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October 19, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-19

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PAGE T 'V13''.

THE 3YIICNrrA1w nArr.v

PAGE TO T av M1C111Amr iH1LZ .



May Reduce English Offerings

SGC To Start Salaries
For Executive Officers

Moses Coit Tyler

Elective technical writing and
advanced speech courses in the.
engineering college may be reduc-j
ed as a result of the implementa-
tion of changes brought about in
engineering literature requirements,
last spring.
Prof. George McEwen of the en-
gineering English department said
Wednesday that although there
are no statistics available as yet,
there are indications of a trend
in this direction. Classes in public
speaking, scientific and technical
writing, and argumentation and
debate have all decreased in en-
rollment by half from their com-
parable size a year ago at this
Williams To Talk
About World Unity
Assistant Secretary of State for
African Affairs G. Mennen Wil-
liams, former Michigan governor,
will speak on "The Morals and
Spiritual Factors in the Struggle
for World Community" at 7 p.m.
today in the Michigan Union Ball-
room. Williams' appearance is part
of International Week and is be-
ing sponsored by the Union Inter-
national Affairs Committee and
the Ecumenical Center.

Some of those taking the courses
now are students who have been
allowed to continue with the pro-
gram they were working in before
the new ruling. Thus, there may
be even fewer students taking the
courses once all those unaffected
by the change have graduated,
Prof. McEwen said.
New Requirements
The new requirements which are
effective for the first time this
semester call for the student in
engineering to take four credit
hours in a literature course in
addition to the six credit hours he
must take in English as a fresh-
The previous requirement had
been that the student was merely
required to take his additional
credit hours in any ofhthe elec-
tive. subjects offered to him at his
The difficulty with this was that
many students never took any lit-
erature courses at all. They con-
centrated solely on the technical
skills of speech and composition
and did no reading.
In order to prevent this and to
insure that every student will have
at least one course in literature
as an undergraduate, the new re-
quirements have been created.
No Predictions
Prof. McEwen said he could not
make any long range predictions

of the ultimate effect this altera-
tion in policy would have on the
other English courses. "It will in-
sure that those students who do
take speech or technical writing
will honestly want to do so," he
This will serve to make these
courses more meaningful and of
a greater value to the student.
They will no longer be the means
to "escape" from a reading course,
he said.
Aside from this reason, another
primary objective in changing the
policy is to satisfy various asses-
sors who have claimed in the past
that engineering students really
have no measurable basis for an
understanding of the humanities.

Student Government Council
will begin paying its officers as
of Nov. 14. The president will re-
ceive $25 a month, while the oth-
er executive officers will earn $15
a month. The officers, however,
will no longer be reimbursed for
dining expenses at their regularly
scheduled executive committee
meetings, thus minimizing the in-
crease in budget expenditures.
SGC approved procedures for
the Credentials and Rules Com-
mittee. The committee, which en-

Verdi Comes to Ann Arbor

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GRAND OPERA-Francesca Roberto will star as Violetta in a
performance of Verdi's "La Traviata" at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Aud. Based on Alexandre Dumas' drama, "The Lady of the
Camelias," this opera will be performed in English by the Goldov-
sky Grand Opera Theatre. Staged with a company of 50, orchestra
and chorus, this performance will be the first full operatic pro-
duction presented by the University Musical Society.
Calls Fiscal Reform
Crucial Election Issue

