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September 11, 1962 - Image 25

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-11

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1Mw ~igan

I43ait I


Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Science Building
Costs,$ Millio*n
Capital Outlay Also Finances
Music School Bldg., Renovations
Topping the University's building projects this year is the $7
million Physics and Astronomy Building now under construction on
East University, Wilbur K. Pierpont, the University's vice-president
for business and finance said.
This structure, which will be completed by spring, 1963, will have
two wings. The first.will house lecture halls and libraries for under-
graduate students in the physics and astronomy departments.
The adjacent 10-story attachment will house, in the lower floors,
the physics department offices and classrooms. Research facilities for
physics will remain in Randall Laboratory.
The upper stories will hold faculty and teaching offices for the
astronomy department. Instruction here will be for advanced students,

,high finance
Keeping alumni interested in
the University is the major re-
sponsibility of the Alumni Asso-
ciation, an independent, non-profit
7 The Association's general secre-
tary, John E. Tirrell, has said that
the day of the raccoon coat, when
alumni interest in the University
was more nostalgia than concern,
has ended.
He added that today's alumni
are anxious to make a contribution
to the University as an academic
Support Varies
Although support for the Uni-
versity takes many forms, one of
the most usefl is inancil sup-
port. The University has its own
organization, the Development
Council, for raising funds from
alumnii. t iity
Tirrell notes that the ciliies
and structures of the Association
can be of great value in soliciting
funds from alumni. Last March,
the Development Council and the
}Alumni Association approved pro-
posals that will help them cooper-
ate in raising money from alumni.
Among the Association's aims is
"to interpret the University to its
alumni." Much of this interpreta-
tion is done through the Michigan
Alumnus, the association's maga-
zine, published ten times a year.
Magazine Content
Besides routine news about the
Association and the University,
the magazine carries editorials
and interpretive articles about the
Office of Student Affairs, admis-
sions procedures, Uversity ex-
pnsion' and finances, and higher
education in general. o
In addition to the Alumnus, the
Association has three affiliated ors
ganizations get kaee in tocith
aun s the Clubs Council, the
Alumnae Council, and the Class
- Officers Council. .
Themn Cluscouncil anpovd the-
poalmna Coil re the centeral
giat iosforg te 3 alumni
clubs the Association informs lo-
cal communities, especially in
Michigan, of the work, progress,
and needs of the University.
Class Officers Council
The Class Officers Council
works with alumn by graduating
Bclass, rather than geographical lo-
cation as do the other two groups.
Much of its work centers around
encouraging and helping class of-
ficers organizerclass reunions.hed
}uamost ieeraeninishl
around Commencement Day in
June. Last Spring was the 24th
Annual Alumni University - the
name given to the general pro-
gram of activities that the Class
Officers Council helps arrange for

" while elementary and intermediate
astronomy courses will continue to
be held in other buildings on cam-
The new building, which should
cost an estimated $3.2 million, will
necessitate revisions in the West
Physics Building.
This structure will be cleared
when the physics shop is trans-
ferred to the space in Randall
Laboratory now occupied by the
cyclotron. The cyclotron will be
dismantled when a new 83-ton
model is constructed on North
Other Possibilities
It is possible that some other
department in the literary college
will be moved into the West
Physics Bldg. But the most likely
alternative is that it will be razed.
An overhead causeway would be
built to save the present sidewalk.
This revision, however, would not
occur for another few years.
The new building will have space
for a director of research, which
means that a certain centralizing
of the University's research efforts
is currently being planned.
In addition, several other addi-
tions to the University's physical
plant are in various stages of com-
Bids have been taken for the
new Music School Building, ex-
pected to cost about $3.6 million.
The Oxford Housing Project, a
unique set of residence units for
undergraduate 'women, is now in
the early-stages of construction.
IST Construction
On North Campus, the new
home of the Institute of Science
and Technology is under construc-
On Thompson Street, a new
parking structure is rising; and
an addition to the Church Street
Garage will be under way 'some-
time this fall.
Also, numerous additions and
renovations are under way in the
University's Medical Center.
Expanding Institution
As these new buildings indicate,
the University is a constantly ex-
panding institution. It has doubled
in enrollment since 1940, and Uni-
versity officials have frequently
been hard pressed to find land
and money to accommodate this
tremendous growth.
Their answer to the space prob-
lem has been an expansion north-
eastward from the Central Cam-
pus. In 1961, a huge tract of land
several miles northeast of Cen-
tral Campus was acquired. Though
this year's freshmen will still
spend most of their time on Cen-
tral Campus, this new North Cam-
pus will someday be the center
of many undergraduate activities.
North Campus already hosts $24
million in facilities, and has room
to expand, which is lacking in the
congested Central Campus. Though
construction continues on Central
Campus, it can seldom be achieved
without tearing down older build-
ings or acquiring private property.
See PHYSICS, Page 10

