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October 26, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-26

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Partly cloudy,
chance of snow flurries

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
Colorado Student BodySuprsFinof1


Referendum Backs
President's Action
Newton Receives Large Majority
As Althen Remains Off Newspaper
University of Colorado students gave President Quigg Newton an
overwhelming vote of support for his firing of Colorado Daily Editor
Gary Athen,
In a two day referendum ending yesterday, 2,956 students voted
on the following motion: "Be it resolved that we, the students of
the University of Colorado, deplore the manner in which the univer-
"sity administration acted in the
firing of Colorado Daily Editor
Gary Althen.
"Although we realize that ex-
ternal pressures may have moti-
voted the president's decision, we
also feel that his action was an-
tagonistic to former statements
regarding academic freedom and
the mechanisms within the uni-
versityeby which this liberty is
.l ' Reconsideration
"We urge an immediate recon-'
sideration of this decision."
The vote was 967 for the mo-
tion, 2,049 against it.
Newton fired Althen Oct. 17 aft-
er several weeks of controversy
centered around an article and a
letter printed by Althen in the
Colorado Daily.
The article, appearing Sept. 21,
referred to Senator Goldwater as
QUIGG NEWTON a "murderer, a mountebank, no
. student support better than a common criminal."
The letter, written to explain the
attack on Goldwater, referred to
REFORM: former President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower as "an old Futzer." Both
" s were written by Carl Mitcham,
Davies Cites Colo'ado senior and not a staff
member of the Colorado Daily.
Newton explained his firing of
Althen to 4,000 students Tuesday
afternoon. "It is my considered
opinion" that Althen had hurt the
By RUTH HETMANSKI university with "acts of editorial
irresponsibility. We cannot risk
Speaking on "Criminal Appeal further damage by permitting the
in England" as part of the Cooley editor to retain his position," he
Lecture Series Thursday. Prof said.l


















Talks on

Cuban Quarantine


Charge Hit
By Power
Regent Eugene B. Power has
explained why charges that he
pressured University faculty mem-
bers to contribute to Neil Staeb-
ler's campaign for congressman-
at-large are "patently false."
His explanation came as a reply
to Rep. James Warner (R-Ypsi-
lanti), who alleged that Regent
Power had sent a threatening let-
ter to the faculty, demanding con-
tributions to Staebler.
Regent Power answered by out-
lining -"the actual facts":
1) As chairman of the Staebler
finance committee, Regent Power
enlisted support from individuals
throughout the state to serve on
the committee. Each person was
given committee letterheads for
his own use.
2) Each member had these let-
terheads to prepare his own let-
ters to send to his own mailing
list, seeking contributions.
3) Regent Power sent out ap-
proximately 10,000 letters bearing
his signature, but none were mail-
ed to University faculty members.
"If any faculty member received
a letter signed by me it was the
result of a clerical error," he said.
4) The faculty did receive a let-
ter signed by International Center
Director Prof. James Davis, a let-
ter sponsored by ,"a faculty com-
mittee of Staebler's supporters."
Right To Participate
Regent Power said that "none
of these letters by any stretch
of the imagination can be con-
strued as a threat to those who
fail to contribute.
"I do not believe that my elec-
tion as a regent has deprived *ne
of the right-in fact, the obliga-
tion-to participate in an effort
to elect a candidate whose recod
in education, as well as in other
areas, merits my support," Regent
Power commented.
To Rap Firing
On Newspaper
The Collegiate Press Associa-
tion and the National Association
of College Publications Advisors is
expected to censure -the action of
University of Colorado President
Quigg Newton in firing Colorado
Daily editor Gary Althen.
The three-day Detroit confer-
ence has drawn delegates from
throughout the United States.


Steinbeck Wins Nobel Prize

STOCKHOLM (1') - John Steinbeck, whose hard-hitting novels
brought him wealth-and fame as a champion of the underdog, won
the 1962 Nobel Prize for literature yesterday.
The 60-year-old California-born author, considerably mellowed
in his writing and temperament since "The Grapes of Wrath" shocked
the social conscience of the United States, is the sixth Ameri-
can to win the premier literary-,>
For nearly 30 years SteinbeckV
has been turning out rest sellers
a total of 27 books-and countless
magazine and other articles thatE
stirred controversy and raptures For A uthor
of praise.

