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November 03, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-03

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"aa
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Let's Get A Lock For This Thing

Greece Joins EEC,
Fights Serious Poverty


Gov. John B. Swainson
Displays Leadership

MICHIGAN VOTERS have been bombarded
by, slogans. They are being told "it's time
for a change, end partisan bickering" and
"let's have leadership in Lansing." In fact,
Republican criticism of Gov. John B. Swainson
has reached a point where an uninformed or
particularly gullible voter might wonder wheth-
er Michigan has had a governor for the past
two years.
But all this is merely partisan sloganeering.
Michigan has had leadership for the past
two years. Swainson has done well in his
responsibilities both as governor of Michigan
and head of the Democratic party.
THE RECORD is quite clear. Swainson, and
his predecessor G. Mennen Williams, have
both consistently proposed clearly reasoned,
necessary and feasible programs for Michigan.
For example, in an address to the Legisla-
ture last January, Swainson outlined an 11
point fiscal reform proposal. GOP moderates
and George Romney's campaign organization
have since said that it does not meet their
requirements for fiscal reform. But at the
time, the governor's proposal, with only slight
revision, did impress enough Republican mod-
erate Senators to fight for it. In this last
Legislature, Michigan came closer to much
needed tax relief for business than at any
time in the last ten years.
Or take the governor's program for economic
growth. In another address to the Legislature,
he proposed a 14 point program. Among his
plans, was one which would have given the
University's Institute of Science and Tech-
nology an additional $529,000 for research.
'Of course, Swainson's plan got nowhere. In
fact, when a Republican committee proposed
the same added appropriation for IST, the
Legislature again took no action.
ONE CAN go on and on. Swainson has pro-
posed comprehensive programs in the field
of education, conservation, civil rights and un-
employment compensation, all areas of vital
importance. All of them have been scuttled by
the reactionary bloc which still dominates
the Legislature.
At this point, Republicans contend that a
Republican governor would be in a much better
position to bargain with a Republican Legisla-
ture. George Romney, they claim, can break
the stalemate in Lansing.
But George Romney does not have super-
natural powers. He has never stated specifically
how he intends to deal with the ultra-
conservative Republican bloc. He talks a good
deal about "unity" and "leadership"; but it
is impossible to know what he means by them.
The GOP presents him as a man of respon-
sibility and ability who will institute "gov-
ernment by individual citizen participation"
rather than by big labor or big industry.
THIS APPEAL is vague and avoids the facts.
The programs he is proposing are almost
exactly the same as Swainson's. They are the
same programs members of his own party have
consistently opposed.
The evidence of Romney's insecure position
within his own party is obvious. He could not
convince it to repudiate the John Birch So-
ciety. The selection of his running mates makes
Romney's position even more untenable. For
example, Clarence Reid, Republican candidate
for lieutenant governor, has come out pub-
licly in opposition to the income tax, one of the
key provisions in Romney's fiscal reform pro-
Romney is also running on a strong civil
rights platform. He has said unequivocally that
he supports 'Rule Nine, a controversal ad-
ministrative ruling which forbids realtors from
discriminating in the sale or renting of pro-
perty. Yet his running mate for secretary of
state, Norman Stockmeyer, will only say that
he favors Rule Nine "in principle" and that
it is "a complex issue" which most people
don't really understand.
This is the team that wants to lead Michigan
to unity. If Romney and his associates are
elected, one factor they have forgotten to
mention is the political debt they will owe to
conservative out-state Republicans. They talk
about ending partisan political squabbling, but
they forget to mention that they too will have
their political debts to settle. They will have

to achieve harmony in their own party before
they can pretend to do anything for the state.
THE MOST serious charge Romney has made
against Swainson is that the Democratic
party is dominated by big unions. The GOP,
he also admits, has too much of a bias toward
big business but Republicanism can become the
citizen's party.
This view ignores some of the fundamental
realities of politics. Large organizations do,
after all, represent people. Furthermore, they
have political aims as well as economic ones.
There is nothing to be ashamed of in the
alliance of the AFL-CIO and the Democratic
party. If the union did not participate in

