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November 10, 1962 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-10

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"'' '
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Fair Housing Needed
For 'U Community

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Man's Dignity Transcends
Political Ideology

RATIONALITY and objectivity are the great
gods of our supposedly logical age. Nothing
is presumed to be more devastating to an argu-
ment than the charge that it is emotional
particularly in the field of politics.
The field of politics itself, in our "age of
crisis, tension and decision," is presumed to
be the overwhelming human issue. Ideology
is supposed to stand first in all men's minds,
whether communist or democratic. Men are
expected to live and die by the words of the
Declaration of Independence or the Communist
Both of these presumptions are not only
totally false in the understanding of human
beings, but also unjust and dangerous, when
a nuclear bomb can annihilate all that men
stand for in the name of the narrow concepts
of political ideology.
T WOULD seem that a satisfactory social
aggregate, such as a state, should be based
upon principles which accurately reflect the
nature of human individuals. A democratic
state, particularly, should be willing to admit
an honest assessment of human values, and
the priorities with which individuals hold those
The intellectual revolution initiated by the
growth of psychology as a science may be
simply stated in the rather alarming fact that
man is not very often a rational creature.
Hence, any realistic appraisal of man cannot
either assume that he is or, even advocate that
he should be.
To believe in the basic goodness of man is
to declare the positive worth of his irrational
moments. On the other hand, to condemn ir-
rationality is to believe in a kind of "original
sin" as cruelly dogmatic as that of the Catholic
HATEVER state demands rationality of its
citizens is necessarily repressive in the
morality of consenting citizens, if not by force
-of law at least by the more subtle, but equally
powerful force of social judgment.
The modern states of all nations are based
upon major .philosophical premises, at least
ostensibly. The rights and duties of individual
men are then prescribed by logical derivation
from these premises, and enacted into law. It
is at this point that the great error is made,
for If men are not always rational, then they
cannot be expected always to act in accordance
with rationally derived rules. To demand that
they must is to demand something contrary
to human nature.
The social judgment, then, which demands
rationality, is always suppressive. The state
per se, however, which acts overtly only
through law, cannot properly be called re-
pressive except of those whom it jails for
the presumed purpose of social welfare. Rather,
the rationally constituted state is simply nar-
row-minded in its one-sided concept of man.
IT WOULD be foolish to attempt to estimate
that proportion of human thought and action
which is irrationally based, but if psychology
is even approaching the truth, that proportion
is high.
The rationality of the state, therefore, is
not only irrelevant in application to a con-
siderable part of human nature, but is also
unlikely to be of any great concern to that
part of human nature. If we further sub-
Mrs. Roosevelt
HE DEATH of Eleanor Roosevelt leaves a
national legacy which is yet to be reckoned.
The controversy that has surrounded her per-
sonality and ideas for so long will eventually
be resolved in the history of the United States
and of the world, as will innumerable other
Whatever was to be said about her dedica-
tion to mankind, she has already said. The
Roosevelt tradition speaks for itself in the
dialogue of America, and this is the most that
she and her husband would have wished.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a single human being
among billions, and it may be that her realiza-
tion of this fact, and her consequent concern
with those billions remains her most profound
insight into the progress of mankind. Her
epitaph is not one of words, but exists in the

life of every individual on earth.
The importance of her life is that she knew
that they are infinitely more important than
she was herself. This is all we need to remem-
ber, to remember her.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
CAROLINE DOW................. Personnel Director
JUDITH BLEIER................ Associate City Editor
FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .. Assoc. EditorialtDirector
CYNTHIA NEU.................. Co-Magazine Editor
HARRY PERLSTADT ............ Co-Magazine Editor .

