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December 05, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-05

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Dean Rejects Proposal
For Automatic Control

Franee, Soviet Union
Reject Court Opinion
Action Threatens To Bankrupt UN-;
U.S., Britain Press for Payments-
UNITED NATIONS (AP)-France lined up with the Soviet Union
yesterday in rejecting a World Couirt opinion that all United Nation
members should pay for peace-keeping operations.
The action threatens the organization with bankruptcy.
SUnited States sources expressed disappointment and regret over
the stand taken by Andre Ganem, the French delegate, in the Assem-
bly's 110-nation budgetary committee. Ganem restated also French

American Maoist Party?l

Al sogaray
In Argentina
Minister Alvaro Alsogaray, civilian
strongman of Argentina's govern-
ment, resigned last night.
.The champion of free enter-
prise had come under increasing
fire from the military-backed gov-
ernment of President Jose Maria
Guido and business and labor
leaders. They accused him of be-
ing unable to check the sag in
Argentina's economy.
Alsogaray, who earlier in the
day denied reports he had resign-
ed, told reporters he had' sub-
rnitted his resignation at the Pres-
ident's residence in a suburb.
Team Resigns
Out with the economics minis-
ter went the economics team he
had brought into the government
nine months ago to try to raise
Argentina from the economic
ruins left by the former dictator,
Juan D. Person.
They included 20 officials of
government banks, various depart-
ments and two other ministers-
Minister of Public Works Julio
Cesar Crivelli and Minister of La-
bor Galileo Puente.
Consult with Military
Alsogaray said Guido neither
accepted nor rejected the resigna-
tion. He said the president would
consult with other officials-be-
ginning with the military-on the
Alsogaray said the military re-
bellions this year hindered his
efforts to get the Argentine econ-
omy rolling again, but he said pro-
gress had been made by renego-
tiating the foreign debts and ob-
taining promises of more foreign
Consider Plan
To Improve
School Texts
By The Associated Press
DET'ROIT - The state depart- I
ment of public instruction's cur-
riculum committee will soon sub-
mit a list of suggestions .to im-
prove minority group treatment
in textbooks to major publishing
These suggestions, which must
first be approved by State Super-
intendent of Public Instruction
Lynn Bartlett, include more use of
photographs depicting non-white
persons participating in society,
and discussion of racial minorities
problems in American history.
No Connection
There was no direct connection
between the recommendations and
the .violent reaction which has re-
cently greeted "Our U n i t e d
States," a junior high school text-
The National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People claimed the book gave a
distorted presentation of Negro
Best Text Available
The Anti-Defamation League of
W'nai B'rith yesterday supported
the NAACP charges, but added
that no better textbook is avail-
,Authors of the textbook have
declared that it was necessarily
elementary in approach, but did
not give "special attention to one
group and not another."

'''. detection plan

The Acoustics and Seismic Lab-
oratory is undertaking extensive
comparative studies between nu-
clear explosions caused and nat-
urally created seismic waves to
develop devices for detecting un-
derground nuclear blasts.
The laboratory, David E. Willis
of the laboratory explained, is a
part of the nationwide Vela Uni-
form Project studying means of de-
tecting underground nuclear tests.
Currently, the laboratory is ex-
aminig background s e i s m i c
"noise" that interferes with blast
wave patterns, he said. .
Bury Equipment
The laboratory has established
a "deport" Qf seismic equipment
12 feet under the Botanical gar-
dens, Willis added. This equip-
ment is being used for developing
techniques to eliminate back-
ground seismic "noise."
He said Michigan is a good test
area as the region is quite "noisy."
Compare Explosions
It also compares seismic wave
patterns of underground nuclear
explosions, TNT explosions and
earthquakes. For this the labora-
tory has set up, monitoring sta-
tions in various areas of the Unit-
ed States. It also has set off TNT
blasts in quarries within these
areas and recorded the seismic ef-
SName Sites
These experiments have been
conducted in Maine, New York, Il-
linois, Tennessee and Montana, he
nWillis added that the laboratory
is studying two methods for dif-
ferentiating nuclear explosion-
caused seismic wavef from those
started by more conventional
One method, Willis explained,
has electronic apparatus changing
seismic waves into audiable sound
waves so that a monitor can by
listening detect the dif ference in
causes. .
Spots Waves
Another undeveloPed, but "very
promising" method involves creat-
ing an optical correlating system1
that will quickly spot nuclear ex-
plosion-caused waves from earth-
quakes, for example.
The laboratory is also serving as
the information center for the Vela
Uniform Project. It compiles and
distributes materials from the var-
ious institutions working on the
project as well as issues reports
about its progress, he said.
The project is financed by the
Air Force by contracts that run
until at least 1964. '

