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November 16, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-16

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S ir igau


Rain starting today,
ending by tomorrow

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Kappa Sigma Scores
Swathmore Local
Chapter Claims Suspension Results
From Fight Against Discrimination
Kappa Sigma fraternity national has suspended the Swarth-
more College chapter effective Nov. 7, the Swarthmore local an-
nounced Tuesday.
The national said that the suspension was due to "attempting
to involve other chapters in organizing to defy the national's basic
principles and failure to maintain standards of scholarship." The
f local maintained however that the

Report Hits
hI Spending
WASHINGTON - The Kennedy
administration is studying charges
that the federal government is
concentrating too much of its
money on a small number of
American colleges and universi-
ties, the Washington Post re-
These allegations, contained in
a report ordered by the health,
education and welfare department,
were made public yesterday by a
research team surveying the im-
pact of federal spending on high-
er education institutions.
A total of more than $1.5 bil-
lion was allocated to such schools
in 1960, the investigation showed.
Three Institutions
Disclosing that about one-fifth
of that was spent on three in-
stitutions-including two in Cali-
fornia-the survey group, headed
by Prof. J. Kenneth Little of the
University of Wisconsin, declared
"current federal activities tend to
increase the gap between the
strong and less strong institutions
and to further the separation be-
tween graduate and undergradu-
ate education."
It also tends "to increase the
reward and prestige of research
in comparison with teaching and
to lower the moral of faculty
members in fields not well sup-
ported," the report added.
"Widening Circle"
The group recommended that
the government "continue to ex-
pand its support of research in a
widening circle of institutions."
Ranking first in federal in-
come, including money for govern-
ment-supported research centers,
was the University of California,
the team said.
Funds given to that institution
by dozens of federal agencies
totaled $91 million in 1960. More
than $50 million went to Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology
and the California Institute of
Technology, the report added.
All Types
The research team emphasized
that the figures included virtually
all types of federal spending on
programs of higher education,
ranging from grants for equip-
ment to medical investigation.
The largest portion-more than
$800 million-was spent by te
government on research and de-
velopment, mostly in scientific
areas, the survey showed.
The heaviest spender for re-
search among government agen-
cies was the defense with nearly
40 per cent, followed by the Pub-
lic Health Service and the Na-
tional Science Foundation. The
three agencies accounted for 80
per cent of the spending.
Noting the concentration of re-
search funds, the study declared,
"although there were 186 private
liberal arts colleges and 55 state
colleges participating in federal'
programs of research, their share
of federal research funds totaled
1.1 per cent."
The study also deplored the con-
centration of research funds in a
reletively small number of schools.
Major Recipient
The University is a major reci-
pient of governmental grants in
fields ranging to the development
of super-secret means for long
lange radar and photograhpic de-
tection to mass health surveys.
Unlike the University of Cali-
fornia and other large government
fund recipients, the University
does not and refused to operate
technical centers for the govern-

Kelsey Scores
Quadrants' Acts
Kelsey House of South Quad-
rangle passed a resolution yester-

