See Editorial page
Record high temperatures
continue through Sunday.
Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
U.S.-Soviet Talks Conclude
WASHINGTON (P) - Another
Russian step toward full elimina-
tion of the offensive threat in Cuba
was reported yesterday, but two
days of talks with Soviet First
Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoy-
an ended without evidence of prog-
ress toward agreement on a final
Cuban settlement.
United States authorities told
newsmen early last night that So-
viet medium-range bombers in
Cuba are being re-crated and read-
ied for shipment back to Russia.
These 750-mile range plans can
carry nuclear bombs and are re-
garded as offensive threats to the
United States, although not so
dangerous as the 42 nuclear rock-
ets which the Soviets pulled out of
the Communist-ruled island earlier
this month.
Soviet Promise
There are believed to be about
35 of the Ilyushin-28 jet bombers
in Cuba, and Soviet Premier Niki-
ta S. Khrushchev on Nov. 20 as-
-AP Wirephoto
LATEST SCAPEGOAT-Daily Mississippian editor Sidna Brower
has come under fire from students in Oxford for her role in the
James Meredith case.
riticize Mississippi Editor
For Inaction During Crisis
Tensions still reverberate across the University of Mississippi
The latest target for disgruntled students is Daily Mississippian
editor Sidna Brower. A student senate committee reprimanded her
Thursday night for failure "in time of grave crisis to represent and
uphold the rights of fellow students" and failure "to counter the
OSU Studies
Ban Change
Two suggested revisions of Ohio
State University's existing speaker
bylaw are presently waiting for
approval by OSU's faculty coun-l
cil, the rule making body of the
Last week the student senate
passed a resolution urging the uni-
versity's administration to remove
a ban on speakers imposed be-
cause of "undesirable affiliations
or associations" some speakers may
be felt- to possess. This was then
submitted to the faculty council1
as was the proposal suggested six
weeks ago by the faculty advisory1
Along with the student senate's
revision plan they also sent a let-
ter to the faculty council urging{
it to vote against the advisoryt
committee's proposals. The ad- -
visory committee was set up as af
special committee to study the
speaker bylaw last spring and as a
result of its investigations has sub-
mitted a revision which gives the1
president of the university final
authority over selection of allk
speakers invited to speak on thex
Speaker SelectionA
The student senate's proposalr
asks that instead of the presidentt
having complete power over speak-
er selection, speakers would be
chosen by a* committee of threet
students and three faculty mem-
bers who would then make rec-t
ommendations to the president1
about their choices.
Lantern Editor William Worthe
said he felt it was doubtful that
the president would reverse the de-t
cisions of such a committee. t
He also said that if the facultyx
council accepts the proposal of
the advisory committee "freedom
at OSU would be killed."
"The faculty council is very un-
predictable and I cannot tell how,
it is going to vote, but I don't
think they should vote the ad-
visory committee's suggestion," he,
The present bylaw on speakerst
is extremely vague and does not1
delegate authority directly to theC
president. In the past speakers who
were being considered for invita-c
tions to the campus have beent
selected by a student committee,a
who submitted their suggestions to
a faculty advisor, who in turn
submitted the recommendations to
distortion by the national press"
of the university's student body.'
The full senate will vote on the
motion Tuesday.
At the same time other students
began circulating a petition to
have her impeached.
'Hate Sidna'
"A 'hate Sidna' campaign has
started down here," Miss Brower
declared last night. "Some of the
petitioners actually had the nerve
to come to my sorority and ask our
president to sign it. She refused.
"The feeling against me has
been growing for some time," Miss
Brower said. Originally there was
a motion to censure her, but this
was changed to the reprimand.
The censure motion would have
stemmedwfrom editorialsMiss
Brower wrote attacking students
involved in violence against James
No Editorial Comment
The Mississippian did not cover
Meredith'ssarrival on campus and
the ensuing violence, because it
had already gone to press. Editor-
ially, the paper has made no
comment on the issue of segrega-
tion itself. The paper has not con-
tacted Meredith nor done any
features on him. It has confined
itself to straight reporting and a
condemnation of the violence.
