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October 30, 1962 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-30

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US. Military Aid
Prepares Indians
To Keep Fighting
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI-Bolstered by the promise of United States military
aid, Indiascorned Peiping peace overtures and rushed reinforcements
to' the front yesterday to face Chinese Communist troops driving
deeper southward behind superior firepower.
Meanwhile, a high Soviet military source said last night the So-
viet Union supports Red China's territorial claims in India and would
ship no arms to the Indians. This apparently wipes out a recent


Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom



VOL. LXXIII, No. 39,




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U' Submits

AAUP Notes
In Situiation
The governing body of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors has decided to
"wait and see" if Mississippi takes
action against professors who op-
posed Gov. Ross Barnett's segre-
gationist- policies.
At present the AAUP has not
learned of any specific threats
to professors at the University of
Mississippi. Should reprisals be
taken against them, the associa-
tion will do' everything within its
power to guarantee academic free-
As its strongest action, they
could recommend that the univer-
sity lose its academic accredida-
tion. This would make degrees
from "Ole Miss" virtually worth-
Financial Aid
Another alternative would be to
give financial assistance to pro-
fessors who are fired and help
them relocate. However, professors
at the university "feel the trustees
of the university are more realistic
than Barnett . . . they may very
well not be dominated by him."
It was learned, however, that
the AAUP has. sent letters to
"Ole Miss" officials asking them
to notify the association if "there
should be any threat from with-
out to the freedom of students,
the faculty, the university or high-'
er education in Mississippi."
Offers Protection
The letters to university offi-
cials state that the AAUP "was
ready to offer protection to teach-
ers who might suffer because they
have asserted their belief in non-
segregation, or who have taken a
position on the James A. Meredith
The AAUP council also discussed
new legislation replacing the dis-
claimer affidavit in the National
Defense Education Act student aid
program. Although unofficially
the members are unhappy about
the new provision, the council did
not oppose the legislation.

Moscow deal to supply MIG fight-
er planes to India.
The Russian military man said
with emphasis that the Soviet
Union considers India a friend and
that the border conflict faces the
Kremlin with a delicate problem.
But he said the Soviet Union is
bound to give moral support tc
the Chinese as allies.
Indian Losses
A government spokesman put
Indian losses at 2,000 to 2,500 deac
or missing in 10 days but claimed
the Communists were suffering
much heavier casualties in attack.
ing in waves.
Chinese capture of Demchok
close to the undefined Kashmir
border, was conceded yesterday ir
the deepest thrust the Communists
have made across the frontier in
the northwest since they launch-
ed their big offensive Oct. 20.
The Indians gave up Demchok
after bitter fighting against super-
ior forces, the spokesman said.
Communist Charges
At the United Nations India
struck back bitterly at Communist
charges that New Delhi had pro-
voked Red China into military ac-
"There has been no offensive
action by Indian forces," Indian
Ambassador B. N. Chakravarty told
the 110-nation General Assembly
He contended that the fact that
Indian forces are retreating proves
India did not prepare and is not
preparing offensive moves.
The West German government
festerday promised support for In-
dia in its clash with Red China.
Receives Letter
This was done after Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer received a letter
from Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru on the border fighting.
Press Chief Karl Guenther von
Hase declined to specify what form
the support would take.
Canada has offered military aid
to India to combat =the Chinese,
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker
announced yesterday in the House
of Commons.
Nehru turned to the United
States for modern weapons and got
a quick response from United
States Ambassador John Kenneth
Galbraith that they would be sent
-probably by the end of the week.