divide the rational part of the mind into all
its various and sundry concerns, whether ex-
pressed or unexpressed, it is evident that the
political state is of relatively minor importance
It merely generates a high volume of noise,
essentially because of its efficient degree of
This is perfectly evident on the personal
level, if the question is honestly approached.
Even in wartime, how much time does the
individual spend think (not acting, for action
can be compelled) about national ideology?
What actually are the most intense human
concerns? Are they ont usually those personal
and emotional concerns of self, loved ones, and
immediate practical problems?
THE HISTORICAL approach is also neces-
sary. The bulk of human greatness has
somehow survived every form of political or-
ganization that has ever existed. Every period
of human history has had its art, its literature,
its music, its religious or philosophical mys-
tique, and its innumerable, unrecorded individ-
ual dramas.
No state has ever been able to prevent all
individuals from thinking, however dark their
thoughts. No state has ever been able to pre-
vent individuals from feeling, however painful
those feelings. And if thought and feeling com-
prise the human mind, then no state has
ever been able fully to repress the humantmind.
The state is simply too limited in its relevance.
If God does not exist, th n mankind is man's
own end. In a meaningless universe, the high-
est act of courage, and an irrational act, at
that, is for man to proclaim meaning. This
achievement belongs largely to the individual,
for it is ultimately he who must decide what
his meaning shall be. What his meaning is,
then, cannot be determined by any other stand-
ard except his own complete system of value
priorities as revealed not in his words, but in
his thoughts and emotions, for society too
often orders our words.
THE RATIONAL state cannot express human
nature, and certainly cannot express the
individual. At best, it can allow the individual
to seek expression for himself to a limited
extent. And, most important of all, though it
can make his thoughts bitter, it cannot pre-
vent him from thinking.
The human totality of thought and feeling
is infinitely broader, deeper and more varied
than are the philosophical concepts of the
state. Human meaning exists, by individual
decree, above and beyond any political state-
ment of meaning. It is for just these reasons
that the possession of nuclear weapons by
political states is so hideously unjust.
There is only one prerequisite to the in-
dividual declaration of meaning, and that is
life itself. Life, then, encompasses meaning
and is necessary for meaning. But, as we have
seen, the state, and the state's ideology, is only
a very limited facet of that meaning. Nuclear
weapons contain within them the possibility
of an absolute end to human life, and hence
to human meaning. And the ugly fact is that
one narrow concept, that of ideology, now has
the capacity to eliminate all concepts forever.
A PARTICULAR ideology at a particular
time quite simply is not worth it. However
degraded the human condition may be, history
teaches us that so long as men live, their
descendents may reaffirm human dignity. How-
ever strong hatred may be, the stories of
Auschwitz teach us that as long as men live,
some men can still feel and express love in
the midst of complete brutality. Through all
the ugliness of history, man has retained his
songs, his poetry, his wonder at the sight of a
child, and his ability to utter, even though
sometimes under his breath, the word freedom.
These are not limited by time, unless human'
life is limited by time. The ideology of freedom,
plus all the vast remained of mankind's great-
est rationalities and irrationalities, is certainly
worth more than the ideology of freedom alone.
The Declaration of Independence and the Bill
of Rights are only scraps of paper. Neither is,
an end in itself, but a means to human expres-;
sion of human greatness in all its many as-7
pects. Their words are but an infinitesimal
proportion of mankind's great words, and it
is their purpose that human thought and
emotion continue beyond them.
The human race got a lucky break in Cuba,

and those who disapproved of Kennedy's action
when he undertook it, among them myself,
must admit that the cause of peace is better
off today than it was a month ago. But it was1
only a lucky break. We cannot trust luck, forK
it proves nothing.-
IN BERLIN a wall stands which is a blatant
denial of the dignity and worth of human t
beings. It is such a denial, but not so great1
a denial as missile bases in Turkey.C
In Yugoslavia, Milovan Djilas alternates the
publication of anti-Communist books with r
prison terms. His persecution is a threat to thet
concept of human liberty, but not so great a
threat as Kennedy's vow to use nuclear weaponsr
to defend Allied rights in Germany.C
In China, families are separated to dedicate t
all the moe arPprof thir+ hr., ave, +hir

