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October 21, 1962 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-21

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TAE m acH LY



Burke Aaron Hinsdale

Regents Accept Grants of $208,000

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 13th
. in a series of 21 articles featuring
the namesakes of the men's resi-
dence halls.)
Strangers said that Prof. Burke
Aaron Hinsdale was unsympathet-
Ic and harsh. His appearance was
described as that of a backwoods
farmer. His long, scraggly beard
and somewhat rustic manners must
have been foreboding to- people
meeting him for the first time.
Assuredly, the professor of edu-
cation and second holder of the
'U' on B -law
The Ann Arbor-Washtenaw
County Branch of the American
Civil Liberties Union sent a letter
of congratulations and apprecia-
tion to University President Har-
lan Hatcher and the members of
the Board of Regents Monday, ap-
proving the tentative Sec. 8.1'i.A
of the University bylaws, and urg-
ing permanent passage of the ac-
tion as soon as possible.
The new bylaw deals with out-
side speaker policies for Univer-
sity student organizations, and
provides that student organiza-
tions must inform speakers of re-
strictions against advocating any
action "prohibited by the rules of
the University or which is illegal
under federal or state law."
Freedom of Speech
'The letter says:
"The Ann Arbor - Washtenaw
County Branch of the American
Civil Liberties Union extends to
you its congratulations and its
appreciation for your affirmation
of the basic principle of freedom
of speech contained in the tenta-
tively approved Sec. 8.11 A of the
University bylaws, dealing with
sponsorship by student organiza-
tions of public meetings to be ad-
dressed by speakers who are not
members of the University staff.
"We believe that the p0-
sition a now taken is substan-
tially in advance of that previous-
ly taken by the University. In
some respects the bylaw is less
conducive to freedom of speech
and inquiry than is ideally desir-
able and this is especially of para-
graph 1(a).
"However, we wish to express
our support for the University ad-
ministration in its efforts to take
this forward step and to provide
on its campus a forum for the
free expression of ideas. We urge
that the tentative approval be
made permanent at the earliest
possible date.
"It is possible, of course, that
the technical provisions of the by-
law might be administered by sub-
ordinate officials of the Univer-
sity in such a way as to effect im-
proper corgtrol over the content of
speeches. \
No Such Abuse
"We have no reason to expect
any such abuse, and we foresee a
good faith effort to implemen
your excellent general statqmenl
of policy.
"We do hope, however, that you
will take an early occasion to
make clear to those persons
charged with actual administra-
tion of the bylaw that it should
be liberally administered in ac-
cordance with its spirit."
Commenting on the letter, Rob-
ert Ross, chairman of Voice Po-
litical Party, said that "this con-
tradicts the traditional libertarian
position. I understand that tradi-
tion to be one of viewing critically
and skeptically laws which woul
restrict the content of speech.
ACLU Interpretation
"It is clear that the new bylav
does just that, but the local chap
ter of ACLU has chosen to inter

pret it as they hope it will be in"
terpreted," he continued.
"Libertarians have usually as
sumed that laws will be enforcec
as they are written and have critic
cized their potential for restric
tion on that basis. The local chap
ter of the ACLU has accepted ar
guments of political expediency
rather than make a libertarian
argument," he said.
"I think their letter is a tragic

chair of the department of science
and art of teaching (the predeces-
sor of the School of Education),
was unrelenting in argument. He
would perceptively detect and ex-
pose the weak points in his ad-;
versary's position, perhaps incur-
ring dislikes in the process of do-
ing so.
Born in Ohio in 1837, Prof. Hins-
dale attended the Western Reserve
Eclectic Institute (later Hiram
College) where he struck up a
friendship with his teacher, Prof.
James A. Garfield, later President
of the United States. The two car-
ried on a 25-year correspondence
of which 900 letters are preserved
in the Library of Congress.
Opposite Directions
During those years the careers
of the two men went off in oppo-
site directions: Prof. Garfield's to
politics and eventually the presi-
dency; Prof. Hinsdale's to the sci-
ence of education, first as presi-
dent of Hiram College, then as su-
perintendent of schools in Cleve-
land, and finally as head of the
University's department of science
and art of teaching.
Despite the divergence of their
careers, the correspondents had
much in common: both were prod-
ucts of Western Reserve; both were
devoted to the Church of the Disci-
ples of Christ; both had been
brought up in the anti-slavery tra-
dition, and both were scholars in
outlook, men of ideas gifted with
President Garfield's success in
politics was matched only by Prof.
Hinsdale's achievements as an ed-
ucator. Prof. Hinsdale was a his-
torian of considerable eminence,
his book, "The Old Northwest,"
enjoyed a good reputation among
sor State Leader
He was prominent in the state
as a member of the National Edu-
cational Association and of the
National Council of Education. He
served as president of the latter
body in 1897. At the time of his
death in 1900, Prof. Hinsdale was
presiding as president of the Mich-
igan State Teachers' Association.
The bewiskered educator had
been influential in the shaping of
University affairs. He had been a
man of considerable common sense
and independence and a forceful
thinker and speaker.,
The Regents posthumously es-
tablished an honorary scholarship
in his name and the University
designated a house in East Quad-
rangle, "Hinsdale House.'
Gottlieb, Pa yne
T o ive Talks
Sanford Gottlieb, political action
director of the National Commit-
tee for a Sane Nuclear Policy and
coordinating secretary of Turn To-
ward Peace, and Tom Payne, Dem-
ocratic candidate for Congress
from the Second Congressional
District, will speak at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the Multipurpose Rm. of1
the UGLI.
Gottlieb will speak on "Politics
t and Peace." He is a lobbyist for
peace in Washington.
' Payne, who, in his campaign
has been discussing his concern
s about issues relating to peace, wil
_ speak on "What Can a Congress-
f man Do for Peace?"
The meeting is open to the pub-
lic without charge.
- Local groups sponsoring this
meeting include Voice Campus Po-
- litical Party, the Ann Arbor Wom-
en for Peace, the Ann Arbor Com
- mittee for a Sane Nuclear Policy
Y and the local chapter of the Wom-
d en's International League fo
Peace and Freedom.


