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November 09, 1962 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-09

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Iln Want Win for Successful Season PART


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article was written'. especially for
The Michigan Daily by Jim Tog-
nacci, sports editor of the Daily Ii-
Sports Editor, The Daily Illini
Special To The Daily
CAMPAIGN-When Illinois be-
gan its 1962 football campaign,
it was generally regarded that two
wins would be enough to term the
grid season a successful one. The
Illini had undergone its first win-
less season in 1961 and faced a
schedule loaded with nationally
ranked powers.
After establishing a Big Ten
record by losing fifteen consecu-
tive games, Illinois now has one
of these two wins. Probably the
last chance for their second win
comes Saturday when Illinois
meets Michigan. Illinois closes its
season hosting Wisconsin and
Michigan State.
Now for the first time this
season, and probably the last, the
Illini will meet a team not in-
cluded among the major top col-
legiate ranks.
Few alumns (and Chicago wri-
ters), screaming for the scalp of
Pete Elliott, took into considera-
tion the competition the Illinois
face each week.

Coach Pete Elliott's squad drop-
ped its opener to Washington 28-
7 after having outplayed the Hus-
kies the first half. The perform-
ance prompted an excess of opti-
mism to creep into the Illini camp.
The Illini had started a com-
pletely new backfield from that
which carried Illinois through its
0-9 season in 1961.
But there was little optimism left
the following Saturday as Illinois
turned in its worst performance
in the school's history while being
thumped by Northwestern 45-0.
The Wildcats scored with ridicu-
lous ease and used their third and
fourth squads most of the final
three periods.'
Scored Two TDs
But the turning point in Il-
linois football fortune came with
the 51-15 loss to Ohio State. De-
spite the lopsided margin, Illinois
had kept within 10 points of the
Buckeyes for the first twenty-
seven minutes of play. The fifteen
points was the largest total the
Illini had been able to gather in
the thirteen games of its loosing
streak. The then highly regarded
Bucks had lost to UCLA the week
before which didn't boost the Il-
lini chances.
Loss number fourteen was hand-
ed to the Illini by Minnesota 17-0.]

The progress the Illini were mak-
ing was evident here. While the
Illini defense had been impotent
against Ohio State, it held the
Gophers to seven points the first
three quarters. Three times the
Illini were within the Minnesota
20-yard line but failed to go over.
The final loss in Illinois' string
of fifteen was supplied by fourth
rated Southern California, 28-16.
Defensive mistakes by the Illini
secondary allowed the Trojans to
score touchdowns on plays cover-
ing 28, 73, 72-yards. For the sec-
ond week in a row the Illini had
missed opportunities to break their
losing streak.
But then the day finally arrived.

The week preceding Illinois 14-10
upset< win over Purdue had been
a hectic one for the Illini ath-
letic department.
As a Chicago sportswriter level-
led a blast at Pete Elliott, the
athletic association board of Di-
rectors gave him a vote of con-
fidence and a contract for the
1963 season.
Pete still insists that the week's
action had no effect on the team's
performance against Purdue. "It
was a, great team performance,
the greatest victory in my life,"
Pete chimed in the Illinois locker
With that first win behind
them, the Illini must now forget

the Boilermaker game. "We're still
playing the Purdue game on the
practice field," Elliott commented
concerning this week's workout.
"We still have a long way to go."
QB and Linebacker Shine
Two encouraging developments
from the Boilermakers triumph
were the performances of center-
line backer Dick Butkus and
quarterback Mike Taliaferro.
Butkus, asix-three, two hundred
and thirty four-pound Chicago
(Vocational) product, was named
the UPI's midwest lineman of the
week because of his performance.
Out of action two weeks with a
hip pointure and another week
with a knee injury Bunkis is


reaching the heights predicted for
him by Elliott.
Taliaferro continues to gain
poise at his quarterback position.
In Saturday's win over Pui due,
Taliaferro passed for 119-yards
giving him 769 for the season. This
total is more than any Illini
passer has compiled since Tommy
O'Connell set the Illinois record
with 1761-yards in 1952.
Much of Taliaferro's success
stems from fine pass protection.
Halfback and co-captain Ken
Zimmerman, promoted to the
starting unit last week is an ex-
ceptionally fine blocking back.
Zimmerman also leads the Il-
lini ground gainers with 159-yards
in 34 carries for a 4.7 average.
Illinois halfback combination of
Jimmy Warren and Norm Willis
have failed to live up to pre-
season expectations. Their yards-
per-try ' average is 1.8 and 1.6,
FB's Changed to Tackle
The conversion of fullbacks Bill
Minor and Gregg Shumacher to
tackles has added considerably to
Illinois' defensive capabilities.
Guard Archie Sutton, a six-four,
260-pound sophomore goliath from
New Orleans, has also been stead-
ily improving and adds plently to
Illinois' interior line.
But one win doesn't mean the
Illini are out of the football dold-
rums. Another test awaits Illinois
tomorrow. A win here would be a
good indication of things to come.