suspension was due to its efforts
to eliminate a "gentlemen's agree-
ment" which discriminated against
The Swarthmore c h a p t e r
charged that at a national con-
clave held in 1961 a gentlemen's
agreement was reached after the
national readmitted a chapter put
on suspension for pledging an
Oriental student. The local de-
clined to name the chapter sus-
pended for the pledging.
No Comment
"The local has received no com-
ment from the national regarding
the charges," Swarthmore chap-
ter president Jack Willis told The
Daily last night.
"We have contacted our alumni
and will have a meeting Sunday
to determine the future course of
action. We feel that the alumni
will give us support as the presi-
dent of the college and the dean
of men have done already," he
The issue is between the
Swarthmore local and the national
only, George Wanstall, '63, presi-
dent of the University Kappa
Sigma local, said last night. "The
University chapter has submitted
a statement to Student Govern-
ment Council which has been
deemed acceptable."
Interpretive Matter
"The gentlement's agreement is
largely a matter of interpretation.
We operate within a written con-
stitution," he continued.
Willis contended that the gent-
lemen's agreement was substituted
after the national eliminated a
written discriminatory clause.
He also reported that while the
Student Council at Swarthmore
has not set a policy which bars
fraternities with discriminatory
policies, "it has been interested in
the problem for a long time and
has sent letters to the fraternities
which advocate elimination of dis-
No Jews, Negroes
The Swarthmore group also
charged that at the conclave the
national treasurer had said that
"Jewish members were 'frowned
upon' and 'any chapter which bid
a Negro would be expelled.'"
The Swarthmore chapter has
three Jewish brothersbut no
Negro members. "We don't know
if the national knows of our Jew-
ish members," Willis commented.
Although the local had been
charged with poor scholastic
standards, the Swarthmore chap-
ter has been sent letters of com-
mendation from the national after
its average increased this past
year, the chapter reported. Prior
to this, however, letters from the
national had been received which
warned of consequences if the
scholastic average did not im-
At present the chapter's average
is 1.58 (on a 3.0 system), Willis
The local had been active in
soliciting support from other
chapters for the removal of the
gentlemen's agreement. In con-
junction with the letters personal
visits were made by the members
to other groups. At a regional con-
clave other efforts were made for
support of the move.
The chapter has considered go-
ing local in the past due to the
discrimination issue, Willis said.
A released statement said "it
seems apparent that Pi (the local)
will permanently sever all ties
with the Kappa Sigma fraternity."
Rolland O'Hare, state president
of the American Civil Liberties
Union, devoted most of his speech
last night to a "family discussion"
of ACLU's programs and activi-

ties, then used a question and an-
swer session to express his con-
cern over limitations of academic
He told a public meeting of the
Ann Arbor-Washtenaw County

Peking Says
Enemy Used
Heavy Guns
Reinforce Ladakh,
Expect Major Thrust
NEW DELHI ()-Indian forces
have opened their first major of-
fensive of the undeclared Hima-
layan border war with Red China,
killing an unknown number of
enemy troops entrenched in the
northeast sector, therdefense min-
istry reported yesterday.
A Red Chinese broadcast heard
in Tokyo said, however, the at-
tacks - made under heavy artil-
lery fire - were being repulsed by
Communist troops still holding
their positions.
"Fierce fighting was still in
progress up to this morning," the
Peking broadcast said.y
An Indian defense ministry
spokesman said the attacks were
carried out on Chinese positions
near Walong, 15 miles from the
Burma border.
The spokesman said' a smaller
attack was carried out Wednesday:
by an Indian patrol on Chinese
forces holding a village outside of
Jang, near the Bhutan border and
about 300 miles west of Walong.
There had been fears the Red
Chinese could use their positions
at Walong and Jang as jumping
off points for possible drives down
into the plains of the Indian state
of Assam.
A lull in the fighting continued
in Ladakh on the northwestern
front in the war over disputed bor-
der territories in the Himalayas.
The Chinese had moved up tanks
and reinforcements there in pre-
paration for what appeared to be
a major thrust.
Prime Minister Jawharlal Neh-
ru, meanwhile, was reported to
have sent his official reply to a
Chinese offer to withdraw troops
in the northeast sector if the In-
dians would concede 15,000 square
miles of territory claimed by Pe-
king in Ladakh.
The contents of the reply, hand-
ed to the Chinese charge d'affaires
here last night.
Cite Approval
of Communists
As Speakers.
Barry Goldwater (R- Ariz) in an
interview given to the Arizona
State College Lumberjack last
week, declared that he "very def-
initely approved" of allowing
Communist speakers on college
campuses for speaking engage-
The senator said that he felt
it to be the best way for students
to get the full story of Commun-
ism and other political ideaologies.
He also endorsed courses teaching
Communism, the Lumberjack re-
The senator said that he
thought socialism to be purely an
economic system, incapable of
existing in a democracy. He said
that he is in favor of such things
as laws governing interstate com-
merce and anti-trust laws, but
opposes any actions to center
power in the hands of the federal
Goldwater also mentioned his

recent clash with University of
Colorado president Quigg Newton,
saying the issue was not one of
freedom of the press, but one of,
the senator's personal opinions ont
the capability of the college presi-















