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Yamamoto Views Education
Jesse Siddall Reeves
Baha'i Leader Talks
O n Un folding Truth'
The Japanese conception of
adult education differs from the
American interpretation, Kiyoshi
Yamamoto, a member of the Adult
Education Section of the Adult
Education Bureau in the Ministry
of Education, said recently.
Adult education courses are call-
ed social education and cover all
training given outside the regular
school system, he explained.
"The future of the Japanese
economy depends on high indus-
trialization, and we must make the
best of our limited resources. It is
often said that our best resource
is our human power," Yamamoto
Production Decreases
If the people are left uneducat-
ed, their rate of production de-
clines. Therefore it is necessary to
educate them, he declared.
The main aim of social educa-
tion has been vocational. "As sci-
ence progresses, the people should
keep abreast of these advances,"
Yamamoto said.
The social education program is
carried out by public and private
organizations. Japan is divided in-
to 46 prefectures, each exercising
local autonomy over its own boards
of education. The prefectures are
subdivided into local municipali-
ties, each municipality having its
own board.
Gives Advice
The ministry has some control
over these boards, but its duty is
mainly to give advice to the pre-
fectures. There are 72 national
universities, colleges and techni-
Voice To Plan
New Platform
Voice political party will adopt
its campaign platform for the
coming S t u d e n t Government
Council election at 7:30 p.m. to-
night in Rm. 3-G of the Michigan
Union. Voice has already endorsed
Gary Gilbar, '65A&D; Michael
Kass, '65; Regina Rosenfeld, '64,
and incumbent Robert Ross, '63.
Final action on the nature of
Voice's future affiliation with the
Students for a Democratic Society
will also be discussed. The meeting
is open to all.
Clark To Discuss
Law, Economy
Prof. J. M. Clark will speak on
"Legal Versus Economic Criteria
in the Field of Competition and
Monopoly" at 8 p.m. tonight in the
East Conference Rm. of the Rack-
ham Bldg. The talk, sponsored by
the economics department, is a
part of the Little Seminar Lec-
cal institutions over which the
ministry also exerts a degree of
Theministry sets the national
standard of admission for these
institutions. However, there are
approximately 400 private educa-
tional organizations over which the
ministry has no control.
Social education courses are car-
ried out mainly through the Citi-
zen's Public Hall, an organization
under the local boards of educa-
tion. The courses are usually held
in the public schools in the eve-
ning. The local boards make up
the curriculum in their areas.
"Social education was not ac-
tively promoted until after World
War II. Since that time there has
been arremarkable development
in this area," Yamamoto noted.
Social education is alsoimpor-
tant for the democratization of
our country, he continued. Besides
the vocational aspect, Japan em-
phasizes citizenship courses.
"We have shown our resolution
to contribute to world peace by
building a democratic state. The
realization of this depends funda-
mentally on the power of educa-
tion. School education is aimed at
the future, whereas social educa-
tion is aimed at the present," he
Author, of 'Varsity' Describes
Trolly-Car Song_ Creation,
"Varsity" was written on a De-
troit trolley-car in 1912, just be-
cause the University needed an-
other song, author of the lyrics J.
Fred Lawton, '11, said Saturday.
"Earl Moore, '12, and I were rid-
ing on the trolley in Detroit when
suddenly the words came to me
for a new song-"Varsity we're
for you, here for you, to cheer for
"Neither Earl nor I had a piece
of paper so we had to remember
the song until we got to my house,"
Lawton reminisced. And so the
traditional Michigan football song
was written.
Has Meaning
The song is good even if the
team loses, Lawton said, comment-
ing on Saturday's defeat. "Unlike
the 'Victors' it still means some-
thing no matter how the team
"Varsity" was introduced to the
campus Friday, Oct. 6, 1912, at a
pep rally before the game. Lawton
was scheduled to appear at the
rally and when he introduced the
new song "it was a terrific hit,"
he said.
"The students kept crying 'we
want more' and as a joke I brought
Moore down from the organ loft
where he was playing to lead the
audience in another chorus."
