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November 01, 1962 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-01

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Plan Excavation of Vetulonia



Two faculty members of the
classical studies department, Prof.
Clark Hopkins and Prof. James
A. Hanson, are planning to exca-
vate the ancient city of Vetulonia
in west-central Italy, beginning in
the fall of 1963.
"The Detroit Etruscan Founda-
tion originally interested us in
the project. They have been work-
ing t Vetulonia for the past four
years and suggested that we fur-
ther explore the site," Prof. Hop-
kins said recently.
Vetulonia, one of the twelve
great Etruscan cities, is about ten
miles from the Mediterranean
coast and approximately 100 miles
from the city of Rome and the
Tiber River. It is situated at the
highest point, the vertex of two
ridges which contain man~y ves-
tiges of the ancient settlements.
Ancient City
"Isidoro Falchi, the Italian ar-
chaeologist, first identified the
ancient citadel in 1890," Prof.
Hopkins noted.
Excavations that followed dealt
largely with the impressive tombs
around the city. Remains showed
that Vetulonia was inhabited be-
fore the arrival of the Etruscans.
"The city is near an area rich
in deposits of tin, iron and copper.
Vetulonia may have been estab-
lished because of its nearby min-
eral wealth," Prof. Hopkins sug-
Port Town
The citadel near an inland bay,
which has since been covered by
silt deposits, was a port town as
well as a manufacturing center.
"A modern city with the local
name of Collona now rises on part
of the ancient city probably con-

cealing part of Etruscan Vetu-
lonia," he said.
The program under the general
supervision of the Kelsey Museum
and the classical studies depart-
ment has been arranged for the
purpose of discovering the rela-
tionships of the Etruscans to early
inhabitants. The plan also entals
the exploration of various periods
of development in the history of
the city.
Successive Stages
Prof. Hopkins expressed the
hope of finding .undisturbed de-
posits to facilitate the plan of
tracing the successive stages of
Vetulonian history.
"We will first explore the city

in sections where the important
buildings lie," he said.
The staff will consist of 6-8 men
including an architect, photog-
rapher and representative of the
Italian government. About 30-40
local workmen will be employed.
Await Permission
"The University is now awaiting
permission from the Italian gov-
ernment to dig at the site," Prof.
Hopkins added.
Prof. Hopkins, field director for
the first season, will be replaced
by Prof. Hanson for the following
The University is hoping to con-
tinue the excavation of five

Morton Claims Modern
Teacher Methods Useful

'U 'Sponsors
For Doctors
The Eighth Triennial Medical
Center Alumni Conference opens
Opening day addresses will be
given by Walter J. McNerney, pres-
ident of the National Blue Cross
Association, who wil speak on "The
Future of Blue Cross and Blue
Shield," and Dr. William A. Sode-
man and Dr. George A. Farrar,
both of Philadelphia.
The alumni conferees will be
welcomed by Dean William N.
Hubbard Jr. of the Medical School,
Dean Rhoda Reddig Russell of the
Nursing School, Dr. Albert Ker-
likowske, University Hospital di-
rector and Dr. E. Thurston Thieme,
chairman of the University Med-
ical Center Alumni Society.
"What's New in '62" is the
theme of the conference. Discus-
sions by University faculty mem-
bers and distinguished guest
speakers will bring alumni up to
date on advances in the various
branches of medicine.
YAF To Meet,
Discuss NSA
Young Americans for Freedom
will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room
3C of the Union.
Among the topics to be discussed
are affiliation with the National
Student Association, Student Gov-
ernment Council elections and the
pending visit of Fulton Lewis III to
the University campus.
Dr. Homer Stryker of Kalama-
zoo will be the featured speaker
at the banquet on Friday. He will
speak on "A Doctor Goes Into

