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December 08, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-08

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Flynn Shows Lighting Uses

Sturmthal Discusses
Communist Appeal



Odiorne Discusses Interviewing

The use of lighting for aesthet-
ics as an independent art form
and for heat vxas demonstrated
ye. terday by John B. Flynn, '54
Clynn of the Research Lighting
Ce; ter in Nela Park, Cleveland,
addressed approximately 200 ar-
chitecture students on "Architec-
tural Lighting"
'The importance of lighting can
be seen in the emotional effect of
sunsets or carnival lights, and in
the fact that a building's mechan-
ical environment, which includes
ligit, heat, air conditioning and
accoustics, accounts for 25-50 per
cent of its cost," Flynn said.
Focal Points
To direct attention to focal
points in a room, spotlights and
transluminated walls can be in-
troduced, he continued, citing the
ill umination of a crucifix above
a church altar as an example.
Lighting determines how an ob-
ject or surface is seen, he noted,
showing the optical illusion of
inentations appearing on a
cr.shed can when the light comes
fromn below, while protrusions ap-
pear with overhead light. The
architect can employ this effect
for texturing, which is the inter-
play of light and shadow.
"Since light normally comes
from above, lighting from' below
creates an eerie atmosphere, use-
ful in houses of worship where
the supernatural is stressed," he
The architect can make lighting
equipment unobtrusive with trans-
luainated walls and small in-
dented ceiling fixtures, or domin-
ant with decorative fixtures ap-
pended from the ceiling.
Lighting as an art forri in itself
appears in a mural of etched stain-
les, steel behind which a spectrum
giv s color to the etched forms.
As the viewer changes position, the
cotrs change, Flynn noted.
He explained how the heat
wh ch light generates can be neu-
tralized, 'so as not to interfere
with air conditioning, or used for
up to 80 per cent of a building's
heating fuel. The method involves
integration of lighting fixtures and
heting ducts, since most of heat
from lights is trapped at first
tarund the light fixture. This
int-gration as an aesthetic device
was; shown in a lobby whose trans-
luminated ceiling was divided with
air ducts, which in turn were tex-
tur d with acoustical and sprink-
ling devices.
Building Blocks
Because engineers are concern-
ed with purely functional systems
of general illumination, the archi-
tec4 must plan harmonious "build-
ing blocks" of 'light, considering
pecple's reactions, he said.
But architects are often unpre-1
pa ed for this "creative challenge"
because the rapid progress of tech-
nol:gy renders "all that an archi-
Baha'i Student Group, Discussion:!
Rel gion & the Individual, Dec. 9, 8 I
p.m., 528D SAB.
Congregational Disciples E & R Stud.
Guild, Seminar: "History of Christian
Thought," Rev. J. E. Edwards, 9:30-
10'0 a.m.; Hanging of the Gareens-
Caris, Dessert, 8:30 p.m.; Dec. 9, 802
* * *
D Aew r:an Club, Communion Breakfast,
Dec. 9, After 9:30 a.m. Mass, 331 Thomp-
Phi Sigma Soc., Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m.,
Rac kham Bldg.. 3rd Floor Conf. Rm.
Speaker: Dr. Marston Bates, Zoology
De t., "Man & Nature on a Pacific
* * *
. Internationa Students Assoc. & In-
dia Students Assoc., Lecture Discussion,
Dec. 10, 415 p.m., UGL, Multi-purpose
Rm. Speaker: Dr. P. Sreenivasachar,
"The Moral Dilemma of Neutralist In-
dia "

. . *
initarian Student Group, Meeting,
Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m., 1st Lutheran Church.
Spcaker: Anatole Rappaport on Poland.
Viternational Students Assoc, Light
Supper-baklava for dessert, Dec. 9, 5:30-
6:30 p.m., International Center.
C raduate Outing Club, Tobogganing,
Det. 9, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron
St. Entrance.

tect learned in school obsolete ten
years after his graduation," Flynn
He noted that 70 or 80 years
ago lighting meant candles. In
the 1930's lamps dominated, while
in the next decades overhead sys-

tems of light were introduced, fin-
ally satisfying functional light re-
quirements. Today the architect
attempts to integrate light with
other architectural elements while
still supplying functional require-
ments, he concluded.