"I'm not too worried about my
position," Miss Brower said. She
explained that the publications
board would first have to recom-
mend her impeachment, and that
a two-thirds vote of the senate
would be needed to confirm it.
The petitions have no meaning by
'The moves against me have
made many people angry. Some
who have been afraid to speak out
before are getting sick of the con-
tinued violence and irresponsibil-
ity," she said.
"But students here are still so
emotionally upset they keep look-
ing, for people to blame. First it
was Meredith, then the troops,
then the Kennedys, then the
troops again. Now it's me."
sured President John F. Kennedy
they would be removed within a
Yesterday's report - presumably
obtained from aerial surveillance--
said nothing about any of the
planes being placed aboard ships
but it is assumed this will come
later and will be known through
continuing aerial reconnaissance.
United States authorities gave
this account of their latest in-
formation concerning the bombers.
Some of the bombers were still in
crates at the time the Cuba crisis
erupted, while others were uncrat-
Long Talk
Word of this latest Russian step
in meeting Khrushchev's promise
to eliminate the threat of offen-
sive weapons in Cuba came a few
hours after Mikoyan concluded a
2 -hour talk with Secretary of
State Dean Rusk.
The Soviet official told news-
men he expects "some progress"
in the difficult efforts to conclude
a final agreement to end the Cub-
an crisis which last month moved
the world close to nuclear war.
But United States officials took
a wait-and-see attitude.
Little Progress
In advance of yesterday's Rusk-
Mikoyan talks United States au-
thorities had reported no real prog-
ress toward a final Cuban settle-
ment, or on other East-West issues.
Kennedy was understood to
have pressed during his lengthy
session with Mikoyan yesterday
the United States demand for ade-
quate international inspection to
make sure Cuba is free of offensive
American authorities take the
position that while the Cuban
crisis is past its danger peak, it
remains important enough to de-
mand major attention among
East-West issues.
Other Topics
Rusk and Mikoyan were said
to have talked also about Brazil's
proposal for a nuclear-free Latin
America, measures to g uar d
against surprise attack and-other
disarmament issues including a
nuclear test ban, and Berlin.
Mikoyan was said to have raised
the Berlin question briefly, in-
cluding the usual Moscow theme
that a peace treaty should be
signed with East Germany-but
he set no deadlines. United States
officials said they still expect Ber-
lin will return to the fore as a
cold war dispute.
Officials said no specific ar-
rangement has been set up for
further talks on Berlin but indi-
cated these could be expected.
Revolt News
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras ()-
An unofficial radio station said
last night a rebel band led by
former army Col. Maximo Be-
jarano had started marching on+
the capital Honduras while Presi-
dent Ramon Villeda Morales is
visiting in Washington.
The radio station said Bejarano
and 60 armed men seized the town
of Colomoncagua and was mov-
ing toward Esperanza, capital of
Intibuca department in the west,
as their next objective.
There was no immediate com-
ment from the presidential office.
Bejarano was involved in two
abortive revolts in 1959, a year
after Villeda Morales took office.
In February 1959 Bejarano was
a leader of a rebel band that
seized the city of Santa Barbara
in western Honduras but was
chased out by the army.
The following May, Bejarano
led some 500 armed rebels in an
attack on Gracias, a small state
capital in western Honduras. The
government said troops joined by
divilians drove off the rebels.
Votes To Le
'Editor Stay
The student legislative council
of the University of California at
Los Angeles has defeated a motion
to fire the editor of the UCLA
Daily Bruin.
Unlike most schools which have
publications boards, the student
government has direct control of
the student newspaper.
The motion said, in part, that
the council was "disgusted with
the quality of the paper"and its
editor's failure to improve it.
Personal Charges
Bruin editor Al Rothstein said
yesterday that the complaints
consisted of a series of personal
charges and rumors, totally un-
true, which were circulated around
campus by elements hostile to the
"They charged me with every-
thing from conspiring to grab
power on the student government
to being drunk while working on
the paper."
