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November 04, 1962 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-04

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New England

The Plains States


The Atlantic States

t _

Though the Republicans


making gains and most refuse to
predict who will definitely win, the
general feeling indicates a Demo-
cratic sweep in the Nutmeg State.
Both candidates for governor,
Democrat incumbent John N.
Dempsey and Republican insur-
ance executive John Alsop, are
relatively colorless, and the con-
test for the Senate seat is attract-
Ing more attention.
Former Gov. Abraham Ribicoff,
lately secretary of welfare, is given
a very slight edge over Rep. Hor-
ace Seely-Brown. Though Ribi-
coff, an immensely popular Demo-
crat, was Connecticut's favorite
son, Seely-Brown is putting out a
folksy campaign which appeals to
The Democrats will sweep all
except one of Connecticut's six
House seats barring repercus-
sions of the Cuba affair.
Republicans are expected to re-
tain control of Maine politics;
however, the Democrats are mak-
lng quite an effort to form an
upset, and nobody discounts the
Republican Governor John N.
Reed has led a relatively lacklus-
ter administration and is now
shaking many hand to make the
voters forget this. His opponent,
Maynard G. Dolloff, (D) was for-
mer head of the Maine State
The Democrat is popular among
Maine's rural voters, who hold the
balance of power in the state.
Maine, which lost a House seat
in national reapportionment, has
gerrymandered her districts so as
ot give GOP Rep. Clifford G. Mc-
Intire a hard time.
Republican registration, bar-
ring the flukes of politics, should
slide Gov. Reed and his two
House partners to victory.
The big race here is for a Sen-
ate seat, sought by both Edward
-X. 'Ted' Kennedy, Democrat and
brother of the President, and
George Cabot Lodge, Republican

and son of former United Nations
ambassador, Henry Cabot Lodge.
Gov. John A. Volpe (R) and En-
dicott Peabody (D) are campaign-
ing hard in a close race for the
state house.
Though Lodge's headquarters
concede nothing, many observers
predict another Kennedy win. He
is campaigning on the theme that
he can do "more for Massachu-
setts." Lodge has been hitting the
"Kennedy dynasty" issue.
Gov. Volpe, Republican, with his
Italian-American background, was
considered a sure winner in a
Democrat state, but this predic-
tion is not so certain now. Oppon-
ent Peabody appears to be fighting
quite hard and hopes a big Ken-
nedy win will sweep him in also.
Ted Kennedy should shuffle
out George Cabot Lodge.
Gov. John A. Volpe is expect-
ed to retain his office.
The Democrats and Republi-
cans will equally share the loss
of a seat each in Massachusetts'
House delegation incurred by
New Hampshire
Democrats are looking hopefully
for the first bright light in New
Hampshire politics since the New
The Republican Party, in the
throes of internal quarreling,
could conceivably lose the gover-
norship and a Senate seat.
Republican Gov. Wesley Powell,
in his bid for re-election, was un-
seated in the primary. Dolores
Bridges, wife of the popular con-
servative, the late Sen. Styles
Bridges, also lost in the primary
her race for her husband's seat.
Both losers are bitter. Powell
even threw his support to Demo-
crat John W. King. The latter is
given at least an even chance to
beat Republican gubernatorial
candidate John Pillsbury.
Rep. Perkins Bass, who defeated
Mrs. Bridges in the primary, is
running scared against Thomas J.
McIntyre, Jr., (D).
The gubernatorial race is any-
body's guess; probably it will fall
to the GOP, due to tradition.
The Granite State will prob-
ably give her two Senate and

