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October 17, 1962 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-17

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Text of President's Stateof U


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(EDITOR'S NOTE: At the sugges-
tion of Prof. Wesley Maurer of the
journalism department, The Daily
publishes herewith the Text of the
President's State of the University
message, delivered to the faculty in
Rackham And, on Oct. 1, by Un-
versity President Harlan Hatcher.)
President of the University
It is with a special sense of
personal pleasure that I greet you
at the beginning of the 145th year
of the University, and welcome
you once more to the great adven-
ture which engages our energy and
our attention.
I hasten to offer my warmest
congratulations to this faculty for
their achievements in the past
year, achievements which have
covered so many areas of learning
and concern to us all. Your repu-
tation and influence have pene-
trated to the utmost parts of the
earth. It is this distinction of the
faculty which gives to this in-
stitution its weight, its prestige,
and its capacity to serve.
There has been no lessening of
the problems since last we met-
state, national, world, space. I
might even add village and parish.
I can find no reduction even in
the number and sharpness of the
tension points in the world today.
I have concluded that this is the
way of life on this earth, and that
one can never afford to be defeat-
ed, or frustrated, or too down-
hearted about it, and never be con-
tent to let it go unchallenged. We
have our moments of sorrow and
of prayer; we have our moments
of strenuous endeavor, and excite-
ment, and enthusiasm too. And I
hope that in the midst of all the
things that worry us we never lose
the sense of zest and gaiety of
spirit in the darkling gloom. If
this is not a product of our high
calling, I do not know where it is
to be found.
We have reached an unprece-
dened level of abundance and
worldly goods. One of the major
paradoxes of our time is the fail-
ure of this abundance to produce
happiness and satisfaction of
spirit. It is a sad if penetrating
commentary on our values that
the economists, who I think are
the successors to our poets these
days, now speak of the "high-level
stagnation" which we have reach-
ed. What an apt phrase that is,
but what an appalling thought!
I discover that the opposite of
this is "low-level bounce." What
if you have neither?
In this reference we enter the
new year of 1962-63. We are in a
better position at the University
to do our work. The deans report
enthusiasm and high morale
throughout this great company of
scholars. This is good. We are
stronger than we have been re-
cently. Our building program is
unfolding once more, and it was
with a special joy that we had a
ground-breaking ceremony for the
long-delayed School of Music. This
is only one in a great number of
projects under way. I think, al-
though I speak without too great
emphasis here, that there is a
broadening of understanding of
the nature and the urgency of the
need, and the opportunity, and of
the requirements for supporting it,
as represented by this institution.
I think we will make further pro-
gress as the year moves ahead.
Size and Growth
We are a little larger than we
were last year. I think I have said
that to you now for at least seven
or eight times. I have seen the
University during my period of
residence and association with you
move downward from its peak of
the veterans' bulge to a- little
under eighteen thousand, then
move fairly steadily to this year's
twenty-six thousand eighteen.
The Senate Advisory Commit-
tee has suggested that I ought

again to comment on the size of
this University, and the processes
by which decisions concerning
growth are reached.
I began by repeating our central
guiding principle. You have heard
it many times 'before, it needs to
be said again and again: The Uni-
versity will continue to grow
steadily in a controlled manner
so that there will be no decrement
in the quality of the University's
effort. This assumes, as you well
know, and presupposes adequate