Cies Causes
For Refusal
Soviet Delegate Notes
Program's Benefits
By The Associated Press
GENEVA - The United States
and the Soviet Union were unable
to reach an agreement on a meth-
od to detect underground nuclear
tests at the 17-nation disarma-
ment conference yesterday.
United States Ambassador Ar-.
thur H. Dean rejected the "black
box" system of unmanned robot
seismic stations as a fool proof
method of detection. ~
He told the conference that the
Soviet Union's own scientists rec-
ognized that the black boxes could
not by themselves provide the
complete answer to enforcing a
test ban.
Initial Studies
"Initial studies," Dean said,
"lead us to believe that substantial
numbers of these stations would
be required before there could be
any reduction in the number of
required on-site inspections. And
even then an appropriate number
of on-site inspections would be re-
Dean asked Soviet Delegate
Semyon K. Tsarapkin to give a
precise statement of Moscow's view
on the value of the black boxes.
Tsarapkin revived the subject in
the nuclear negotiations Monday
when he declared the Soviet gov-
ernment supports the black boxes
concept and believes such a net-
work of unmanned detection sta-
tions can help prevent test ban
Soviet Views
The Soviet delegate left the im-
pression that Moscow thinks the
black boxes, plus existing nation-
al detection systems, would elim-
inate the need for on-site inspec-
Dean challenged that concept.
Dean asked Tsarapkin what
types of instruments the Soviet
Union had in mind for incorpora-~
tion in the black boxes. He also
wanted to know how the Russians
believed these robot stations should
be linked and what type of data
processing arrangements should be
Dean recalled that the Pugwash
conference of eastern and western
scientists in London last Septem-
ber reached a number of conclu-
sions about the black boxes.
Dean said the Pugwash recom-
mendations meant the Soviet Un-
ion's own scientists recognized that
.the boxes should be considered as
supplements only.

refusal to pay any part of the $10
million-a-month UN Congo effort.
Must Share Cost
Both the United States and Brit-
ain are pressing for adoption of a
resolution affirming the court's
advisory opinion that peace-keep-
ing operations in the Congo and
Middle East are expenses which
the UN charter says must be sha'r-
ed by all.
But Ganem said he was under
instructions to inform the com-
mittee that the de Gaulle govern-
ment cannot go along.
He said his government cannot
accept World Court jurisdiction in
interpreting the UN charter, andi
that his government will not ac-
cept any obligations except those
ordered by the Security Council.
The same view was expressed Mon-
day t0 the committee by the So-
viet Union.
UN 'Superstate?'
"It has been clearly set out that
the UN is neither a state nor a
superstate," Ganem argued. "A
General Assembly vote is a discre-
tionary power. Imposing a budget
on a minority by an Assembly ma-
jority is the act of a superstate."
France has paid its assessments
for the UN force in the Middle
East but is over $11 million in ar-
rears in Congo payments.
The Soviet Union is almost $25.5
millions in arrears on the Congo
and almost $6 million on the Mid-
dle East force, which it refuses al-
so to support. .
Failure of the Soviet Union,
France and others to pay for the
Congo has put the UN about $130
million in the red.
An emergency bond issue has
raised about $150 million expect-
ed to carry the organization along
until April. United States finan-
cial support has been a major bul-
wark in both the peace-keeping
operations and the emergency
bond issue.
Judge Voids
By The Associated Press
LANSING-A 1959 amendment
to the use tax law was ruled un-
constitutional yesterday by Lans-
ing Circuit Court Judge Mvarvin
J. Salmon.
Under the provision, contractors
doing business with the state had
to pay the use tax, but those work-
ing with county and local govern-
ments did not.
The ruling is not expected1 to
become the stepping stone for
suits to challenge the use tax law
itself, however, as such attempts
are usually not grounded on

Ben Bella Says
Armny Defeats
Insurgent Units
mie Ahm ed Ben Bela announced
last night his troops have smashed
armed insurgent bands menacing
his young government in wide
Ben Bella made the disclosure
before 190 members of the Nation-
al Assembly. Sobered by the grow-
ing economic chaos in Algeria, the
lawmakers sat silent at this report
of armed opposition.
Ben Bella d notridentify the
insretbands nor d he me-
tionr t Communist Party, swr
to resist his rule since he banned
it from all activity.
The bands are believed to have
been organized by guerrillas who
fought the long war against
France and resented the arrival
of Ben Bella and his armed forces
from exile in neighboring Tunisia
and Morocco with independence
last summer. Some deserters from
Ben Bella's army also may have
been involved.
Cites Regions
Ben Bella said military and po-
lice operations were conducted
from east to wvest in the Constan-
tine, Algiers, Tiaret, Oran and
Mostagnem regions.
"Bands were dismantled and
ringleaders were arrested," Ben
Bella said.
His statement for the first time
showed the extent of organized
opposition in newly independent
Algeria, plagued by administrative
chaos and economic stagnation.
Twelve persons were reported
killed in clashes in the Constan-
tine area alone.