STUDENT Government Council
unanimously passed its strong-
est motion of the s e m e s t e r
Wednesday night - the motion
calling for a fair housing ordinance
in Ann Arbor.
Council has done a real and
meaningful service for the entire
student body by expressing its
opinion on the need for effective
means to eliminate discriminatory
housing in the city.
The motion, introduced by
Sharon Jeffrey, states that there
are more than 1,800 students, pro-
fessors, medical residents, re-
searchers and visiting scholars
from foreign lands living in Ann
MORE THAN half of these visi-
tors are non-white and there are
over 200 Negro tsudents enrolled
in the University.
The motion also cites two stu-
dies of housing discrimination.
Both the one conducted by the
SGC Human Relations Board and
the Human Relations Commission
which reported its findings last
April, revealed that serious dis-
crimination in housing exists in
Ann Arbor.
Certainly the fact that there is
discrimination in housing cannot
be denied after the extensive study
conducted by the Ann Arbor com-
mission and the public hearing by
the commission held last June.
At the hearings the life and
work department of the Council
of Churches explained the exist-
ing discrimination in the city as
stemming from "fears on the part
of developers of economic loss re-
sulting from being the only busi-
ness to accept non-whites." The
department favored city fair hous-
ing legislation to; alleviate this
fear of economic reprisals.
THE NATIONAL Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple, called for legislation because
the voluntary activity in Ann Ar-
bor "to alleviate inequality in
housing has been effective only in
abouth30 per cent of the cases
brought to the voluntary agency.
"Voluntary, educational work pro-
ceeds most successfully when
backed by legislation," the asso-
ciation maintained.
James M. Davis, director of the
International Center at the Uni-
versity, said at the hearing that
"until the Center can be assured
that foreign students will receive
the same consideration as any
others," the Center has to "cush-
ion" the non-white foreign stu-
dent from "the discrimination that
exists in Ann Arbor."
He emphasized that "many peo-
ple in foreign lands hear about
America from Ann Arbor's for-

eign students and thus the dis-
crimination problem has interna-
tional implications."
IN VIEW of these findings, SGC
was more than justified in taking
a stand on housing discrimina-
tion-an off-campus issue with
significant campus implications.
SGC recommended that any fair
housing ordinance passed by the
City Council include publically as-
sisted housing, multiple rental
units of four or more apartments
or rooms, lots and houses in de-
velopments, lending institutions,
and licensed real estate dealers.
The motion also urged newspapers
to print a summary of any fair
housing ordinance in the advertis-
ing section.
Council was not naive enough
to believe that a mere policy state-
ment by the city would be suffi-
cient to eliminate entrenched dis-
criminatory practices. The motion
also called for inclusion of a strong
effective enforcement agency with
power to make. immediate inves-
tigation of any complaints within
a given time, to subpoena wit-
nesses and records and to file suit
if good indications of discrimina-
tion are found.
SGC IS SENDING copies of the
motion to the Ann Arbor Fair
Housing Legislation Committee of
the City Council which is prepar-
ing an ordinance for the City
Council's consideration, and to the
mayor and each City Council
me ber.
What will be the effect of SGC's
motion? Will the city pay any at-
tention to an expression of stu-
dent opinion? Well, Prof. Lynn W.
Eley, associate director of the Ex-
tension Service and City Council
member from the First Ward be-
lieves it will "havexnfluence on
the Council as do all expressions
of opinion from community organ-
Prof. Eley maintains that "stu-
dents themselves and particularly
those of minority and foreign na-
tionality backgrounds are in a
position to know the problems of
discrimination in Ann Arbor."
He said that "I am pleased with
this expression of concern from
SGC, representing the general stu-
dent body of the University. As a
member of the Council's special
committee on fair housing legis-
lation I welcome this clear-cut
SGC unanimously passed the
Jeffrey motion. Conservatives and
liberals joined forces' to take this
strong stand on an off-campus is-
sue. Perhaps SGC candidates who
are against student expression on
issues where there cn be no guar-
antee of the result of the expres-
sion should note this motion and
the people who supported it.


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Ask Representatlive USNSA

To the Editors:
W E WOULD like to congratulate
Robert Finke for giving what
we feel is the first reasonable ex-
planation for BOO. Unfortunately
no article appeared beside it giving
the other side of the story. As Mr.
Finke states, USNSA has seemingly
become a student pressure group
instead of an informative body on
student government problems. We
do not see any pressing need for
a national organization dealing
with specific campus problems
which could not be dealt with by
informal contact between interest-
ed parties; i.e. we don't under-
stand how the original USNSA was
of much benefit to most campus
student government bodies.
We believe it would be more
beneficial to form an organization
which functions as a pressure
group per se. A majority of the
undergraduate students on any
given college campus are not old
enough to vote and cannot, there-
fore, directly make their views
known by electing those people
who best represent their ideas.
SINCE NATIONAL decisions af-
fect students to as great an ex-