No Revisions
Moore, later to become dean of
the music school, had written the
music for Lawton's lyrics. "Earl
didn't change a note that he wrote
on the first day. Once we had the
chorus written we never revised
it," Lawton commented.
To the original chorus the two
men only added an introduction.
At the 1961 Honors Convocation
the Regents presented Lawton
with a Regental citation, the 12th
such honor given since the Uni-
versity was founded.
The citation is given in recogni-
tion of work done for the Univer-
sity without remuneration. "This
is different from an honorary de-
gree since they are given to people
who contribute to the world in
general rathre than just the Uni-
versity," Lawton noted.
Honored by Regents
At the samne time Lawton was
honored by the Regents for a book,
"When the Roses Bloomed in the
Snow." The book traces the his-
tory of University athletics and
its title is taken from a football
game played in three feet of snow.
"The book covers the University
from Prexy Angell and Coach
Fielding H. Yost to University
President Harlan H. Hatcher and
Coach Chalmers (Bump) Elliott,"
Lawton commented.
Herbert To Sing
With Baroque Trio
Prof. Ralph Herbert of the mu-
sic school will appear with tlie
University Baroque Trio in a put:-
lic concert at 8:30 p.m. tonight in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 20th
in a series of 21 articles featuring
the namesakes of the men's resi-
dence halls.)
Uniting in an exceptional way
the roles of scholar, author, teach-
er and administrator, Prof. Jesse
Siddall Reeves of the political sci-
ence department devoted his life
to rebuilding the shattered struc-
tures of international relations.
Born in Indiana in 1872, Prof.
Reeves did his undergraduate work
at Amherst, received his doctorate
from Johns Hopkins in 1894 and
was admitted to the Indiana State'
Bar in 1897.
He practiced law in Indiana for
10 years before turning to teach-
ing political science at- the Wom-
en's College of Baltimore, Johns
Hopkins University, Dartmouth,
the University of Chicago and
finally the University.
International Law
Operating out of the University
as head of the political science
department from its beginning in
1910, Prof. Reeves for 31 years
directed his endeavors as an au-
thority on international law to re-
solving the turmoil of internation-
al relations.
Taking advantage of the multi-
ple opportunities available to an
authority on international law at
that time of conflict in.this na-
tion's history, Prof. Reeves took
a position of leadership in the
field whenever his academic duties
He directed the Institute of Pol-
itics at Williamstown, Mass., and
headed a round-table discussion
on international law. He lectured
at the Hague Academy on Inter-
national Law in 1930.
Represented America
He was one of the two official
United States representatives in
the Pan-American Conference for
International Law Codification.
Particularly active in the Amer-
ican Society of International Law,
Prof. Reeves was assistant editor
of its journal. In addition, he en-
joyed executive authority over the
American Political Science Asso-
ciation in 1928.
His efforts were publicly rec-
ognized by Amherst and Williams
Colleges which bestowed upon him
the honorary degrees of Doctor of
Letters and Doctor of Laws, re-
University Decree
The University decreed him the
William W. Cook Professor of
American Institutions.
Prof. Reeves died in 1942, a few
years after his retirement at the
age of 70. His name is now associ-
ated with Reeves House in South
Evans Notes
of Religion
"It is impossible to understand
contemporary h is t o r y without
some understanding of Baha'u'l-
lah," Winston G. Evans, author,
lecturer, and authority on the
Baha'i Faith in a talk recently.
Each religion believes that its
emancipator is the only one. For
the Jews it is Moses; for the
Christians it is Jesus. Just as
science, upon new findings, rejects
false theories formulated in years
past, so must religion be a pro-
gressive institution, Evans ex-
The Divine revelation is a con-
tinuous and constant process.
When God believes man needs his
faith quickened he sends a mes-
senger to earth. This man for the
modern world is Baha'u'llah, who
served mankind in the mid nine-
teenth century by diagnosing its
ills and bringing it the Divine
remedy, Evans continued.