. . . New Hampshire

It appears to be a Republican
year in Iowa.
Republican Gov. Norman Erbe
and GOP Sen. Bourke B. Hicken-
looper both seem assured of re-
election, while Iowa's loss of a
House seat will be absorbed by the
Erbe is opposed in the guber-
natorial race by Harold Hughes,
a former Republican. Hickenloop-
er's opponent is Prof. E. B. Smith
of Iowa State University, who
supports the Kennedy program.
Both Gov. Erbe and Sen.
Hickenlooper will be re-elected.
The Democrats will lose one
House seat, giving the Republi-
cans a 6-1 advantage.
All appears to be gloom for
Democrats in Kansas this year;
Republicans are expected to sweep
races for two Senate seats, the
governorship, and Congress.
Popular Republican Gov. John
Anderson is heavily favored over
his opponent, Democrat Dale Saf-
Incumbent Republican Senators
Frank Carlson and James Pearson
are expected to crush their rivals,
K. L. Smith and Paul Aylward.
Kansas' lone Democrat in Con-
gress is also expected to be elim-
inated by reapportionment of the
House districts.


House seats to the Republicans
Rhode Island
Heavily Democrat Rhode Island
can be expected to return its gov-
ernor and two House members to
Though Republican John H.
Chafee is giving Governor John A.
Notte a run for his money, the
Democrat governor will probably
be re-elected on a platform of
austerity and no new taxes.
The Democrats will capture
the governor's house and the
two House seats.
Traditionally Republican Ver-
mont is expected to make no radi-
cal changes in its political choices
for governor and senator.
The Democrats have been cut-
ting down GOP margin of victory
in this state which has not deliv-
ered a Democratic administration
in this century. However, Republi-
can registration is topheavy.
Republican Gov. F. Ray Keyser,
Jr., will probably bounce challeng-
er Philip A. Hoff (D).
Sen. George Aiken, Republican
liberal, is expected to swamp W.
Robert Johnson, Democrat.
The Green Mountain State
will return Gov. Keyser, Sen.
Aiken, and Rep. Robert T. Staf-
ford (R) to the statehouse, Sen-
ate and House.

Seaton will win in an ex-
tremely close race.
Nebraska's House delegation
will be all Republican, a GOP
loss of one.
North Dakota
The race for the governor's
mansion in this politically unpre-
dictable state is extremely close,
b u t Republican S en . Milton
Young's bid for re-election is al-
most sure of success.
Incumbent Democrat Gov. Wil-
liam Guy holds a slim lead over
Republican Mark Andrews, a Na-
tional Committeeman. The Re-
publican vote total topped the
Democrat's by 20,000 votes in the
primary but Democrats usually do
better here in the general elec-
B ot h incumbent Republican
Congressmen seem safe in their
bids for re-election.
Gov. Guy will be re-elected, as
will Sen. Young.
Both Republicans will be re-
turned to the House.
South Dakota
In heavily Republican South
Dakota, GOP candidates for gov-
ernor and senator are both fac-
Bottom, like other Republican
senators who took a strong stand
on Cuba, has been reaping the
benefits of the President's recent
action against the Caribbean
Incumbent Republican G o v.
Archie Gubbrud is favored by 66
per cent according to a recent poll.
His opponent is former Gov. Rob-
ert Herseth (D) whom he defeated
in 1960.
Newly appointed Republican
Sen. Joe Bottum holds a fair lead
over former Food-for-Peace Direc-
tor George McGovern. However,
McGovern is a proven vote-getter,
having been elected to the House
Both Republican Congressmen
seem assured of re-election.
Both Gov. Gubbrud and Sen.
Bottum will succeed in their
bids for re-election.
Both House seats will remain