son vetoed it. If the unions had failed to lobby,
they certainly would have been negligent.
THERE IS NOTHING evil or Machiavellian
In the unions' objectives. They have always
come out clearly and openly with their pro-
It is certainly no more onerous that Henry
Ford II, who has called for an end to par-
tisan squabbling and backs Romney, admitting
recently that his company lobbied against fiscal
reform last spring. Romney, like any political
leader, is going to have to acknowledge his al-
liances and give their demands at least some
consideration. Who knows what he will do
when he must choose between Mr. Ford's sup-
port or the income tax?
OBVIOUSLY, the Democratic party has its
faults. Swainson's fiscal reform program is
only a compromise package. It is based on a
number of studies, including Romney's Citizens
for Michigan Program. It is probably the only
plan which comes anywhere near providing
both adequate tax relief for business and added
revenue for the state's growing needs. What's
more, when it was time to stand up and be
counted, when it was time to show who really
had the leadership in his own party, Swainson
managed to deliver the votes of every one of
the ten Demcratic Senators. He even managed
to convince enough Republicans to make fiscal
reform a real possibility. He failed by only
one vote.
But George Romney did nothing. He was
right across the street serving as vice-president
of the Constitutional Convention. He says that
he could not do as a private citizen what the
governor could not do as governor. But at the
same time, he tells us that participation in
public affairs is an obligation that comes only
after a man's obligations to his religion and
his family.
And what was Romney doing at con-con? He
says he was making dissident groups work to-
gether. His major feat was the apportionment
compromise in the new constitution. Of course
what he fails to mention was the compromise
was between Republican factions. He claims
that the new Senate apportionment is based
80 per cent on population with a 20 per cent
consideration given to area. However, the small-
est district is only one fifth the size of the
largest which leads one to believe that the
consideration was 80 per cent area and 20 per
cent population in some cases.
LOOKING BACK at the Swainson adminis-
tration, one finds that the governor has
consistantly been in opposition to the conserva-
tive GOP. But Swainson, unlike Romney, has
and can openly fight obstructionism.
Swainson and Romney have both deplored
the fact that most of the state-supported col-
leges and universities have had to raise tuition.
But it was the GOP, and specifically Sens.
Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield) and Carlton
Morris (R-Kalamazoo) who said last spring
that colleges and universities would only get
more money if they matched it with a tuition
Similarly, when Detroit passed an income
tax to alleviate an impending financial crisis,
Republican and Democratic legislators alike
passed a bill that would forbid a city to tax
non-residents. Swainson, though his action
was politically unpopular in an election year,
vetoed the bill. Romney, when asked what he
would do if he were governor, only answered
that a Detroit income tax would not have been
It is possible to go on and on, to find point
after point where Swainson has been the
target of unwarranted and illogical criticism.
But what comes through is a clear picture of
one side of his administration: he has offered
leadership that has impressed even some of
the more reasonable members of the Republican
THIS LEADERSHIP has not been the flashy,
showy kind where the objective is to impress
an image in the public-mind. It has been aimed
at overcoming resistance to programs. It has
been a commitment to issues.
The Republican party has offered only slo-
gans. Even if George Romney were to win
on Tuesday, he would owe a debt to the out-

state conservative Republicans who voted for
him, the same people who have bitterly op-
posed both Romney's and Swainson's pro-
Swainson and the Democratic party are not
worried about something as amorphous and ob-
viously unachievable as unity. There are in-
dividuals in this state and in this state's Legis-
lature who are, by principle, diametrically
opposed to fiscal reform, larger University ap-
propriations, extended mental health programs
and a reorganized state executive branch.
THE APPEAL for these projects must be made
to those whose minds are open, who are
willing to think about more than their own
home district and getting reelected. This is