supporthand facilities. These must
be forthcoming.
There is no single admitting
agency at this University. The
process is generally a college re-
sponsibility, and the total student
body is to a degree the sum of
these units. Basic decisions con-
cerning the size of any school or
college begin with t he recom-
mendations from that unit itself.
The application of these ideas
does not mean that the University
is unconcerned with size, or leaves
unevaluated and unchecked all the
decisions of the individual schools.
Many, indeed most of them, have
a high degree of autonomy. But
plans for the growth of the School
of Music, for example, have im-
plications for the College of Litera-
ature, Science, and the Arts. Those
of the Nursing School involve the
Medical School as well as Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts. And
so in the interlocking association
that makes up the University at
the same time we are made up of
individual, autonomous u n i t s.
Budgetary decisions, therefore,
must take into account the total
University impact of an enroll-
ment increase in a particular
school or college.
These mechanisms for unified
planning are constantly being
strengthened. One illustration is
the establishment in this past year
of the Office of the Vice-President
for Academic Affairs under Vice-
President Heyns. This office con-
stitutes the first substantial in-
crease in the staff of the Presi-
dent's Office in the past ten years.
The increased staff will improve,
I am sure, our ability to develop
plans for the future growth of the
whole University.
Let me make three other obser-
vations on this topic:
1) The pressures on this Uni-
versity to grow are relentless.
2) They must and will be re-
sponded to by controlled growth
on our part.
3) These pressures come from
inside as well as outside the Uni-
You can take a look at your
own city. Mr. Schreiber, Principal
of the Ann Arbor High School,
mentioned the other day to Vice-
President Niehuss that this year's
tenth grade class has nine hun-
dred students in it. The present
senior class has six hundred stu-
dents. There were three hundred
fewer students when they were in
the tenth grade. That is a 50 per
cent increase in two years in our
own local high school, the major-
ity of whose graduates go right
on into college.
This is happening all over the
land. I report it not as a calamity
but as something to understand,
rejoice in, and make the most of.-
But this is not being resolutely
planned for, either here or else-
where. These young people must
be taken care of, and in our tra-
dition it is certain that Michigan
will take some of this increase. I
hope that we will be much more
diligent to seek out and bring
here the outstanding young people
who would profit by this exper-
ience and who at present are not
being brought. Of course all our
efforts will be directed toward
preparing adequately for them, but
I am sure we will take more of
them than we do now.
At the other end of. the .curve
is the advanced technology of the
age, and the need, declared over
and over again, extremely acute,
is for another million engineer-
scientists merely to do the work
demanded by the advanced tech-
nology for the space age itself, and
they have to be highly trained and
extremely accurate. We listened
the other evening to (Prof.) Wilbur
Nelson (of the engineering college)
addressing the Press Club on this
matter. Everybody there got a new
sense not only of the urgency but
the discipline of this aspect of
our need, when he pointed out

that in this day and age a good
job is not enough, a pretty good
job is not enough; it has got to be
I say the pressures are not
merely from outside. Those from
within the academic community;
are fully as strong. Each year
chairmen hear of new plans for
growth from professors, the deans
hear them from chairmen, and1
vice-presidents hear about those
which survive from deans. TheseI

are so numerous, so well docu-
mented, and so insistent, and so
omnipresent that one wonders
where the people are who believe
that the University is as large
as it ought to be. Some of us
when occasionally bemused b3
these contradictory voices, believe
that the growth policy of most of
us is: There should be a general
restriction on growth so that my
own area can grow unmolested.
Now I believe that these plans
of the individual professors, of the
departments and colleges, are par
of the strength and the vigor o
this University. They represent
the striving for excellence and the
strong commitment to research
and the dedication to teaching
which has always 'characterized
this University. And I tell you
most earnestly that those of us
who see all of these aspirations
as they make their way through
the schools and colleges believe
that it would be a disaster for us
to inhibit them-as we certainly
would by a rigid or doctrinaire
position with respect to the growth
.of the size of the University,
Indeed, I believe it would be dan-
gerous to our vital processes to
have a strong mechanism of con-
trol restraining growth, whether
administrative, faculty, or a com-
bination of the two.
But there must be some sensi-
tivity to the common good. I be-
lieve that the Deans' Conference,
the Senate Advisory Committee,
the planning activities in the cen-
tral administration, the many ad-
visory and executive committees,
the many faculty and departmen-
tal committees, these all provide
the indicators of potential danger
that would be needed. And I do
charge all of these agencies to be
alert to any possibility of that fact.
I believe we are acting wisely
when we encourage the develop-
ment of the plans of conscientious
men and women who represent
the disciplines of this institution;
plans which have been examined
by their peers and which reflect
Michigan's traditional dissatisfac-
tion with our present level of ef-
fort because something better can
be had.
Finally, in this connection, I
will make a brief reference to
some of the trials and tribulations
which have come our way when
we have tried to control enroll-
ment in those areas where it has
seemed indicated.
Most of you know that for four
years now we have tried to limit
the enrollment in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts.
We can do that pretty well with
the freshman class. Yet every year
the size of the freshman class has
gone up slightly. As you know, all
schools admit more students than
eventually enroll, just as good
hotels will take your registration.
Each year estimating the number
of so-called "no-shows" becomes
more precarious. For many years,
about 40 per cent of those admit-
ted out-of-state students appeared
in Ann Arbor in September. One
year the proportion went up to 60
per cent, and the next year it went
down to 50 per cent. It was at this
point that we introduced the en-
rollment deposit as a sign of in-
tent. For two years about 170
out-of-state students forfeited
their enrollment deposit by not
appearing. This seemed to us a
fair percentage, so this year we
counted on about this figure, re-
garding it, in fact, as conserva-
tive in the light of the increases
in student fees. And what hap-
pened? Almost to a man, everyone
who paid his deposit appeared!
This slight error in calculation
meant that there were eight un-
planned for sections of introduc-
tory English, which (Prof.) Warner
Rice (chairman of the English de-
partment) had to struggle with.
I am sure that some of the
troubles of growth arise from these
imperfectly developed techniques
of control. You may be sure, inci-
dentally, that with your help we
will continue to improve them.