Ioorthi Claims Indians
Lean Toward Democracy

The underdeveloped countries
of the world look at the two basic
systems of economic industrializa-
tion-capitalism and communism
-and can see many factors in
favor of adopting communism,
Prof. Adolf Sturmthal of the Uni-
versity of Illinois said yesterday.
Speaking at the conference of
the Institute for Labor=Industrial
Relations, Prof. Strumthal said
that there is a new idea which is
gaining popularity among these
underdeveloped nations of the
world "in order to become rich it
is necessary to industrialize."
This has resulted in a new
meaning for imperialism, he said.
"Now, when a person accuses the
United States of imperialism, he
means that we are trying to main-
tain the present situation of a
monopoly held on industrializa-
tion by few countries and incred-
ibly few people," he noted.
Problems Result
This urge for quick industriali-
zation results in some problems,
Prof. Sturmthal said. First of all,
quick industrialization means a
change in the basic way of life of
the people of a country. The
standard of living, which is piti-
fully low in many cases already,
must be lowered still more so that
the people consume less and leave
more for the industrial process.
Secondly, the present type ofin-
dustrialization for which these
countries are striving brings an
inevitable "incredibly fast popula-
tion increase," he stated. He noted
that most of these underdeveloped
nations are not ready to handle
this population explosion, which is
caused by a sudden drop in the
mortality rate because of increased
public health with no correspond-
ing decrease in the birth rate.
Pointing to the underdeveloped,
uncommitted nations, Prof. Sturm-
thal said that these nations are
keys in the balance of the terror
situation in the world today. Their

3) "Socialism or communism are
good words, whereas capitalism is
a bad word in these underdevelop-
ed countries, who are mostly form-
er colonies of capitalistic and im-
perialistic nations," according to
Prof. Sturmthal.
Few Points
"On the other hand," he con-
tinued, "capitalism has very few
concrete points in its favor. First,
the intellectuals in these countries
have been brought up in such a
way that they favor and tend to
appreciate Western ideals. Second,
democracy breeds tolerance and
diversity, which these countries
sorely need. Third, the people
sometimes feels that a larger,
wealthier, more advanced nation
can help their industrialization to
a greater extent than can the com-
munist, relatively poor and unad-1
vanced nations."J

.. .business recruiting

Explains Cultural Functions
Of French Embassy Attache

A recruiter's behavior, his age
and the interest he shows in the
process of interviewing can have
great significance on how students
will respond to him, Prof. George
Odiorne of the business adminis-
tration school said yesterday.
Speaking on "How Students
View Recruiters" as a part of the
Bureau of Industrial Relations
seminar on "Effective College Re-
cruiting and Interviewing," Prof.
Odiorne said that there is often
only a five-year age difference
between interviewer and student.,
"If the recruiter does a good
job and establishes a quick rap-
port, the student will rank him
well on how he handled the inter-
view and will consider the recruit-
er's age a positive asset."
On the other hand, if the re-
cruiter does a poor job, the stu-
dent may question the company's
sending such a young and inex-
perienced man.
"The most significant thing is
not the interviewer's age, but his
handling of the situation," Prof.
Odiorne continued.
Lack of Interest
If the recruiter shows a lack of
interest, this may also make a
prior impression on the student.
"A recruiter may have a cold or
be tired from traveling and not
be in an alert condition. Slight ac-
tions such a yawning or tapping
his fingers may make the student
feel the interviewer is completely
Commenting on whether corn-
panies should send for a student's
transcript without asking him,
Prof. Odiorne said that the most
acceptable way is to leave the
choice to the student, giving him
the feeling he is volunteering the
"If he refuses the company the
right to see the transcript, he may
be denying the company the right
to see the quality of his past rec-

The recruiter's knowledge of his
industry also influences the stu-
dent. A person showing ignorance
of his business and giving incor-
rect authoritative answers to
techneial questions will lower the
student's opinion of him.
Prof. Odiorne advised interview-
ers to "take students as they are
and to realize that each one has
a different background and inter-
est. Don't bother to arrive at psy-
choanalytic conclusions on him
and attempt some quick advice on
how he can develop better quali-
ties for a job," he concluded.
To Hold Dance
In South Quad
South Quadrangle will hold its
annual semi-formal winter dance,
Noel Moderne, at 9 p.m. on Dec.
15 in South Quad.
The dance is open to all present
and former students of South
Quad and their dates, Alan
Glueckman, '66, director of pub-
licity for Noel Moderne, said.
Tickets are available from house
social chairmen in South Quad
and will be on sale at the two
main desks of the quad beginning
Monday. Tickets are $3.50 per
"This will probably be the last
Noel Moderne because next year
the University will be on year-
round operations and exams will
fall before Christmas," Glueck-
man added.
"We have worked for a long
time toprepare for this dance,
and we can guarantee that it 'will
be a good one," Glueckman said.
Over $1400 has been spent on
decorations and publicity for the
All four dining rooms of South
Quad will be used. An eight piece
professional dance band and a
combo will provide the music.