Raise Cuba





Sessions VEconomy

Study Functions
At 'U' Conference
A man who once was one of
President John F. Kennedy's chief
economic advisers explained to the
10th annual Conference on the
Economic Outlook here last night
why he thinks the seeming hos-
tility of businessmen towards the
New Frontier is "misplaced."
Prof. James Tohn of Yale Uni-
versity, fcrmerly a member of the
President's Council of Economic
Advisers, declared that social con-
sensus on the proper relationship
between government and business
is missin. only in one major as-
pect-the extent to which the state
purchases goods and services pro.
duced by private enterprise.
He conceded that the total of;
the gross national product con-{
sumed by all levels of government
had risen from 10 per cent in 1928
to 18 per cent last year.
Static Rate
However, the share taken by lo-
cal and state governments re-
mained constant at 8.5 per cent.
The jump in the federal sector-
from 1.5 to 9.5 per cent - Prof.
See related story, Page 7
Tobin attributed to reasonable and
normal factors.

Leaders Suggest
Quick Tax Slash
WASHINGTON (P)-A confer-
ence of 170 industry, union and
civic leaders overwhelmingly en-
dorsed yesterday President John
F. Kennedy's proposals for a quick
and substantial tax reduction.
After two days of discussion, an
expanded meeting of the Presi-
dent's labor-management advisory
committee came up with a major-
ity conclusion that the tax cut,
should be permanent and shouldt
emphasize lower personal income1
tax rates, with corporate rate re-'
ductions on a smaller scale.
The figures mentioned were:
higher, in many cases, than the $6
to $8 billion in tax reduction
which has been unofficially men-
tioned as under consideration.
Economy Stimulus

. .. UN letter

. . . tax relief

To Consi
Delta Play

Many participants, on both the
management and labor sides, rec-
ommended figures of $10 to $15
billion as being appropriate for the
irdesired stimulus to, jobs, produc-
tion, and business, expansion,
But $10 billion or somewhat less
[ seemed to be the average.
All but a handful of partici-
pants, it developed, felt that tax
R reduction in 1963 is the proper pol-

Allowing for increased spend-
ing for defense, and the fact that
1961 was a year of heavy unem-
ployment (thereby causing the
federal government to purchase
more than its usual amount of
private goods), the figure would,
go down to 16 per cent.
Four Characteristics
He noted four other character-
istics of the government-business
relationship which further sup-
port his stand, and in for which
there is considerable agreement.
1) The number and range of
business fields governmentally
controlled in the United States is
"much shorter" than that in other
democratic countries, including
Switzerland and West Germany.
2) The federal government has
not usurped a greater share of
production. In 1929, it produced
six per cent of the country's civil-
ian goods. "In 1961, this figure
rose all the way up to 6.5 per
cent," Prof. Tobin remarked.
3) Labor is not becoming more
powerful, and is not diminishing
the strength of the private busi-
ness sector.
'Mixed Bag'
4) The present scope of govern-
mental control over business is
"simply not an issue." The con-
trols that do exist are a "mixed
bag: some are designed to protect
the public health and safety, some
to protect or promote competition,
others to protect the seller or to
protect the buyer."

