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Groups Elicit Student Concern
Students at the University who
wish to express their views on
world issues, or hear others speak,
whether they be political or moral
issues, have a variety of groups to
choose from. All of these groups
welcome students who are new to
the campus.
Young Democrats...
The Young Democratic Club
took a big part this past year in
the political arena, both in nation-
al and state: affairs.
In their support for higher edu--
cation they sponsored a petition
to the state Legislature, yielding
over 1,000 signatures urging no
action by the Legislature that
would limit out-of-state enroll-
ment at, state-supported colleges
and universities. In addition, the
club initiated a letter-writing cam-
paign to the Legislature urging in-
creased appropriations for state-
supported colleges and universi-
ties in Michigan.
Along with other Michigan
Young Democratic Clubs, the Uni-
versity chapter participated in the
1962 Issues Conference where they
discussed the arms race, the eco-
nomic status of the country, the
constitutional convention, and the
conservative movement.
A rally for the abolition of the
House Committee on Tn-Ameri-
can Activities was sponsored by
the Young Democrats with ad-
dresses by several professors.
Young Republicans ...
In the past non-election year,
the Young Republican Club made
it their goal to educate students
on the various aspects of Ameri-
can politics. They held a collo-
quium on Labor and Economic
problems, another on civil rights
and a third on foreign affairs.
Other activities of the club con-
sisted of participation in the Mich-
igan Federation of College Young
Republicans state convention, a
dinner with the GOP Regental
candidates, and the sponsorship of
a speech by Congressman Gerald
Ford. Constitutional convention'
-delegate Rockwell T. Gust (R-
Grosse Pointe) also spoke to: the
The club received an award from
the Young Republicans Federation
of Michigan for being the best
college young Republican organi-
zation in the state.
before the House Committee on
Un-American Activities.
The club is not affiliated with
any national party. In the past
theynhave brought such men as
Norman Thomas and Martin Glab-
erman to the campus. Glaberman
gave a series of lectures on Marx-
Michigan Center for
Education in Politics..
The bi-partisan Michigan Cen-
ter for Education in Politics aims
at interesting college students in
It is affiliated with the 10 year
old national organization and its
membership is open to partisans
and also those who have made no
political commitment.
Annual programs have included
a "Party Leader Day," with state
party leaders gathering for speech-
es, party caucuses and a luncheon
with the students.
The Center has a senior Party
Training Conference, a legislative
internship program in which a stu-
dent works for one intensive week
as staff aide for a member of the
Legislature. There were also eight
internships for the constitutional
convention for a two week period
and summer internships for legis-
lators in Michigan and Washing-
ton, D.C. and for the state central
committees of both parties and
the state Chamber of Commerce.
ACWR.. .
The Association for Commitment
to World Responsibility was pri-
marily interested this year in help-
ing to plan a United Nations Uni-
versity. During this summer, sev-
eral students went to Paris 1 o talk
to UNESCO administrators about
the possibility of putting such a
university under the sponsorship
ACWR was also able to send
several students to the Helsinki
Youth Festival this summer to
propagandize against the Commu-
nist leaders.
This fall the group plans to ini-
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CLEAN POLITICS--A spring cleaning takes place at the Romney
headquarters as the Young Republicans on campus get ready to
campaign for their candidate for governor. The Young Democrats
also actively campaigned for local Democratic candidates.
tiate an essay contest on the im-
plementation of peace race plans.
Students and faculty will 'be able
to write critical papers on the is-
sue of the peace race.
Peace Center ..
The University Community Peace
Center has set as its goal to do
the work necessary in this com-
munity to advance the ideas and
attitudes essential to peace. They
also try to stimulate other orga-
nizations to do peace projects for
this end.
During the past year the center
had several displays in conjunctioi4
with other organizations such as
the Young Democrats and the
Guild House.
The basic concern of the group
is "peace and freedom" and they
believe that support for this ob-
jective must be built first on the
personal level and then on the
community and national levels.
There is no formal membership
in the Peace Center. Anyone may
join who agrees with the "common
In the coming school year, the
Center in conjunction with Voice
Political Party will present facul-
ty speakers, films, and discussion
groups to the various living units.
These programs will all be con-
cerned with peace education.
They will also continue their aft-
ernoon displays on the Diag and
in the Fishbowl.
Challenge ...
The Challenge group at the Uni-
versity was established as an all
student effort to present a unified
and comprehensive analysis of cur-
rent problems through talks by
distinguished men.
During the past spring semester
the topic for discussion was cen-
tered around the Challenge of
Higher Education.
Lecture-discussions were held on
Sunday afternoons and the pro-
grams also involved panel discus-
sions featuring personalities from
outside the University and often
University faculty members. Week-
day seminars were also held in
residence halls and libraries.
Some of the topics covered this.
past semester were, Educational
Philosophy in a Democracy, The
University as a Community, Pub-
lic Universities and the Society,
the Student Citizen, Issues in
Higher Education and The Future
of the University of Michigan.
Beginning this fall, Challenge
will be co-sponsored by the Michi-
gan Union. A five-man committee,
including two Union officers and
three Challenge spokesmen, will
"exercise ultimate approval of all
programs and speakers" presented
to the group.
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SVoice, a campus political party,
was organized two years ago in
an effort "to take an active and
articulate part in the student gov-
In supporting candidates run-
ning for Student Government
Council, in the fall Voice put up a
slate of students and actively cam-
paigned for them.
Last year, Voice carried out sev-
eral programs, directing its efforts
toward coordination of education
and action on a number of issues
of relevance to the students. A few
of the programs included weekly
forums on the Diag, a symposium
on the Arms Race, a peace rally
protesting the continuation of nu-
clear testing, and a debate on the
abolition of the House Committee
on Un-American Activities.
Voice operated under three main
committees. The University Coin-
mittee dealt with issues such as
the relationship within a univer-
sity between students, faculty and
administration; the rights of stu-
dents, discrimination in housing,
employment, services, the lecture
committee, the planned reorgani-
zation of the Office of Student
Affairs; and problems internation-
al students face on campus.
Issues such as the Peace Corps
and disarmament were handled by
the International Affairs Commit-
The National Affairs Committee
treated problems such as HUAC,
civil rights and civil liberties.
YAF ...
The Young Americans for Free-
dom on this campus is part of a
national conservative youth orga-
nization for college and young pro-
fessional people.
The primary and immediate
task of YAF is to enlist members
from every campus and from every
community. The programs for each
local chapter are developed under
local conditions, toward achieve-
ment of local Conservative objec-
During the year YAF partici-
pated in a debate on the HUAC
taking the side of not abolishing
the committee. The group also is-
sued a statement on nuclear war
and testing favoring the resump-
tion of testing. They also sponsor-
ed a trip to Detroit to hear Sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) speak.
Democratic Socialists...
The Democratic Socialist Club
took part in several national issues
durin gthe past year.
The club sponsored the showing
of "Operation Correction," which
drew a standing room crowd. The
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PEACE VIGIL--Students stand silently on the Diag in a vigil for
peace. Several demonstrations like the one pictured above were
held during the year as a protest of the continuation of nuclear
testing. They were sponsored by the politically oriented clubs or
independently by the students.
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