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October 13, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-13

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'URDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1962




United States Charges

Kremlin Alon
Addd erlin





U.S. Renounces Guard
Of Cargo Ships to Cuba
WASHINGTON ()-The United States declined yesterday to
guarantee the safety of British ships carrying cargoes to Cuba.
In effect, it warned all maritime powers that vessels in the
Cuban trade run some risk of attack by anti-Castro raiders.
State Department Press Officer Lincoln White told a news con-
ference: "There is no absolute guarantee against any incident taking
place." There already has been at least one attack which involved
a British ship. A Cuban-exile or-


East Visited
By ,Kennedy,
NEW YORK (I)-President John
F. Kennedy kicked off a whirl-
wind campaign tour in New Jer-
sey, New York and Pennsylvania
yesterday with a pledge to pursue
"the exciting adventure" of mak-
ing Americans prosperous.
Keeping his political utterances
at low key because of the Colum-
bus Day holiday, Kennedy sought
by personal appearances in New
York and New Jersey to promote
interest in the November elections
he hopes will add to Congress more
of the kind of Democrats who sup-
port ,his policies. I
In New York, where hundreds of
thousands turned out to greet him,
the nonpaftisanship of Columbus
Day took over.
Meets Rockefeller
After a ride between cheering
throngs, Kennedy climbed up on
a parade reviewing stand near the
man who might be his 1964 presi-
dential opponent, Republican Gov.
Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York.
Kennedy and Rockefeller were
separated in the reviewing stand
lineup by Italian Ambassador Ser-
gio Fenoaltea.
The President and the governor
shook hands when they met, with
Robert M. Morgenthau, the gover-
nor's Democratic opponent, and
Mayor Robert F. Wagner looking
on. Kennedy and Rockefeller chat-
ted briefly, and amiably.
'Exciting Adventure'
In heavily Democratic Newark,
N.J., Kennedy told a crowd of 8,-
000 to 10,000 persons it is his ad-
ministration's aim to plunge ahead
in "the most exciting adventure
here in our country, to make it
possible for every American to live
a rich and fruitful and productive
and prosperous life."
He said his administration is
meeting the challenge to preserve
world peace. At the same time he
said it is taking steps to see to it
that all the youth in America get
a chance for a good education and
the opportunity to develop their
On the 14-mile run from his
New York hotel to Newark and on
his return the Kennedy caravan
had a lonely journey down the
New Jersey turnpike, which is
ordinarily one of the busiest high-
ways in the world.

ganization, Alpha 66, which claim-
ed to have carried out that oper-
ation, announced Thursday it is
"declaring war" on all ships carry-
ing supplies to Cuba.
Expresses Concern
The British government, through
its embassy here, had expressed
concern to the State Department
about an incident which took place
on Sept. 10. News dispatches from
London yesterday reflected Brit-
ish, displeasure with the general
United States attitude toward
Cuban shipping.
White dealt specifically with the
problem of attacks on shipping
and did not get into the broader
issues raised by United States ef-
forts to reduce the number of
free-world vessels carrying supplies
to Prime Minister Fidel Castro
from the Soviet Union and other
Soviet-bloc countries.
He said "the British were as-
sured that these attacks do not
have the sanction of the United
States government."
Refugees Scattered
But he went on to say that Cu-
ban refugee groups "reside in
many places all around the Carib-
bean Sea, and the United States
cannot assume responsibility for
acts initiated by Cuban exiles who
have left from points not under
United States jurisdiction."
Furthermore, White said, "there
are literally thousands of miles of
United States coastline to patrol,
and, in the Florida area alone,
there are several thousand pleas-
ure boats . . . there is no absolute
guarantee against any incident
taking place."
In the affair of Sept. 10, a hit-
and-run assault was made on a
Cuban harbor, and the Havana
radio said that the raiders fired
more than 60 shots into a British
freighter and other vessels. The
port was Caribbean, on Cuba's
north coast. The British ship in-
volved was the 7,043-ton freighter
Earlier this week, Alpha 66
claimed that it had raised a Cuban
port on Oct. 8 and had killed 20
defenders, including some Rus-
sians .
AEC Reveals
New Testing
In Paeif is
Energy Commission said yesterday
the test area around Johnston Is-
land in the Pacific has been ex-
tended for a new series of lower
yield, low altitude nuclear weap-
ons tests.
A spokesman said the extension
would have no effect on the mis-
sile-launched high altitude test
scheduled over the Pacific tomor-
row night or early Monday morn-
ing. The new regulations take ef-
fect Monday.
Meanwhile, the AEC announced
a low yield underground nuclear
test at the Nevada test site, the
54th in the Nevada underground
series. The low yield range in-
cludes devices with an explosive
force of up to 20,000 tons of TNT.
The AEC said Joint Task Force
Eight in the Pacific had extended
the test area on the surface to a
circle with a radius of 600 nauti-
cal miles extending outward from
the Johnston Island area.