GROWTH PATTERN-The "Our Changing World Conference"
heard Indian Minister of Economics Krishna Moorthi declare that
the Indian people favor the "democratic pattern of society" as a
optimum system for rapid economic growth, and that the Commu-
nist pattern of "denial of the economic worth of the individual"
leads to excesses which underdeveloped economies cannot afford,

"We in India are firmly con-i
vinced that the democratic pat-
tern of society is the optimum
organization f or economic
growth," C.S. Krishna Moorthi,
Minister of Economics of the Em-
bassy of India, said yesterday be-
fore the "Our Changing World
"The communist pattern, from
a hard economic point of view, is
a luxury that underdeveloped eco-
nomies cannot afford," Moorthi
said. "The denial of the economic
worth of the individual and the
marshalling of the economy by
the state has led to excesses.
"It can be argued that Russia
and China (at some times) have
achieved tremendous rates of eco-
nomic growth," he continued.
"However, this advancement has
been dependent on previously de-
veloped resources. The elements of
dynamic growth were there before
the communist revolution."
Little Applicability
Moorthi noted that the Com-
munist pattern of economic growth
has little applicability to a coun-
try which has not yet reached the
economic take-off point.
"China experienced tremendous
industrial growth in 195' as part
of 'The Great Leap Forward',"
Moorthi said. "Yet today, just
four years later, the impetus of
the original success has disap-
peared. In 1961 industrial growth
in China showed no increase over
the previous year.
"We may not achieve the rate
of growth which China achieved
at the peak of the 'Great Leap
Forward,' but we will not have an
anti-climatic regression either,"
Moorthi said.
India's greatest need for eco-
nomic growth now is investment,
he said. The democratic structure
provides the incentives for growth
which are necessary for 'a com-
munity to achieve satisfactory in-
vestment levels.
"The government in a demo-
cratically run country cannot ab-
dicate its responsibility to lead
the country in economic growth,"
Moorthi said. "The developed
countries must act as a catalyst
for this growth."
Jaime Benitez, chancellor of the
University of Puerto Rico, said

Tthat, "In 1776 the United States

was demonstrating the highest choice as to which economic, and
form of its democratic ideals. consequently political, system to
Freedom for the pursuit of happi- follow could determine the course
ness is the ideal that is basic to of history, he said.
democracy. It is never attainable Assets of Communism
but always stands ahead as a goal He cited the assets of commun-
of democracy. ism as far as these countries are
of dmocrcy.concerned as follows: 1) The com-
Lost Meaning munist world, on the whole, is as
"The great problem with the poor as these underdeveloped na-
United States at this stage is that tions. This gives the smaller, poor-
it has lost the meaning and power er nations more confidence in the
of these words," Benitez said. aid and counsel of these peers in
"Revolution is a word that has I financial and political matters.
become taboo. However, there is 2) The union movement was not
a revolution going on in the minds used in industrializing these na-
of men that they need not accept tions. "The labor union movement
destitution. is a strong force which can, if it
"The strategy which the Com- desires, stand in the way of the
munist world has chosen is to quick industrializing which these

Presenting the state of French
civilization and acquainting people
in the Midwest with the resources'
of the French Embassy in New
York is the task of Rene Allewaert,
Cultural Attache of the French
During an official visit to the
University on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday as a guest of the romance
language department and the Al-
League Shows
Christmas Art
The Michigan League has ex-
hibited Christmas decorations dur-
ing the last four Yule seasons, but
because of the refined and pro-
fessional look of the decorations,
most people are surprised to learn
that the sixty mobiles and statu-
aries were created by the League
staff, Wilma Steketee, '64, business
manager of the League, said re-
The decorations were made at
the expense of the League staff
themselves, she added.
The exhibits are more time con-
suming than expensive and are
constructed with coat hangers,
umbrella frames, styrofoam pack-
ing bulk, and other unlikely mate-
This year, the usual contest for
the best exhibit has been elim-

plant the seeds of hostility and an-
tagonism," B e n i t e z continued.
"Our task is to build creatively on
the humanrabilities, and to elim-
inate power based on hate and
"This is why it is unpardonable
for North Americans to behave as
if they were in collusion with the
enemy," Benitez concluded. "I re-
fer specifically to the racial issue
in Mississippi."
Many national and internation-
al officials have often cited the
difficulties posed by United States
racist incidents in international
One of the arguments most of-
ten used is that Asians, Africans
and non-white peoples through-
out the world cannot be expected
to look to the United States for
an example of democracy when
the United States exhibits racial
Announce APO
Poster Policy
Service fraternity Alpha Phi
Omega announced that, in accord-
ance with regulations, signs illeg-
ally placed on bulletin boards un-
der its control will be removed.
Organizations wishing to use
APO boards - which include all
boards on campus except ,those in
the dorms - must h a v e them
stamped at the APO office in the
Student Activities Building.
McManus To Give
Pathology Lecture
"The Fundamental Ideas of
Pathology" will be discussed by
Prof. Joseph McManus of the Uni-
versity of Indiana at 1:15 p.m. to-
day in Rackham Amphitheatre. He
will deliver the seventh annual
Carl Weller Lecture at the annual
meeting of the Michigan Patholog-
ical Society.

