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October 13, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-13

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Fair Saturday night
with a chance of rain on Sunday

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom













Fans Jam Lansing
To See Rivals Clash
State Fears Wolverine Platoons,
Elliott Cites MSU All-Americans
Associate Sports Editor
EAST LANSING-Two football giants-Michigan and Michigan
State-with a bit of the glitter worn off their polished helmets
collide at East Lansing this afternoon in the Big Ten opener for
both teams.
Game time is 1:30 for the some 76,500 fans expected to jam
Spartan Stadium and a regional television audience (CBS). The










Commands Army

To Expel Chinese

IBarnett Reserves Rit

PRE-GAME' FESTIVITIES-University students, in a tradition
as old as the Michigan, Michigan State conflict, last night burned
a wooden cow constructed by Gomberg House. Also in a tradition
of painted, derogatory epithets, an anonymous student wrote
"hate state" on the hallowed doors of Angell Hall.
U.S. Asks Court Change
Of Trespass Convictions.
WASHINGTON ()-The government asked the Supreme Court
yesterday to overturn the trespassing convictions of 33 sit-in demon-
strators who sought to break the color barrier at lunch counters in
four southern cities.
Solicitor General Archibald Cox argued that state laws and poli-
les promoting racial segregation were behind the convictions, and
- 1said this violated the demonstra-

Cisler Cites
Of Business'
Many principles of business
management can be successfully
applied to running a university,
Detroit Edison President Walker1
L. Cisler said last night.t
Speaking at the final dinner of
the Association of Governing
Boards of State Universities and
Allied Institutions (AGB), Cisler
advised that governing board
members "serve best when they
apply consciously the same prin-'
ciples that brought success in
He went on to note similarities1
between educational and business
The board of directors of a
corporation and the governing
body of a college have muchin
common: they are both responsible
for formulating policies and mak-
ing the fundamental decisions of
the organization, Cisler explained.
Both types of governing body
must understand the organization
of the hierarchy beneath them, "so
they can achieve the best possible
results," he added.
Both schools and businesses
must exercise foresight in their
planning, Cisler continued. For
example, he suggested that such
procedures as studies of popula-
tion growth, exploring the possi-
bilities of cooperation with neigh-
boring institutions, and the appli-
cation of the latest technological
advances could be profitably em-
ployed by colleges.
Parallel Close
In the field of investment, the
parallel is particularly close. "In
the soundly managed business or
university, there is a sound re-
spect for every dollar spent," Cis-
ler commented.
He proposed that colleges should
employ business' "use - factor"
principle, in which maximum pos-
sible use is made of all facilities.
Such practices as evening classes,
full-year operation, weekend class-
es and classes held off campus are
examples of this concept, Cisler
In a business session yesterday
morning, the AGB named the fol-
lowing officers: Trustee John W.
Newton of the Texas A&M College
System, president; Regent Eugene
B. Power of the University, W. R.
Kendall of Indiana State College,
and John L. King of the Univer-
siy of Washington, vice-presi-
dents; and Board Member Manuel
DeBusk of Texas Technological
College, secretary-treasurer.

teams rebounded with the Wol-
verines beating what appeared to
be the stronger of the opponents,
Army, but by a smaller margain
than the Spartans belted North
What all this boils down to is
that both teams are relatively
undetermined quantities.
Singing Praises
The rival poaches, Bump Elliott
of Michigan and Duffy Daugherty,
the apple eating Irishman of
Michigan State, have been singing
the praises of the opposition
"How do you defense four quar-
terbacks?" says Duffy. "How do
you move the ball against an All-
American line?" groans Bump.
"I haven't got any depth," com-
plains Daugherty. "But what a
first team," counters Bump.
All week the battle of the brains
has been raging.
See UNDERDOG, Page 6
Titan Scores
In Test Shot
Titan 2 missile scored its fourth
success in six test flights yester-
day on a 5,000-mile trip down the
Atlantic tracking range.
The two-stage, 530,000 pound-
thrust weapon descended on tar-
get after a flight of 30 minutes.