AS THE CLOCK struck midnight
Wednesday night, the golden
coach of the Common Market let
in another member: the poor Cin-
derella of an island, Greece.
The news of the associate mem-
bership is good news, for as is plain
to any visitor to Greece, here is
a land of economic discontent.
Two million of the eight and a
half million people are either un-
employed or underemployed; pri-
vation is acute, particularly in
the rural areas which contain 60
per cent of the population. The per
capita income of the country as
a whole is $280 a year, and only
$175 in the agricultural districts.
Greece lives on tobacco, dried
fruit, marble, emery, olive oil,
sponges and an increasingbnum-
ber of tourists. She will benefit
at once from all the privileges ac-
corded full members of the Euro-
pean Economic Community, and
have a 50 per cent tariff cut on
tobacco and raisins.
Also, to augment the current
measures of the Greek govern-
ment, which is encouraging Greek
manufacturers to adjust their nar-
row outlooks and think in terms
of exports, and not just in terms
of consumption in their own coun-
try, the Common Market's Euro-
pean Investment Bank will grant
a $125 million low cost long term
THE GOVERNMENT, in joining
the economic community, hopes
to establish better relations be-
tween Greek and foreign indus,ry.
but also make Europeans sit up
and recognize the possibilities ef
a nation that is the springboard
for economic and commercial pen-
etration in the Middle East and
Perhaps this cheering fact of
entry will help to give the Greeks
a new economic lease on life. Any
visitor to the country cannot help
but be disturbed, and appalled by
the poverty that abounds in this
once greatest of all nations.
The poverty is most striking on
the Greek islands. I lived for two
weeks on Kea, not far from the
mainland, little-known, and cho-
sen precisely for its anonymity.
Here we ate entire meals-fish,
potatoes, salad, a desert and hor-
rible Greek wine-for 35 cents. In
a small village on Kea, we rented
two of the rooms of a three-
bedroom, one-kitchen upstairs flat,
for $1.80 a night. When a fourth
guest came, the owners of the
small apartment, the Greek and
his wife who sold sweets in the
shop downstairs, gave up their
bedroom and moved out to the
small outdoor porch.
* * *
THE PEOPLE of Kea were
simple folk, fishermen and small
tradesmen, very curious about the
five young English-speaking people
on the island who did nothing
but swim, sun, sleep, read and eat.
When it came time to decide on
one of the five or six restaurants
that lined the main (and only)
street of the village we had to
patronize each in its turn to pre-
vent dark looks the next day.
However, we sometimes turned
around and walked out of a res-
taurant after seeing the kitchen.
One goes to the islands expecting
to find men lazy, and uneducated,
and one leaves with the same im-
pression, though not knowing
where to place the blame.
The island was lovely, but
Athens called. We remember the
words of Edith Hamilton in "The
Greek Way to Western Civiliza-

"For a hundred years Athens
was a city where the great spiri-
tual forces that war in men's
minds flowed along together in
peace; law and freedom, truth and
religion, beauty and goodness, the
objective and the subjective-
there was a truce to their eternal
welfare, and the result was the
balance and clarity, the harmony
and completeness the word Greek
has , come to stand for . ..in all
Greek art there is an absence of
struggle, a reconciling power,
something of calm and serenity,
the world has yet to see again ...
WE SAW IT again, as we
mounted the hill to thenAcropolis,
and as we tried to revive, for a
few moments in that hot white
sun of an Athenian morning, the
glorious days in the age of Per-
icles, when art and thinking and
Democracy knew their ultimate
expression. Later; at the sound
and light show at the Acropolis,
and at an open air concert with
the Greek National Orchestra in
the amphitheatre, and the lights
of the city beyond, one feels for
the slightest moment the revival of
the spirit of Homer, Sophocles,
Euripides, and Aeschylus.
But on the descent the illusion
is destroyed, and one is plunged
into the hot, modern city of
Athens, little more than a village
of the Turkish type at the con-
clusion of the Greek War of In-
dependence in 1833. The town was
laid out by a German architect
with a French name, Schaubert.
The new Athens lacks a soul,
and individuality. Her largest
structure is the Hotel Grande
Bretagne, where John Gunter
said he met three ex-prime minis-
ters in one afternoon, but didn't
meet the present Government
leader Konstantinos Karamanlis,
called exceptional by one Greek
politician only because "he's the
best prime minister Greece nas
had since the days of Lord Byron."
* * *
THE NEW ATHENS is square,
and would be cold if the weather
weren't so hot. Her streets are
not narrow and winding, but paved
and dirty. She shuts up very day
from noon until five o'clock, be-
cause of the unbearable heat; ar-
riving tourists think the town
has been evacuated. These tourists,
armed with maps marked in Eng-
lish are even more confused by
street signs in Greek symbols.
Downtown Athens is bustling
and prosperous and architecturally
American, but the hidden back
streets quickly reveal her real
poverty, characteristic of the big
city as of other parts of the main-
land, and the islands.
The land of "Never on Sunday"
represents a civilization that, cer-
tainly, "the world has yet to see
again." We go to Athens, not ad-
mitting we expect to find the
Athens of centuries ago, bi4
imagining it that way, and hoping
a little just the same! But, like
Lord Byron, we see that is only the
blue, unchanging Aegean that is
the same (Thy shores are empires,
changed in all save thee/Assyria,
Greece, Rome, Carthage, what are
they? /Thy waters wasted them
while they were free.
We look to the sea for a con-
nection with the past, and now,
less esthetically, we look to the
sea, and its possibility for trade
and transport and a better life
for the Greeks. We are hopeful
now, with this news of economic
cooperation, for it is a fact that
a man, once materially content,
is able better to appreciate the
beauty of life and perhaps, rein-
carnate a part of the greatness
that was the Greek civilization.