tent' as they affect other citizens,
and since students are generally
mature enough and well enough
informedtouhave opinionsnuntil
such time as the question of vot-
ing age has been resolved there
should be some organ to convey
student opinions. As of now, stu-
dents can only organize them-
selves in temporary groups and,
for instance, demonstrate or sign
petitions in order to make them-
selves heard. How many thous-
ands of college students are there
in the United States? Why not
form a permanent organization to
represent the student.
USNSA has tried to do this, and
in doing so has left its original
purpose to drift in the wind. Our
one objection is that USNSA does
not represent all students as it
should. We would like to see each
campus take regular polls of opin-
ion on issues as they arise and
not leave such policy-making to
the USNSA representative. These
opinions could then be consolidat-
ed into one, if overwhelming, or
more if not so overwhelming. A
consensus of each opinion voiced
by a single, large, permanent, rep-
resentative student organization
would have considerably more per-
suasion and meaning. Whether or

not USNSA can do this is up to its


-Marie DougLs, '164
-Judith Kett, '64

'U' Offers Diversity

WITH A LOOK to the future,
Office of Student Affairs ad-
ministrators have finally begun to
fulfill the ideal of "choice" hous-
ing with the advent of co-educa-
tional living.
"Choice" housing gives the stu-
dent the choice not only of where
he is to live; but one of types of
accommodations. It is not simply
a matter of allowing students to
choose from South or West Quad-
rangles but also from small apart-
ments, large dormitories or co-ed
This is a concept that few uni-
versities and colleges across the
nation utilize. Now, the trend
seems to be toward co-ed housing,
and colleges are plunging in "whole
hog" and converting all available
OTHER SCHOOLS are still not
convinced about the advantages of
the program and consequently are
either not converting at all or
very few units are being made
ready for use.
Where money is available and
the spirit prevails, new buildings
are constructed to house enormous
numbers of men and women. Case
Hall at Michigan State University,
Noyer Hall at Ball State Teachers
College and the unnamed "New
Dorm" at the University of Chi-
cago are all examples of the mod-
ern architectural structures which
are arising from the ground to
house a large minority of the pop-
The University however, seems
not to be pushing the program to
one extreme or the other. And in
the last analysis this is probably
the best approach, for it implies

just wouldn't be suited for it, need
it or want it," she said.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis reported to
the Regents that the aim of the
OSA is to provide all types of
accommodations for students and
allow a choice for them. When co-
ed housing and the Oxford Roa
project are complete, the wider
range of selection will have been
Surveys have been taken among
the students and it has been found
that while freshmen and sopho-
mores are enthused about poss ble
co-ed units, juniors and seniors,
especially women are less so. In
the case of upperclass women,
they seem' to desire small, apart-
ment-type units more than co-ed
All of these factors point to the
whole crux of the choice philos-
ophy. Students are not the same
and consequently cannot be ex-
pected to enjoy the same facilities
and living arrangements. Whereas
some women like living in Mary
Markley, their next-door neigh-
bors are better off at Betsy Bar-
UP UNTIL this time, students
were usually hemmed in by the
sharply restrictive type of Uni-
versity housing. One had his
choice of large, massive, institu-
tional housing or small, more
homey, often cramped housing.
But with the beginning of the
Oxford Road project and the co-
ed housing study committee re-
port, things are gradually chang-
ing. With these two housing units
completed, students will finally
have the beginning of a choice.
Students will not have to be
forced, as' in other institutions,

