not kept "we
will be compelled to take such ac-
tions as the situation requires of
Speaking before the Supreme
Soviet (Parliament), Khrushchev
stressed that the "anti-invasion"
pledge was a main factor in the
Soviet Union's withdrawal of rock-
ets and bombers from Cuba.
The Premier acknowledged the
rockets were "ready for launching,
for action"-but said the Russians
had no intentions of bringing them
into play for an attack on the
United States.
Loudest cheers came from the 1,-
443 deputies when he claimed to
have saved the world from nuclear
war and opened the way for "more
common sense . . . more striving to
remove the logjams which produce
frictions and create tensions in re-
lations among states."
The speech was broadcast to the
nation, and gave many Soviet citi-
zens their first extensive account
of what had gone on in Cuba.
Khrushchev pledged himself to
fulfill Soviet commitments in the
Cuba settlement "so long as the
other side stands by this under-
standing." Then he added:
"But if the commitments assum-
ed are not observed by the other
side, we shall be compelled to take
such action as may be required by
the situation."
While conceding that criticism
had come from many quarters
about the Cuban settlement, even
from the Communist c a m p,
Khruschchev claimed a victory.
To Chinese charges that he
"capitulated to imperialism," by
withdrawing the rockets from
Cuba, Khrushchev brought rousing
applause by declaring: ,
"In what way have we retreat-
ed, one may ask. Socialist Cuba
exists. Cuba remains a beacon of
Marxist-Leninist ideas in the
Western hemisphere. The Impact
of her revolutionary example will
grow.aThe government of the Unit-
ed States has given a pledge not to
invade Cuba. The threat of ther-
monuclear war has been averted.
Is this a retreat?"
Khrushchev acknowledged that
Russian rockets In Cuba were
"ready for launching, for action"
but he denied the Soviet Union
had chosen the island as a base for
an attack on the United States.

Nehru Notes
Cease Fire
Not Binding
NEW DELHI VP)-Prime Minis-
ter Jawaharlal Nehru said yester-
day India has given no guarantee
it will continue to observe the
cease-fire the Chinese, Commu-
nists proclaimed in the Himalayas.
"We have given no guarantee
on the future of the cease-fire,"
Nehru told Parliament.
"It depends upon the circum-
stances. But for the time being
India s accepting it.",
Nehru said India does not wish
to impede the cease-fire and wel-
comes reports of Chinese with-
drawal in thesnortheast. The Chi-
nese are insisting on holding their
present positions in Ladakh, at
the northwestern end of the bor-
der, where they occupied more
than 2,000 square miles in their
Whatever the outcome of the
cease-fire and the Chinese with-
drawal, Nehru said, India will have
to continue to strengthen its de-
fense forces.
Nehru reiterated India's demand
that the Chinese give up their re-
cent military gains before there
can be'any peace talks.
Peking has rejected this de-
Nehru said talks- with the
Chinese' could begin if they with-
drew to the positions they held
Sept. 8.
Nehru reported 197 Indian sol-
diers were killed in fighting from
Oct. 20 until last Monday. The
fighting stopped Nov. 22 with the
Chinese cease-fire proclamation,
but two more Indian soldiers were
killed later.
Local Women
To Observe
HUAC Hearing
Six Ann Arbor women active in
the Women for Peace Movement
left yesterday to attend and ob-
serve today's House Un-American
Activities Committee hearing on
possible Communist infiltration of
the peace movement.
Although some of the women in
the local group sent telegrams to
the committee volunteering to tes-
tify to explain the goals and ac-
tivities of the Women for Peace
movement, none expect to be call-
ed, according to Mrs. John Son-
quist, wife of' a University staff
She said local women had re-
ceived no replies from the commit-
tee, but that Washington women
who made similar offers'had been
refused by the committee.
The group hopes to contact
Michigan congressmen who may
be in the capital today, Mrs. Son-
quist said.
The Ann Arbor group Monday
night sent a telegram to Sens.
Philip A. Hart and Patrick V. Mc-
Namara, and Congressman-at-
Large-elect !Neil Staebler, urging
their "personal attention" to the
House investigation of Women
Strike for Peace.

WASHINGTON 1) - President
John F. Kennedy said yesterday year, but the President said, "We
at a news conference he thinks intend to go ahead with our pro-
all offensive missiles and bombers gram.",
are out of Cuba, defended Adlai As for the opposition in impor-
Stevenson and promised to push tant spots, he said that "we hope
tax cuts. to adjust our viewpoints so that
we can get some action on this
There was no solid reactionwecngtsm acinoths1frmtePsdntoSvetr- program next year."4I r~
from the Pi esident to Soviet Prgmn y
iier Nikita S. Khrushchev's warn- Stevenson Article
A good bit of the conference
was backwash from a Saturday
w Evening Post article of Dec. 3 --
which said a non-admirer of Stev-
enson attributed a soft attitude
toward the Soviet move in Cuba to
the United States ambassador to
the United Nations.