i i

Cornell Splits
On Question
ITHACA (AP)-The Cornell Uni-
versity campus was split yesterday
by a debate over the university's
right to suspend a graduate stu-
dent who allegedly shared his off-
campus apartment with a coed
from another school.
The graduate student, who has.
not been identified by the univer-
sity, was suspended indefinitely
on Oct. 4 by the faculty committee
on student conduct.
The university has remained
tight-lipped about the suspension
but the Cornell Daily Sun, student
newspaper, interviewed the student
and said in an editorial:
"The moral standards of the
university are in effect very rigid
but enforcement of such rules is
almost impossible. The student
involved in this incident was not
so lucky and he must pay a bitter
price for his 'crime'."
About 75 students turned ou
this afternoon for an open meet-
ing called by the Cornell Liberal
Union, an undergraduate group.
They discussed the case but took
no formal action.


James H. Meredith desegregation
Clark said his "words were mis-
understood by the court" at a
hearing here 11 days ago. Barnett
had originally been given until
Oct. 2-10 days ago-to show he
had purged himself.
Substitute Judgment
Circuit Judge Richard T. Rives
of Montgomery, Ala., who was
present at the Oct. 2 hearing said:
"I don't bet that the governor is
to substitute his judgment for
that of the court and now you say
he is."
Later, Rives commented: "We
have indeed entered 'Alice in
Wonderland,' w h e r e language
doesn't mean what it says."
Clark said that Barnett and Lt.
Gov. Paul B. Johnson Jr., had
promised they would obey the
court's mandate to the best of
their ability."
'Legally Permitted'
He explained today that this
meant they would comply inso-
far as they were "legally permitted
to doso."
Assistant United States Attor-
ney General Burke Marshall said
Barnett had "not purged himself
of contempt."
But he recommended against
arrest of the 64-year-old governor,
urging instead that the court col-
lect all or part of the $10,000 a
day fine it imposed when it con-
victed Barnett of contempt
Sept. 28.
Urge Arrest
However, attorneys for James
H. Meredith, the Negro who en-
rolled at the University of Missis-
sippi, urged the court to put its
sanctions, including arrest and the
full fine, into effect immediately.
The court delayed any final de-
cision pending submission of writ-
ten briefs from opposing attor-
neys in the case on Monday.
The court also said it would not
sit en banck on the case indef-
initely. It indicated a three-judge
panel might soon take over further
hearings if they are needed.

... threatens Chinese
Wage War
With Rebels'
DAMASCUS (')- Monarchists
claimed more victories yesterday
in their fight to regain Yemen.
But republican rebels holding
the Red Sea country said mon-
archist advances on the capital,
San'a, were being smashed by air
and ground assaults.
Both claims came from the ra-
dios of pro-monarchist Saudi Ara-
bia and the pro-republican United
Arab Republic. There were no re-
ports directly from inside Yemen
Saudi Arabia's Radio Mecca said
monarchist tribal warrioors under
the leadership of Prince Hassan
were besieging the republican gar-
rison at Sinnar, about 60 miles
north of San'a.
"Royalist forces, climaxing a'
48-hour battle, mercilessly shelled
the Sinnar garrison, inflicting
countless casualties among rebel
defenders," the Mecca broadcast
said. "The position is expected to
fall into royalist hands at any
Mecca radio said it was getting
its information through the mon-
archist Yemeni legatcon in Jidda
from Hassan's headquarters inside
Yemen. It did not disclose the lo-

game has been a sellout since sum-
mer, for the 15th straight year.
The Spartants have been installed To Comply with Court
as a touchdown favorite.
Michigan State, which figured
to be one of the best in the NEW ORLEANS ()-An attorney for Mississippi Gov. Ross
country, lost its pride, a game and Barnett told a federal appeals court yesterday that the governor re-
its national ranking in a 16-13 served the right to decide when he was "physically able to comply
upset loss to Stanford opening with the court's orders."
day. Michigan was ambushed by In an apparent reversal of a previous position, attorney Charles
a Nebraska team, 25-13. Clark said he was not in position to say that Barnett would comply
Last Saturday, however, both --- -with all the court's orders in the