. . sixth U. S. award

-m V c ulAi1 tua a , S .
Seaborne Davies, Dean of the Fac-
ulty of Law of the University of
Liverpool, called attention to the
current reform mood in England
concerning the administrative ma-
chinery of criminal law.
Particular attention is being
paid to delays in administration
caused by an increase in the num-
ber of criminal cases.
"The chief oddity of the present
structure of appeals was that
there were two separate struc-
tures," Prof. Davies said. The orig-
final distinction depended upon
the type and seriousness of the
case, but this distinction was much
obliterated in modern times, leav-
ing the mere structural duality.
Appeal Right
The establishment of the Court
of Criminal Appeal in 1907
brought for the first time a gen-
eral right of appeal from convic-
tions of the more serious crimes.
It was once feared that the estab-
lishment of a Court of Criminal
Appeal would undermine the in-
tegrity and sense of responsibility
of juries,, but the last 50 years
have set those fears at rest.
The Court of Criminal Appeal
established in 1907 had some un-
usual features. Its judges were
concurrently trial judges rather
than full-time appellate judges.
members; now there are 35. This
In 1908 there were 16 possible
was the normal quorum of the
court and as a result any three
out of 35 could constitute the
court. Thus, the court had no
relatively fixed composition.
"All of this has led to a curious
constitutional development," Prof.
Davies said. "The Court of Crim-
inal Appeal has established what
might almost be called a Court of
Appeal within itself by the device
of assembling a 'full court,' that
is a court of five, seven or more
of its members to review the, pre-
vious decisions-of its court of three
members, or to resolve disagree-
ments between three who could
no agree."
Students Travel
To Protest An
More than 40 University stu-
dents will leave by car for Wash-
ington, D.C., tonight to participate
in tomorrow's march on the White

Ad Hoc Committee
The text of the referendum mo-
tion was approved by an ad hoc
committee of 500 protesting stu-
dents immediately following Al-
then's dismissal, and was approved
by Colorado student senate the
same night
But a week later, after Newton
spoke, student senate reconsidered
its action, and voted to delete the
entire middle paragraph of the
motion because it was "vague."
may Initiate
NSA Question
A petition to place the question
of continued participation in the
United States National Student
Association on the Nov. 14 Student
Government Council ballot is be-
ing circulated by the Young Re-
publican Club.
YR President Mark Hauser, '64,
said that he expects that the pe-
tition will "easily have 1,000 sig-
natures" before Monday. More
than 70 students are circulating
the petition in hopes to initiate the
NSA issue in the election.
Wednesday night at the SGC
meeting the necessary two-thirds
majority to place the issue on the
ballot was not achieved. Eight
members voted in favor of the ref-
erendum and five against with one



IQC Passes
Inter-Quadrangle Council for-
warded several Constitutional
amendments to the various resi-
dence houses for approval last
One of the amendments, which
deleted a section dealing with
quadrangle and house councils,
raised some controversy in a num-
ber of houses. Some members of
the residence halls interpreted this
deletion to mean the abolition of
these governing bodies.
However, IQC President Robert
Geary, '63, noted that the removal
of this section from the constitu-
tion was merely an administrative
matter. He stated that the provi-
sion concerning house govern-
mnents did not belong in the IQC
"We never thought of taking
away house councils," he added.
In another IQC action, the post
of secretary-treasurer was divided
in two. This was done because
the job had become too big for one
person to handle.
A third amendment removes the
voting power from the secretary
and treasurer, in order to avoid
the possibility of a future president
establishing a "power bloc" on
IQC. Since the president selected
all the officers under the old sys-
tem, he could select all of them
from his own quadrangle.