Republican Wilmer F. Williams
has been unable to scare up an is-
sue to hand him victory over Rep.
Harris B. McDowell (D) in the
only major race here.
Democrats will hold their
New Jersey
The Garden State campaign is
Present line-up in the House is
eight Republicans, five Democrats,
one vacancy.tThe state gains one
more seat through reapportion-
ment, which the Democrats are
likely to snap up.
The vacancy leans to the GOP.
New House delegation: Nine
Republicans, six Democrats --
each party gains one seat.
The Maryland campaign was
fairly dull, until the Democratic
Party was rocked by the indict-
ment of Rep. Thomas F. Johnson
(D) on charges of abetting mail
fraud. Close on the heels of that,
a violent controversy broke out
over the failure of many savings-
and-loan associations under the
loose restrictions imposed by the
Democrat-controlled state. Final-
ly, to top it all off, the Democrats
have split down the middle on
gambling, legal in four southern
counties by local option.
Gov. J. Millard Tawes (D) fa-
vors local option, but David Hume,
who lost out to him in the primary
and still wields an influence, wants
all gambling abolished.
Tawes must win the metropoli-
tan areas, which backed Hume, to
win big. His Republican opponent,
former Rep. Frank Small Jr., fa-
vors local option, solidifying the
outstate vote.
Meanwhile, the House picture
has gotten all muddled up. Pres-
ent lineup is six Democrats, one
Republican. Three Democrats and
the Republican are safe. The
state gains one seat through reap-
portionment which is being elect-
ed at-large and could go either

Republicans appear to be ahead
in the second district, the seat va-
cated by Rep. Daniel B. Brewster
(D), who is running for the Sen-
ate. They now also are hoping to
snare off Johnson's seat, due to
the indictment, which they are
hanging on the whole Democrat
Meanwhile the Senate contest
seesaws about madly. Brewster ap-
pears to be out in front of his Re-
publican opponent, former Rep.
Edward T. Miller, but the Demo-
crat has become entangled in the
savings-and-loan scandal and this
could upset him.
Gov. Tawes will win by breath.
Rep. Brewster will squeeze by,
to become the new senator - a
GOP loss of the seat now held
by Sen. John Marshall Butler.
The House line-up: Probably
five Democrats, three Republi-
cans - a GOP gain of two, a
Democrat loss of one.
New York
The Republicans are likely to
sweep the high offices of the Em-
pire State.
Against a background of Demo-
crat indecision, Gov. Nelson M.
Rockefeller, (R) and Sen. Jacob
K. Javits (R) should win handily.
The senator's opponent, James B.
Donovan (D), has been aiding the
cause of the Cubans captured at
the Bay of Pigs.
The governor's opponent, Robert
Morgenthau, (D) is a political un-
known. He has been trying to use
his war record as a political
springboard, but the effect is un-
However, though the Republi-
cans are fairly sure of victory,
their margin may not be as great
as in 1958.
The Liberal Party, which has
sometimes held the balance of
power in New York elections, has'
announced it will no longer sup-
port Republicans. The newly
formed Conservative Party will
likewise detract from the Republi-
can total.
The margin of victory is import-
ant to the governor. It will serious-
ly influence his bid for the presi-
dency in 1964.
The state is losing two seats in
the House from reapportionment,

where the GOP

Gov. Rockefeller is on top.
Sen. Javits likewise.
The Democrats may lose as
many as six seats in the House,
with the Republicans gaining
In a hotly fought campaign, ofb-
servers are put to a loss trying to
predict the outcome of the gov-
ernor's race.
Though Rep. William W. Scran-
ton (R), is believed to be leading
Richardson Dilworth, former Dem-
ocrat mayor: of Philadelphia is
catching up.
In the senatorial campaign, in-
cumbent liberal Democrat Sen. Jo-
seph S. Clark is quite a bit ahead
of Rep. James E. Van Zandt, a
conservative. Though catching up,
the latter lacks the platform ora-
tory which garners female and in-
dependent votes.
Because of national reapportion-
ment, Pennsylvania lost three seats
in the House.
Most professional guessers put
Pennsylvania's new House delega-
tion at 13 Democrats and 14 Re-
Republican Scranton may
barely edge into the governor's
chair, and from there, into the
1964 presidential limelight.
Democrat Clark will be re-
turned to the Senate.
The House delegation will be
divided about equally between
the two parties.
West Virginia
Among the five House races, the
Democrats can count on three sure
winners. Republicans appear to
have the edge in the new first dis-
trict, where redistricting threw a
Democrat incumbent against the
lone Republican in the delegation.
Republicans have an outside
chance of pulling an upset in the
remaining district, now held by
the Democrats.
New line-up: Democrats four,
Republicans one--a Democrat
loss of one.