nations want," Prof. Sturmthal

Ballis Notes Role
Of Russian Party

liance Franaise, Allewaert, whose
headquarters are in Chicago, ex-
plained that cultural services of
the French embassy in New York
have been available for a long
French Culture
"Interest in French culture has
become so extensive that aides
were needed and cultural attaches
were sent to San Francisco and
Chicago. Possibly one will be added
in the South next year," he said.
The cultural attaches operate
mostly through schools and uni-
versities, promoting French art,
theatre and cinema and making
available audio-visual material
and lecturers.
"The French Cultural Service is
comparable to the United States
Information Service, "Allewaert
pointed out.
Supply Information
Another function of the at-
tache is supplying information to
students wishing to study in
France. In addition to interviews
at the Chicago office, the Service
sends out brochures describing
both undergraduate and graduate
"We try to have a great many
possibilities as to where and when
to go open to students going to
France," he said.
Allewaert stressed the difficulty
of assessing the necessary lan-
guage background for study in
France. He described a language
proficiency examination program,
soon to be tried in Chicago for the
first time.
"The exams will be at three
levels, set up according to French
university standards, so both the
student and the university per-
sonnel will be able to assess the
proficiency level," he explained.
The examination will be ad-
ministered by Allewaert and lan-
guage professors. Students will be
able to take the examination
in- Chicago or at interested uni-
Discussing the oral approach to
language instruction, Allewaert
said that" it is fine through the
first six months, but the purely
mimictic type of teaching cannot
be kept up too long."
Learning Rudiments
The language laboratory offers
a good place for developing
rhythmical patterns and learning
rudiments, but must be supple-
mented with reading and under-
standing of materials that have
not been learned from repetition,
he said.
Allewaert suggested using more
films and records to complement
training in rhythm and sound
techniques. He also cited radio
broadcasts in French. possibly
supported by the French Broad-
casting System, as a good way to
counteract the monotony of lan-
guage laboratory study.
Such varied techniques of lan-
guage study help to familiarize
the students with more aspects of
understanding than does a single
technique alone.
Johnson To Seek
City Council Post
Republican City Committee
treasurer Paul H. Johnson has an-
nounced that he will seek election
to the city council for the third

most successful
the most
picture ever
to be made
in France--
and one
of the finest.

U Ii


Dial 8-6416

Although the communist party
and the Soviet government are
constitutionally separate systems,
"the party runs the government
in practice," Prof. William B. Bal-
lis, director of the Russian Studies
center said recently.
This party dominance is being
made possible because "both the
party and the government are
controlled by the same elite
group," he said in his remarks for
the "Teachings on Communism"
Each echelon in the party's hier-
archy is made to correspond to an
echelon in the governmental hier-
archy. Thus, he said, the party's
presidium is made to correspond
to the government's Council of
Ministers of the Supreme Soviet
by staffing both with a number of
the same people and placing both
under the leadership of the same
man - Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Right To Secede
This centralization of power by
the party contradicts Soviet
claims that their government op-
erates within a federal system
whereby each of the 15 Soviet
Socialist Republics is separate and
soverign with the right to secede,
he said.
The centralization also refutes
the Soviet contention that their
governmental system is democratic
because of the provision for free
elections every four years. "The
party only places one person on
the ballot for each office," he said,

producing as evidence a ballot
from the 1958 Supreme Soviet
The party establishes control
over the people by its techniques
of "party persuasion and indoc-
trination," its rewards according
to performance, "from each ac-
cording to his ability, to each ac-
cording to his labor" and finally,
from its police power.- The latter
power, however, has been greatly
curtailed by Khrushchev, he said.
"The party starts regimenting
the Soviet citizen at 6 a.m., when
the great bell in the Kremlin
strikes six . . . and a voice over
the loudspeaker urges 'get up
comrade,' " he said.
The government controls all
other means of public communi-
cations, including radio, newspap-
ers, even placards in the park.
Despite some liberalizing meas-
ures, "Khrushchev is tightening
party control over agriculture and
industry," he said.
"Khrushchev has many prob-
lems. He is especially concerned
about the administrative graft in
the industrial system and the in-
effectiveness of the agricultural
system." Last week he divided the
party into rural and industrial seg-
ments in a major administrative
shake-up. He hopes to centralize
even more the party's administra-
tive control, Prof. Ballis said.

OVER 1:20-3:45-6:20 & 8:55
thru : 4Feature Starts
Tuesday 10 Minutes Later
HONOREDas the picture to inaugurate the
Bette Davis and Joan Crawford






Dial 5-6290


Notice to all Catholic Students
Saturday, December 8th

S.G. C.
TONIGHT and Sunday at 7 and 9:20


.a comedy about nor-
mal people (believe it or
not) with some usual but
funny marital problems .
The real comedyrelies on
the lines that are spoken




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