Year-Round Operation
Many of you are concerned
about our year-round operation
and where we are at the present
time. Let me devote a few minutes
to this important topic. During
the past year, considerable pro-
gress has been made in planning
for our eventual year-round oper-

. . .state of the 'U,
ation at the University. The phil-
osophy enunciated by the faculty
commission in 1961 has empha-
sized the great importance of
maintaining the cherished values
that have made this University
Sgreat. Year-round operation has
been viewed as an opportunity of
expanding the services of the Uni-
versity-of making the type and
quality of education associated
with this institution available to
a greater number of qualified
young men and women.
Under it, acceleration will be
possible, as it is today, but it will
not be emphasized. I repeat this
over and over again that our pur-
pose here was not primarily to
accelerate any one individual stu-
dent, although he may have an
opportunity should he wish, but
rather to extend the opportunities
throughout the year. Rather, the,
University will offer a greater va-
riety of educational opportunities
for a greater portion of the year,
maintaining and even expanding
the flexibility we have always
stressed in both faculty and stu-
dent arrangements,
The first two steps recommend-
ed by the Commission on Year-
round Operation have already
been taken. First, the responsibil-
ity for the administration of the
summer offerings in the Univer-
sity is being transferred from the
Office of the Summer Session to
the individual schools and colleges.
With the individual faculties being
responsible for instruction on a
year-round basis, beginning with
the summer of 1963, academic
planning for eventual full three-
term operation will inevitably de-
velop naturally at the level of
the individual teacher, his depart-
ment, and his unit.
Second, a calendar has been
adopted for 1963-64, after exten-
sive consultation with the Senate
Advisory Committee and with the
individual schools and colleges,.
under the direction primarily of
Dean Spurr, that will permit the
University to move into a modest
full year-round operation as soon
as proper support becomes avail-
able to enable us to staff the pro-
gram with a staff adequately fi-
nanced. Under this calendar,
classes will begin the day after
Labor Day, or approximately at
the same time that the public
schools open. By so doing, a full-
length normal semester can be
completed before Christmas, thus
eliminating the lame-duck post-
Christmas portion of the first se-
mester that has been criticized
by at least a substantial portion
of our faculty and by many people
outside the University. The nor-
mal week's break between the first
and second semesters has been
maintained, but has been added
to the two-week Christmas recess
to put together a three-week per-
iod in which the faculty may
catch up in their intellectual and'
professional activities or otherwise