Council Denies S haul Publicity


STUDENT Government Council
Wednesday night invited Den-
nis Shaul, United States National
Student Association president to
speak to the student body before
the Nov. 14 referendum.
SGC should be commended for
attempting to bring the chief
executive of the organization un-
der question to the campus.

If he accepts the invitation to
speak, Shaul will provide the cam-
pus with first hand information
about what USNSA is doing lo-
cally, nationally and internation-
ally. The students must know what
they are voting for or against in
order to make the democratic
system meaningful.
* *
BUT COUNCIL only went half-
way in its invitation. SGC would

Decision on Berlin

HE AMERICAN decision to act
in Berlin without unanimous
agreement by all the Allies, pro-
vided West Germany cooperates,
could be highly important. There
is some doubt about it because of
the interview given on Tuesday
to a German newspaper by the
Defense Minister, Franz Joseph
Strauss. The full text is not avail-
able as I write, but Herr Strauss
appears to say that Germany will
hold back unless all the occupy-
ing powers plus NATO have first
committed themselves in a con-
flict. This uncertainty will have
to be cleared up if the commit-
ment on Berlin is to be fully
Probably it will be cleared up.
But, as important as this would
be, it would not be enough. Stand-
ing firm in a showdown will not
solve the Berlin problem, which
is how to guarantee a good life
of democratic freedom to half a
city over a hundred miles deep in-
side the Communist world.
Yet there is not now a true
political understanding about the
future of Berlin and of Germany
between Bonn and Washington.
We must hope the basis of such an
understanding can be laid down
d u r i n g Chancellor Adenauer's
coming visit to Washington and
that the understanding can be
worked out while he is still the
German Chancellor.
issue upon which significant ne-
gotiations depend and around
which they will revolve is the de-
gree of recognition which the
Western allies will accord to the
East German state. Western with-
drawal from Berlin is not, as we
have allrsaid again and again, a
negotiable question. But the de-
gree of recognition of and the kind
of relationship with East Germany
are eminently negotiable ques-
Thus, commercial surface traffic
with West Berlin has for years
been regulated 'by a Bonn-Pan-
kow trade agreement and has been
administered by East German of-
ficials. It is sheer nonsense, there-
fore, to talk as if there has been
or could be such a thing as abso-
lute non-recognition. The practi-
cal question is how much more
recognition and of what kind there
irsto d hp

a state, and that no country any-
where in the world (except the
Soviet Union itself) may have an
ambassador in Bonn if it also
sends an ambassador to Pankow.
The official view of reunification
is that East Germany is to be giv-
en the chance to vote itself out of
the Communist orbit and out of
the Soviet alliance in order to join
West Germany and the Western
This is, and always has been, a
pipe dream, and nobody who has
ever been to Germany or has
studied the German question be-
lieves that there is anything in it.
The world is rent by a momentous
power struggle between the Soviet
Union and the West, and it is in-
conceivable that the Soviet Union
will, while it has the power to
prevent it, agree to a united Ger-
many of 70 million people within
the NATO alliance.
* * *
INDEED, the official view of re-
unification is so patently impos-
sible that, when it is put forward
by responsible statesmen, it
arouses suspicions. To proopse re-
unification on what are known to
be impossible terms is in fact not
to propose reunification at all.
And in truth, Dr. Adenauer's
great friend, Gen. de Gaulle, is
not in favor of German reunifica-
tion and avoided the discussion of
it during his recent tour of Ger-
many. The British government is,
to put it mildly, reluctant to see
Germany reunited. The Low Coun-
tries do not want reunification,
and it would be difficult to say
with much certainty that Dr.
Adenauer, who is an anti-Prussian
from the Rhineland, has any burn-
ing desire to be reunited with the
Prussians and the Saxons.
It can surely be said that the
official formula of reunification
by plebiscite is an obstacle to the
reunification of Germany, not a
method of achieving it. That may
be one of the reasons why so many
people who do not want a big Ger-
many pay lip service to it.
YET, despite the unavowed but
very general objections to German
reunification, I for one believe that
the two Germanys must be and
should be reunited. How? Once we
fix it in our minds that the two
Germanys cannot be reunited by
Soviet surrender, the only conceiv-

