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October 17, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-17

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See Editorial Page


£IW 43a

:43 a i1

Little change
through tonight.

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Barnett States Opinions
JACKSON A'-Gov. Ross Barnett said yesterday he never has
claimed he purged himself of contempt in the James H. Meredith
case-nor has he any apologies for his actions.
"My position is," Barnett said, "that I have upheld the law and
am not in contempt of any court.
"My conscience is clear," the 64-year-old governor said. "I am
moved only by deep and abiding affection for the welfare of all the
people of Mississippi."

Quiet Campus
At Oxford, Meredith strolled to class on

a quiet University of

Mississippi campus. A few build
View Fine
The Mississippi state supreme
court will have the final say if
the legislature attempts to reim-
burse Gov. Ross Barnett's possible
$100,000 fine for contempt of
court, two law school professm~s
said yesterday.
The governor' faces the fine for
allegedly failing to purge himself
of contempt in barring Negro
James Meredith from enrolling at
the previously all-white Univer-
sity of Mississippi.
Barnett and Lt. Gov. Paul B.
Johnson Jr. three times prevented
Meredith from registering, but
with the aid of federal marshals
and troops he entered the univer-
sity and is now attending classes
under the marshal's guard.
Constitutional Provisions
Professors Sa-adford Kadish and
Jerold Israel noted that Missis-
sippi, like many states, may have
provisions in its constitution pre-
venting the state from aiding in-
dividuals for private purposes such
as paying contempt of court fines.
Prof. Kadish said a section of
the Mississippi Constitution de-
claring, "the credit of the state
shall not be pledged or loaned in
aid of persons, or corporations or
associations" may prevent the
state from helping Barnett.
Arguable Section
"This is an arguable section to
prevent payment and the kind of
provision that could be used in a
suit to stop it," he added.
As no federal questicn is in-
volved, the Mississir'pi state su-
preme court will make the final
decision, Prof. Israel pointed out.
However, he doubted anyone would
sue if the legislature decides to re-
imburse Barnett.
Group Plans
Union-Leag ge
Merger Study
The Union-League Study Com-
mittee, at its second meeting yes-
terday, adopted a mandate defin-
ing the area it will study and
specifically including consideration
of "the possible desirability of a
merger" of the Michigan Union
and the Michigan League.
The committee hopes to be ready
with final recommendations by
March 1, Chairman James H Rob-
ertson, associate dean of the liter-
ary college, said.
The 13-member body is com-
posed of student officers from both
Union and League, and faculty and
alumni representatives from the
governing boards of both organi-
Other Action
In other action yesterday the
Considered a letter from Daily
Editor Michael Olinick, '63, and
agreed to revise an earlier deci-
sion which would have banned re-
porters from its meetings. It was
agreed that the group will "deter-
mine the newsworthiness" of the
group's actions and discussion;
Heard Union General Manager
Frank Kuenzel and Administrative
Vice-President Albert Acker, '63,
uotline part of the Union's admin-
istrative structure.
Under the mandate adopted
yesterday, the committee will:
"Study the range of effective-
ess of present Union and League
ctivities and determine how well
hey are serving the students, staf
nd alumni of the University;
"Consider the strengths and lim-
tations of the present administra-

ive structures of the Union and
ague and their capabilities for
uture growth;
OSA Philosophy
"In the context of the newly,
pproved philosophy of the Office
f Student Affairs concerning th(-
unction and emphasis of student
ctivities, in the light of the find-

dings away, Mississippi Attorney
General Joe Patterson told law
students they could refuse "to
socialize or fraternize with an un-
desirable student."
Patterson mentioned no name.
But his remark was an obvious ref-
erence to Meredith, a Negro, now
in his third week at the state uni-
Barnett said he "conscientious-
ly" believed he would not be faith-
ful to his oath "should I surrender
to any federal or other courts the
right to exercise those discretion-
ary powers the law has placed in
Belong to State
Barnett said the university
properties and their control belong
to the state. The U.S. Supreme
Court has upheld this concept, he
"To maintain law and order, to
prevent a breach of the peace, vio-
lence or bloodshed, my discretion
must remain free," Barnett said
He said every decision he has
made was based on the U.S. and
Mississippi constitutions and made
"after careful and deliberate con-
sideration of what I believe to be
the law."
To Protest
Air Flights
The Ann Arbor City Council is
taking action which may lead to
the discontinuance of airplane
flights which cicle Michigan
Stadium trailing advertising be-
hind them on football Saturdays.
The Council voted Monday
night to ask the Civil Aeronautics
Administration to prevent all
types of planes from flying near
the stadium while the Wolverines
play football Saturday afternoons.
City Attorney F. Fahrner, Jr., ex-
plained that the CAA has virtually
complete authority over such
Contact Organizations
Fahrner also is expected to con-
tact the various organizations
which hire the planes to ask them
to cease the practice.
Public outcries against the
flights stemmed from Oct. 6, the
afternoon of the Michigan-Army
game. A letter appearing in the
Ann Arbor News last week com-
plained about a particularly noisy
plane that had flown overhead
during the game, flying i adver-
tising banner. The letter was sign-
ed "Unnerved Housewife."
Cut Out Letters
Similar letters indicated that
stadium area residents were also
annoyed. More than 20 people cut
out the letters in The News and
sent them to the City Council as
indication of protest.
Those letters, with many others
sent to the Council directly, con-
stituted what was probably the
largest unorganized protest to the
Council in recent years.
Fahrner said that the same
problem came before the Council
four years ago, when the city
asked the CAA to take appropriate
action. As a result of that action,
the problem was relieved, but this
year it has again worsened, he