The University has submitted
a capital outlay request of $9.6
million for 11 educational fa-
cilities projects to the State De-
partment of Administration in
Lansing. /
Of this a total of $8.2 mil-
lion is for eight new construc-
tion projects.
In a summary statement sub-
mitted with the request three
principal factors for "develop-
ment of University facilities" are
Three Principles
1) There will be three poten-
tial college students in the state

in 1965 for every two last year.
2) There is a need for more
research and clinical facilities
because of an increasing stress
on graduate and professional ed-
3) In order to maintain an
efficient and effective use of
University plant resources a con-
tinuous investment in present
structures and services is neces-
sary due to the always present
effect of age and obsolescence.
Two Categories
The request is divided into two
categories-educational facilities
and the University Medical Cen-
ter. The split is due to a "re-
flection of the scale and import-

cap ital
ance of this medical service com- Funds
plex as a distinct state resource of constr
for medical care of exceptional cation sc
diversity and quality." tually to'
The first new construction re- questedE
quests the $772,000 necessary for $590,000
the final completion of the $7 lion total
million Physics, Astronomy and be used f
Institute of Science and Tech- Can
nology Buildings. Following this The st
was a request for $2.6 million to eral cam
complete the new music school a $325,00
building on North Campus. Under
The new Fluids Engineering vations t
Building needs $2.5 million rr.ore ed. These
while a request for full plans pletion o
for the $10 million second unit heating
of the Medical Sciences Building nual gen
comes to $300,000. renovatio

for full plans and start
'uction of the new edu-
Whool which will even-
tal $4.7 million were re-
at a rate of $650,000. A
request for the $5.3 mil-
. architecture college will
for the same purposes.
mpus Development
Mart of an annual gen-
npus development drew
00 request.
remodeling and' reno-
three projects were list-
e were $750,000 for com-
f the remodeling of the
plant, $400,000 for an-
neral graduate facilities
on and half of a total

$400,000 cost for renovation of
the West Engineering Building.
Medical Center
There were several requests un-
der the second category-the
University Medical Center.
For continuation of the reno-
vation of University Hospital
$920,000 out of a total of $1.8
million was requested. $1.3 mil-
lion out of a total cost of $7.9
million was requested to complete
plans for and start construction
of a Children's Hospital.
Full plans for and beginning
construction of- a Clinical Care
and Teaching Facility will need
$1.1 million out of a total cost of
$5 million.



,The request was part of a to-
tal five year request for the five
year period from 1963-64 to 1967-
68. Included in this are 20 build-
ing projects totaling $66.7 mil-
lion for educational facilities.
University Medical Center capi-
tal requests for the period come
to $17.7 million.
Included in new construction
requests through 1967-68 are
funds for a Mathematics and
Computing Center, an engineer-
ing laboratory office building, a
science building, a Nuclear Ener-
gy Laboratory, a Plant Service
Building, and a classroom and
office building.

Birchers See Government
Dominated by Conspiracy
Special To The Daily
DEARBORN-The United States is being betrayed to Communism
by a conspiracy of Socialists and pro-Communists who dominate the
federal government, 'four members of the John Birch Society's
national council agreed in an all-day seminar Saturday.
In separate speeches, the four discussed the Constitution, Castro,
internal Socialism and the "smear campaign" conducted against the
Birchers in the press. The meeting was the first of what may develop
into a nationwide series of meetings to publicize the aims and
programs of the Birch society.
Speakers Concluded
The speakers individually concluded :
1) The Constitution is in shambles having been misinterpreted
by the Courts.
2) The struggle between East and West is not between two
rival power blocs but between good and evil.
3) Clear information was available that Castro was a Communist
long before he ever came to power.
4) The opposition and objections to the Birch Society result from
a decision by the international Communist conspiracy to oppose
and undermine anti-Communits groups.
State Powers
Robert H. Montgomery, a Boston attorney who discussed the
Constitution, claimed that "the powers of the states are being
destroyed" and that control of the educational system is rapidly
going to the federal government.
Free public education, he said, is only a relatively recent in-
novation in the United States. The Supreme Court decision banning
public school prayers is aimed at fulfilling the Communist Manifesto's
proposal "that there cannot be Socialism unless there is atheism."
Thomas J. Anderson, editor and publisher of Farm and Ranch
Magazine, called for citizens to stand up against the welfare statism
of both parties.
Fight Communism
"Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and other Kennedy advisors believe
that the welfare state is the best way to fight Communism," he said.
"All welfare states eventually become dictatorships. Property
rights are the basis of human rights." American foreign policy has
failed and "treason is the reason."
Pointing to former Secretary of Labor and now Supreme Court
Justice Arthur Goldberg, Anderson said, "he has a long history of
associations with leftist groups and Communist fronts. Yet the
Senate did, not even examine him before confirming him to the
Supreme Court."
Party Outlaw
It is "too late for subtelty" in fighting Communism. The Ameri-
can Communist Party ought to be outlawed and its members jailed."
Prof. Revilo P. Oliver of the classical languages and literature
department of the University of Illinois, said that the United States