; ,

The Regents will receive a re- icy to spur the sluggishly rsing
port on Delta College at their rate of national output.
regular meeting at 11 a.m. today Few raised the objection-heard
in the Regents' Rm. from some Congress members --
This report accounts the ac- that a tax cut would worsen an
tions taken to date on Delta, a already serious federal deficit, $7.8
two-year college in Midland which billion in this fiscal year,
is considering expanding to a High Level
four-year program. Labor Secretary W. Willard
There has been some thought Wirtz told the conference that a
given to putting Delta under con- quick and significant tax cut is
trol of the Regents when this essential to correct what he called
change is implemented, but many the deplorably high level of unem-
questions remain unanswered. ployment.
Also, Vice-President for Busi- He said that while inflation, fis-
ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier- cal irresponsibility, and interna-
pont will give the annual financial tional bankruptcy are vices the
report, citing the University's in- American economy "simply can-
come and expenditures for school not afford-neither can we afford
year 1961-62. unemployment."
The Trustees of Michigan State Wirtz indicated belief that steps
University are also meeting this to curb unemployment, including
morning on the Michigan State a tax slash and public health, ed-
University Oakland campus. ucation and other government-fin-
No information has been re- anced programs, should not be
leased regarding what they will withheld out of fear of inflation
discuss. or other consequences.

May Down
Spy Flights
Prime Minister Fidel Castro was
reliably reported last night to
have threatened the United States
through acting Secretary-General
U Thant that Cuba would shoot
down any United States planes
flying reconnaissance missions
over Cuban territory.
The threat was contained in a
letter from the Cuban prime min-
ister handed by a Cuban repre-
sentative to Thant, who promptly
informed United States Ambassa-
dor Adlai E. Stevenson of its con-
Stevenson hurried to the Soviet
mission to the United Nations for
a conference with Soviet Deputy
Foreign Minister Vasily V. Kuz-
netsov. Stevenson went at the re-
quest of Kuznetsov.
After the session Stevenson said
the letter from Castro had been
He said he had discussed "all
of the outstanding questions with
the Soviet Union once more," and
that he might have more to add
on the subject today.
Cuban Ambassador Carlos Le-
chuga handed Thant the letter
from Castro giving his position on
the Cuban crisis.
A United Nations spokesman
said Cuba had asked that the con-
tents not be published until today.
Thant was informed that a por-
tion of the letter had become
available, but decided to abide l y
the agreement not to release the
contents, the spokesman said.
Meanwhile it is reported that
Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas
Mikoyan is said to be winding un
his prolonged talks with Castro in
Havana and is expected to fly
from Havana to New York in the
immediate future.
Mikoyan is assumed here to
have failed in any assignment he
had from Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev to persuade Castro
to accept UN inspectors to check
on Russia's removal of its nuclear

Latest Notes
Ask Change
In ,Jet Status
Kennedy To Dismiss
Seeming Face-Saver
For Castro Regime
WASHINGTON ()-Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev re-
portedly is trying through an ex-
change of letters with President
John F. Kennedy to raise his price
for removal of Soviet jet bombers
from Cuba.
His evident purpose is to. get
something out of the deal for
Cuba Prime Minister Fidel Castro.
Kennedy, under the cover of
secrecy which shrouds the corres-
pondence, is understood to have
rejected Khrushchev's proposed
price although it is understood
the President considers some ele-
ments of the bomber dispute and
related problems negotiable.
Hope for Settlement
Top United States officials say
privately they hope for settlement
of the bomber question in the next
few days. But if agreement by
Khrushchev to remove the two
dozen or more Ilyushin-28 meditni
jets is not forthcoming soon Ken-
nedy will have to decide what if
any further pressures he wants
to apply.
Failure of Khrushchev to get
the planes out would be considered
here as a violation of his agree-
ment last month to remove from
Cuba all weapons the President
considered offensive. That includ-
ed the 1128s which can carry nuc-
lear bombs up to 750 miles.
It was reported that Khrushchev
in his latest letter to Kennedy
had either directly or in effect
given support to Castro's five-
point demand for his agreement
to a Cuban settlement.
Negotiable Elements
Some officials, say, however,
that there are negotiable elements
in the present dispute. For ex-
ample under his original bargain
with Khrushchev, Kennedy is
committed at some point to lift
his quarantine of Cuba and to
give a firm no invasion pledge.
In connection with removal of the
bombers these informants suggest,
the President might be willing to
modify or suspend some of the
blockade operations.
Meanwhile, the Miami News re-
ported the White House has re-
ceived "hard" intelligence Infor-
mation that there still is a sub-
stantial number of offensive med-
ium-range missiles hidden in
Alabama Sets
Police Guard
For Editor