Won't Yield
To Russians,
White Warns
Britain Supports
Western Efforts
States spokesman charged yester-
day that Soviet Premier Nikita- S.
Khrushchev is the only one inter-
ested in creating a new Berlin
crisis-"now or at any time"-and
said the Moscow leader would bear
full responsibility for one if it de-
The warning, voiced by State
Department spokesman Lincoln
White at a news conference, un-
derscored an administration cam-
paign aimed at warning the Krem-
lin against miscalculating West-
ern determination not to yield on
the Berlin issue.
White, asked to comment on re-
ports of concern among United
States leaders about possible in-
tensification of the Berlin crisis,
said that "any potential crisis in
Berlin now, or at any time, would
be one deliberately created by
Khrushchev himself, and for which.
he would bear full responsibility."
The warning was issued on the
eve of the arrival in Washington
of Gerhard Schroeder, the West
German foreign minister.
Meanwhile, at a Conservative
Party conference in Wales, British
Foreign Secretary Lord Home as-
sured Chancellor Konrad. Ade-
nauer that Britain wholeheartedly
supports Western efforts to pre-
vent the Communists from swamp-
ing Berlin.
The foreign secretary said Brit-
ain could never agree to a Berlin
settlement "which is merely a cov-
er for a Communist take-over."

Pope Urges Nations
To Live in Harmony
Diplomats from 85 Countries
Hear Request for Renewed Efforts
VATICAN CITY (P)-Pope John XXIII gravely told national en-
voys from around the globe yesterday that their governments must
make peace or face an awful reckoning.
He equated the reckoning with hell itself.
At the same time, he also saw the possibility of a new climate
of international harmony and he pleaded for intensified efforts and
the national "sacrifices that are necessary" to achieve this.
Assembled before him in the famed Sistine Chapel were diplo-
matic representatives of 85 nations. The Pope sat on a throne in front
of a wall covered by Michelange-
's painting of "The Last Judg-
ment." I iirnd'C I Trit



All heads of states, the Pope said,
"must remember that they will one
day have to account for their ac-
tions to God their creator, who
will also be their supreme judge."
Urging that national leaders
continue to meet together, negoti-
ate and evensacrifice "to reach
just and generous agreements" to,
establish peace, he said:
"May this thought of the reck-1
oning that they are to face spur
them to omit no effort to achieve
this blessing, which for the hu-
man family is a blessing greater
than any other"1
The Council "will bring God's
life-giving reply to the anguished'
problems of our day and will help
you to achieve the true progress of'
individual: and whole nations," the
Pope sacid
Human Accord
In keeping with the symbolism
of part of the painting, the Pope
offered a vision of growing human
accord, between nations, races and
cultures of the earth and said the
modern world has the chance to
attain it.
He said it should be a "peace
directed to the increasing of re-
spect for the human person and
to the procuring of a just freedom
of religion and worship, a peace
which nourishes harmony between
nation: "
"There is no reason why this
should not exist," he said firmly,
"even if it calls for some sacri-
fice on their (the leaders) part."
It demands, he said, "love for
one another, brotherhood and the
end of strife between men of dif-
ferent races and different mentali-