Rothstein considered the 13-5
council vote a repudiation of the
charges and "a vote of confidence
in my editorship."
Undermine Authority
According to Rothstein, the as-
sistant city editor of the Bruin
worked to undermine his author-
ity, circulating many of the ru-
mors. He has since been replaced
on the paper.
Rothstein said both ultra-
liberals and Greeks on campus
were.responsible for the contro-
"On the one hand, our political
viewpoint has lately been turning
more toward the center. On the
other, we have strongly attacked
sorority discrimination."
He also said there was an ele-
ment of anti-semitism involved,
but that it was small. "One girl
on council complained that all the
top staffers on the paper are
Jewish liberals."
Rothstein said the only justifi-
able complaint against the news-
paper was that it had had an
extraordinary number of typo-
graphical errors. 'We are working
to correct this.
High Quality
"I feel the overall quality of our
paper has never been higher, and
an overwhelming number of stu-
dents on campus agree," he de-
clared. It should be clear, he noted,
that the number of students op-
posed to him was extremely small.
The motion charged that there
was a decline in the number of
new staff members, "without
whose support the future of the
Daily Bruin is in serious jeop-
Strong Support
"As a matter of fact, we have
more staff members than ever
before-and so many top fresh-
men we hardly know what to do
with them," Rothstein said.
He noted that both the presi-
dent of the council and the dean
of students, who sits on council,
were very vocal in their support
of him.
"Now that it's all over the paper
has settled down and is function-
ing a lot more smoothly," he om-
I nian
Troops Still Await
The Office of Student Affairs Advisory Committee spent its first
meeting yesterday getting organized and giving initial attention to
five issues presented by Vice-President for Student Affairs James A.
Five members of the Faculty Senate's Student Relations Com-
mittee and six from Student Government Council heard Lewis outline
Speaks Out
On Profits I
United Auto Workers Presidentj
Walter P. Reuther yesterday de-
manded a profit-sharing program
similar to American Motors Corp.,
or the equivalent in cents-per-
hour, the Detroit Free Press re-
ported last night.
Reuther's demand, aimed es-i
pecially at Ford Motor Co. and'
General Motors Corp., was de-
livered in a speech to the 700
delegates of a UAW Skilled Trades
Conference held in Chicago. The
labor leader announced the pro-
gram to prepare the auto industry
for the 1964 negotiations for new
"The UAW has never gone to
the bargaining table without let-
ting the auto companies know its
feelings," Reuther said. "It is too
early to talkuabout our 1964 de-
mands in detail, although we are
already collecting basic economic
Based on AMC
The proposed profit - sharing
plan is based on the AMC pro-
gram, which has produced the
equivalent of about 18 cents an
hour for the 25,000 UAW members
employed at AMC, in addition to
a straight seven cent an hour
wage increase, in its first year of
Reuther said that had a similar
plan been in operation at General
Motors, UAW members there
would have received an extra $900
for the year-or the equivalent of
$.45 an hour.
The profit-sharing plan at Ford'
would have produced $733 or $.37
an hour for the 120,000 produc-
tion workers.
Not Revolutionary
The idea behind profit-sharing
is not a revolutionary one, Reuth-
er said. "Every time we get a
wage increase or improve ourI
fringe benefits, we are sharing
Reuther said that the UAW isa
going to start working in both
legislative halls and will try at
the bargaining table to modernize
overtime payments.;
He said that workers should get
doubletime instead of time-and-a-
half for any overtime worked.
his current major concerns about
student affairs on the campus.
They are:
1) The role of student govern-
ment: Lewis posed the question of
whether SGC has been given an
impossibly large administrative as-
signment that prevents it from
dealing with important policy mat-
Emotional Problems
2) Academic pressures: Lewis
said he was troubled by what he
characterized as a "wave of deep
emotional maladjustment of stu-
dents" which may be caused by
increasing academic loads.