Gifts, grants and bequests total-
ling $208,000 were accepted by
the Regents at their regular meet-
ing Wednesday.
The Regents accepted $40,700
for the Lewis Wm. Armstrong
Foundation for the benefit of
wounded veterans with $35,100
from the estate of Lewis Wi.
Armstrong of Wyandotte, and
$5,100 from Carl Broge, also of
From the General Electric
Foundation of Ossining, N.Y., the
Regents accepted a total of $30,-
000 in six $5,000 grants. The
grants were: (1) to establish a
fellowship in electrical engineer-
ing, (2) for research and study in
mathematics and statistics, (3)
fellowship in marketing econom-
ics, (4) fellowship in metallurgy
(5) to establish a fund .for re-
search and study in legal studies
and political science, and (6) to
establish a fund for research in in-
dustrial engineering and manufac-
turing processes.
Joint Grant
A quarterly payment of $18,750
was accepted from Wayne State
University for support of the In-
stitute of Labor and Industrial Re-
lations, jointly sponsored by the
two universities.
The Rockefeller Foundation of
New York City has made a grant
of $17,900 for the further develop-
ment of a seminar in Islamic art
and architecture in the history of
art department, under the direc.-
tion of Prof. Oleg Grabar of the
Near Eastern studies department.
The grant will be available during
a three-year period retroactive to
Oct. 1, and will be payable on a
semi-annual basis.
The Regents accepted $16,800
from the Alfred P. Sloan Founda-
tion of New York City, with $9,250
for the foundation's graduate en-
gineering fellowships which are
designed to increase, if possible
the number of young men in vari-
ous engineering disciplines pre-
pared to enter the teaching pro-
Junior Status
The balance of the sum is for
five Alfred P. Sloan National
Scholarships for a two-year period
beginning with the 1962-63 year
These scholarships are for male
students of junior status with ex-
ceptionally high academic stand-
ing who have demonstrated some
degree of administrative abilit3
and are interested in the welfare
of the community.
From the Laura A. Lane estate
through the Central Trust Co. o
Rochester, N.Y., the Regents ac-
cepted $11,000, representing the
University's full distributive shar
of the residue of the estate. Th
Laura A. Lane Estate fund has
been established for use by the de.
partments of opthalmology an
otolaryngology in the Medica:
The Regents accepted $10,00
from the Treasurer of the Unitec
States for the Small Busines
Study Fund.
Shields Grant
The Russell A. Shields Estate
Study of Menier's Disease Scholar
r shp has been established with $10,
000 accepted from the estate o
Russell A. Shields, through th
' Manufacturers National Ban
Trust Dept. of Detroit.
_ The Michigan Heart Associatio
of Detroit has given $7,250 for us
by the dean of the Medical School
From the United States agricul
ture department the Regents ac-
s cepted $6,400 for , a cooperative
agreement with the natural re
- sources school to provide for join
- action on a specific forest researc
- The Regents accepted $5,00
r from the National Academy o:
Sciences in Washington for tw

fellowships under the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration International University
Program. The National Academy
of Science is under contract with
NASA to execute this program
which is designed to aid foreign
nations in developing the capabil-
ity to carry out cooperative pro-
grams in the peaceful exploration
of space. The achievement will
depend, in part, in the training of
foreign scientists in space science
skills at universities and colleges
in the United States,
The Standard Oil Co. of San
Francisco has given $4,400 for a
fellowship in chemical engineering.
The Regents accepted $3,600
from the Andreas Foundation of
Minn apolic to bu sed toJIr U iU

Michigan Lions Eye Bank

of Ann

The Scott Paper Company of
Philadelphia has given a total of
$1,500 with $1,000 for an award
for leadership to be given to stu-
dents in science engineering or in
the chemical, civil, electrical, in-
dustrial, mechanical engineering
or engineering mechanics depart-
ments. The balance is for use by
the engineering college.
Engineering Scholarship
From the Western Electric Fund
of New York City, the Regents ac-
cepted $1,275 for a scholarship in

mond, Va., for the
dustrial Relations,
her late husband,
the literary college
the Law School in

Bureau of In-
in memory of

a graduate,
in 1894 and


IRE Transactions
From the Institute of Radio En-
gineers of New York City for the
administrative expenses for ' the
IRE Transactions of the Profes-
sional Group in Electronic Com-
From. Mrs. John G. Winter of
Ann Arbor, to establish the Classi-
cal Studies Department Scholar-

engineering. From Edward C. Hough and
There were four different gifts Mary Hough Kimble Foundation
of $1,000 each as follows: lof Rogers, Ark., for the founda-
From Mrs. Walter Drew of Rich- tion's scholarship.

Minneapoli to be used o pmovl
a fellowship for Bernard Zylstra
now studyingrat the Free Univer-
sity of Amsterdam.
Bell Gift
From the Bell Telephone Labor-
atories at Murray Hill, N. J., the
Regents accepted $2,625 for use
by the electrical engineering de-
The World Health Organization
of Geneva has given $2,500 for a
pilot study of human genetics by
Prof. James V. Nell of the Medi-
cal School.
Conservation research under the
direction of the natural resources
school will be possible under a
grant of $2,000 accepted from the
American Conservation Associa-
tion of New York City.
The Regents accepted $2,000 for
the Michigan Eye Collection Cen-
ter in the Medical Center from

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