Set Areas
To Polish
~'U' I mage
Michigan's grass roots, special-
ized groups and University alumni
will receive more attention this
year from the University relations
Director of University Relations
Michael Raddock cited six new
public relations areas where the
University will be concentrating.
Working with the Office of Ac-
ademic. Affairs and the Office of
Admissions, te University Rela-
tions Office plans to increase
communication with applicants to
the University, incoming students
and parent-teacher associations.
'Operation Michigan'
The Office will expand its pilot
program, "Operation Michigan,"
this year. The "Operation" design-
ed "to tell the story of University
to alumni and its friends," will
continue and expand its program
of Saturday symposia on the Uni-
versity, alumni conferences and
dinners held in various parts of
the state.
The faculty will play an in-
creasing role in University rela-
tions, Raddock indicated. He
hopes to get more of them in-
volved through participation in
forums a n d panel discussions
about the University in various
parts of the state.
Cleland Wyllie, director of he
newly created post of Information
Services, will tour the state 'on-
ferring with newspaper editors
and reporters about the Univer-
To Aid Theatre
The University relations office
will also cooperate with the Ame-
rican Professional Artists profes-
sional theatre troupe who will tour
the state this year.
Raddock also plans to lure more
specialized groups to campus for
conferences in various fields. The
state services wing of the office
will handle this project.
The University's 150th Anniver-
sary in 1967 will be the spring-
board for a possible alumni fund
raising drive, Raddock said. He
indicated the University relations
office has begun planning for the
See 'U', Page 10
Host Lectures,
Informal Talks
In addition to their regular
classroom focused academic activi-
ties, many of the various schools
and departments within the Uni-
versity sponsor lectures, symposia,
and colloquia on topics related to
their particular disciplines.
Th lectures, usually held at
4:15, in the last year have dealt
with topics ranging from Indian
art to cosmology and beyond.
These talks are open to the pub-
lic without charge and there is a
question and answer period fol-
lowing the formal presentation if
time permits.
The symposia and colloquia are
usually a series of talks or dis-
cussions dealing with a general
subject or even a particular top-
ic. The psychology department is
one of many which sponsors such
a program on a weekly or month-
ly basis.
The times and subjects of these
lectures and discussions are an-
nounced in The Daily Official Bul-
letin and posted in many of the
residence halls and department

bulletin boards.I

For Edi
Committees r
Mull Issues,
Give Advice
SAC Investigates
Areas of Concern
Eighteen-hundred men and wom-
en are members of the Univer-
sity Senate, the one representative
body outside the administration
which has some real effect on the
University's future.
The Senate actually meets only
twice yearly, and the infrequency
of its meetings, plus the size of
its membership, make it unable to
recommend or act as a whole on FOR
policy changes. To facilitate mat- Hen
ters, a network of 15 subcommit- Dea
tees have been established. .e
These subcommittees usually re-; pla,
port to the Senate Advisory Com-



Ad ministration
"Senate, AAUP Insure Staff
Of Rights, Responsibilities
Offers Recommendations to Regents;
Guarantees AcademicEFreedom, Tenure
The job of the University faculty ends neither in the
classroom nor in the research laboratory.
Rather, it is extended to essentially non-academic mat-
ters-instructors and professors investigate and advise on
policies ranging from the Office of Student Affairs to faculty
fringe benefits to violations of academic freedom in schools
as far away as Alabama or South Dakota.
There are basically two groups to which faculty members
can belong. Membership in one does not prohibit belonging to
the other. The first group is



