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October 25, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-25

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Frederick Manville Taylor

(EDITOR'S NOTE; This is the 16th
in a series of 21 articles featuring
the namesakes of the men's resi-
dence halls.)
While it is true that many peo-
ple pursue hobbies during their
leisure hours for personal benefit
as well as enjoyment, it is a gen-
erally accepted fact that few if
any approach their hobbies with
the same intensity and thorough-
ness with which they attack their
more academic work.
Any man who does so is at least
regarded as exceptional, if not
scholarly. Such a man was Prof.
Frederick Manville Taylor.
Speaker Notes
Polsh Change
The shifting population distri-
bution of Poland was the subject
of a lecture Monday by Professor
Leszek Kosinski of the University
of Indiana.
Professor Kosinski told a group
of about 75 listeners that "the no-
ticeable shift from agricultural to
urgan industrial centers in Po-
land has had a definite effect on
Poland's economy since World
War II."
"This has resulted in an unequal
situation in Poland, with the large
urban centers of the east and
southeast developing and growing
at the expense of the northern and
western sections of the country,
formerly under 'Soviet domina-
tion," he said.
Basically, Prof. Kosinski blamed
Poland's current economic and
population problems on the "poor
Russian administration and wide-
spread German damage" of World
War II.
Evans To Speak
In Baha'i Lecture.
Winston G. Evans will discuss
"The Lord of the New Age" at 8
p.m. ,today in Aud. A. This talk is
the second in a- series of three
sponsored by the Baha'i Assembly.

For 37 years a teacher of econ-
omics at the University, Prof. Tay-
lor enjoyed a local notoriety as
the scholar who indulged in peda-
gogical hobbies with the same dis-
ciplined, logical procedure that
characterized his official duties.
His pursuits during leisure time
of history, philosophy, politics,
economics and mathematics af-
forded him a wide breadth of
scholarship and range of interest
that the less ambitious hobbyist
could only admire.
Born in Northville, Michigan, in
1855, Prof. Taylor attended North-
western University, graduating in
1876. He worked as a graduate stu-
dent at Johns Hopkins University
and was granted his doctorate by
the University.
Left Albion
He became for 13 years a pro-
fessor of history at Albion College
until his general dissatisfaction
with that institution induced him
to seek a position in the economics
department of the University un-
der the direction- of Prof. Henry
Carter Adams, then the only spe-
cialized Michigan economist of
professional rank.
At the University, "Freddie" was
known as the authority on curren-
cy and banking matters.
Social Participation
Normally retiring from organ-
ized social activities, the professor
preferred to cultivate many close
friendships but did consent to par-
ticipate in the American Economic
Association and serve as secretary
of the Michigan Political Science
With his students, Prof. Taylor
was exacting and impatient at
mediocre performance yet dis-
played open-mindedness, toler-
ance of well-founded convictions
and frankness and honesty in ex-
pressing his views.
He absolutely refused to listen
to nonsense or vague, poorly-
formed opinions on any subject
and reportedly commented, "It is
useless to waste one's time on the
man who does not really know
what he thinks."
On the other hand, he cautioned
his students that "the rigid appli-
cation of principles to practical
cases is extremely dangerous, and
is apt to be a mistaken application
in nine out of 10 cases."
Socialist Background
Ironically, after his retirement,
Prof. Taylor was favorably re-
ceived in socialist quarters. Ad-
mittedly, he had been a student
of socialism, but he had never ad-
vocated it in favor of private own-
ership and free enterprise.
He died at 77 years of age in
His name has now been at-
tached to a professorship in busi-
ness economics, an award made
for excellency in preliminary
theory exams for the doctorate,
and Taylor House in South Quad-

MUG Plans
First Day's
C eremonies
The Michigan Union Grill will
officially open for business at 3:30
p.m. today in gala grand opening
Executive Vice-President Marvin
Niehuss will perform the ribbon
cutting with Union President Rob-
ert Finke, '63, and the MUG will
be open to all for an afternoon of
In honor of the grand opening,
special prizes will be awarded, the
Don Gillis Trio, a jazz group, will
entertain and a 50 per cent dis-

Hansen Notes Stagnation
Due to Investment Lack

Winner of 10Academy A wardsI
BEST n.Wi. BEST3,,D'"A i, BEST Ad *DBEST p, ,, BEST
DEST T4 , Pc": s EST {, 'BEST & BE'+ST fta c am E°n

... opens MUG

count on special items in the
cafeteria line will be given.
Every hundredth person to enter
the new MUG will receive a free
dinner and the thousandth person
will be awarded two dinners and
free tickets for all Union spon-
sored events which include Spring
Weekend, the World's Fair, MUS-
KET and Homecoming.
Free coffee and cokes will be
available for all those students
who pick up tickets on the Diag
from 12:30 to 2 p.m. this after-
The renovation of the MUG was
started at the beginning of the
summer. "The MUG was designed
to answer the suggestions of stu-
dents, faculty, administration and
Union alumni," University Affairs
Committeeman James Benson, '64,
said yesterday. The architecture
was planned in response to the re-
sults of a questionnaire circulated
late last spring.
The MUG will be open until 5:30
p.m. this afternoon and everyone
is welcome, Benson added. How-
ever, in order to set up the facili-
ties, it will be closed for an hour
prior to the ceremonies.