To Remain
Indian Action Comes
After Border Battle
In Area Near Tibet
NEW DELHI 0P) -- Prime Min-
ister Jawaharal Nehru sounded a
warning yesterday that he has
ordered the Indian Army to drive
Chinese Communists from "our
territory" on the northeast fron-
Nehru declined to say when his
troops would strike but declared
they were "strongly positioned and
in a large number, operating from
higher ground."
There was no immediate reac-
tion from Peiping to Nehru's latest
Threaten Fight
But Communist China has re-
peatedly threatened to fight any
attempt to oust Communist troops
by force from disputed land in
the high Himalayas.
An Indian spokesman indicated
yesterday that a lull had set in
after Wednesday's bloody battle
near the Kechilang River in an
area bordering Chinese-occupied
Tibet in which New Delhi and
Peiping both claimed a victory.
Nehru estimated the Commun-
ists suffered nearly 100 casualties
-nearly three times the 33 cas-
ualties acknowledged by Peiping.
Indian losses were officially listed
here at 6 killed, 11 wounded and
7 missing.
Orders Army
Nehru told reporters, just be-
fore boarding a plane for Ceylon,
he had ordered the army "to free
our territory in the northeast
frontier." The prime minister's
departure from the country for
three days indicated Indian troops
were not about to start marching
Before leaving, Nehru held ur-
gent consultations with Defense
Minister V.K. Krishna Menon and
foreign ministry officials on the
border crisis in the light of the
latest fighting.
No Talks
Nehru told newsmen: "So long
as this particular aggression con-
tinues there appears to be no
chance of talks."
The Indian leader has repeated-
ly insisted the Chinese must with-
draw before he would negotiate
the 50,000-square miles in dispute.

Cuban Crisis,:
U.S. Revolution
Seen Similar
The Cuban economic situation
is not unlike what George Wash-
ington's was at Valley Forge, Prof.
Samuel Shapiro, of Michigan State
University, said last night deliver-
ing his "Eyewitness Report on
Shapiro addressed the Demo-
cratic Socialists' Club on the econ-
omy, government, and revolution-
ary psychology of Cuba, and eval-
uated 'pertinent United States
He declared that the grave eco-
nomic crisis in Cuba is that of an
economy in transition, and that we
forget the transient problems of
our own revolution when we as-
sume that the Castro regime wili
topple as a result.
"After all, we were the ones
who started it, back in 1776," he
said. "If the Cubans are about
to starve to death, then they are
no threat to us. What the United
States is really afraid of is that
they may make a go of it."
Shapiro stressed that the gov-
ernment of Cuba is undoubtedly a
totalitarian dictatorship. All com-
munications media are "muzzled,"
so that the Cubans "do not know
what is going on. They are even
sending. Cubans to study agricul-
ture-God help us-in China," he
"One is reminded of Adolf Hit-
ler," he continued. "Castro is in
absolute control of the Cuban rev-
olution. But I shall believe that
the majority of the Cuban people
support that revolution.'
Shapiro viewed the shift from
capitalism to socialism in Cuba
as an attempt to change the nsy-
hology of a people towards altru-
ism, a pride in work for its -own
ke, and a dedication to working
for the nation, rather than the old

tors' constitutional guarantee of
equal protection under the law.
Cox's brief, signed also by As-
sistant Attorney General Burke
Marshall, head of the civil rights
division, put the government on
record as "amicus curiae"-friend
of the court.
It said the basic constitutional
question involved is "to what ex-
tent the 14th amendment con-
demns, as a denial of equal pro-
tection under the laws, enforce-
ment by the states of racial segre-
gatign in private business open to
the public."
".. A state may not, consistently
with'the 14th amendment, both
induce a proprietor to engage in
racial discrimination and prosecute
the victims for criminal trespass
or a similar offense."
The Supreme Court last June
agreed to rule on the sit-in appeals
in its first action on cases nvolv-
ing trespass laws. No date has yet
been set, for hearing of the four
They stem from sit-in demon-
strations in Durham, N. C., Green-
ville, S. C., Birmingham, Ala., and
New Orleans.