Leftwin eleent ofthe Amer
temptng to form a new pro-Mao
Tse-tung Marxist-Leninist party
in America, a recent article in
the New York Times stated.
The group is supposedly dis-
gusted with the "revisionist" poli-
cy of Soviet Premier Nikita S-.
SKhrushchv an President Jon
F. Kennedy might well have had
a prior agreement on betraying
Cuban socialism."
"It seems extremely unlikely
that American Communist party
members would be divided among
whole thing sems like amnr
plot in a comic opera or else an
example of diersionary tactics of
some imaginative local John
Birchers," Prof. Arthur P. Mendel
oftedhistory department com-
Shows Inconsisteney
He noted that this would be in-
sistent with the division between
pro-Mao and pro-Khrushchev
groups. It is usually in the back-
ward areasand the lesser-develop-
ed East European satellites .that
pro-Mao tendencies are emerging,
whereas in the more-advanced
Western nations where the Com-
munist porties have some power,
the party's line is clearly on the
side of Khrushchev.
The new group issued a four-
page newsletter called "Hammer
and Steel," in which they praise
Mao as the "leading thedretician"
of Marxist-Leninism and declare

that "Cuba proves conclusively the
bankruptcy of Khrushchev's poli-
It also denounces the Commu-
nist party newspaper, ''The Work-
er," (formerly, ''The Daily Work-
er,"' which, for lack of adequate
funds, could no longer be publish-
ed every day) for praising the
Cuban settlement, asserting that'
its words on this subject "are
plagiarized from those who hailed
Urges Letter-Writing
Marxists-Leinists in rAmeric to
send letters to the Central Com-
mittee of the Soviet Union's Com-
munist Party, which met recently,
wishing them success in the defeat
of the revisionist clique headed by
the premier."
"Hammer and Steel" listed
Khrushchev's betrayal of world
Communism by noting that "he
voted for United Nations imperial-
ist troops in the Congo who super-
vised the murder of Patrice Lum-
umba and the enslavement of the
country. He has praised Yugoslav
Marshal Tito, who is armed and
controlled by Wall Street. He has
sold planes to Indian Prime Min-
ister Jawaharlel Nehru while In-
dian troops occupied Socialist
China's territory. He has demor-
alized Socialist Germany with lies
and false promises."
Slanders Stalin
"Khrushchev seemed to give
away Southern Albania to a cap-
italist nation. He sought to de-
stroy Marxist-Leninist leadership
by slanders of Joseph Stalin. And
he has temporarily succeeded In
doing w h a t the imperialists

couldn't do by themselves-split
th ocialist camp," the newslet-
It is known that the Chinese
Communists want to publicize
their policy in English language
statements and to make these
Eranslations available to as many
leftists as possible in this country.
"I doubt that the American
Communist party would pursue
this tactic, (i.e. of splintering into
pro - Mao and pro - Khrushchev
groups) because their main con-
cern is and has benaso a eade
spectable and relatively moderate
organization," Prof. Mendel ex-
Will Have No Effect
The establishment of this new
group, if any such group actually
exists, would have no effect what-
soever on the American scene, be-
cause the Communist organization
itself has no such effect, or on
the principal tendencies of the
American Communist party," he
"The Chinese Communists are
quite willing to support groups
which would present their views,"~
Prof. Mendel noted, "but they are
realistic enough not to throw mon-
ey away and any investment in a
Maoist tendency in America would
seem a most absurd waste of their
already scarce resources."~
The identity of the American
Maoists is unknown, but observers
here have noted the long visits to
Communist China in recent years
by Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, an elder-
ly and noted Negro historian, who
has made known his membership
in the American Communist party.


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Worl News Rnd


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The internal
revenue service announced yester-
day an easing of proposed regu-
lations designed to curb expense
account abuses. IRS Commission-
er Mortimer M. Caplin promised
reconsideration of the most con-
troversial provision-that business
men keep receipts on all entertain-
ment and gift outlays of more than
$10, at the start of a two-day
public hearing on the suggested
* * *
DETROIT - Representatives of
federal, state and local agencies
met yesterday to discuss in very
general terms implementation
within Michigan of the recent
executive order prohibiting dis-
crimination in federally-assisted
ROME - Red China yesterday
branded President Tito a "100 per
cent traitor to . . . world Coin-
munism"-even as the Yugoslav
leader and Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev were embracing in
Moscow. Peking's attack-aimed at
the Soviet Union-came in a bitter
ideological dispute that has been
raging for three days on the floor
of the Italian Communist National
Congress. - - -
HANNOVER - Lawyer Josef
Augstein, brother of Der Spiegel's

publisher Rudolf Augstein, was
arrested yesterday on a warrant
from the West German federal
prosecutor's office. In Bonn, the
government press office said he
was held on suspicion of com-
plicity in high treason.
* * *
NEW DELHI-A Soviet promise
that token MIG jet fighters are
on the way gave the Indians a lift
yesterday - more psychological
than military - in their fight
against the Red Chinese. Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru told
Parliament "a few of the MIGs
will come in December, a few in
1963 and a few in 1964."
* *
NEW YORK-The stock market
made its best gain in nearly three
weeks yesterday. The Dow-Jones
averages showed industrials up
1.83, utilities up .78 and stocks up

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