engage themselves in the manner
in which they are accustomed. The
second semester will begin with
the registration on Jan. 13 and
Commencement will fall on May
23. It will be comparable with the
present semester in length of se-
mester and in the spring recess.
Whle this calendar puts the
University in a position of being
able to move into the year-round
operation as soon as adequate fi-
nancing becomes available, it does
not commit us to do so. Indeed, the
calendar has much to commend
it in its own right. Our sister in-
stitution at Berkeley lived happily
with a similar calendar for many
years, and the University of Penn-
sylvania currently finds much the
same calendar entirely suitable for
its academic needs. The present
semester system is maintained in
the length of semester, in vaca-
tion periods, and in over-all length
of the academic year. At. the ex-
pense of beginning classes immed-
iately after Labor Day, the ab-
breviated post-Christmas portion
of the first semester is eliminated
and the between-semester break is
combined with the Christmas re-
cess. Now arguments can be mar-
shalled in favor of either calendar,
or almost any calendar, with the
balance perhaps lying in the di-
rection of subjective judgments.
But nevertheless it would seem
that the new calendar for 1963-64
is not only one that can be justi-
fied on its own merits but is also
one that we can live with regard-
less of when, or even whether, we
eventually embark on full year-
round operation.
Where do we go from here? Dur-
ing the last year attempts have
been made to develop the widest
possible discussion and exchange
of views on the problems of year-
round operation. In the year ahead
this process will continue to de-
velop and expand. The adminis-
tration is aware of the potential-
ities of service to society inher-
ent in year-round operation. It is
guided in its action by the prin-
ciples and concerns of the faculty
commission which prepared the
basic plan. But it is also acutely
aware of the dangers involved in
the process of changing from one
academic calendaring system to
I should like to assure youthat
while we intend to move forward
more fully to adjust our operation
to the social demands of the on-
coming years, we intend to do so
cautiously, and that we shall move
with deliberate speed, making sure
that each foot-hold is firmly es-
tablished and' that the next is
fully perpared. The venture upon
which we are embarked can only
be successfully completed if we
heed the very real concerns of
maintaining the type and quality
of institution which we have be-
come overa great many productive
years. The change requires, I em-
phasize again, adequate financing.
This will never come in any one
lump, but it will come by accretion.
We can move forward only when
we are assured that we can pro-
vide at each step of the incre-
ment adequate staff, adequate fi-
nancing, and adequate housing.
With the integration of the sum-
mer session and with the adoption
of the new calendar for 1963-64,
we have put our house in order
and are ready to proceed with de-
tailed academic planning. We can-
not, however, put these plans into
effect until the necessary support
is achieved.
In the year that lies ahead, the
administration will continue to
seek faculty counsel and advice
in exploring the problems inher-
ent in the year-round operation.
We shall keep our plans flexible.
We shall plan a step-by-step evo-
lution that will permit us to in-
crease the opportunities we offer
to young men and women of this
state as soon as we are permitted
to do so. We shall try to be ready

with a modest pilo-plant explora-f
tion of full-year operation as soon1
as we are convinced that the need
and the support are there.-
There are difficult problems yet
to be solved, and we shall endeav-
or to be flexible and thoughtful in
searching for solutions satisfactory+
to all concerned. I can assure you
that the interests of the faculty+

are of essential importance and
that they will be safeguarded in
any decisions that may be reached.
In fact, I can only foresee im-
proved conditions of faculty em-
ployment resulting from year-
round operation. In the first place,
the entire University will be so
structured as to provide greater
flexibility in defining the terms
of faculty service. For those elect-
ing to teach more than two se-
mesters, the rate of remunera-
tion will undoubtedly be at least
as high as and probably substan-
tially higher than that paid this
year for summer session teaching.
Furthermore, it is almost certain
that fringe benefits formerly
available only during the academ-
ic year will become available
throughout the term of academic
employment. Ways and means
will have to be developed to avoid
undue pressures upon the faculty
to teach more than they wish to,
and indeed at times no doubt to
dissuade faculty from teaching to
the point that fatigue or mono-
tony will affect their continuing
intellectual and cultural develop-
ment and eventually influence
their competence as teachers.
In short, we hope to continue to
press toward greater service to
the people of this state and na-
tion by keeping ourselves in the
forefront of universities exploring
ways and means of making our
particular contribution more wide-
ly available to a greater number
of students.
The University community is
ever mindful of the need to pre-
serve an atmosphere of freedom
in a world in which it is not un-
derstood or respected or widely
prized. I appreciated remarks of
the Chairman of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee in this respect.
A university can only be honored
as a place of free inquiry and a
center of scholarship and learn-
ing. It can do its work only un-
der such conditions and in such
an environment.
There are no topics of profes-
sional concernthat are closed to
investigation, discussion, and de-
bate, and nothing of concern to
mankind is alien to professional
responsibility within a university.
The church must be free for wor-
ship; the press must be free for
reporting and editorial comment;
the government in each of its
parts, under law, must be an in-
strument of free men; and the
university a bright and shining
symbol and example of the free-
dom of the mind and the spirit to
pursue knowledge and understand-
ing and wisdom, and to cultivate
professional skills to make them
useful to mankind. Freedom is,
preserved not only by philosophi-;
cal discussions but by the constant
exercise of it. My instruction to
the faculty of the University is to
continue to exercise their freedom.
It is the responsibility of the
University to see to it that the,
great issues of the day and the un-
resolved and continuing problems
of mankind be studied and dis-
cussed and understood. It has;
troubled me that University policy
has been misinterpreted to appear
as ii it sought to obstruct free in-
quiry or were trying to prevent;
confrontation with new or unor-
thodox ideas, and that a band of7
Gideonites was required to beat
down the walls of censorship
erected in their way. We assert the
positive responsibility of the Uni-
versity in the complete intellectual
growth of students.i
I am fully aware of the differ-4
ence of view in our large and di-
verse constituency. This is a part
of our unique and precious heri-i
tage. I would like to let the Den-
ver Post say it in modern terms
and newspaper idioms what I
think is a fair statement. (This
was sent to me by a friend follow-
ing some disturbances at the Uni-
versity of Colorado):7
"For the last forty years, near-4