In Montreal
aViews Issue
Opinions of Students
Vary on Quarantine
Special To The Daily
MONTREAL - Although Cuba
was not on the agenda of the
McGill Conference on World Af-
fairs, held last Wednesday through
Saturday, this severe international
crisis was searchingly probed at
the conference and finally pushed
the Common Market, the topic of
the gathering off the program of
the, last session.
Informally, students from Can-
ada and the eastern United States
argued, explored and debated the
ramifications of President John F.
Kennedy's blockade on the island.
The view of Canadian students
is a mixture of admiration and
frustration. They are pleased that
Kennedy has taken firm action
against the Communist threat, but
frustrated that their country has
no say in their fate.
UN First
A number feel that Kennedy
should have gone to the United
Nations first before exposing the
world to an East-West confronta-
tion that could lead to war.
They believe that peaceful al-
ternatives should first be tried.
Many were disturbed that Ken-
nedy acted without confering with
Canada or the United States'
European allies. They felt that
Canada was pushed into a crisis
without its knowledge or consent.
Diefenbaker Criticism
Similarly, a number of Canadian
students were critical of Prime
Minister John Diefenbaker for his
seeming uncritical submission to
United States policy. They would
have prefered to see the prime
minister take a more active role in
policy formation and to reduce
the risks the United States action
presents to Canada.
A panel of Canadian professors
viewed the Cuba crisis in the clos-
ing session of the McGill Confer-
Prof.. Michael Brecher of Mc-
Gill's political science department
said that the Cuba crisis showed
that international law was not
suited for modern power politics
and crises.
He justified Kennedy's Cuba
policy in "realpolitik" terms, say-
ing that the President had to act
to save the status quo.
Right To Act
Prof. Maxwell Cohen of McGill's
law faculty agreed that inter-
national law did not fit the Cuban
situation. Major powers should
have the right to take military
action when crises threaten its
vital self-interest. Reasonableness
should be the justification of in-
ternational actions, he continued.
Prof. Michael Oliver of Mc-
Gill's political sciencendepartment,
the national president of the New
Democratic Party, condemned So-
viet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev for his provocation, Cuba for
its submission and the United.
States for its blockade.
He said Kennedy should have
used peaceful means first before



____ n

Potter Explains USNSARole

U Thant To Start Trip
To Talk with Castro
U.S. Declares Voluntary Suspension
At Request of Secretary-General

"The United States National
Student Association was conceived
as a representative democratic
structure through which American
students could express their ideas
in the post-war era," Paul Pot-
ter, Grad, commented in a speech
before Assembly House Council
Potter, former national affairs
vice-president for USNSA, spoke
supporting the University's mem-
bership in the organization after
Ceal Lyle, '64, Mosher representa-
tive, made a motion urging that
"Assembly House Council express
itself in favor of the University
remaining in USNSA."
The motion was tabled until
next~Monday when a representa-
tive supporting the referendum
will speak before Assembly. Mary
Beth Norton, '64, AHC president,
said that she was not yet certain
who the speaker would be.
Share Discontent
Twenty-five American students
shared discontent with the Inter-
national Union of Students and
decided to form what is presently
the USNSA. The group from its
inception was "rooted in the cam-
pus and based on representation
of American student governments,"
Potter said.
He indicated that much of the
blame for ignorance of USNSA
functions on the University cam-
pus must be attributed to Student
Government Council. "SGC is not
communicating the purposes of
USNSA to the campus. As a re-
sult, students are not being drawn
into an awareness of USNSA."
As an example of SGC negli-
gence, Potter cited the travel pro-
gram sponsored by USNSA.
Low Price Tour
"This is the lowest-priced tour
of its kind in the nation and has
the most educational content. Yet
SGC hasn't even allowed the stu-
dents of this University to benefit
from the tour program because
they don't think it's important
enough to be made known to the
campus,' he said.
Potter explained that USNSA
has a "significant educational
value." The organization publishes
material dealing with the techni-
cal problems of student leadership
and student government. It dis-
seminates and submits information
on civil liberties and student ac-
tivities all over the world.

