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October 30, 1962 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-30

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This page has been sent for insertion to the editors of Izvestia, Pravda and the principal newspapers of
other Communist countries, as well as to leading newspapers throughout the non-Communist world.

P ACE OR WAR? That is the question each man asks his
neighbor. Every woman awaits the answer.
In a divided world, both camps armed with weapons capable of
total devastation, the theory of the class struggle as well as the theory
of capitalism, the welfare state, or the affluent society will prove too
small, too slow and too selfish to achieve anything except disaster.
Many honest Communists know it. Too few in the non-Communist
world will face it.
Our appeal is to every sincere Communist and Marxist in Russia, in
China and throughout the world to join with us in the greatest revolu-
tionary adventure of all time, whereby the root problem-human nature
-is dealt with thoroughly, drastically and on a colossal scale and nations
are halted in their mad, historic march to violence and destruction.
It will mean change for all. Changed economic conditions, though
essential, do not change men. Decadence in some of every generation
among the richer societies of the non-Communist world, decadence
among the third generation of Communists in the Communist world
prove it.
Too many Communists, as Mr. Khrushchev has pointed out, are too
selfish to make their Communism work in their homes, on the farm, in
the factory, in the nation, or in their world revolution. Too many non-
Communists are too selfish to live for anything except their own com-
fort, their own corner, their own concerns.

Years ago Frank Buchman, initiator of Moral Re-Armament, in a
speech broadcast to the world said, "Is change for all the one basis of
unity for all? Can Marxists be changed? Can they have this new think-
ing? Can Marxists pave the way for a greater ideology? Why not? They
have always been open to new things. They have been forerunners.
They will go to prison for their belief. They will die for their belief.
Why should they not be the ones to live for this superior thinking?"
Many people say that Capitalism or Communism, class or color are
the problems.
The problem is not Communism. It is character.
The problem is not Capitalism. It is character.
The problem is not Color. It is character.
The problem is not Class. It is character.
New men with new motives will build a new world. No concept short
of this touches the root of the modern malaise.
Hans Boeckler, the great president of the German Trade Union Fed-
eration, put it this way, "When men change, the structure of society
changes. And when the structure of society changes, men change. Both
go together and both are necessary."
This revolution of Moral Re-Armament already has bridgeheads in
every nation. It is in its final phase of total expansion throughout the


IN AFRICA, at the time when many Africans want all
white men to leave, seventeen nations have invited Moral
Re-Armament to their countries. In Nigeria, Tunisia, the
Cameroons, Morocco and the Congo responsible leaders say
that it has already averted bloodshed.
In Kenya, hard-core Mau Mau revolutionaries were
changed when they heard their white prison commandant
apologize for the arrogance and greed in men like himself,
which had helped to cause Mau Mau. They gave up their
hate, for they saw that where black hates white today, black
would kill black tomorrow. They took the all-African film
Freedom, which dramatizes this answer, to their leader,
Jomo Kenyatta. He said, "Get this film into Swahili. It is
what our people need."
Dedan Mugo, the first man arrested in the emergency, saw
the film in Swahili. He had returned from twelve years in
prison to find that his two wives and four children had been
killed, his home demolished and his land confiscated. He
says, "I decided to forgive the white man, when I saw that
only thus could Africans, Asians, Europeans live in peace."
Together with Kenyatta's only brother, he took Freedom
to 400,000 people in Kenya in six months. "Moral Re-
Armament is an intelligent medicine to cure the diseases
of hate, selfishness and bitterness, which confuses nations
everywhere," he says.
In South America, revolutionary students of San Marcos
University, Peru, where Vice-President Nixon was stoned,

have changed. "To change the system is only half a revolu-
tion," said the editor of the left-wing student paper. "Moral
Re-Armament is the total revolution because it changes the
system and produces the incorruptible men to run it. The
most reactionary man is the one who wants to change the
world, but refuses to change himself." They wrote a play El
Condor, portraying this total fight for social justice. Capital-
ists and generals changed, quit their sterile anti-Communism,
and took up the fight with them. They were received with
tumultuous enthusiasm by the land workers in the Peasant
League country. In the port of Recife so many dockers found
hope and purpose that alcoholism went down by 50%. The
Director of the Port Co-operative reports, "Looting and
pilfering are going out of fashion. Honesty has come in, so
that prices of staple foods have been able to be cut by 35%."
In recent months Moral Re-Armament plays have been
seen in football stadiums by more than a million and a half
people in Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Brazil. Millions more see
Moral Re-Armament programs regularly on television.
In Japan on October 22nd, 1962, the Prime Minister is
opening an Asian training center for Moral Re-Armament
at Odawara. The invitation committee for the first Assembly
there includes two former Prime Ministers and top trades
union and industrial leaders, who say: "In order .to lay a
foundation for world peace, and especially to create unity in
Asia, individuals and nations must now give priority to
Moral Re-Armament." Takasumi Mitsui, the President of the