Kish Discusses.Operation
Of All-European Education,
Not many people have heard about the all-European school
system, but during the last ten years it has silently been striving to
erase the misunderstandings and intellectual blocks created by na-
tional borders, according to Prof. George Kish of the geography
The first such institution was opened in Luxembourg for children
of parents employed by the European Coal and Steel Community. Now

Medical Benefits Plan
Passed by Congress
WASHINGTON ( ') - Legislation to ease the tax burdens of
persons with very heavy medical expenses and to, encourage private
pension plans to add medical benefits was sent to President John F.
Kennedy yesterday.
The House, by voice vote, completed action on a compromise
bill passed by the Senate Thursday.
The legislation retains the basic limitation on deductions from
income tax for medical and similar expenses. This specifies that only


there are three others: one in'
Brussels, the scene of European
Ec o n o mic Community (EEC)
headquarters; one in Mol, Belgium
and another in Ispra, Italy, both
the location of Euratom centers.
There is a total enrollment in
the system of 1500 children from
France, Germany, Italy, Belgium,
The Netherlands and Luxembourg.
These schools originally were
established so that children of
parents employed by the European
Community would have a certifi-
cate when they completed second-
ary school that would be recog-
nized by the universities in any
of the countries from which theys
The first senior class had its
commencement from the school in
Luxembourg in 1959. The mem
bers had to pass the European
baccalaureate exam (the same
kind that is administered to all
seniors in the various secondary
schools on the continent) in order
to reach this goal.
Another provision of the sys-
tem is that credits earned at any
level may be transferred to a reg-
See KISH, Page 2
Anglican Predicts

Calls Propert

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a series of faculty mem-
bers commenting on fiscal re-
form in Michigan.)
The local property tax, a ma-
jor source of support for local
units of government in Michi-
gan, has been a stumbling
block on the road to fiscal re-
form, Prof. Robert H. Pealy of
the political science department
Prof. Pealy, who worked on
the property tax section of the
Michigan Tax Study sponsored
in 1958 by Rep. Rollo G. Con-
lin's (R-Tipton) Ways and
Means Committee, sees the per-
sonal property tax as an unfair
levy on business.
"Nearly all tax experts agree
that a personal property tax on
machinery and equipment is
unfair to business; it bears
little or no relation to profits.
Find Substitute
"The problem is to find some
substitute form of revenue for
loa1 units to whom the ner-

political context" and it is "?of-
ten difficult to disturb existing
patterns," Prof. Pealy notes.
"Besides, local units are often
wary of redistribution since
some of them have had oad ex-
periences with state funds," he
Also, in heavily industrial
areas, a redistribution strictly
on the basis of population would
not be an adequate substitute
for lost revenues. Some kind of
new redistribution system must
be devised, Prof. Pealy says.
Detroit, whose city council
recently enacted a one per cent
local income tax, is a commun-
ity suffering from overdepend-
ence on the property tax ,while
faced with declining property
"Detroit is suffering from the
problems that many 'core cities,
face. Property values within the
city are deteriorating. The local
income tax is a means of mak-
ing those who live in suburban
areas of the city pay for the

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ag a patch-work local tax
the study in which Prof.
participated for the Con-
ommittee, it was found
only in the case of town-
was the property tax not
argest single source of sup-
for a local unit of govern-
ng 1955 as a source year,
'eport showed that school
cts received 47.1 per cent
eir support from the pro-
tax, cities received 38.4
ent, counties received 47.4
cent, while townships re-
d only 19 1 per cent, a
e overshadowed by state
o townships.
also stated that property
for all purposes, in the
1950-55, increased an
.ge of 64.8 per cent in
noted that although the
rty tax is still a major
e of revenue throughout
Jnited States, it has declin-
n overall signifi.,ance, i
only representing 13 per

House Muster
Holds Congress,
WASHINGTON (A') - Congress
mied annihohr ainrnment tar-

expenses in cases of three per
cent of income may be deducted.
But the bill raises the over-all
ceiling now in effect:
For single persons, it sets a
limit of $10,000 instead of the
present $5,000.
For married couples $20,000 in-
.f .1 AA1.nn a-A MrZ Ann n ama

. business burden
enue sources, Prof. Pealy says.
The fiscal reform program
centered around an income tax,

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