ly every large healthy university
campus in the United States hasi
had within its student body a smallc
scattering of Socialists, radicalt
rightists, anarchists, Trotskyites,
atheists, nudists, vegetarians, and7
others dedicated to minority pointst
of view.t
"In the course of a normal aca-t
demic year, students in any ofe

these groups--or in no groups at
all-are likely to picket the cam-
pus, hang the dean or the football
coach in effigy, boo a visiting
speaker, criticize local newspapers,
and campaign for free love or the
recognition of Red China.
"A few students, on any campus,
will show up in shorts that are
too short, beards that are too long,
manners that are too crude or
morals that are too loose to suit
the tastes of the university town
or the tempers of the taxpayers
and alumni.
"A few professors can be count-
ed on to make foolish or intem-
perate statements in the course of
the year. A few will become storm
centers of campus controversies,
and a few-sometimes the same
ones-will win international re-
nown for their work.
"This is the pattern of campus
life in America, and the people of
this state are frequently remind-
ed that it is also the pattern at
the University of Colorado.
"Among the 11,000 students and
550 faculty members in Boulder,
the potentialities forcontroversy,
excitement and blowing off steam
are almost unlimited.
"If those potentialities are fully
realized in Boulder, it is only a
sign of the growing intellectual
vitality of the campus, a sign that
Colorado Universityis a live uni-
versity and not a dead one.
"This newspaper is convinced
that the turmoil and the color on
the CU campus are indications of
health and not of disease.
"It is distressed not by the uni-
versity, but by reckless and un-
thinking critics who look upon
controversy as a sign of subver-
sion and intellectual ferment as
Students and the
Relevance of Learning
Of the many, many things that
I wish I might talk to you about,
I choose only one more that is
very much on my mind. It's about
this present student generation.
We love them, sacrifice for them,
plan for their development, and
we are trying so hard and so eag-
erly to give them a chance to live
lives of happy usefulness.
I read a book by a teaching as-
sistant at Berkeley, a graduate
student. The title of the book is
'Student.' I approached it with
great sympathy and an open mind,
with a desire to understand, if I
could, the cause of unrest among
so many in so many parts of the
world. I give you a quotation:
"[Our country] is the wealthiest
of the nations of the world. For its
young, with a little to set us on
our way, it opens more courses for
self-advancement, more possibili-
ties for success, than any other
place on the face of- the earth. Yet
we are leaving the universities and
turning away the possibilities that
are open in ever greater and more
unwholesome numbers. Four hun-
dred thousand of us leave school
every year; half who begin college
never finish.
"For those of us who remain in
school and go on, the prospect has
little brightness in it. Among my
friends, most of whom are gradu-
ate students, not one enjoys his
studies or is excited at the thought
of continuing them. There is hard-
ly a man among them who would
remain hi school if there were a
place for him somewhere else ...
"In a way which few people out-
side the academic world can real-
ize, the university, its daily rou-
tine and curriculum, is the major
context of a student's life.
"The most powerful force de-
feating us in our lives as students
is the irrelevance of knowledge in
America today."
This is from the Introduction to
"Student" by a graduate student
and teaching fellow at the Univer-
sity of California at Berkeley. I
don't know how that strikes you.
It left me saddened and concern-
ed. But I read on to find what