Mitsui Foundation, sold his last family property to provide
money for the center. The aim is to make real for every Asian
the words of Frank Buchman to the rice workers of Ceylon,
"Empty hands will be filled with work, empty stomachs with
food and empty hearts with an idea that'really satisfies."
One of those leading the Assembly will be Rajmohan
Gandhi. He is the third generation of his family to stand with
Moral Re-Armament. His grandfather, Mahatma Gandhi,
who achieved India's freedom from imperialism, first met
Buchman in 1915, and said, "Moral Re-Armament is the
greatest thing that has come out of the West." His father,
Devadas Gandhi, said, "If Moral Re-Armament fails, the
world fails." Pressed by the leaders of India to take a prom-
inent position in his country, Rajmohan replied, "Where
would India be today if my grandfather had accepted the
advice to return to his law practice instead of fighting for
his country? Today, not just one country is in jeopardy, but
the whole world."
The grandchildren of the men and women changed when
Buchman visited Scandinavia in the thirties have written a
play which gives an answer to impurity and hate. It offers
youth of every nation something great to live for. It will go
through Europe this winter.
In Europe, Asia, and throughout the world, the third
generation of Moral Re-Armament are working day and
night, without salary, to make the work and wealth of the
world available for all, and for the exploitation of none.

THERE WILL BE no war if East and West, black and white,
Communist and non-Communist accept a common revolutionary
destiny. There can be no honest co-existence without a common
commitment. Mankind's commitment must now become the rebuilding
of the world. It means the transformation of society, an economic, social,
political change within and between nations, a revolution so vast that
everyone, everywhere, can play his part.
Human nature can be changed. That is the root of the answer.
National economies can be changed. That is the fruit of the answer.
World history can be changed. That is the destiny of our age.
God alone can change men. Lenin was a forceful and sincere revolu-
tionary. His challenge to the century has altered the shape of our times.
But it has divided mankind, and can destroy it, unless we change.
Lenin did not believe in God. He said, "Our revolution will never
succeed until the myth of God is removed from the mind of man."
Lenin's disbelief was caused by the actions and inactions of those who
expressed their belief in God.
Nations, which professed faith, lived in such a way that they robbed
Lenin and his friends of a belief in God. The way some so-called God-
fearing nations live make the Communist world cynical of God today.
But unbelief was a fatal flaw in Lenin's philosophy.
Absolute moral standards are a place where all men can make a
start - standards of absolute unselfishness in economic planning;
absolute love in social attitudes and patterns; absolute honesty in indus-

trial and political action; absolute purity in every home. Here lies the
secret of successful statesmanship, sound citizenship and lasting unity.
The logical next step for the Communist and for the non-Communist
world is Moral Re-Armament.
Honest leaders in both worlds admit it. The 22nd Congress of the
Russian Communist Party called upon every Party Member to observe
himself and cultivate in others honesty, moral purity, unselfish labor for
society and love of his fellows. Emboldened leadership will pay the
price of living the answer and giving it to the masses.
William Penn said, "Men must choose to be governed by God or they
condemn themselves to be ruled by tyrants."
When the men of the Kremlin listen to God, He will speak to them
as clearly as He would to the leaders of the non-Communist world if
they were humble enough to listen - and sane enough to obey, instead
of continuing to do efficiently and proudly what is not the way.
From the Mind of God, adequate, accurate, definite information can
come to the mind of man. Here is a revolutionary experiment that any
true revolutionary will dare to make.
The paradox of history may be that this century which discovered
the power of the divided atom, will learn the secret of uniting man. The
Communists, governed by God, could be pacemakers for the world in
the greatest revolution of all time, where all men are needed, no man is
exploited, and where leaders and led pay the price of a new society by
paying the price of change in their own lives.

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