Broken Barriers
The basic doctrine of Baha'u'l-
lah says this is the time for the
unification of mankind; all bar-
riers-racial, ethnic, religious, na-
tional - must be broken. "The
gates will be flung wide open
to mankind: Prejudice toward
none, love for all," Baha-'u'llah
It is Baha'u'llah who has
brought the teachings necessary
for the kingdom of God on earth,
Evans noted.
"What passes for religion in
America today is only a religious
tranquilizer, just enough to pacify
the people." Modern man needs a
religion which will stimulate him
into action. The spiritual power
should increase as the crisis in-
creases, Evans stated.
Spiritual Atmopshere
Prof. E. G. Brown of Cambridge
University said, "The spiritual at-
mosphere of Baha'i is so power-
ful that it either attracts or re-
pels; it cannot be ignored."
The Baha'is today are in the
same position the early Christians
found themselves, Evans added.
There are many Biblical refer-
ences to the coming of Baha'u'l-
lah, Evans continued. "Before ye
call I- will answer" fortells the
coming of a redemmer who will
divert a crisis before it occurs.
Baha'u'llah has come to save the
world from the perils of the twen-
tieth century."
Accurately Charted
Moses said, "Any prophet who
does not bear out is not a pro-
phet." But Baha'u'llah has quite
accurately charted out the course
of human events since his time.
Jesus said, "By their fruits ye
shall know them." And Baha'u'l-
lah's doctrines have powerful in-
The coming of Baha'u'llah is
the greatest spiritual drama in
religious history, Evans stated.
Kelly To Leave
Peace Corps
E. Lowell Kelly, chief of the
Peace Corps division of selection
and former chairman of the psy-
chology department, said yester-
day that he will be leaving the
Corps about Dec. 10.
Kelly was granted a sabbatical
leave and one-year's leave without
salary from th University and will
return as an active member of the
faculty in fall, 1963.
Kelly was appointed to his posi-
tion in the Corps in February.
The Baha'i faith, according to
Winston Evans, one of its leading
advocates, is a religion which
stresses the continual unfolding
of divine faith.
In its fundamental principles,
it states that all truths are rela-
tive to the period in which they
are revealed. God provides a dif-
ferent light for every age and
therefore every age will have a
different set of values.
As each race evolves, more and
more profound truths will be, re-
vealed so that as civilization pro-
gresses, it will learn more and
more of God's law. However, civil-
ization will never advance to the
point where the entire truth is
revealed, Evans says.
Interpret History
Because Baha'i is the truth
which is most current to our so-
ciety, it is able to interpret his-
tory and the situations of our day
better than others, he adds.
Baha'i started about 100 years
ago when the prophet Baha'u'l-
lah began spreading his ideas.
At that time the leaders of the
Western world thought t h a t
eventually the entire earth would
be taken over by Western culture.
Baha'u'llah predicted t h a t
this would never happen because
Western culture, instead of pro-
gressing would regress. He came
as a "divine physician andpre-
dicted the downfall of the mon-
archies and the degeneration of
faith in every land because of
spiritual sickness.
Predicted Downfall
This downfall would be the di-
vine intervention of God, indicat-
ing that people could no longer
Students Stand
In Silent Vigil
Approximately 80 University;
students and citizens of Ann Arbor
protested the United States policy
in Cuba by holding a silent vigil
Saturday under the flagpole on the
The action was taken to show
support and sympathy for the
thousands who demonstrated in
Washington, D.C. and in other
campuses and cities throughout
the United States, Michael Brown,
'63, spokesman for the group, said.,
understand His teachings, Evans
'says. According to the faith the
twentieth century is an extension
of the predicted downfall of man.
Evans compared the world to
a sick organism in dire need of
surgery. The surgeon would be a
spiritual rejuvenation and a re-
uniting under Baha'i.
In his words, "man must be
purged in a crucible of fire and
suffering and purified in a
cleansing fire" before he will be
able to understand God again.
When the world sees the light
and Baha'i becomes universal
mankind will be saved.