forces and administers SGC elec-
tion regulations, now has formal
procedures incorporating due proc-
ess to cover cases of possible elec-
tion violations.
Reviews Candidates
The procedures require that the
committee review all candidates'
petitions for possible violations. If
any are found, or if a written and
signed complaint about the candi-
dates is presented to the committee
concerning either election or peti-
tioning violations, the committee
will hold a hearing. It may then
take four actions, all subject to
review my SGC, including taking
no action, voting for disqualifica-
Lion or referring the violator to
Joint Judiciary Council.
Council approved of revisions in
the Assembly Association consti-
tution. The principal revision
makes, the president of Assembly
Association elected by Assembly,
House Council instead of by all
independent women as was the
case. It also changes the name of
Assembly Association of Independ-
ent Women to just Assembly As-
sociation, and the name of As-
sembly Dormitory Council to As-
sembly House Council. Several
operating procedures were also]
Heselton Resigns
SGC also accepted the resigna-
tion of Frank Heselton, '64, as
chairman of the committee on the
National Student Association. He
will remain as a committee mem-
ber, he explained, but does not
have the time to devote to the
chairmanship. A new chairman
was not appointed.
Council went into committee of
the whole on two occasions. It dis-
cussed the actions of Robert How-
ard, the Mchigan State Univer-
sity Student Government presi-
dent, in declining to serve on a
committee which would h a v e
screened outside speakers who were
invited to talk on campus.
Later, SGC discussed the dismis-
sal of Colorado Daily Editor Gary
Althen. No formal motions were
made, and this will be brought up
at SGC's next meeting.
APA Drama
Gives Unusual
Sound Effects
The Association of Producing
Artists' current production, George
M. Cohan's "The Tavern," is a
blend of crashes, hisses, pistol shots
and wind sounds.
The unusual sound effects are
produced by a "storm orchestra,"
whose members, Rod Bl1ade, Grad,
Howard Roy, Grad, and Eligabeth
Stearns, Grad, fellowship students
working with the APA. The dy-
namics produced by this unique
ensemble of noise-makers runs
from a rumbling to an all-out blast.
"The Tavern" is an extravagant-
ly constructed spoof of melodra-
matic stereotypes. "Hist! Hist" are
the first human noises of the play,
preceded only by thunder, pistol
shot, wind, lightning ad crash.
After "Hist! Hist!" playwright Co-
han introduces the tavernkeeper,
his son, the hired girl, the hired
man and finally the central char-
acter, the vagabond, who declares,
"I'm as harmless as the little or-
phan girl that you threatened to
turn from your door at dawn."
Since Cohan's script contains 45
"crash" cues plus one "terrific
crash of thunder" cue, the storm is
almost always a leading charatcer
in "The Tavern."
In its New York opening in 1921, -
"The Tavern" greeted an enthu-
siasm in its audience which led
humorist Robert Benchley to pro-
pose its author for president and
named him unequivocally "the e
named him unequivocally "the
greatest man. in the world."

David Ryhs Williams, in
a Book entitled "World Re-
ligions and the Hope for
Peace," writes: "Baha'u'l-
lah, in t h e judgment of


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
eleventh in a series of 21 articles
featuring the namesakes of the
men's residence halls.)
We of the world of the 20th Cen-
tury, almost sterile of any great
religious convictions, can only
wonder at the tortured soul who
wrote in 1881:
"My mind is deeply drawn to-
wards preaching. There comes over
me a feeling of bitter sorrow that
I had not strength enough of body
and of character, in 1862, to per-
sist in that noblest of human voc-
cations. Even history writing seems
small business compared with min-
istrations to human souls. Ah!
these nineteen years of secular
life: the bewilderment of them,
the small result, the sin, the friv,.
olity ! "
The man responsible for those
words was a man torn between
two spheres, the one of the pulpit
and the other of the University,
lackin gthe physical fortitude re-
quired by the first and the con-
sistency of temperament demand-
ed by the latter.
Ill Health
Yet a man of no small achieve-
ment was this Prof. Moses Coit
Tyler of the ill health and capri-
cious temperament, for he, more
than any other, served to awaken.
his country to the study of its
own literary history.
His time was the interesting per-

iod of the last century during
which he came into contact with
a number of the most noted men of
letters in this country and Eng-
A particularly charming style of
writing had drawn him to the Uni-
versity's vacant chair of rhetoric
and English literature, a position
he filled in two periods, 1867-1873
and 1875-1881.
Wrote Texts
It was in Ann Arbor that Prof.
Tyler turned to history as a means
toward the study of literature. His
works, "History of American Lit-
erature, 1607-1765," and "Literary
History of the American Revolu-
tion," were widely acclaimed as
texts on the subject.
It seemed for a while indeed,
that the scholar of the quick tem-
per and extreme sensitivity had
found a haven in the midwestern
college town. He and his wife lived
in a modest dwelling which he
called "a nice little? box of a cot-
tage" and were relatively happy
"as snug as mice."
An excerpt dated 1875 from his
diary shows Prof. Tyler's almost
exuberant attitude towards Ann
"Home again! Up and out before
breakfast in the sweet and still;
morning. The tranquility of the
place is like balm to my brains
and nerves . . . Here I feel I am
to spend the rest of my days. I am
full of peace..."
But the home in which he felt