LAII ~ e lll 1.,)111,
Study Begins
By The Associated Press
ROME-The first formal con-
tact between the Russian Ortho-
dox and Roman Catholic Churches
since the great schism of 1054 took
place yesterday as the Special Va-
tican Secretariat for Christian
Unity began to meet.
Vladimir Kotliarov and Vitali
Borovoi, Russian Orthodox church-
men, joined representatives of
many faiths - Anglicans, Metho-
dists, Congregationalists, Luther-
ans, Quakers, Copts, Armenians
and Syrian Orthodoxites-at the
meeting with the Catholics.
The Vatican swore all partici-
pants to secrecy. However, it be-
came known that the meeting
dealt with a range of procedural
matters and made arrangements
for a further working session -one
of an expected series-next Tues-

by Senate conferees on nearly $1.5
billion in authorizations for public
works projects late yesterday low-
ered the major barrier to adjourn-
ment of Congress.
This final regular session of the
87th Congress already has run
longer than any since the Korean-
war session of 1951 which ended
Oct. 20.
The big break came late in the
afternoon when Senate-House con-
ferees reported agreement on a
measure authorizing navigation,
flood control and power dam proj-
ects to be built in future years
with funds to be appropriated
Aids Incumbents
Final action is not necessary at
present but these authorizations
are important to incumbents seek-
ing re-election.
The House had approved 166
projects to cost about $2.25 bil-
lion but the Senate boosted this
by 50 projects and pushed the au-
thorization to about $5 billion.
Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana said the
87th Congress has chalked up both
successes and failures and that the
final judgment on its work "will
Court Integrates
Carolina Schools
ALEXANDRIA (RP)-Negro pupils
in North Carolina won court fights
to enter all-white schools in two
decisions yesterday by the United
States Fourth Circuit Court of Ap-
peals. One case involves about 125
Negroes at Durham and the other
concerns principally 7 pupils in
Caswell County.

be seen in accurate perspective
only through the lenses of history."
Inaccurate Yardstick
"From now until November,"
he conceded, "the achievements or
failures of this Congress are likely
to be measured by the inaccurate
yardstick of partisan politics."
"It may well be," Mansfield said,
"that there is a need for some soul-
searching as to the efficacy of
some of our procedures and the
abuses to which they sometimes
lend themselves.
"For we have, all of us, a re-
sponsibility to contribute to the
preservation of the constitutional
validity of tha Senate and the Con-
gress and public confidence in the
legislative branch of the govern-
ment of the United States."
Republican leader Sen. Everett
M. Dirksen of Illinois said the Re-
publicans in Congress acted with
responsibility and unity. He de-
rided as "a myth" President John
F. Kennedy's attempts to blame
them for what Dirksen termed "the
greatest legislative mess in Wash-
ington history."
He said the fault lay with "ill-
conceived, ill-drafted new frontier
proposals" glutting the legislative
pipeline and with warring wings
of the Democratic party "battling
each other into legislative impot-
"B ig talk ad smal atio -
that is the true record of the Ken-
nedy Administration in the 87th
Congress," said Dirksen in his
summation printed in yesterday's
550 Proposals
The GOP leader said Kennedy
submitted over 550 legislative re-
quests to the 87th Congress but,

even though the Democrats out-
numbered Republicans 2-to-i in
the Senate and 3-to-2 in the
House, the President obtained less
than 10 per cent of what he asked
Part of the time expended on
the legislative effort, Dirksen said,
was taken up by "mutinies" with-
in the President's own party
against administration proposals.
He said the most notable exam-
ple was the filibuster by Demo-
cratic liberals against a bill to set
up a privately-owned communica-
tions satellite corporation.
Wages Climb,
Fails To Rise
WASHINGTON (1P) - Indus try
worked longer hours and handed
out bigger paychecks in September
even though the national unem-
ployment rate stayed as high as
in August.
In a job report which suggested
that new gains in industrial pro-
duction and personal income will
soon be posted, the Labor Depart-
ment said yesterday that factory
hands worked record hours of
overtime last month.
The factory work-week length-
ened to 40.6 hours, a gain of 0.2
hours in a month when little if
any change is normally seen.
The report provided fresh and
fairly encouraging details on the
September employment estimates
issued last week. But a wave of
tember record. But a wave of new
job-seekers kept the unemploy-
ment rate at 5.8 per cent.