RD'S FAIRLANE-The brownstone baronial mansion which
ry Ford built as his home in 1915 is part of the University's
rborn Center. It contains over 50 rooms and 14 usable fire-

local and deals almost exclu-
sively with problems related to
the faculty at the University.
1,800 Members
"The University Senate is com-

mittee on University Affairs. - 1posed of approximately 1,800 fac-
"SAC is the administrative andrulty members who hold the rank
advisory arm of the Senate. It is of instructor or above. Certain ad-
composed of 19 Senate members, (((, ministrators, designated by the
elected under the provisionsof a 1Ti Regents, arealso members.rh
Regents' bylaw, to represent a va- C o le ia e i recty~ io n "The body parallels rather
riety of the constituency. roughly the Student Government
Weighted Representation <-.- - - -- Council in that it goes across col-
Weihtd JOHsenN onERRICK lege and school lines," Prof.
"SAC membership is weighted By JOHN HEThese are Business Administration' Charles Sawyer, director of the
against the literary, engineering, The Dearborn Center of the Engineering and Liberal Arts with Museum of Art and last year's
and architecture and design col- University is a unique develop- teachers certification for both ele- seumt o A rt nd latears
leges because they have by far ment in American college educa- mentary and secondary schools. Senate Advisory Committee chair-
the largest faculties, and would tion. Provide Liberal Arts man, explained.
otherwise be over-represented," This Center was developed by Itwsdcedathtieo Mulls Pertinent Issues
Prof. Charles Sawyer explained. th Uner a erequest It was decided at the timeof Its primary function, according
- the the University at the request of development that the enrichment t h eet'blwudrwih
Prof. Sawyer, director of the industry. It was developed in re- given this campus by the liberal to the Regents bylaw underd which
chsirmof Art, and former SAC sponse to a specific need in a spe- arts program was invaluable and ente as sblisedais to
Museume ha h sm nrcmntsol consider any subject pertaining to
chairm an, added thttis year. cific place. that the same enrichment should the interests of the University and
"the SAC also has a representa- at nersso the Dear-ityan
tive from Flint branch-the first The entire programn at the Dear- be offered students at the Dear- to make recommendations to the
time a University extension has born Center has been set up to born Center. As long as the pro- Board of Regents . .
be comply as completely as possible gram was there it seemed only B .Reghnts
benrepresented. But more than this, it serves as
eForte fsirst time, too, there is with this need and to retain all logical to make it a full degree the unifying agent for the needs
something of a triumph in the em- the usual high standards of ad- program of each of the schools and col-
battleding of rmph's rerem- mission, instruction, and gradua- Another of the unique aspects leges.
tation since we have a SAC rep- tion of the Ann Arbor campus of this center is its co-operative In this way, the problems of one
resentative from the nursing Aids Lower Colleges program with industry. In this school, like architecture and de-
school," he added. In order to add support to the program a student in Business sign, are not viewed as isolated
Advisory Function various community colleges in the Administration, Engineering, or subjects, but rather as the needs
TheS r functio sn a state it was decided that the Dear- some parts of the liberal arts pro- of a part of the University. relat-
The SAC functionss an advis- born Center would include facili- gram will alternate semesters be- ed to the engineering college or
ry body with no executive author, ties for only junior, senior, and tween on campus instruction and the literary college or the medical
ity. It advises the Senate itself working in his chosen field in - hool
the University President, and graduate work. orincnhiocoenfelln.n
from time to time the Regents a ards of admission are dstprogram was aso developed AAUP Protects Freedom
and members of the administra- the same as those fbr any transfer d The second faculty group, the
tion. student entering the University. in accordance to specific needs. American Association of Univer-
"In this particular institution, Admission is open to all qualified H Isity Professors (AAUP), is a na-
the faculty has a lot of influence students in regular four-year col- It gives the instruction at the tional body, "first concerned with
in establishing policies, primarily leges, University students, and Center the vitality and currency the academic freedom of profes-
in terms of their particular school parallel program community col- that is deeply needed by industry. sors-their right to express what
or college. The pressure which the leges. It keeps the students completely they feel-and with their right to
faculty, through the Senate, brings There are three programs of in- abreast of the latest technological tenure, or job security," Prof.
to bear, has become traditional," struction offered at the Center. advancements. And perhaps most George Peek of the political sci-
Prof. Sawyer said. important, it acts as a guidance ence department commented.
He added that about three- idcounseling service of the first or- Prof. Peek, former president of
fourths of things with which the W iliam s A ds der, allowing students to be sure the local AAUP chapter, added
facutys, thiSengsate, and the C El the field they have chosen is what that several hundred faculty mem-