... no apology

To Discuss
Student Government Council
will debate the amended form of
SGC treasurer Thomas Brown's
motion concerning the functions
of the Committee on Membership
in Student Organizations at to-
night's meeting.
The Council will also hear nom-
inations to the Office of Student
Affairs Advisory Committee from
the executive committee. A motionI
from Brown to create salaries for
the president and executive com-
mittee will be discussed.
The motion proposes that the,
president receive $25 per month
and that each executive officer
receive a $15 stipend.
'Ensian' Motion
Three motions of student opin-
ion will also besconsidered. Inter-
Fraternity Council president John
Meyerholz, '63, will introduce a
motion asking that the "Michigan
Ensian" extend the "privilege of a;
full refund" to any person who;
bought the yearbook without a
complete understanding of the
changes in format initiated by this1
year's staff.-
A motion about the action taken,
against the "College Clamor," the,
newspaper at Flint Community
Junior College, by the college ad-
ministration will be discussed.
MSU Lecture Policy '
Daily editor Michael Olinick,
'63, will introduce a motion com-
mending the Michigan State Uni-
versity student government presi-
dent Robert Howard for refusing
to participate on a committee
which would "prior-censor speak-
ers and ideas."
The motion expresses the hope
that the MSU lecture policy will
be reviewed and "unnecessary and'
intellectually unjustifiable restric-
tions on access to information and
opinion" be eliminated.
A motion to delineate the func-
tions and procedures of SGC's1
Credentials and Rules Committee
in preparation for the November;
elections will also be presented.

Expect Regents

Negro Girl
Quits School
ETTRICK, Va. (G)-Hazel Ruth
Adams, a Negro girl who only
Monday became the first of her
race to attend classes with white
students in Virginia's Southside,
withdrew from the school yester-
day and returned to all-Negro Vir-
ginia State College here.
A spokesman at Virginia State
said the 17-year-old Miss Adams
was "very tired, physically ex-
hausted, and not saying much to
anybody" about her withdrawal
from Patrick Henry College at
The Negro girl, who began the
school year as a freshman at Vir-
ginia State but was enrolled at
Patrick Henry after an uncontest-
ed federal court suit, returned here
yesterday after only one day of
classes at the Martinsville college,
a University of Virginia branch.
Newsmen were not permitted to
talk with her.

Panhel Favors Broi
Sorority presidents expressed a general opinion in favor of the
motion before Student Government Council, amending the functions
of the Committee on Membership at a presidents' meeting yesterday.
Ann McMillan, '63, president of Panhellenic Association, said that
"the presidents approved the Brown motion as it stands now in its
amended form. There was no official vote, but more of a general con-
sensus that the amended version was a good plan."
The motion was introduced to SGC by Thomas Brown, '63, a
member of SGC.
Not Clear
The presidents thought that the amendment should be clarified
since it is not clear whether this motion applies to unwritten as well
as written clauses, Miss McMil- ---
lan added.
The motion presently says that
the Committee will have the pow- Students Set
er to "investigate any writtenI
clauses which are directly dis-
criminatory." C u t A t ion '
It will also have the power "to
initiate investigation and inquiry By MARTHA MacNEAL f
of any given organization as to
possible violation. However, .no in- Nine student plaintiffs from the
vestigation shall be initiated un- Flint Community Junior College
less the reasons for investigating will file a brief Friday with the
that particular organization are United States District Court of?
clearly stated and deemed worthy Flint, to bring suit against the
of investigation and adopted by Flint Board of Education for theI
the Committee." freedom of the "College Clamor,"l
"The purpose of discussing the FCJC student newspaper.
Brown motion was to see what the FCJC Dean Louis Fibel and
presidents thought about it. This General Superintendent of City
will help me to represent more Schools Lawrence L. Jarvie sus-
completely the consensus of Pan- pended the Clamor two weeks ago
hel when I vote," she said. pending the establishment of a
The presidents also have dis policy to govern the publication.
cussed the Committee on Mem- The plaintiff party is composed
bership, the relations between the of student government members,
local and national organization the editorial staff of the Clamor,
and Panhel relations with SGC and members of the student body.
and the administration. Hugh Carr. chairman of the
Michigan region of the United
States National Students' Associa-
tion, has retained two Flint law-
yers, Max Dean and Charles
White, to represent the plaintiffs.
AA"IQ A A,7-The object of the suit is to es-