Wildcats Show Best Offense

MSU women Swimmers
R Michigan

The season's first and last
swimming meet of its kind will
be held in Ann Arbor this after-
No, doach Gus Stager isn't go-
ing to begin and end the season
early this year. But Coach Rose
Marie Dawson of the Michigan
Women's Swimming Team has
scheduled an infrequent home
meet against Michigan State at
the Women's Pool, today at 4:00
And although Mrs. Dawson's
swimmers aren't faster than Stag-
er's men swimmers, at least they're
prettier. In their own class, that
is against other women's 'college
teams, they do as well as the men
swimmers if not better.
Ten National Records
Michigan's Women's Swimming
Team holds, ten national inter-
collegiate records. This afternoon
besides the regular events, Mrs."
Dawson is going to run three ex-
hibition races of seldom swum
events in an attempt to shatter
the national records. The events
are the 40-yd. freestyle, the 40-yd.
backstroke, and the 75-yd. medley
Michigan's national recordhold-;
ers swimming in the regular events
are Pam Swart, Suzy Thrasher
and Donna Conklin. Spartan
Chris Kluter is also a national
recordholder. Along with the three
individual champions, Mona Di-
Fillippo, Nancy Wager, Cynthia
Osgood,:and Jan Snavely make up
the two Wolverine relay teams
that hold national records.
M' Beats Spartans
The Wolverines defeated the
Spartans 61-25 at East Lansing a
month ago. Miss Kluter set her
record in winning the 50-yd. back-
stroke, the only State victory of

meet. This time the Spartans will
also have Marcia Jones who set
the 25-yd. butterfly record of 13.2
in 1960 as a Wolverine swimmer.
Miss Swart set one record and
tied another at the State meet.
Her time of 27.2 in the 50-yd.
freestyle tied the mark that team-
mate Peggi Wirth made earlier in
the season. Later in the meet, she
broke the 100-yd. freestyle record
with a time of 59.0 and lowered
this to 58.7 in a meet at London,
Ont., last Friday.
Suzy Breaks Records
Two records were smashed by
Suzy Thrasher in the 50-yd. but-
terfly and 100-yd. individual med-
ley events. Her times were 29.4 in
the butterfly and 1:10.8 in the
individual medley.
The other two records held by
current Michigan swimmers are in
the 75-Yd. individual medley and
the 100-yd. backstroke. Miss Swart
owns the individual medley record
with a time of 46.0, which she
set last Friday night. Miss Conk-
lin is the recordholder in the
100-yd. backstroke with a time of
King, Favored
Micki King is favored to repeat
her diving victory over State's
Lola Miller., In the first meet,
Miss King won by 30 points as
Wolverine June Mori came in

The Big Ten style of play is
becoming more wide open offen-
sively, at least that's what this
week's Big Ten statistics show.
Last year the conference teams
set a new record for points per
game with an average of 16.6.
This year the trend towards a
more wide open style of play is
continuing. With 19 of the 32
conference games played in the
1962 season, Big Ten teams are
averaging 18.2 points per game.
Michigan, unfortunately for the
local fans, seems to be headed in
the opposite direction. Michigan,
in scoring 12 points in its first
four conference games, has man-
aged to amass less first downs per
game, 9, while running less plays
per game, 59.0, and averaging less
yards per play, 1.8, than any other
Big Ten team.
Bill Dodd Leads
Michigan, surprisingly enough,
did manage to place one of its
members as a leader in the in-
dividual statistics. Bill Dodd, Wol-
verine fullback, has managed to
pull down more enemy passes than
any other conference defensive
back. In four games Dodd has in-
tercepted three errant tosses and
legged them back for a total of
fifty nine yards.
Illinois, this week's opponent,
has done little in way of offensive
performance when compared to
eight of the ten teams in the
conference; but when compared
with Michigan's statistics their
efforts seem massive. So far this
year the Illini has averaged 258.5
yards per game for 62.5 plays per
game while averaging 4.1 yards
per play.

So much for the bottom end of
the statistics. The Big Ten's lead-
ing offensive team so far this
season is Northwestern. The Wild-
cats are averaging 398.5 yards per
play. Wisconsin is second with
351.8 yards per play. These two
teams are one two in the current
conference standings and will be
meeting in Madison this week.
Team glory will not be the only
thing at stake in Madison, there
will also be three individual duals.
The quarterbacks will be compet-
ing in two catagories. The Wild-
cat signal caller, Tom Myers is
the Big Ten's leading passer with
57 completions for 779 yards. He
is followed in the passing statis-
tics by Wisconsin's Ron Vander-
Kelen with 85 completions for 611
yards. VanderKelen is leading
Meyers in total offense, however,
with 741 yards compared to 707
for Meyers.
On the receiving end of Meyer's
and VanderKelen's throwing has
been Paul Flatley, Northwestern
slot back, and Pat Richter, Wis-

consin split end. Flatley leads con-
ference receivers with 22 recep-
tions, 299 yards and 2 touchdowns.
Richter is close behind with 21
receptions, 273 yards and 2 touch-
Third Dual
The third dual will be between
Ron Smith, Wisconsin halfback,
and Steve Murphy, Northwestern
fullback. Smith leads Big Ten
scoring with 36 points while Mur-
phy is second with 26.
"The best offense is a good
defense" is a cliche as old as foot-
ball itself, but Minnesota is re-
proving it again. The Gophers are
sixth in the conference on of-
fense with an average gain per
play of 4.2 yards. On defense,
however, Minnesota has been so
stingy they would make Scrooge
blush. Led by tackles Bobby Bell
and Carl Eller the Gophers have
allowed 22.2 yards a game and an
average of 21 inches per rush. As
a direct result Minnesota finds it-
self tied with Wisconsin in a chal-
lenging position for the conference
lead with a 3-1 record.

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