DeLoache Reviews Role,
Practices of Corporations

"The role of the big corpora-
tion in modern society is one of
the most provocative political, so-
cial and economic topics of our
times," Wyatte F. DeLoache of the
DuPont Corp. said yesterday.
In presenting a businessman's
view of this controversy, DeLoache
commented that there is "a great
deal of misunderstanding" about
the role and practices of big busi-
He went on to cite five basic
advantages of a big-business econ-
Research Projects
1) Large-scale research projects
are possible which small businesses.
could not afford to undertake.
"Few people realize the magni-
tude of research, experimentation
and development that goes on be-
hind each new product, long be-
fore you reach the production
stage," DeLoache remarked.
2) When a new product fails to
sell, big business can afford "the
luxury of failure," while a small
enterprise would go bankrupt, he
"When a firm goes broke, prac-
tically everybody loses-the stock-
holders, the employes and often
the community."
3) A big business can apply its

technological discoveries in diverse
fields of commerce, DeLoache said.
He explained that a company
which develops "superior compe-
tence" through its experience with
a particular material can apply
this advantage towards moreaeffi-
cient use of that material in many
fields - if the company is big
enough to diversify.
4) Diversification also helps "in-
sure corporate life" because a large
company can drop an outmoded
product and shift its resources to
other areas, he added.
5) Finally, a big company has
the capital, manpower and tech-
nology to establish optimum-size
manufacturing units, in order to
arrive at the lowest unit-costs.
He suggested that the future of
small business lies in service, rath-
er than manufacturing industries.
Before you go discover this
low-cost unregimented tour.
Unless a conventional local
tour is a "must," write to:
255-B Sequoia Pasadena, Col.

Jr. Panhellenic and JIFC


Programmed instruction andv
teaching machines will not sig-
nificantly standardize learning or
stifle creativity, Prof. F. Rand
Morton, director of the language
laboratory, recently told the Uni-
versity Press Club of Michigan.
Nevertheless, this new technique
has not played a large role in
higher education. Morton suggest-
ed that one reason may be the'
impression that programmed in-
struction is "contradictory, even
inimical, to the concept of higher
education, particularly in human-
istic disciplines."
At present teaching machines
are being used mainly in second-
ary schools where there is a short-
age of teachers and in businesses.

where training is valuable in
terms of dollars and cents.
Arrange Components
By breaking a subject down in-
to components and arranging
these components in a logical
order in which each step is de-
pendent on those that preceded
it, the student can learn at his
own pace.
Using this method there seems
to be less disparity in achievement
levels in groups of widely differing
backgrounds, he noted.
Morton made several predictions
on the future of programmed in-
struction. Teaching machines will
be used in higher education only
after, it has gained widespread ac-
ceptance on other levels or con-
texts of education. Programmed
instruction will be first used to
supplement and then replace, what
are n o w called "elementary"
courses in colleges.



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Baha'i Student Group, Lecture: "Vic-
torious Living," Nov. 1, 8 p.m., Angell
Hall, Aud. D; Discussion, Nov. 2, 8 p.m.,
418 Lawrence.
* * *
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Nov. 2,
Union, Rms. 3R-S. Speaker: Prof. A.
K. Stevens (English Dept.), "Biblical
Scholarship and the Book of Job."
* * *
Christian science Organization, Week-
ly Meeting, Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m., 528 D SAB.
Congregational Disciples E & R Guild,
Worship Service, Nov. 1. 12:10-12:40 p.m.,
1st Congregational Church, Douglas
Chapel, William St. Entrance.
* * *
Deutscher Verein, Kaffee Stunde, Nov.
1, 3-5 p.m., 4072 FB.
* * *.
India Students Assoc., Sale of tickets
for the Deepavali Banquet on Nov. 10
starts on Nov. 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the
Ticket Booth, SAB.

Kappa Phi, Meeting, Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m.,
Methodist Church.
* * *
Canterbury, Luncheon following 12:10
p.m. Holy Communion Service, Nov. 2,
218 N. Division.
* * *
Newman Club, General Meeting, 8
p.m.; Dance: "Evening iri Venice," 8:30
p.m.; Nov. 2, 331 Thompson.
* * *
Near East Club, Nov. 2, 8 p.m., Rack-
ham Bldg., E. Conf. Rm. Speaker: Dr.
L. A. P. Gosling, "Islam in Southeast

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ENGINEERS.-Can you intersect each of these
circles using 3 straight lines, without retracing or
removing your pencil from the paper?