3) Faculty role in student af-
fairs: This topic received the most
discussion especially in relation to
the question ofncontinued faculty
participation on SGC's Commit-
tee on Membership in Student Or-
ganizations. The SRC has an-
nounced that it does not wish to
continue recommending professors
to serve on this committee.
4) Student-Faculty government:
Lewis noted that he would call
upon the advisory committee to
discuss proposals being made in
this area by SGC's Committee on
the University.
Overall Organization
5) The relationship of the Mich-
igan Union and Women's League:
Lewis said he would be interested
in discussions about the advisabil-
ity of creating an overall organi-
zation to include the projects of
SGC, the Union and the League.
At the beginning of the two
hours session, Lewis reiterated his
belief that the committee should
serve only in an advisory capacity,
that he would not ask it to vote
on any questions and that respon-
sibility for all decisions reached by
the OSA rested with his office.
Question was raised about press
coverage of the advisory group's
meetings by The Daily, and after
some discussion, Lewis said he
would make the final decision him-
self before the next meeting.
Members Listed
Members of the advisory com-
mittee include Professors Eleanor
G. Cranefield of the social work
school, SRC chariman Richard
Cutler of the psychology depart-
ment, William Kerr of the engi-
neering college, Charles F. Leh-
mann, assistant dean of the edu-
cation school, and John G. Young,
assistant to the dean of the engi-
neering college.
Representing SGC were Council
President Steven Stockmeyer, '63;
Executive Vice-President Richard
G'sell, '63E; Administrative Vice-
President Kenneth H. Miller, '64;
Robert Ross, '63; Union President
Robert Finke, '63, and Daily Edi-
tor Michael Olinick, '63.
The seventh SC member, In-
terfraternity Council President
John Meyerholz, '63BAd, attend-
ing the National Interfraternity
Council convention in Pittsburgh,
was absent.
Appointed in Fall
These members were appointed
by SGC early this fall, although
there was considerable opposition
from the Council's "liberal" fac-
ion, which claimed that advising
the' GSA was rightfully the func-
tion of SGC as a whole, as is out-
lined in its constitutior.
However, the majority felt that
it was best to cooperate with Lew-
is's advice plan, and to appoint
representatives to the committee
unless it was otherwise proved un-
Hatcher Plans
British Try,
To Mediate
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (P) --
Britain's Commonwealth secretary
Duncan Sandys hastily changed
plans yesterday and flew to New
Authoritative sources said a
hitch had developed in an agree-
ment between India and Pakistan
to renew talks on Kashmir.
Sandys had planned to fly back
to London after sealing the agree-
ment yesterday.
Sandys was believed seeking
clarification of a statement by
Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru after the agreement was
announced that he believed any
change in the status of Kashmir
would be "very harmful."
A Pakistani government spokes-
man said he could not determine
whether Nehru was setting policy
by his remark to the Indian par-
liament or whether he was playing
to the gallery.
The spokesman, Secretary of
Foreign Affairs S. K. Dehalvi, said
Pakistan would like to believe In-
dia was willing and anxious to
come to terms on Kashmir. But if
Nehru's remark set the policy for
India in the coming talks, the ne-
gotiations would be "absolute"
nonsense," he added.
High Danger
Indian officials felt that until
the situation clarified, there was
high danger of an incident that
could spark renewal of the heavy
fighting that brought Peiping's
forces to the edge of India's pop-
ulous plains of Assam.
Red China reaffirmed its in-
tentions in a defense ministry
communique issued yesterday and
broadcast by Peiping radiorearly
today. The conditions were the
same as when Red China imposed
a cease-fire along the battlefront
Nov. 21.
The Chinese troops, the com-
munique said, will pull back 12.5
miles behind what Peiping calls
the line of control of Nov. 7, 1959.
The broadcast also called on In-
dia to "promptly take correspond-
ing measures" to Peiping's cease-
fire and troop withdrawal.
Demilitarized Zone
The broadcast said these pro-
posals were contained in a letter
Red Chinese Premier Chou En-
Lai sent to Indian Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru Wednesday.