handled the





A landslide victory for;
publican candidates--a
crat loss in the House

all Re-
of one

Nebraska, long a GOP strong-
hold, is experiencing an interesting
gubernatorial race.
Incumbent Democrat Gov.
Frank Morrison is attempting to
avoid the party label, while using
his more projective personality
to defeat his opponent, Fred Seat-
on, secretary of the interior under
Gen. Eisenhower.
The race is rated a toss-up,
whether Morrison's personality
can overcome Seaton's national
reputation and Republican label.
The three remaining Nebraska
House seats are expected to remain

Congressional Hopef uls View Issues of Cam

pal gn



United States Congressman

Alvin Bentley

Neil Staebler

George Meader

Thomas Paine

1) The Number One state issue
in Michigan today is jobs: keeping
the ones we have, and finding new
ones-820,000 by 1970, to keep
pace with our population and
bring full employment to our labor
The essential ingredients for
full employment are two: confi-
dence in the government, and in-
centives to produce.
Therefore, any federal programs
which tend to restore the badly-
shaken confidence of the business
comunity in the Administration's
good intentions, and stimulate the
economy by encouraging invest-
ment and industrial expansion -
because it is only investment and
expansion which can create jobs-
will help the state of Michigan. I
have proposed a tax reform pro-
gram which calls for reducing per-
sonal Income taxes in both the low'
and high brackets - to a low of
15 per cent or 18 per cent and a
high of not over 65 per cent -
and which would reduce the cor-
porate profits tax from 52 per cent
to 47 per cent as a further incen-
tive to economic expansion.
I al ) believe that the new Con-
gressman-at-large, because he is
bound to no particular district of
the state, has a unique opportun-
ity to bring defense contracts to
Michigan, and jobs with them.
Michigan, once the leader in de-
fense contracts, has , fallen to a
miserable 2.7, per cent of prime
military contract awards, and lags
far behind in research grants to
educational and other institutions.
2) I am convinced that a vast
majority of Americans want to
keep the responsibility for public
education as close to home as pos-
sible. They realize it is inevitable
that a Congress which appropri-
ates billions of taxpayers' dollars
must also police the spending of
those dollars; he who pays the
piper has every right and respon-
sibility to expect to call the tune.
There are already a number of
programs of federal support for
education, and with them has
come a measure of federal control.
We have gone far enough along
that road.
As Chairman of the Michigan
Constitutional Convention Com-
mittee on Education, I had the op-
portunity to become thoroughly
acquainted with and well aware
of the responsibilities of our state
government in this field. I believe
that our state government can do


of careful exploration. And I in-
sist that all federal aid funds, in
any program, new or old, must be
denied to any state or locality
which maintains a racially segre-
gated school system.
3) In this, as in many areas, vol-
untary action is better than com-
Government, at all levels, has a
responsibility in the field of health
care for the aged. But this re-
sponsibility must be met with ob-
jectivity and not with concern for
mere political advantage.
I recently outlined my program
for Health Care which creates a
Federal Health Insurance Corpor-
ation, a private non-profit organ-
ization, similar to the Federal De-
posit Insurance Corporation, which
would have initial Federal gov-
ernment sponsorship.
The purpose of the Federal
Health Insurance Corporation
would be to enable private insur-
ance companies and prepayment
plans to pool the risk of health in-
surance for the aged. Such a pool-
ing of risks would make it possible
for broader health care coverage
at rates lower than now possible
for everyone 65 and over.