were the chief areas of concern,
and there were listed in short or-
der a few things of this kind: First,
the United States' support of re-
actionary regimes in Korea, Laos,
Haiti, Yugoslavia, Spain, and so
on; second, a deep concern over
the anti-segregation demonstra-
tions in the South; third, a deep
emotional reaction against the ac-

tivities of the House Un-American
Activities Committee; and fourth,
in the context of the draft which
faces the young people of today,
the armament race with the
USSR in the atomic and space
I am interested in these not be-
cause I can discourse on them this
evening but only to indicate to you
that there is another dimension to
the problem of education today
that must be noted in any concern
of the state of the Union, as it
were, not just in Michigan, where
we have less of this, but as a ra-
tional phenomena.
The troublesome sorrows of our
day oppress us all, and their com-
mon concern among students cer-
tainly does credit to the present
student age group.
But it seems to me that the an-
swer is not to empty the class-
rooms, to sit down in the lobbies of
the House Un-American Activities
Committee hearings, or to ride
buses into the tension-torn regions
of our country.
All of these problems are symp-
toms of an evolving and changing
world society whose movement is
shaped and governed by its own
process of growth. Behind these
distressing and disfiguring situa-
tions are abundant evidences of
hope and challenge and encour-
agement. The universities are in
better position than they have ever
been to teach how to learn, to
show the way to sharper under-
standing, and more precise and
mature skills in all science and
human understanding. And we are
able to spare these young people
from production in the work force
for a longer time in order that
they may prepare themselves more
adequately for the exciting work
and the world that await them.
I think that we as faculties must
be very studious to avoid any of
this economic "high-level stagna-
tion," and help to create in the
students the positive experience of
a sense of growth, and of values,
and of usefulness that will identi-
fy their present process of, growth
as students with the larger sphere
of effective participation for which
they so clearly yearn but for which
they must prepare. The Peace
Corps appeal is, I think, a vivid
example of supporting evidence.
I thought Pope John XXIII was
speaking an inspired worldly wis-
dom when he told a group of young
students who called on him not
long ago: "Be optimistic and keep
an open mind. Do not be distract-
ed, beloved youths, from uprightly
optimistic vision which must guide
your steps. Be peaceful men. Be
builders of peace . . . For this, do
not allow yourself to lose time by
fatuous games of bitter and un-
just polemics, by preconceived and
fixed aversions, by rigid catalog-
uing of men and of events. Be ever
receptive to the great design of
Much is expected of us. We ex-
pect, and demand, much of our-
selves. Great hope and faith are
placed in our universities-in this
one. .This is not just the United
States and Britain. It is Europe
and Russia and Japan-and all
the aspiring and rapidly emerging
countries of the world.
It is to preserve all that is good
and permanent in past human ex-
perience; to pass it on to the new
generation in sacred trust. It is to
refine it and enlarge and enrich
it, to analyze it and examine it
and re-examine it; to create the
new while we preserve the old. We
must recognize this and communi-
cate it, by whatever magic we can
summon, into the minds of this
privileged student generation. We
must help it to realize that we are
still barely a colony on the fron-
tier of unexplored continents of
knowledge and understanding. And
instead of forsaking the universi-
ties, they ought to feel themselves
caught up in this society of schol
ars engaged in the highest calling
of mankind in its most exciting
It is to this kind of task and

purpose, therefore, that I would
like once more to dedicate this
University; and to feel that, in re-
porting on the state of the Uni-
versity, I can also report that we
are sensitive to these things and
are doing all in our imaginative
and creative power to see that they
are furthered.
May you have a good year.