Formal Citation
The 18-member Swedish Liter-
ary Academy, in awarding him the
Nobel Prize, issued this formal ci-
tation: "For his at one and the
same time realistic and imagina-
tive writings, distinguished as they
are by a sympathetic humor and
a social perception."
In its announcement of the
award, the Academy went further:
"Among the masters of modern
Amreican literature who have al-
ready been awarded the prize -
from Sinclair Lewis to Ernest
Hemingway - Steinbeck more
than holds his own, independent
in position and achievement.
Redeemed Motif
There is in him a strain of
humor which tohsome extent re-
deems his often cruel and crude
motif. His sympathies always go
out to the oppressed, the misfits
and the distressed, he likes to con-
tx-t the simple joy of life with
the brutal and cynical craving for
Steinbeck received international
acclaim for "The Grapes of
Wrath," a powerful story of the
"Okies" fleeing the dustybowl. It
grew out of his r-:lings for the
migrants after living with them. It
won him the Pulitzer Prize in 1940
and became a hit stage play and
"But in him we find the Ameri-
can temperament also expressed in
this great feeling for nature."
Steinbeck's most recent novel,
"The Winter of Our Discontent,"
published last year, is about a
small-town grocery clerk who plots
a bank robbery as a quick way of
regaining his family's lost fortune
and social status.

Several members of the English
department shared the opinion
that the presentation yesterday
of the Nobel Prize in LiteratureI
to novelist John Steinbeck wasi
for the works he has produced
over the last 30 years.
Most also felt that while Sten-
beck deserved the award, it might
have been fairer and generally a
wiser move to present the prize
to Robert Frost or some other
American or European writer.
Commenting on the committee's
choice, Prof. Joe Lee Davis assert-
ed that "the (Nobel) Committee
has shown much the same ap-
proach to American literature as
it has in the past, when it awarded
the Nobel Prize to Hemingway.
Faulkner, and Pearl Buck.
"Generally, the committee has
given the award to a writer it
feels has expressed the curient
trends within a culture.
"This year, it evidently returned
to the practice of making an
award for a writer's complete
works, rather than one effort,'
Prof. Davis said yesterday.
In making its selection, the
Swedish Academy recognizes two
basic trends in American litera-
ture, he added. The first is an
emphasis on humanitarianism-
the welfare of the common man.
The awarding 'on the Nobel Prize
to Pearl Buck was based on this.
Hemingway and Faulkner were
presented with the award for the
second major aspect of American
literature, the great need for es-
tablishirig roots, Prof. Davis con-
See COMPARE, Page 6