1) Michigan is a direct benefi-
ciary of national economic growth
and prosperity as is witnessed by
the current drop in unemployment
in the State to one per cent be-
low the national average, the low-
est level since 1955.
Out of a work force of 2.8 mil-
lion, we have only 140,000 unem-
ployed compared to 238,000 out of
work in August. The significance
of this is that because of the gen-
eral national economic growth,
more people find themselves able
to buy automobiles and our auto
industry connected employment
thus is up.
President Kennedy's program
for economic growth will have my
complete support in Congress. It
is of benefit to Michigan to keep
the country prosperous.
In addition, the President's pro-
gram includes a philosophy of
stimulating the weak spots in our
Thus we have the area redevel-
opment program, manpower train-
ing and development program, and
the $900 million public works pro-
gram, each of which is of direct
benefit to Michigan. In fact, Gov.
Swainson's prompt action has re-
sulted in Michigan being the first
to institute and take advantage of
these programs.
2) I favor a program of Federal
aid to higher education as has
been outlined in the Kennedy pro-
grams which missed passage in
this Congress by narrow margins.
The cost of higher education has
tripled since 1940.
Our exploding population will
produce a 38 per cent increase in
the number of students entering
college just within the next two
years, and our facilities are not
keeping pace with this expansion.
In addition, 40 per cent of our
graduating high school students
cannot afford to go to college.
I have proposed in this specific
area a Federal self-liquidating
fund to provide loans to all quali-
fied public or private college stu-
dents. If elected, I shall intro-
duce this bill which shall also have


1) I led the fight to remove theI
arbitrary limitation on indirect
research costs. Although I was not'
successful in complete removal, I
did manage to have the ceiling
increased to the point where it is
worth more than $250,000 to the
Also, I have introduced in the
Congress, and will reintroduce
again at the next session if I am
re-elected, a Hoover-type commis-
sion to study research costs and
the relationship of the federal gov-
ernment to universities and the
impact of federal research funds.


a thousand per day; that we have
17 million people over 65 now, and
will have a 33 per cent increase
in this age group within ten years.
I do not believe in the present
charity approach for taking care
of the health needs of our elderly,
most of whom cannot afford pri-
vate insurance.
The charity approach is degrad-
ing. It is a burden on our already
overtaxed property owners, and
we should remember that before
our older people reach this stage
they will have exhausted their own
meager resources and quite often
mortgaged the future of their chil-
dren and even of their grandchil-
dren to pay hospital bills during
a lengthy illness.
The medicare approach under
Social Security would cost people
working no more than 25 cents a
week and would cost those retired
It is a pay-as-you-go method
whereby we lay away money for
our future health care needs dur-
ing the period in which we are em-
4) The most urgent problems
before the next Congress, in my
opinion, include the action on the
programs for medicare, federal aid
to education, economic growth, in-
cluding the President's proposal
for tax reform, and foreign aid,
which is a major problem in every
Congress. Foreign affairs, of
course, will continue to be an ur-
gent problem.
Tt :s my. ni-:n that tha nn _

As far as government contracts
for Michigan are concerned, there
seems to be a misconception that
a congressman can get them for
anybody. They are awarded on
the basis of merit. If Michigan
feels it is being discriminated
against in the awarding of gov-
ernment contracts, action must be
on the local level.
2) I am interested in seeing the
federal government provide re-
search funds and construct build-
ings. If federal assistance could be
given without managerial decisions
being put in the hands of a bu-'
reaucratic government agency, I
would favor it. However, if the
University gets its operating funds
from the federal government, it
will mean federal control.

I have voted in favor of the
lege Facalities Bill and the
tional Defense Education


3) I voted for the Kerr-Mills
bill. If that proves to be inade-
quate, and it hasn't been in oper-
ation long enough to tell yet, I
would vote for a plan that means
no federal control of health facili-
The King-Anderson bill (the
administration - backed medicare
plan) did not reach the House. It
was only voted upon in the Sen-
ate. I would prefer to withhold
opinion on the specific bill until it
has finished final committee con-
siderations .and its provisions are
However, I am against socialized
medicine. One can argue whether
the King-Anderson bill is socializ-
ed medicine, or whether it is the
first step in a program that may
grow and grow until it becomes
socialized medicine.
4) I think the most important
nrohlems that will face the Con-