may obtain new ideas here which
can be effected for the improve-
ment of their own campuses. It
has much practical worth," Potter
He called the USNSA "the most
powerful union of students in the
free world with reference to reach-
ing students in other areas, par-
ticularly those which are threat-
ened by Communism. Further, it is
doing more now than any other'
group in the United States to reach
these students," he said.
A group of American students
employed by NSA are currently'
working in Latin America. They
are the only American group work-
ing actively in Latin America in
an attempt to assist the students
in their efforts to cope with the
rising Communist dominated stu-
dent unions.
"Students often ask what US-
NSA is doing for them. The recent
Cuban crisis ought to make many
of us realize that the work of the
democracies in Latin American
countries is of critical importance
to our lives, perhaps even to our
survival," he, said.


... defends USNSA
"The National Student Congress,
held yearly, is an event which
challenges and perfects our own
thinking. Delegates from universi-
ties in every corner of the nation

LeGallienne Describes
Theatrical Experiences,
(Last of Two Parts)
Eva LeGallienne, whose production of Ibsen's "Ghosts" was the
Association of Producing Artists most recent offering, has been in the
theatre for forty-eight years-and believes that it takes at least 20
years to learn how to act.
"On Broadway it is difficult to learn the craft of acting because
you are developed as a type rather than as an actor," Miss LeGal-
lienne said.
She laughingly recalled her own initial Broadway success as an
ingenue which she called "a fluke."
Best Thing
"I failed in my next play which was the best thing that could
have happened to me. Too early successes are bad because the actor
doesn't know how to take them," she emphasized.
After her failure, Miss LeGallienne took bit parts and travelled
around the country. Ethel Barrymore happened to see her in a 12 line
role and decided she wanted "that girl" in her own company. She re-
mained with Miss Barrymore for two years, in a touring show.
"Ethel Barrymore was a great believer in the road for the experi-
ence and the audience. The road show spreads an actor's name and
it requires a constant adjustment to new atmospheres," Miss LeGal-
lienne explained.,
Cleared the Decks
The actress, a long-time crusader for repertory theatre in the
United States, was 15 when she embarked on her acting career and
26 when she started the Civic Repertory Theatre. She believes that
an early start is essential to an actor so "by 21 you have cleared the
decks and can begin to learn.
"Acting is a continual pursuit of knowledge. One'ss ights con-
tinually get higher and horizons expand as more is learned," she said.
Reflecting on her own life and career, she said it takes about- 20
years to begin to know one's craft. "It is absolute nonsense that
people think you just pop up on the stage and start acting," she ex-
Completed Tour
Miss LeGallienne recently completed a tour of the United States,
doing one-nighters across the country with three week shows in Holly-
wood and San Francisco. The company presented Schiller's "Mary
Stuart" and Maxwell Anderson's "Elizabeth the Queen." Miss LeGal-
lienne played Queen Elizabeth in both versions.
"It was very interesting to play both interpretations because each
showed different facets of the Queen," she commented.
Miss LeGallienne has another side to her personality, that of a
scholar. Although she denies the term "scholar," saying she left school