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(Continued from Page 6)
Agenda Student Government Council
Ofct. 17, 7:15 p.m.,, Council Room
Constituents' Time 9:00
Adjournment: Midnite
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer reports: President, Letters,
Announcements; Exec. Vice-President,
interim Action, C° & R Procedure; Ad-
min. Vice-President, OSA Advisory Bd.,
Announcements; Treasurer, Phone Calls,
Algerian Refugee Fund, Announcements,
Officer Salaries.
Standing Committees: GSA, Revised

spiring young people and awakening
millions of Americans to the challenges
our engineers are meeting.
Dates: Oct. 18, Thurs., 10:00 a.m., 229
W. Engin. Bldg.; 11:00 a.m., 229 W. En-
gin. Bldg.; . 2:00 p.m., 311 W. Engin.
Bldg.; 3:00 p.m., 311 W. Engin. Bldg.
Oct. 19, Fri., 3:00 p.m., 3:45 p.m., and
4:30 p.m., all at 311 W. Engin. Bldg.
A 30 minute story of achievement so
broad that only the motion picture,
with its own advances in brilliant color,
can do it justice.
Numerical Analysis Seminar: Z. Nash-
ed will continue his talk on "The Gen-
ar riza ian f eto's Method1" in

view appointments with the foll6wing:
WED., OCT. 17 (TODAY)-
Bureau of the Budget (a.m. only) -
Feb., June & Aug. grads. Men & women
with degree in Econ., Poli. Sci., Sociol-
ogy or Law OR with MS or PhD in
Public Health or Nat'l. Resources for
positions in Econ. (including Labor
Econ.) or in Foreign Trade, Public Ad-
min., Statistics. Must be U.S. citizen.
Location: Washington, D.C. only.
Jacobson Stores, Inc., Mich.-Feb.,
June, Aug. grads. Men & women with
degree any field for positions in Mgmt.
trng., merchandising, office mgmt., per-
sonnel, retailing, & adv. Location: at

trait, Mich.-Feb. grads. Men & women
-Economics majors with 3-4 courses in
accounting. May be candidate for BA or
MA degree.
THURS., OCT. 18--
U.S. Navy Management Intern Pro-
gram-Feb., June or Aug. grads. Men &
women with Liberal Arts degrees or ma-
jor in Physics, Math, Arch., Bus. Ad. or
Engrg. for civilian careers with Navy
Dept. in fields of budget analysis, con-
tract negotiation, mgmt. analysis, &
personnel admin.
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
(p.m. only)-Feb., June & Aug. grads.
Men with college bkgd. any field for;

EM, IE, NA & Mar. & Sci. Engrg. Feb. &
June grads. R. & D. & Sales.
R. K. Leblond Machine Tool Co., Cin-
cinnati, Ohio-BS: IE & ME. Des. &
United States Gypsum Co., 66 Plants
throughout U.S. & Canada for Prod.
Supv. Trng., Plant Engrs. & Quality
Control Sales Engineers for 16 District
Sales Offices-BS-MS: ChE. MS: Con-
struction. BS: EE & EM, ME & Sci.
Engrg. R. & D.
U.S. Gov't., NASA-Flight Research
Center, Edwards, Calif.-All Degrees:
AE & Astro., EE & ME & Physics &
Math. BS: E Math & E Physics. Men

Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich.-Sev-
eral openings for Cost or Budget
Analysts. 2 immed. openings & 2 more
in about 6 mos. BA, MA, or MBA. Ex-
per, in Cost Analysis, Budgeting, Fore-
casting, Overhead Studies, etc. Age
range: around 30,
W. R. Grace & Co., Clarksville, Md.-
Openings as follows: 1) Inorganic or
Phys. Chemists-PhD & 0-5 yrs. exper.
2) Phys. or Phys. Organic Chemists-
PhD & 0-5 yrs. exper. 3) Analytical
Chemists-Minimum BS & 2-10 yrs.
exper. 4) Chem. Engnr.-BS or MS &
0-3 yrs. exper. 5) Technical Recruiter-

Sales; Mktg. Analyst; Operations Re-
search; Chemists-PhD Organic; and
Patent Law Trainee.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can, be made in the Par.t-tim lrPacement

-Several sales positions.
1-To play the piano-Must be good--
(Married student preferred). Must
have a car for transportation. Hours:
9 p.m.-E or 2 a.m.
6-To drive a car for 3 days. Must be
a Senior or Grad student with a
good driving record. Must be famil-
iar with the Ann Arbor and Detroit
area. Hours: 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. (Oct.
22 and 24). May take one, both or
2-Electrical Engineers. Must be at
least a Jr. or Sr. with a 3.00, or
above, grade point. Must have Se-
curity Clearance, 20 hours per week.

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