SGC To Seat Seven Victors
In Special Council Session
The seating of the seven candidates-elect to Student Govern-
ment Council will take place at a special meeting at 4:30 p.m. today.
Council will hear a motion from the Rules and Credentials
Committee to seat all candidates-elect, including Michael Kass, '65,

Notes Academic Lim

Commenting on the dilemma in
which teachers often :Ind them-
selves when they speak out, he

said, "The college professor, the
secondary and primary teachers
are often looked upon as mere
hirelings. If they get out of line
you fire them."
At the same time, he asserted
that college faculties have hurt
their cause by "isolating them-
selves on the campus. They must
realize that they have got to sell
the value of a free and open edu-
cation to the public. The benefits

weapons from uba. United Mates
for a half-year term. He was declared the seventh place winner ins The University of Alabama has
the tenth ballot early yesterday morning, trailing Gary Gilbar, officials are not certain thatv as given police protection to Melvin
t'64 A&D, by 17 votes. his purpose but they have md-Meyer, editor of the Alabama
The other six candidates-elect, sumed t enwsaerRv Crimson Light, the university's
Steen Stockeyeand6d;tInber Havana he ntwpape R weekly newspaper.
eve tcmyr 6;Rbr olucion said in a front page edi- Meyer, who comes from Stark-
Ross, '63; Thomas Brown, '63 BAd; torial that Cuba "continues more He, sp roed by telk-
" " Russell Epker, '64 BAd; Charles firm than ever in the five ville, Mississippi, reported by tele-
t # T f (, i * psh" "r t~ler~ll13hone last nghtthat the univr
StatO I sBarnell, '63, and Gilbar, elected of r our a vri commander-ich i nts
G tI Iinhsorder, will be seated with ltheipraists hefno . sity offered him a guard three
full-year terms. sions. Cuba does. not let itself be weeks ago because of threats I
~ The committee will also report blackmailed." received from the Ku Klux Klan
3,000 since various independent that the United States National Castro's points also include de- tonal c ometel endorsig Jae
branches officially formed the Student Association referenedum mands for lifting of trade em- Meredith's integration of the Unis
state organization last September. was valid and that a motion bargoes against Cuba and guar- Mersityo Mississippi. I supported
In addition to Ann Arbor, ACLU should be made that Council antees against counter-revolution-versiy of sippi suppor
now has branches in Lansing and adopt its mandate from the stu- ary activities from other hemi him on legal moral, and prag-
Detroit, chapters in Kalamazoo dent body to retain affiliation, spher countries. matic grounds.
and the Saginaw valley area and binding on Council until after In other developments security The editorial appeared Sept. 27,
a planned chapter in Flint. next spring's election. police announced capture of a Meyer thatisevralediorl
The organization is working in The rules committee saboteur who planned to blow up he sid apee condemning
many areas and is trying to create nounce that no candidate violat- the government-owned Mataham- have since appeared condemning
programs which will utilize the ed the election or petitioning rules. bre Copper Mines in Pinar Del segregation and the violence in
talents of its non-lawyer, non- Three complaints were filed Rio. The mines manager requested e iversity has not buckled
'r P--14- . .. , I _ with the C*'PtIP.1f 15 ndRule Pz 7i n io.SrnTen~.1mns, n. aae r rfrqetdn Teuiest a o uke


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