Congress Nears Adjournment



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World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
SAIGON--Government armored
vehicles spearheading a Plain of
Reeds offensive killed 37 of a band
of Communist guerrillas yesterday
and scattered the rest, the Viet-
namese high command announced.
A military source said nine gov-
ernment troops were wounded.
PANAMA-A new United States
bridge over the Pacific entrance
to the Panama Canal opened yes-
terday to jeers of students waving
Cuban revolutionary flags and a
boycott of almost the entire diplo-
matic corps. The diplomats refus-
ed to attend the opening ceremon-
ies sponsored by the joint United
States-Panama commission on a
charge that' their invitations did
not come from official Panaman-
ian channels.
WASHINGTON-District Judge
Edward M. Curran yesterday de-
nied a motion by the Communist
Party of the United States to throw
out charges that it had failed to
register as an agent of the Soviet
Union. The party argued unsuc-
cessfully that the registration re-
quirement, part of the Internal
Security Act of 1950, violated its
officials' protection against self-
incrimination under, the Fifth
Amendment to the Constitution.
Moise Tshombe had a "frank and
friendly" talk here Thursday with
UN chief Robert Gardiner, a gov-
ernment communique announced
yesterday. They discussed finan-
cial matters, reopening of com-
munications with the Central Con-
This weekend enjoy a
unique, festive THEATRE
twilight performance of
(Adapted from the works
of Walt Whitman by Rich-
ard Baldridge) at the
ATRE Today at 6 P.M.
Then feast on a sumptu-
ous six-course dinner at the

go, and the question of mercenar-
ies alleged to be serving with the
Katanga army.
Foreign Minister Mohammed Khe-
misti told the UN General Assem-
bly yesterday any attack on Cuba
or attempts to undermine its Com-
munist government would jeopar-
dize world peace. In a policy speech
to the 109-nation Assembly the
Algerian diplomat expressed the
view that Cuba has no aggressive.
intentions toward the United
States. He appealed to both the
United States and Cuba to re-
solve their differences peacefully.
LONDON-The lord chamber-
lain, Britain's stage censor, yes-
terday banned from a forthcom-
ing British revue a sketch about
Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. Actress
Moira Lister was to have imper-
sonated the United States Presi-
dent's wife in a skit called "House-
warming," but the lord chamber-
lain marked the script "to be
omitted." He gave no reason.
NEW YORK - The Stock Ex-
change was inactive yesterday, ex-
cept for some heavy trading of
aerospace issues during the closing
minutes. Volume fell to 2.02 mil-
lion shares from 2.46 million on
Thursday. The Dow-Jones indus-
trial average closed unchanged at

306 North Division
Phone NO 2-4097
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon
for Students.
1 1:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and commentary
9:15 A.M. Holy Communion.
7:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
12:10 P.M. Holy Communion.
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor
Rev. A. C. Bizer, Associate Pastor
9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Service
9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Church School
7:00 p.m. Student Guild
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
9:30 Guild House at 802 Monroe
9:30 Study Seminar at Guild House
10:45 Worship
Woshtenaw at Berkshire
Rev. Erwin Gaede
The sermon topic f r Sunday, Oct. 14 will be:
"Hymns in the Liberal Church." Mrs.
Carl Bays, guest speaker.
Church School and Worship Services at 9:30
and 11:00 a.m.
Student Group: 7:30 p.m.
for single young adults
Meetings in First Methodist Church
in Youth Room
Sundoy-7:30 p.m.
State and William
Services 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
"That Church and University May Learn," The
Rev. J. E. Edwards
BIBLE LECTURE: Mrs. Luchs, 10:20-10.40
CHURCH SCHOOL: ages crib through 9th
grade, 9:30 and 11:00
STUDENT GUILD: 7:30 evening program at
802 Monroe