Clarification . .
To the Editor:
levied at me personally, both
by The Daily and by students
speaking for continued affiliation
with the USNSA, which are untrue
and need clarification.
It has been charged that I have
hidden USNSA materials from
Student Government Council. The
truth is that every letter and bit
of information that I have re-
ceived from USNSA has been
brought to the council's attention.
Some in fact have been read com-
pletely and others passed around
the table for individual inspection
by council members.
Either the proponents of USNSA
have found the projects and pro-
grams which they now support
unworthyhofhconsideration or they
missed that part of the meeting.
The Committee on USNSA which
is composed of a majority of pro-
USNSA students also receives
copies of these materials as does
Robert Ross, who is a member of
the USNSA National Executive
IT HAS BEEN charged that I
ignored numerous pleas for ad-
vice from the USNSA national
office last spring, The truth is that
no such pleas were received by my
It has been charged that I was
offered a committee chairmanship
for the summer's USNSA Congress
and refused to serve because of
my opposition to USNSA. The
truth is that I was asked to be an
assistant to the chairman of a
committee. I declined to partici-
pate because I was not well-
versed on the discussion topic, was
not given enough time to prepare,
and because the nature of my
summer employment might require
my leaving the Congress atmany
time. No mention has been made
of the fact that I served as a
discussion leader for ;he Student
Body Presidents Conference.
In addition, I accepted an in-
vitation to serve on a panel with
the understanding I would be con-
tacted upon my arrival as to the
final details. However, once my
position favoring reform of the as-
sociation was known, I was never
again contacted.
*A * * '
IT HAS BEEN charged that I
missed large portions of the Con-
gress. The truth is that I was
absent four days because I was
called back to work. No mention is
made of the fact that I arrived
four days before other delegates
from Michigan or that I missed
only the most insignificant part
of the Congress.
Certain elements on this cam-
pus, including The Daily, have
attacked former SGC presidents
and myself for being bland and
undynamic in that we have not
taken strong stands. I have taken
a very firm stand favoring with-
drawal from USNSA and am at-
tempting to lead the council and
the campus in this Direction It
becomes clear now that it's not

with taste and discretion, with a
wit, theatrical logic, and an eye to
That they had to do without their
sets, and dance on a floor as un-
suitable as it was dangerous, is a
problem that sooner or later will
have to be faced by the University
Musical Society if they intend to
continue with a program of full
scale productions.
* * *
IN ANY CASE, after an eve-
ning of squeaking slippers and
nervous footing a good temporary
floor would seem more in the na-
ture of a necessity than a courtesy
to future dance companies.
The program opened with "One
in Five." It is light and not with-
out wit in its Marcel Marceau
spoofs of classical set pieces, but
its sting was diffused in a more or
less sloppy performance.
Balanchine's "Concerto Baroc-
co" set the pace for the evening.
It was for the most part taunt and
precise, and the dancing of Galina
Samtsova and David Adams was
in all ways admirable.
"L I L A C GARDEN" suffered
from not having its lilacs, but
the strange, wistful quality that
has made it practically a classic
permiated its better moments. And
quality of another kind. marked
the second Tudor work of the
evening, the tremendously funny
"Judgment of Paris." Its only
flaw lies in its length, for if Juno
and Venus do not fail to please,
Minerva is too much of a good
The high point of the evening
was Frederick Ashton's early di-
vertissement "Les Rendez-Vous."
Written for the Sadler's Wells
when it was at much the same
stage of its development, it fitted
like a glove. Impressive if not par-
ticularly difficult, it ended the
evening with a suitable set of fire-
And fireworks were provided,
for a change, by the orchestra,
which was much, much better

Competent Dedication
THE NATIONAL Ballet of Canada is one of the youngest of dance
companies, and in the decade of its existence has covered a
tremendous amount of ground, both mentally and physically. Its
dancers are all of a certain quality of competence, and dedication
and inspiration go a long way in compensating for technical per-
fection and genius.
The program yesterday evening in Hill Auditorium was chosen

vnice variation of sentiment and
the strong points of the company.
A 'Schiep'
"GIGOT", the current feature at
the Michigan Theatre, is the
story of a Parisian vagrant, a man
who makes his home in a miserable
little cellar and is employed as a
janitor at a small pensione.
As played by Jackie Gleason, he
is a mute who has a series of al-
most Chaplinesque adventures.
Gigot is the fall-guy, the epi-
tome of the man who is perpetual-
ly and irrevocably one-down, the
"schlep" supreme. His character
is almost an extension of the Poor
Soul role which Gleason plays on
Little children run up to him
and pin a horse's tail made of
straw on him; the local barflies
fill him up with bourbon and Per-
nod, and he subsequently plays the
clown, to the amusement of them
GIGOT is a simple character,
and he takes life simply. He is the
Pied Piper of Paris; little children
and dogs follow him around. He
finds meaning to his life (or does
he?) when he "adopts"ha little girl
and her sluttish mother off the
He dotes on the little girl, he
tries to amuse her with his antics,
with his dumb gestures reminis-
cent of "Away we go!" on tele-
Gigot's feelings and emotions
are extremely simplistic, and for
this he suffers. There is satire in
the film, on French bureaucracy

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