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The United States announced last night the
temporary lifting of its naval blockade of Cuba at the request of the
Acting Secretary-General U Thant of the United Nations.
U Thant is to meet today with Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro
in Havana in an effort to work out details for United Nations super-
vision of the removal of Soviet nuclear missiles from'the island. Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev announced Monday that he had ordered
such a withdrawal and agreed to United Nations supervis. n.
The White House announced the lifting of the blockade against
shipments of offensive weapons would be effective about 6 a.m.
tomorrow and would last through --
the two days of U Thant's visit.
Depend on Situation
" Whether it will be reimposed af-
ter that period will depend on the sah
situation at that time. fr ~ ~ .IA
The blockading United States La . W
warships meanwhile will remain on
station at sea.
White House Press Secre'tary D velopment
Pierre Salinger told newsmen he
does not know why U Thant had
requested the lifting of the block- By RUTH HETMANSKI
ade which was imposed last Tues- Speaking on "The Law of Homi-
day. It seemed a good guess that cide in England," Prof. Seaborne
U Thant believes this gesture Davies of the University of Liver-
would smooth his way in dis- pool yesterday outlined the de-
cussions with Castro, who has not velopment and reform surround-
indicated any wholehearted ap- ing the five forms of homicide rec-
proval of Khrushchev's decision. ognized in England today.
No Mention Explaining the five classifica-
Neither the White House nor the tions of homicide, Prof. Davies be-
defense department made any gan with murder, where the "most
mention of the United States interesting development in this
aerial surveillance of the Soviet century" has taken place with re-
missile bases which can determine gards to pleading. This is the
whether the orders Khrushchev "diminished responsibility" plea.
reported are being carried out. "Diminished responsibility" can-
A leader of the militantly anti- not be used as a defense, but it
Castro Cuban exile organization 'may reduce the charge from mur-
Alpha 66 commandos landed in der to manslaughter, if the de-
Cuba several days ago and en- fendant can show that he was af-
gaged in fighting. Geronimo Es- flicted with what the "man in
teves said he could not confirm
the reports. the street" would call an "abnor-
The eneueanine.mality" strong enough to relieve
The Venezuelan miterior minis- him of some responsibility for his
try said lastniht t namtng acts, yet not serious enough to be
of vital oil installations was part called insanity.
of a sabotage campaign ordered
from Havana that also was aimed Terms of Death
at communications. "The definition of murder should
Time Bomb always be expressed in terms of
A time bomb was found before it death," Prof. Davies said, "rather
would have blown up radio and than as it is done now in terms
television installations carrying of 'intent to do grievous bodily
President Romulo Betancourt's harm'."
mobilization message to the nation Manslaughter as a form of hom-
Saturday night, said interior min- icide, he noted, is "undefined from
ister Carlos Andres Prez. He gave an academic standpoint." The dis-
no further details. tinction should be made clear:
Diplomatic sources said last manslaughter is recklessness with
night plans are under way for harm or the possibility of it; mur-
one or more meetings of Latin der is the recklessness about death.
American internal security offi- Infanticide, the third of the five
cials to tighten measures against forms of homicide, has recently
subversion led by Castro sym- undergone .a reform in law. The
pathizers. old law made it mandatory that
anyone adjudged guilty be execut-
St~u~en~t Pice ed, which served only to make jur-
es reluctant to bring in a plea of
guilty. In 1922 the law was revised,
and the death penalty is no long-
In YI.as ington er mandatory.
Not Crime
WASHINGTON (CPS)-An es- Suicide is no longer a crime,
timated 1000-1500 students picket- but anyone who aids or partici-
ed the White House Sunday in pates in another's suicide is liable
demonstrations against the United for a felony. "This creates the pe-
States blockade of Cuba and culiar situation of having a crime
against those asserting the anti- where the first part is legal and
blockade position. the second part is a felony," ex-
Both the pickets and counter- plains Prof. Davies.
pickets seemed agreed that the "Causing death by dangerous

Barnell, Brown
Free To Run
Charles Barnell, '63, Thomas
Brown, '63BAd, and Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, are official candidates
for the Stu d e n t Government
Council elections, the SGC Cre-
dentials and Rules Committee an-
nounced yesterday.
The committe said that Stock-
meyer and Brown tad found a
"legal loophole" in the petitions
rules since the rules stated that
the word "petition" meant signa-
tures. Stockmeyer and Brown as
incumbents were not required to



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