To Maintain Blockade
Russians Offer To Halt Shipments
If Americans Recall Naval Forces
UNITED NATIONS M~-President John F. Kennedy and
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev agreed yesterday to pre-
liminary talks proposed by acting Secretary-General U Thant
on ending the United States-Soviet crisis'over Cuba.
But Thant failed to win any United States commitment
on a temporary end to the naval arms blockade on Cuba dur-
ing such negotiations. A Soviet tanker was halted yesterday
but allowed to proceed with'out . .
a search.
Khrushchev announced he would
agree to a temporary simultane-
ous suspension of Soviet arms
shipments and the blockade as pro-
posed by Thant.
Replies of both world leaders;
were read out to the UN Security
Council by U.S. Ambassador Adlai
E. Stevenson and Soviet DeputyV'
Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zor-
Angry Charges
Their speeches contained angry
charges and countercharges byy.
the two UN chief representatives
of their two countries.
At one point Stevenson demand-;
ed an outright reply from Zorin
on whether the Soviet Union had
stationed long and short range
missiles in Cuba.
Number One U TsANT
Kennedy made clear in the.. . proposes negotiations
statement read to the Council by
Stevenson that the United States WARNING:-
regarded the secret introduction of
offensive weapons into Cuba as the
number one issue in the crisis.
The President told Thant "theud c s u s
answer lies in the removal of such 1t
weapons." ii t P lc
A White House official under-
scored this by announcing in
Washington that the Kennedy of- Joint Judiciary Council issued a
fer to explore possibilities of a policy statement concerning stu-
peaceful settlement did not signal dent riots at last night's meeting,
any suspension of the blockade. according to Judic chairman Gary
Suggestions L. Hoffman, '63.
Kennedy merely took note that The statement says that Joint
Thant "made certain suggestions Judic "wished to bring to the at-
and has invited preliminary talks tention of the student body the
to determine whether satisfactory following University regulation, in
rrangements can be assured." light of the denonstrations which
He added that Stevenson "is this past week:
ready to discuss promptly these . NO student shall be involved
with you." inciting, leading or participat-
arrangements whe reyfromning in student riots or raids which
K rrusheadn hh the pl om could result in injury to persons,
IKhrushchev in which. the Soviet destruction of property, or viola-
leader said he welcomed the sec- tion of a University regulation,
retary-general's initiative. state law, or city ordinance.'
Khrushchev said he understood'"Joint Judic is prepared to take
Thant's concern "since the So- disciplinary action against any
viet government also considers this students inciting, leading or par-
situation as highly dangerous and ticipating in some activities in
requiring an immediate interfer- the future. This is in no way in-
ence by the United Nations, tended to infringe upon the rights
"I am informing you that I agree of free assembly and free speech,
with your proposal which meets but rather to protect them"
the interests of peace."
Washington reported that Rus-
sian ships which turned back fio
Cuba included most of those sus-l
pected of carrying offensive wea- Asks Position
pons. A huge vessel designed to
transport missiles was reported O
among them. O onsttuion
Informed government sources
said no new Russian ship had been Norman O. Stockmeyer, Repub-
sighted moving toward Cuba and lican candidate for Secretary of
the fleet of blockading United State yesterday challenged his
States warships strung out across democratic opponent, incumbent
a broad area of the Atlantic. James M. Hare, to "make known
It appeared likely that the Navy his position" on the proposed new
might intercept one of the oncom- constitution.
ing Communist cargo ships during He told the Ann Arbor Realty
the day. This could bring the first Board, "The people of Michigan
actual order to halt and be are entitled to know precisely how
searched. Secretary of State candidates feel
about the new document."
iT Stockmeyer praised the pro-
posed constitution and said he is
Observe M UG "100 per cent in favor" of its
1 i o e n In an interview after his morn-

SRC Discovers Elderly
ceive Lower Income
The income of older citizens is "substantially lower" than that
of younger people says the University's Survey Research Center.
Citing figures from its 1962 survey of consumer finances, the
Center says that, not only are older citizens worse off financially
"'than younger people, they are
likely to stay that way.
The report said 71 per cent of
those 65 and over had a dispos-
able income of less than $3,000 in
1961, and 10 per cent had more
Grads than $5,000.
Less Than $2,000

Elephants To Greet Old

By ELLEN SILVERMAN Out of 9.3 million people 65 and
over, 4.5 million have a disposable
Elephants, sky divers and twisters will begin Homecoming festivi- income of less than $2,000; 40
ties this afternoon as a prelude to a weekend of activities climaxed by per cent of these have practically
two dances and an appearance by Bob Newhart tomorrow. no assets. The SRC report adds,
Not incidentally, the University will take on Minnesota in the "and most of them have no med-
Homecoming game tomorrow afternoon in the traditional battle for Insanio, ditr" n
the LttleBrownJug.In addition, -distribution of
the Little Brdwn Jug. assets among the over-65 units
Homecoming's elephant race, the newest feature of the program, is "much more unequal than
will be held this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Elephants from six housing among other units," the SRC said.
groups on campus will compete for the honor of representing the Uni- Boosts Average
versity in an intercollegiate race series at 5 p.m. The University's com- A small number with large
petitors are Adams State College, the University of Illinois, the Uni- assets raises the average for tne
versity of Washington and Orange State College. entire group, it said.
Elephants Arrival Some 34 per cent had no liquid
The elephants will arrive late in the day. "At 9 o'clock this morn- assets at all (less than $100 inj
ing they left from Indiana," Homecoming Co-chairman Charles bank deposits and bonds), andj


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