not appropriate any funds to ad-
vertise the date, time or place of
Shaul's talk. The motion, intro-
duced by Howard Abrams, asked
that in addition to Council's in-
vitation, up to $50 be appropriated
to pay for publicity expenses.
The attempts to allocate funds
were voted down by the anti-
USNSA faction on Council.
The reason offered for not
spending SGC funds was that in
effect such an appropriation would
be subsidizing the new 'organiza-
tion "Friends of USNSO." The
BOOers (Better Off Out members
of Council) thought it was suf-
ficient that they had made the
effort to invite Shaul.
Council should advertise the
talk. Since Council decided not
to consider the question of con-
tinued participation in the asso-
ciation itself and to allow the Is-
sue to be referred to the cam-
pus, SGC as a body should not
enter the fray. Council should only
act as a referee between the two
opposing factions in order to make
sure the students will understand
what they are voting for.
Individual Council members are
free to take whatever position they
* * *
BOTH FACTIONS have argued
that the campus is not aware of
what USNSA does. One side uses
this point as a reason to with-
draw from the association. Coun-
cil as a body should not allow a
lack of knowledge to be justifica-
tion for a "no" vote. Students
should not vote against USNSA be-
cause they have no knowledge or
information about the association.
If they choose to vote "no,"
they should place theirvote be-
cause the campus gains no ben-
efits from the association or be-
cause the student disagrees with
the principles of the organization
or some other sound reason.
If Shaul comes to the campus
and his attempted justification of
the organization is found to be
inadequate for this campus, stu-
dents still will vote against USNSA.
Surely, Council has more faith in
students than to believe that they
would be irrationally swayed by in-
valid arguments.
* * * ..
IF COUNCIL has this faith in
the student (its members being
themselves students) then with a
clear conscience it can appro-
priate money to inform students
of the place and time of Shaul's
Some members have argued that
Shaul's presence itself provides
"Friends of USNSA" with a sig-
nificant advantage. This argu-
ment can be countered from an-
other angle. Who but the president
of USNSA is in a "prestige" posi-
tion to hold his own against an-
other "prestige" officer - SGC
president Steven Stockmeyer -
who is vigorously campaigning for
the University to get out of US-
Students will listen to Stock-
meyer because, as he himself
states in his platform, who should

'Escape' Limps Along

"ESCAPE from East Berlin" has
the title of a Grade D thriller;
that's too bad, because the makers
of this motion picture have made
a Grade B thriller.
Limping along like a lame step-
sister to "The Diary of Anne
Frank," "Escape" has found a
good story about the infamous
"wall," but can't figure out how
to come to grips with the charac-
ters that are trying to defy it.
"Anne Frank" told the story of
a group of Jews trapped by a
political and military system.
These people had no chance of
escaping and the movie relied on
revealing the characters of the
people to make a meaningful
* * *
BUT, HERE, a tunnel alone
that is being used to defy the
Wall is felt to be adequate mate-
rial for, a story.
By no means is this so. Don
Murray, who plays the head of the
operations, has to be convinced
that an escape can be accom-
plished. Once this is done, the
movie forgets about his doubts and
concentrates on the digging.
Christine Kaufmann, who is the
schoolgirl-runaway from-home be-
causenI-want-to-get-across type,
has no chance to develop her

There is little sweat and strain.
All problems are solved like a
miracle. How to drill through a
brick wall so that the Vopos won't
hear the noise? Simple. It just
seems that the uncle practices
with his band everyday with
raucous marches. Therefore, the
racket of the music (?) will drown
out the former noise without the
least suspicion being arisen.
How to get the dirt from the
tunnel out of the way? Easy. The
neighbor has a baby carriage that
is the perfect vehicle for the job.
How to tell West Berlin that
they're coming over and to be
prepared? Why, little junior's toy
airplanes will easily fly over the
Wall to deliver the message.
As for historical accuracy, "Es-
cape" is closer to fiction than
reality. West Berliners helped by
digging a separate shaft to meet
the incoming East Berlin tunnel.
Nowhere is this mentioned. The
whole process of digging took
months, not days as the movie
made it seem. And the length of
the tunnel was 400 feet, much
longer than the movie made it
look. These problems may have
been forgotten for dramatic rea-
sons, but this is no excuse to ad-
vertise the story as true and
* * *

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