Bud get
Board Also



Vn Motion May Probe
I c M Enrollment
Fiscal Request Could
Top Previous Total
Of $45.8 Million

Overcrowding Ham1

. .discusses discrimination
Ask Court
OXFORD, Miss. (P)-Attorneys
for former Maj. Gen. Edwin A.
Walker yesterday asked a federal
court to reverse its order that he
undergo a psychiatric examina-
United States District Judge
Claude Clayton had directed that
Walker, facing four federal charges
including insurrection for his role
in desegregation riots here Sept.
30, be. examined to see if he is
mentally competent to stand trial.
In a motion filed here yesterday,
Walker's attorneys charged that
the court's order "violates the con-
stitutional rights" of Walker in
four ways.
It listed these as:
1) "The right to make bail and
be released thereon.
2) "The right to be represented
by counsel at every stage of the
proceedings against him.
3) "The right to notice of pro-
ceedings against him which is a
necessary element of due process
of law.
4) "The right to be present in
person at the hearing wherein
defendant's mental sanity and
mental competency is questioned."
Walker, arrested here Oct. 1 and
sent to the Springfield, Mo., Fed-
eral Medical Center, was freed six
days later on $50,000 bond with
the stipulation that he undergo the
psychiatric examination.


Critical space problems in the
architecture and design college
continue to hamper its present
curricula and future expansion
plans - and things may well get
worse in the coming years.
Occupying a building designed
to handle 350 students, the col-
lege has an enrollment of about
794 students this semester, Assist-
ant Dean Herbert W. Johe said
The crowded facilities restrict
any prospects for enlarging archi-
tecture courses to include new de-
velopments such as large-scale
projects or more advanced labora-
tory work, and thwart hopes for
instituting new programs in art to
be coordinated by the literary and
architecture colleges, Dean Johe
Joint Committee
A joint faculty committee would
have to be established, of course,
in order even to consider any such
integrated program. "But there is
no committee because we don't see
any possibility in the immediate
future of getting more space," he
At present, except for three
courses, only students enrolled in
the college can take classes in any
of its three departments: art, ar-

residence - two projects which
several faculty members feel would
be of "real service to the Univer-
sity - must stay in abeyance.
"Emphasis on Research"
The space shortage has also left
its mark upon graduate courses in
all three departments. There is a
"growing emphasis on research,"
particularly in architecture, yet
the college is unable to furnish
the facilities and staff necessary
to carry out such research.
The general situation will prob-
ably "become more critical," due
to the great increase in admission
applications expected in the near
The increase may hit hardest on
the architecture department, be-
cause it is the only one in Michi-
gan that is accredited by the
American Institute of Architects,
Dean Johe said.
In fact, enrollment this fall in
the architecture and landscape
architecture sections did increase
substantially, although the art de-
partment experienced a slight de-
The college's overcrowding is
partially alleviated by the trans-
fer of some of its classes to rooms
in the Business Administration
Bldg. and several other units on

tablish a point of law guarantee-
ing editorial freedom to the
Clamor, Carr said. "The question
is whether the individual members
of the newspaper or the college
administration are responsible for
material printed in the newspap-
er. The plaintiffs will maintain
that the editorial staff is respon-
"The governing board of a col-
lege can first determine whether
a paper is to be established at all,
and then may determine whether
such a paper is to be a house organ
or a free publication," he con-
tinued. "Once they declare that
the paper is to be free, they can-
not then arbitrarily censor it. The
plaintiffs in this case must prove
that arbitrary censorship was im-
posed for political reasons."
Dean Fibel was surprised at the
student action.