Chou again asked Nehru to agree
to formation of a demilitarized
zone along the so-called control
line "and the establishment of
checkpoints by each part on its
own side of the line . . . and the
return of captured personnel."
In New Delhi, a government;
spokesman said Chou's letter add-
ed nothing to previous Red Chi-
nese proposals which India has
neither accepted nor rejected.
Advisory Commitfet
? Meets Retain Hold
In Mountains
N Explosive Situation
Remains as Officials
Fear More Fighting
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI--Still digging in
defensively, Indian troops are
waiting tensely today for the Red
Chinese to make good their prom-
ise to begin pulling back from
positions along the Himalayan
Red China insisted withdrawals
would take place on schedule, and
authoritative sources reported the
Indian government had indications
the Red Chinese will pull back.
JAMES A. LEWIS But it may be days before In-
presents issues dian forces can ascertain whether
prsnsistheeCommunist units are doing
what they say they are going to
California Set To Establish 1
New Branch at Santa Cruzt
Within the next five years, the University of California will add
a seventh major campus to its network.
This new campus, which will be established on the Monterey
Peninsula at Santa Cruz, will not be one branch of the university, but
a complex of approximately 20 small resident liberal arts colleges.b
The complex fits in with the master plan of higher education int
California and will be a "unique and distinctive academic enterprisef
for the university," a spokesmant
for the University of Californiat
at Berkeley said.
Develop Separately
s While there will be a centrali
ifacilities for all the 20 colleges of r
the Santa Cruz branch, each will
be encouraged to develop inde-I
pendently. Lectures will be open
to all students, but seminars and
small discussions will be limited
to the imdividual colleges.
At present 90 per cent of stu-
dents attending California state
schools are in-state students. The
new campus is expected to main-
tain this ratio and will "enableI
the university to accept students
who are qualified," the Berkeley {]
spokesman said.n
U,' Nation Accelerate
Civil Drefenase Plans*
On the University, city, county and national levels, efforts
to implement a civil defense program are being accelerated.
Director of University Relations Michael K. Radock said
yesterday that the University will appoint a University civil
defense director within 10 days.
. He said that Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss,
who will make the appointment, is waiting for the subcommittee
on special hazards of the University committee on safety to
submit a special report.
Disaster Preparation
This report, according to Special Assistant to the Vice-
President for Student Affairs, Peter Ostafin, who is chairman
of the subcommittee, is the result of a study of what actions
the University should take to prepare for a disaster. He said
the report would be submitted within a week.
In addition, the national civil defense office recently
announced a six-point program to step up the shelter program,
making use of buildings which could provide radiation shielding.
According to a defense department statement, "by the
time the new Congress 'convenes, we will know how far the
presently available resouces will carry and what public funds
are needed to meet any deficiency."
Receive Supplies
Director of Washtenaw County civil defense Col. General
G. Miller said that the county hopes to receive food and medical
supplies within several months "when the Washington red tape
begins to unravel."
Washtenaw County has no marked civil defense shelters
presently, but Miller hopes eventually to provide shelter space
for 80,000 persons. The county's population is 180,000, but
38,000 come into Washtenaw to work daily. In the past year
and a half, the county has received about $8000 from the federal
government for civil defense.
The county civil defense office is presently working on the
Scores Contracept,
"The use of contraception frustrates the intended natural use of
the sex faculty," the Rev. F. R. Brunnett said last night in a fireside
lecture-chat, "Contraceptives and the Natural Law," at Newman
Just as we would be frustrating or abusing our health by misusing
our circulatory systems, so would we be corrupting the sex faculty by
using it as "an end in itself," he said. "It is a means to procreation,
a social faculty not given to man for himself.
"We do not have to be sure that the intended goal of the faculty
is reached; we only have to be assured that this intended end is not
Return to 'U'
University President H a r 1 a n
Hlatcher will return firom his~
seven-week junket to Japan, Hong
Kong, the Philippine Islands, For- ,
mosa, Thailand and India on