The high level stagnation of
the United States economy was
attributed to a lack of governmen-
tal investment in the service in-
dustries by visiting Prof. Alvin
Hansen of Michigan State Univer-
According to the latest report of
the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisors, there is a trend
in America towards unemploy-
"Aggregate unemployment is
rising," Hansen said, referring to
the latest report of the President's
Council of Economic Advisors. He
said that a chronic slack is exhib-
ited in the cyclical behavior of the
economy "such that unemploy-
ment is greater in every peak and
every trough."
Hansen called the growing un-
employment force "high level stag-
nation" and attributed it to de-
creasing investment opportunities.
Reached the Stages
Contrasting the rapid rate of
growth of the European economies
to the United States economy,
Hansen said, "The Europeans have
reached a stage in rising incomes
above the threshhold where a
large demand for consumer goods
is possible. The Common Market
increases the rate of growth even
"The United States economy has
long since passed this threshhold
and has reached a relative satura-
tion point," Hansen said. "Though
a complete saturation is not pos-
sible the United States primarily
has a replacement economy."
"All areas of production of ma-
terial goods have decreasing
amounts of employment." He said
that the greatest expansion is now-
in the service industries. "We have
shortages of doctors, nurses, medi-
cal care programs, housing, and
schools. These areas are not open
to vast profitable investment op-
Less Resistance
"In Europe there is less resist-
ance to the urgent needs of the
country." Hansen said that this
country needs much bigger pro-
grams for urban redevelopment,
urban transit, and schools. "To a
large extent this requires much
more participation by the govern-
Hansen said that socialist gov-
ernments have not nationalized
the material goods industries be-
cause in this area private enter-
prise is vastly more efficient. "But
Ha yes Studies
Bank Policies
As one of about 5Q educators
in the country currently working
under Ford Foundation faculty
fellowships, Prof. Douglas A. Hayes
of the business administration
school is carrying out a "critical
analysis" of bank lending policies.
He is in the process of interview-
ing officials of several of the lead-
ing banks in the Midwest, at-
tempting to discover just what
are their lending policies and the
reasons for them.
Prof. Hayes is interested in "all
phases" of the loaning arrange-
ments, although he is concentrat-
ing on the standards held by larger
banks because college and univer-
sity graduates usually are not em-
ployed at small banks.
His study project will thus sup-
plement material in the graduate-
level course he teaches in bank
management. He hopes to com-
plete a monograph on his research
by next June.

private enterprise doesn't fill the
needs of social services."
The per cent of unemployed goes
down with each advance in the
education level, Hansen noted. He
said that the changing methods of
industry require a trained labor
force. "A report by a social com-
mittee set up by the Eisenhower
administration called for twice the
present expenditure on education
and this was a conservative com-
Hansen summarized by saying
that the present latent stagnation
is caused by a shortage of services
and a saturation of material
Cites; Space
The space age resources of the
universities in Michigan "have on-
ly begun to be used," University
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss said Sunday.
Speaking at the opening session
of -the Michigan Industry Univer-
sities Space Age Research Con-
ference, Niehuss said:
"The involvement of universities
in space age research is long
standing. To many of us, the
space age seemed to burst upon
us unannounced five years ago
this month when the first satellite
was put in orbit.
Extend Knowledge
"In fact, the space age was in
the making long before that; its
beginnings were in the laborator-
ies and research of university
scientists and scholars all dover
the world who have for decades,
been seeking to extend man's
knowledge beyond the world to
outer space and to the stars and
planets which make up the known
Niehuss noted that it was the
"mobilization" -of this knowledge
by government and industry which
made possible the beginning of
the space age.
"The University itself was one
of the pioneer centers for scien-
tific and engineering research con-
cerned with outer space and its
exploration by machines and men.
More recently Michigan's other
universities have become involved
in space age research of many
Great Interest
The universities of the state of
Michigan come to. this confer-
ence .with a long-established in-
terest and with a substantial rec-
ord of accomplishment in space
age research, Niehuss noted.
"But more importantly, they
tome with the belief that their
potential resources for research
in this area have only begun tp
be used: and they are eager to
find ways of cooperation with
Michigan industry and with gov-
ernment agencies which will per-
.nit their full potential to be
utilized for the benefit of the
state and the nation."
Deutsch To Talk
On Economics
Prof. Earl Deutsch of the politi-
cal science department at Yale
University will be on campus to-
day to lecture on "Economic De-
velopment: Some Political Aspects
and Their Measurement." The
speech,- at 4 p.m. in Rm. 301 Econ-
omic Bldg., is under the auspices
of the economics department.

DIAL 5-6290


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TODAY 4:10 P.M.
Arena Theater, Frieze Building
E. E. Cumming's
Department of Speech

" ..


DIAL 8-6416
"F crwho sits down to this
ifeelng old and dry will
eling young and green.
p s li." eespring of
Ihlfelself.-ime agazzn.


( I ii


IinpItIB1C... ana dso
IFRENCH iunWT. .. 3twa
S--:~-wiz e

.Paul V. Beckey,
Herald Tribune
is something to be seen
once, then gloated over
at least twice more!"'
*Archer Winsten, Post
.-Wanda Hale,
Daily News
James Robertson

Tanaka. Grand Prize, Venice Film Festival
Michiko Kyo, Masayuki Mori, Kinijo
SHORT: Martha Graham's Night Journey
(Oedipus and Jocasta)
Danny Kaye, Glynnis John,
Basil Rathbone.
SHORT: Cavalcade of American Serials
(PEARL WHITE and other cliff-hangers)

Ugetsu, a film of compelling
imagination, won the Grand
Prize at Venice in 1954. Set in
16th century Japan, it relates
the adventures of two peasants
who in a time of civil warfare

The Court Jester is one of
Danny Kaye's most charming
films, allowing full scope for
his talent of fantastic comedy.
Graustarkian romance is coup-
led with slapstick in an engag-

.. 9..e.e. @e....ee.. ... .





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