City Editor
The Regents today are expected
to consider a budget request from
the State Legislature, which will
undoubtedly exceed the $45.8 mil-
lion they sought last year at this
At their regularmeeting, moved
up two days this month to accom-
modate the departure of University
President Harlan Hatcher for the
Far East, the Regents are also ex-
pected to consider current enroll-
ment. The Office of Registration
and Records has put total enroll-
ment at 26,018, but that figure
hasn't yet been broken down.
Quite possibly, the Board will
adopt a final budget for the com-
ing fiscal year and submit it to the
governor to include in his requests
for all state agencies.
Request in Excess
Last year, the Regents requested
over $10 millioh in excess of their
appropriation at that time ($35.4
million), and they promised to
give "careful consideration" to a
tuition boost in the spring, should
it become necessary.
Tuitions were increased last
spring on a staggered scale, of
course, and the University was al-
lotted $36.7 million, a $1.3 million
increase, by the Legislature in
June after a marathon session that
saw the levy of a nuisance tax
package to cover fiscal increases.
Unlike last year, when legisla-
tors had made positive pronounce-
ments on the subject of appropria-
tions during the coming season, it
is currently hard to forecast what
will be done in this area when the
new Legislature convenes in Jan-
Own Campaigns
Retiring Speaker of the House
Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan) noted
recently that "most all of the
members have their minds turned
toward their own campaigns at
this point. Chances are that they
will not even consider appropria-
tions until after the November
The uncertainty regarding who
will hold the governor's chair has
a dampening affect on any "ad-
vance planning," Pears observed.
"A change in administration could
easily bring many different policies
with it."
He added that the Legislature is
"always amenable to budget in-
creases for higher education, with-
in the means of our income," but
he warned that many of the mem-
bers this year have looked upon
eradication of the state's deficit
as being of utmost importance.
Salaries, Capital Construction
As in the past, the University is
expected to seek increased funds
for faculty salaries and continua-
tion of capital construction.
The Board also will probably
consider President Hatcher's im-
pending tour of University projects
in Asia and the Orient. The Pres-
ident is scheduled to depart this
evening for Tokyo, where he will
receive an honorary degree from
Waseda University, and where he
will be the only Westerner to ad-
dress a coming Japanese assem-
He will also visit projects in
Manila, Hong Kong, Taipei, Bang-
kok, and New Delhi; he will be
away until the first of December.
Other business at today's meet-
ing, scheduled for 11 a.m. in the
Regents Room, could include dis-
cussion of the proposed transfer
of Eberwhite Woods from the Ann
Arbor School District to the Uni-
versity, which in turn will trans-
fer the property to the city.

... space shortage
chitecture and landscape architec-
There has been a "continuing
demand," however, from students
outside the college wishing to take
art courses, Dean. Johe said. But
attempts to integrate its curricula
with other campus units or con-
sider doing some art work in con-
junction with the new theatre-in-

U.S. Reported Ready
To Sell Atomic Sub

for sale of an atomic-power
sources said last night.
France for years has re
from the U.S. and Preside]

Terry Pitches Yankees To World Championship
SAN FRANCISCO (P)-Ralph Terry, home run ball goat of 1960 in
Pittsburgh, pitched the proud New York Yankees to their 20th world i
championship yesterday with a magnificent 1-0 four-hitter against . < "r; .': .: ". ;..:.:. "
San Francisco in a tingling seventh game.?
The battling Giants struggled to the final out when Willie Mc-
Covey lined a sizzler to Bobby Richardson with men 'on second and
Sanford Singles
Terry, a boyishly handsome young man from Big Cabin, Okla.,
retired the first 17 Giants he faced until Jack Sanford, his pitchings
rival for the third time, singled to right center with two out in the
This was the same Terry who threw the home run' ball to Bill
Mazeroski in the final game at Forbes Field in 1960. The 26-year-old
right-hander was superb in this blue ribbon effort. Going in to the
ninth he had a two-hitter.
The 43,948 fans at wind-swept Candlestick Park rose to their feet
and chanted "go, go, go" in football style as the Giants came up for 4.2.

e United States is negotiating with France
Lred submarine to that country, informed
equested information on atomic weapons
ant Charles de Gaulle has been irritated
- 4~>that Britain has had a close work-
ing relationship with this country
on some atomic projects.
Nautilus Type
The submarine would be of the
Nautilus type-the earliest type of
atomic-powered underwater vessel
which does not carry Polaris mis-
There was no official confirma-
tion of the reports. Presidential
Press Secretary Pierre Salinger
said, "I can't comment on that."
Involve Ike
One report said the submarine

sale was all set and that it tul-
filled a promise made by former'
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
to de Gaulle four years ago: an-
other informant indicated that the

sale was merely in the talking
stage and that Eisenhower had
had no part in it. Lx ect Board
It costs the U.S. about $100 mil-
lion to build an atomic sub and
the Navy has dozens of the craft
either in operation of in the build-,
ing or planning stage. One of the The Residence Halls Board of
prime U.S. weapons is the Polaris Governors is expected to meet next

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