A career

We say "Our" advisedly.
YOU have to decide which companies to
see about your future job. At a time when
you've already got more to do than you
can reasonably handle, it would be help.
ful if making that job choice could be done
for you by slide rule-or computer.
If it's any consolation, WE are facing much
the same problem-from the opposite
side of the fence. We've got to make deci-
sions about a lot of young Engineers like

you-also without benefit of slide rule or
computer. We must decide who would be
of help to us in tackling assignments in
today's technologies of the aerospace and
electronics industries.
You DO have one advantage we haven't
-you probably know something about
General Dynamics already. We'd like to
even the score a bit by finding out more,
about you. A discussion might solve both
our problems.

... Some notes about you, about
us, and the advertising business
About you. If you are the man we seek: You have an
abiding curiosity about people and the world around you.
You're alert and responsive to new ideas, new ways of doing
things. You like to take on new problems ... you see them as
You dig deep into the why of things. And the best answers
you can come up with today are never good enough for you
You're an individualist. Yet you thrive on team spirit.
You have conviction about freedom of choice, consistent
with the rights of others.
You're the kind of man who could be successful in business
for himself, but you see the greater challenge implicit in the
major enterprises of today's world.
About us. The J. Walter Thompson Company was formed
98 years ago. It has for many years been the largest advertis-
ing firm; its stock is owned by more than five hundred active
staff members.
We heln over 500 comnanies in the Tinited States and

In our experience, superior individuals from every graduate and
undergraduate educational discipline find successful careers
in a major agency such as the Thompson Company. Staff
members in our New York Office alone represent nearly 304
colleges and universities here and abroad.
Your career with US. You may be surprised to learn
that while an advertising company must have artistically cre-
ative people, it depends just as much on people who are imagi-
native and inventive in other ways.
Our business is selling. Communicating through the written
and spoken word is how we sell. You must possess the ability
to speak and write well so your ideas may be shared and
We are looking for the kind of men who wish and are able to
assume substantial responsibility early in their business lives.
To such men we offer a remarkable chance to grow and develop
-one seldom found in any firm.
Previous advertising experience is not required. Basically,
our interest is in the nature of a person, and not in his special-
ized knowledge and abilities.
We offer you no standard starting salary, no cut-and-dried
training program. Beginning salaries are individually con-
sidered and compare favorably to those of other national firms.
We help you tailor your own development program, based on
your interests, your abilities, your goals. Your program will
differ from other men's programs just as you differ from
other men.
When you join us you will work side by side with experi-
enced advertising men. Your growth will be based on your own
initiative, your own development. There are no age or senior-
ity requirements to limit the responsibility you can earn.
We encourage you to follow your curiosity into all phases of
advertising, because we want you to become a well-rounded
practitioner as rapidly as possible. Experienced advertising
men are eager to coach you individually in your efforts to
develop your capabilities. Additionally, you are free to delve
into every nook and cranny of advertising through our
annual series of twenty professional seminars, workshops and
classes. You learn from men who are experts in their fields.
About men who join us. Eight out of ten college men
who have joined us in the past decade have remained with us
and are enjoying varied, exciting careers.
Because of our emphasis on early growth, relatively young
men commonly handle major responsibilities in many phases
of our business-in New York and throughout the world.
All initial assignments are in Chicago or New York City.
However, there are many offices throughout the United States
and the world to which you may, if interested, request
assignment later on.
If you wish to be a candidate, you must be in a position to join
us between January 1, 1963 and June 1, 1964. You may obtain
further information at the placement office. Please consult
with them regarding the possibility of a personal interview.
WP will hP nn mn movvmhar. 15

Our Representative will be on your campus shortly with information about positions in
each of these divisions:
in CALIFORNIA -Convair and Astronautics Divisions in San Diego; Pomona Division in
In NEW YORK-- Electronics and Telecommunication Divisions in Rochester
In TEXAS-Fort Worth Division in Fort Worth
Incidentally, our man will have the solution to the puzzle along, just in case you missed it.
Why not make a date to see us at your Placement Office now?



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