he was destined to spend the rest
of his days fell vacant in 1873
when the professor became the lit-
erary editor of the Christian Un-
ion under Editor-in-Chief Henry
Ward Beecher and again in 1881
when he accepted a place in the
history department at Cornell Uni-
The latter position he occupied
until his death in 1900, an event
which robbe dthe academic world
of one of its brilliant lecturers, an
expert in the art of repartee.
Tyler House in East Quadrangle
stands as a tribute to his memory.
Ielley To View
Peace Corps
E. Lowell Kelly, chief of the '
Peace Corps' Division of Selection
and former chairman of the psy-
chology department, will return
to the campus to present two talks
on the Peace Corps.
He will speak at 7:30 p.m. Mon-
day and Tuesday in Rm. 3529
SAB. Kelly will also show the
new Peace Corps film .about .the
work ofavolunteers abroad. His
lectures are being sponsored by
the Office of Student Affairs.
One of his main talks as head
of the selection division is to de-
velop and apply techniques to as-
sure the best selection of Corps


Directed by


oors prn FT ER45TAM.
a At T 1,,T2:45,2:45,44S,630,81,T10P.M.

"Ch rming
exciting, lively,
and spicy !"

T QIGHT 2-6264
,-. --- -- -- .-.......--.CeO. am
-- - - -WI-LA- - - - - - - -** -NEW YORK" TIMES

Fiscal reform is definitely the
most pressing and crucial issue in
the upcoming state senatorial elec-
tion, Prof. Robert J. Niess of the
romance languages department,
Democratic candidate for state
senator from Washtenaw County,
told the Young Democratic Club
last night.
Prof. Niess explained that the
solution to all other problems de-
pends largely upon a cure to the
present fiscal crisis.
"Without an effected solution to
the fiscal problem, any hope to
advance further programs in the
areas of education, mental health,
and unemployment is doomed," he
Fiscal Reform
"Moreover, fiscal reform is de-
manded, if not necessitated by the
lack of equity in the present fiscal
setup in which too much of a bur-
den, and a disproportionate share
in the financing of the state's ac-
tivities is placed upon those who
can least afford it," he said.
Every year the state is faced
with providing $10 million more
in meeting the expanded enroll-
ment of secondary schools. Very
soon it will find that its institu-
tions of higher learning have
reached their full capacities, Prof.
Niess argued.
Mental Care
"Further, one out of every 500
children born daily in Michigan
is mentally defective," he added.
"At the present moment over a
thousand of these mentally defect-
ed await admission to mental in-

stitutions. If this most human of
problems is to be ameliorated, the
state must again face itself with
the task of providing additional
The unemployment situation in
Michigan, also, adds grave respon-
sibility to a needed fiscal reform,
Prof. Niess explained.
"Automation is an accepted fact
in our social community; the loss
of unemployment resulting from
this automation must be planned
for and expected. Training pro-
grams of the highest order are
called for in response to this cris-
"The state must equip itself, and
the voters must responsibly choose
to meet these crying needs," he
'U' Sponsors
Soviet Study
Professors Gordon C. Brown and
Pearl L. Kendrick of the public
health school leave for the Soviet
Union today.
The Regents granted them a
one-month leave Wednesday, in
order that they may study the
USSR's immunization programs
and research activities.
They are especially interested
in Russian efforts to develop
multiple-antigen vaccines, which
immunize against several diseases
in one inoculation.

After Newhart,.Attend the
Michigan Union
with Johnny Harberd Orchestra
Roadrunners-First Floor
10 P.M. -1 A.M.
Tickets on diag $1.50/couple for both dances,
$2.00 at the door




Product/on 0a
Suspense-TR ATOR
filled!l...' -.
f///dl..4 Show Daily
so remnarkable 1s15 345
because the 615-8:50
basic plot isE__
TRE I" 7( T IIoR'
-LIFE Magazine




s. G. c. Gi erna FuId
TONIGHT at 7:00 and 9:00 Saturday and Sunday at 7:00 and 9:00
Jean Harlow. Lee Tracv. Frank Moraan THE 400 BLOWS

many, possessed the tender-
ness of St. Francis, the cour-
age of Socrates, the meek-
ness of Moses, the sanity of
Confucius, the missionary
vigor of .Mohammed, the I


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