nations to rise economically
through private investment. Only
through economic stability can
these nations achieve political
The - administration tax bill,
which taxes foreign profits before
they are even brought back into
this country, will hurt efforts to
encourage companies to invest in
underdeveloped lands.
I also have opposed the success-
ful effort to remove the disarma-
ment agency from the control of
the State Department. This can
only contribute to the fragmenta-
tion of American foreign policy.
In the area of disarmament, the
United States cannot disarm until
it is no longer in danger of in-
ternational Communist aggression.
We cannot disarm unilaterally.
5) I wholly support the Presi-
dent's action in Cuba.
But Castroism is only a surface
indication of a problem that is oc-
curring throughout Latin America.
Cuba is definitely a Soviet satel-
lite. This can be shown by Khrush-
chev's agreement to remove Rus-
sian missile bases from Cuba with-
out even consulting Castro before-
1) What can or should be
done at the federal level to help
the State of Michigan?
2) How do you feel about
federal aid to higher education

1) Michigan's economic status
generally tends to follow, with ex-
treme exaggeration, the economic
situation throughout the nation.
Michigan would benefit greatly
from the restoration of full em-
ployment in the United States, and K
from the general uplift in nation-
al purchasing power which would
result. In the. event the interna-
tional situation does not become
more critical, I would advocate a [
reduction in federal, personal, and
corporate income tax rates which
would allow the economy to at-
tain full enployment before the
federal cash budget began to show
A specific program which will
help Michigan is the retraining
piogram for urnempoyed workers.
2) I favor federal aid to higher
education because I believe that it
is the only way that the serious
and growing problems of financing ble, let me outline several pro-
this vital need will be met.
The prime fact is that, in the grams or policies, in addition to
coming decades, our nation will those advocated in earlier answers,
need increasing numbers of highly which I support:
educated teachers, scientists, tech- a) I favor the expansion of re-
nologists and skilled workers, and search into the problems of arms
that our higher education plant control and disarmament to pre-
and personnel are not now ade- pare for the transition which our
quate to supply them, economy will someday have to
3) I favor the approach em- make from -a wartime to a peace-
bodied in the Anderson Bill which time basis.
will come before Congress next b) I support the efforts to bring
year-that is, medical care as a about full first-class citizenship
matter of right for those over age for members of minority groups
65 to be administered through the in this country.
social security system. This ap- c) I favor the expansion of in-
proach. seems to me to be the only ternational trade, and of programs,
one which can effectively provide such as the Peace Corps, designed
for the high costs of medical care to help underdeveloped nations
which face our retired citizens at raise their standards of living.
the very time when their income d) I support the efforts of the
iz sharply reduced. It provides for federal government, working with
these costs, moreover, without re- local and state governments, to
quiring beneficiaries to pass tests solve the complex problems of con-
of financial need, and without sac- servation of resources and water
rificing the freedom of choice pollution control which promise to
which is basic to our system of be among the major domestic
4) The most urgent problems problems for the balance of this
which will face our country in the century.
next Congress are the same ones Generally, I believe that, while
which we have faced-though not many problems are ideally solv-
necessarily met-for the past fif- ed at the state or local level,
teen years: their solution is more important
a) How can we maintain our na- than the source of that solution.
tional security in the nuclear age, If state or local authorities are
while at the same time making real unable or unwilling to solve
and significant strides toward re- them, I shall not back away from
ducing tensions and the danger of federal solutions.
war? 5) The determination of foreign
b) How can we keep our national policy is an area reserved to the
economy buoyant and productive, President of the United States. I
nnrA h nirr we malrc the fruits, fe ela t rtdeal/of nnfidence in


thn faot ro allnix7inor tha efiirlani

Individuals who can afford to t 1e f Ure aliwg the tuuen
to begin repayment of his loan a

pay for their own insurance would
do so. Persons who cannot pay for
the insurance premiums, or can
only make part payments, would
receive direct payments from the
government for payment of their'
4) My position on Cuba has been
,lpn. f .r Cnmp fim

year after he leaves school, with
repayment based on a fixed per-
centage of his income. As his earn-
ings increase, the amount of his
repayment would increase likewise.
In our current race with the So-
viet Union, indeed even with keep-
ing up with the needs of our own

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