Stevenson called the article ir-
responsible and got from President
Kennedy a written assurance of AUSTIN
the President's complete confi- U %J I I
Then yesterday the PresidentD A 0NVD
said Stevenson renders very dis- CORPORATION
tinguished, service, recalled that
he nominated Stevenson for the 209 South U 663-71
presidency in 1956.
Remember Ski 'Week-E
... defends Stevenson
ing yesterday that Russia will take 1Sgn up Dec. 17 18t 19
any measures the situation requires
if the United States does not go J an. 3, 4
through with its promise not to an
invade Cuba. 11-1 3-5 Union and League
One other matter on Cuba was
discussed. In vague terms, Presi- Information of Union and League
dent Kennedy said the United
States is preparing some "regula- Undergraduate Offices
tions which will affect shiping" I
to Cuba. -
'Best Judgment'
As for missiles aid bombers O nly $3
which could have hit the United 111
States with a nuclear punch, Pres- ..
ident Kennedy said "'it is our best
judgment" that they have been NO
removed from Cuba. But he added
"these things are never 100 per
cent" and this country is insisting
on verification.
"In the meanwhile," he said, "we
will .. . take every step that is nec- 8 RO UND-TRIPS DAILY
essary to make sure that these mis-
siles are not reintroduced into Lv. Arr. Ar.
Ann Arbor W1low Run Metro
Cuba or the offensive weapons areE 7:15 a.m. 7:45n.m. 8:10 a
not re-introduced, and we are tak- EFFECTIVE :25 a.m. aa.m. 8:20 a.
ing these means daily." DECEMBER 17 10:45 a. 11:15 a.m. 1:40 a.
1:10 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:OS p.
The big topic on the domestic 1:10P 1 m .05
g2:00 pa. 2:0 P.m. 2:55 p.
front was, taxes. Some key eon- 450 p~m. 5:20 p.m. 5:450.
gresmen have been critical of VIA ORr WA 7:00 pm. 7:30 p.m. 7:55p
'President Kennedy's intention toSOT 10:45 p.m. 11:20 p~m. 1:45 p.
try for a' substantial tax cut next For I nrmonaNO251"
________________________ Greyhound Terminal NO 2-5511 err
116 W. Huron
om g7 . Michigan Union NO 2-4431
I' S. State St.
Katanga Sanctions or Your Travel Bureau
tral Congolese Government began
a campaign of economic sanctions
yesterday to end Katangan seces-
sion. It asked 17 nations to stop
importing Katangan copper and
cobalt. " giftfrom
- Follet's
PETITIONING meansmore"
, for .rms'ho i
Women's Judiciary Council your Xmas Shoppin
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December 16, 1962
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World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A Nike-Zeus sprang to within kill 'range of an
Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile in mid-Pacific yesterday in the
second such successful, tightly controlled test of the controversial de-
fensive weapon.
UNITED NATIONS-The United Nations Budgetary Committee
approved overwhelmingly yesterday a resolution accepting a World
Court opinion that all United Nations members must shoulder the
costs of United Nations peacekeeping operations.
* * *. *
CAIRO-Yemen's revolutionary regime signed an economic aid
agreement Tuesday with East Germany, the Middle East News Agency
reported from San'a, the Yemeni capital.
* * * *
PARIS--Mona Lisa, the enigmatic lady of the Louvre, was packing
yesterday'for a goodwill mission to the United States. The 459-year-
old painting by Leonardo Da Vinci will travel first class by sea-on
the new luxury liner France leaving Le Havre Friday for New York.
CAIRO-Sen. Allen J. Ellender was allowed'to enter Egypt with-
out difficulty Tuesday when a special United States Air Force plane
brought him from Djibouti, French Somaliland. The Egyptian radio
and newspapers thus far have not mentioned his visit.
* * * *
JACKSON-Six pickets, including a white professor and his wife
-were arrested today as the Youth Council of Jackson launched a
large-scale boycott of the downtown business district.
"The most photogenic trio in folk music"-Robert Frank
"Uh . . . The greatest . . ."-Lamont Cranston
"A string band by themselves"-LSR
See them at your Michigan Union Ballroom
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'They will play the guitar,'
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