Wit ey G roup,
Clubs Offer
The University Alumni Clubs of
Des Moines, Iowa, and Pittsburgh,
., and the Whitley Foundation
are offering scholarships this se-
mester open to qualifying stu-
dents, Assistant Director of Fi-
nancial Aids Ivan Parker said
The Whitley Scholarships are
available for the first time at the
University. Five or six may be
awarded for the present semester
to residents of Ingham County
who are majoring in psychology,
pre-law or business education.
Requisities for. the awards are
"superior scholastic achievement
and need," Parker said.
This year no local nominees were
presented by the University Alum-
ni Chapters at Des Moines and
Pittsburgh for their annual schol-
arships. Therefore, any qualified
students from the Des Moines or
Pittsburgh metropolitan areas are
eligible for the awards. Qualifica-
tion entails need and at least a
"B" average.
Candidates will be interviewed
on campus and, if found to be
eligible, will be referred to the
alumni groups by the University
for aid this semester.
Parker said that applications
were now being accepted for the
LaVerne N o y e s Scholarships.
These are available to undergrad-
uates who are direct blood de-
scendants of veterans of World
War I.
To Sponsor
The literary college steering
committee, in their weekly meeting
yesterday, announced they will
hold an open meeting to discuss
counseling at 4 p.m. on Nov. 12 in
the Conference Rm.of Angell Hall.
The present pre-classification
system and other possible improve-
ments in counseling will also be
considered. Reports of difficulties
resulting from insufficient coun-
seling will also be aired.
In addition, a suggestion for a
course description book, which was
raised at the meeting, will be pre-
sented. All students and faculty
members concerned or interested
in the problems of counseling are
urged to attend.
The steering committee also dis-
cussed the implications and possi-
bilities of the recently proposed
auxiliary small college plan.
This plan was formulated by the
literary college curriculum com-
mittee after two semesters of
seeking a way to expand the
literary college without distressing
many faculty members who are
against any expansion.
Chess Club, Meeting, Oct. 31, 7:30 p.m.,
Union, Rms. 3K-L. Final lineup for
WSU Match.
Italian Club, Meeting, Oct. 30, 3-4:30
p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
U. of M. Folk Dancers, Regular Meet-
ing, Dancing, Instruction, Oct. 30, 7:30
p.m., 1429 Hill.
Wesleyan Guild, Student Cabinet
Luncheon, Oct. 30, 12 Noon, Pine Rm.,
Non-credit Course in Old Testament,
Oct. 30, 7:30 p.m., 1st Methodist Church;
Holy Communion, Oct. 31, 7 a.m.,Chap-
Congregational Disciples E & R Guild,
Cost Luncheon Discussion: "Accentuat-
ed Problems of Industrial Society," A
Dialogue. Oct. 30, Noon, 802 Monroe.
Canterbury Club, Breakfast following
7 a.m. Holy Communion Service. Open
House Coffee Hour, 4:15-5:15 p.m., Oct.
31, 218 N. Division. All students wel-
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(The Glory of God)
"The Baha'is must be distin-
guished from others of human-
ity. But this distinction must
not depend upon . wealth-that
they should become more af-
fluentsthan other people.
"I do not desire for you fi-
nancial distinction. It is not an
ordinary distinction I desire; not
scientific, commercial, indus-
trial distinction.
"For you 1 desire spiritual
distinction; that is, you must
become eminent a n d distin-
guished in morals. In the love
of God you must become distin-
guished from all else.
"You must become distin-
guished for loving humanity;
for unity and accord; for love
and justice. In brief, you must
become distinguished in all the
virtues of the human world; for
faithfulness and sincerity; for
justice and fidelity; for philan-
The Daily Bulletin is an official
publication of the University of
Michigan for which The Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564
Administration Building before 2
p.m. two days preceding publication.
Day Calendar
Relativity Seminar will meet in 318
;W. Engrg. at 2:00 p.m. on Tues., Oct.
30. Prof. 0. Y. Rainich will talk on the
"Already Unified Theory."
Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. Rein-
hold Remmert of the Univ. of Erlangen,
will speak on "Compact Homogeneous
Complex Manifolds," on Tues., Oct. 30,
in Room 3201 A. H. at 4 p.m.
Refreshments will be served in Rm.
3212 A. H. at 3:30 p.m.
4:15 p.m.-Law School Cooley Lecture
Series-Dr. D. Seaborn Da-
vies, "The Jungle of the
Fraudulent Offenses": Rm.
100, Hutchins Hall.
8:00 p.m.-Dept. of Economics Little
Seminar Lecture - Prof. J.
M. Clark, "Legal Versus Eco-
nomic Criteria in the Field
of Competition and Monop-
oly": E. Conference Rm.,
8:00 p.m.-University Players - "The
Servant of Two Masters" by
Carlo Goldoni: Truebloodi
Aud., Frieze Bldg.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Faculty Con-
cert-Baroque Trio: Nelson
Hauenstein, flute; Florian
Mueller, oboe; and Marilyn
Mason, harpsichord; assisted
by Ralph Herbert, baritone;
and Clyde Thompson, dou-
ble-bass: Rackham Lecture
General Notices
AAUP Members: The meeting of the
local chapter of the AAUP originally
scheduled for Nov. 1 has had to be re-
scheduled for Wed., Nov. 14, at 8:00
p.m. It will be held in the W. Conference
Rm. of the Rackham Bldg. Vice-Presi-
dent Roger Heyns will speak on "Con-
flict of Lolayties: Dilemma of the Aca-
demic Man."
Foreign Visitors
Following are foreign visitors who
will be on campus this week on the
dates indicated. Program arrangements
are being made by Mrs. Clifford R.
Miller, Ext. 3358, International Center.
Owen L. Glimore (accompanied by
Mrs. Gilmore), Deputy Associate Princi-
pal, Auckland Teachers' College, New
Zealand, Oct. 30-31.
27 Engineers, Senior Students in
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Universidad Nactional de Ingenieria,
Lima, Peru, Oct. 30.
Gustavo Argaez, Secretary General of
the Univ. of the Andes, Bogota, Colom-
bia, Nov. 3 to 6.
Eduardo Aldana, Asst. Dean of En-
gineering, Univ. of the Andes, Bogota,
Colombia, Nov. 3 to 6.
Ludo J. Rocher (accompanied by Mrs.
Rocher), Prof. and Director of the Cen-
ter for Southeast Asia, Free Univ. of
Brussels, Belgium, Nov. 4-7.
Kristian Lange, Chief, Music Section,
Norwegian Broadcasting System, Oslo,
Norway, Nov. 5-7.
Chia Chun Liu, Sr. Specialist, Dept.
of Social Educ., and Director of Educa-
tional TV Programs, Taiwan, Nov. 4-7.
On Oct. 31 at 4:00 p.m. In Rm. 229,
W. Engrg. Bldg., the Mechanical Engrg.
Dept. will sponsor a Grad Student-Fac-
ulty Seminar. Guest speaker, Jerome H.
Hemmye, will speak on "Some Uses for
Ultrasonic Energy. Coffee will be serv-
ed in the Faculty Lounge at 3:30 p.m.
WED., OCT. 31--
There will be a symposium on Train-
ing for Law, Admissions Standards &
Career Alternatives of Law School Grad-
uates. It will be held at the Michigan
Union Third Floor conference room at
7:00 p.m. A movie, "The Mastery of
Law," will be presented, as well as a
discussion about Law School Admis-
Univ. of Pennsylvania, represented by
William Shane will meet for a short
talk on law schools, admissions stand-
ards & career alternatives of law school
grads. Mr. Shane is assistant dean of
Law School at Penn. Meeting will be
held at 3:00 p.m. at the Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
FRI., NOV. 2-
Univ. of Chicago, School of Business
Admin. Ass't, Dean C. Perry will inter-
view students who may be interested
in attending the School of Bus. Ad.
at the Univ. of Chicago. Liberal Arts,
Science & Engrg. students will be sought
(Continued on Page 3)
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