William and Thompson Streets
Mgsr. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Alexander Brunett
Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M.,
12:00 Noon and 12:30.
Holyday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M.,
12:00 Noon, 5:10 P.M.
Weekday Masses 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 A.M. and
12:00 Noon.
Novena Devotions: Mother of Perpetual Help.
Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M.
Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 P.M.
Weekly classes in Philosophy Tuesday at 8:00.
Fundamentals of the Catholic Faith Tuesday
and Thursday at 10 a.m., 2, 3, 8 p.m.
Foundations of, Christianity Tuesday and
Thursday at 1, 3, 7 p.m. Sacred Scripture
Monday at 7:00, Thursday at 8:0J. Medi-
cal Ethics Thursday at 7:00. Nursing
Ethics Monday at 8:00. Newman Classes
Friday at 8:00. Open Forum Wednesday
at 8:00.
National Lutheran Council
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
Anna M. Lee, Associate
Sunday-9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Worship Ser-
vices: The Rev. Donald Hetzler, Chicago,
Guest Preacher
10:00 A.M. Bible Study
7:00 P.M. Speaker: The Rev. Donald Hetzler,
Regional Secretary of the Division of
College and University Work
Wednesday-7:15 - 7:45 P.M. Midweek De-
votional Service
1432 Washtenaw Avenue
NO 2-4466
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen
Worship at 9:00, 10:30 and 11:50.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
Staff: Jack Borckardt and Patricia Pickett
NO 2-3580
j W. Stadium at Edgewood
John G. Macin,EMinister
10:00 a.m. Bible School
11:00 a.m. Regular Worship
6:30 p.m. Evening Worship
7:30 p.m. Bible Study
For transportation to any service call 2-2756

State and Huron Streets, Tel. 10 8-6881
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Rev. M. Jean Robe and
Rev. C. J. Stoneburner, Campus Ministers
9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship.
"Beyond Recognition to Realization,"
sermon by Dr. Ruppert.
10:15 a.m.-Seminar; Pine Room. Series
subject, "Encounters withother Living
Religions." Topic: The Religions of India.
7;00 p.m.-Worship and Program, Lounge.
"Christianity and Nationalism."
8:00 - 1 1:00 p.m.-Open House,
Jean Robe's apartment.
12:00 Noon-Student Cabinet luncheon.
7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel.
Followed by breakfast, Pine Room.
Out for 8 o'clocks.
4:00 p.m.-Coffee Hour, Lounge
5:10 p.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel
6:00-8:00 p.m.-Grad Supper, Pine Room
Wesley Foundation Retreat date is Oct. 19-21
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1 511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
James H. Pragman, Vicar
Tel.: 663-5560
Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15: Services, with
Holy Communion, Sermon by the Rev.
Prof. Herbert Spomer, "!Praying With
Sunday. at 9:45 and 11:15: Bible Classes
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dents, Supper-Program, with a teacher
and students from the Lutheran School for
the Deaf, Detroit, telling about its work.
Monday at 8:00: Membership Class
Wednesday, 10:00 P.M.: Midweek Devotion
512 and 502 E. Huron
Rev. James Middleton, Minister
Rev. Paul W. Light, Minister of Education
(Minister to students)
9:45 a.m. Campus class on Christian ethics.
11 a.m. Morning Worship.
6:45-8 p.m. American Baptist Student Fellow-
ship, worship and discussion of "The
National and World Student Christian
Monday Noon-Lunch and Discussion



University Hospital
St. Joseph Hospital
Ypsilanti State Hospital

Washtenaw at Forest
Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan
10:00 A.M. Worship Services
1I A tA u .- - ..





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