are concerned, are first studied C they want by actual work in the bers belong to the organization.
one ofnter 15 s ted y B udget Plans field. The AAUP naturally cannot in-
one of the 15 subcommittees. This cooperative program was sure that academic freedom will be
TeNcarma fhreSalso designed to help fill the need granted its members, but attempts
The chairman of the SAC us- Administrative Dean Robert in industry and communities for to pressure schools into permitting
ually names the membership and Willams is the keeper of the budg- stability. A student who has freedom of expression through
chairman of each of the commit- et of the University. worked with an industry in his co- censure.
tees; he is guided in his selec- Williams helps compile the operative program is likely to stay Censure Made Public i
tions by the retiring committee budget in his job of administrative on with that industry as a perm- "The censure list is later pub-
chairmen, but maintains the final dean in Executive Vice-President anent employe, although neither lished in the 'AAUP Bulletin,' a
word. Marvin L. Niehuss's office. he nor the industry are under any quarterly publication and it is
One of the committees about' Among his other duties is rep- obligation. Even if he.doesn't he is hoped that this public statement
which students hear most is the resenting the University on the more familiar with employment will hold administrators in check
Student R e 1 a t i o n s Committee Committee on Institutional Coop- possibilities in his chosen field and and prevent more attacks on fac-
(SRC) whose primary function is eration, a coordinating organiza- therefore less likely to be drifting ulty members."
to serve as a liaison between the tion of the' Big Ten universities from community to community The University had been on this
See COMMITTEES, Page 10 and the University of Chicago. and job to job. list from 1955-59 because of cer-
tain Regents' bylaws later re-
vamped to take care of faculty
members' rights.
Other Groups' Influence
In addition to these two facul-
(I Q ty bodies, there are other faculty-
Evovrom LongPast administrative groups.
The faculty of one school or
college can change or institute
Sometimes from rather humble New York institutions of higher regular meetings 10 times during new policies, independent of the 17
origins, great governing bodies cducation_) a nd consisted of 12 the year. other University divisions.
make their way to the surface. members and a chancellor, who The meetings take place over a: An example of this occurred last
It happened that way with the was the ex-officio president of the two-day period, usually Thursday semester when the literary college
University Board , of Regents, board. and Friday of the second or third faculty approved a proposal call-
which had its beginnings 145 Procedural Change week of the month. ing for a general tightening-up of
years ago as a small band of The governor no longer ap- Sessions held on Thursday and admissions standards for (n-
"professors." pointed b o a r d members, but Friday morning are behind closed state) transfer students applying
When the University was initi- rather submitted his nominations doors. Until last April, the Friday to the college.
ally established in 1817, a govern- to the state Senate for their ap- afternoon meeting was a 1 s o Better Qualified Transfers
ing board composed of 13 didax- proval. closed-only members of the press The result, hopefully, will be
iim (or professorships) was ap- Rather slowly, the Regents evolv- could sit in-but since that time better selection of transfers who
pointed by the territorial gover- ved into the group they are today: has been opened to the general will be better prepared to tackle
nor to regulate all concerns of the an eight-man board, elected by the public. g sork at the junior level.
institution including the establish- state and responsible for its ac- Long Sessions When one of the schools has to
ment of "colleges, academies, tions oanly re electort. The monthly meetings take be- have a new dean, the members of
schools, and libraries." only to the electorate tween 12 and 20 hours, and in this the faculty, in effect, choose the
No Tuition This provision of election en- time all University appointments, new man.
This first governing body had ables them to be generally "nd_- salary hikes and retirements are Currently, this process is taking

Regents Give
New Position
To Niehuss
Last February, a new University
vice-presidential post was created
by the Regents.
They picked a man for the new
position-executive vice-president
-who had had a good deal of ex-
perience in handling relations both
inside and without the University.
During his 11 years as vice-
president and dean of faculties,
Marvin L. Niehuss had become
well known in Lansing and at
Regents' meeting, in attempting
to create a better knowledge of
the needs of the University, and,
in particular, faculty needs.
When Niehuss was raised to the
post of executive vice-president,
Roger Heyns took over a part o'f
his old responsibilities (academic
affairs, including the faculty and
curricula). This allowed Niehuss to
be free to concentrate his energies

.. . new position

Regents' Roles

on relations with the state and
federal government.
He also serves as interim Uni-
versity President when Harlan
Hatcher is away from Ann Arbor,
and with his long service and cone-
fidence of the study body, faculty
and administrators, he stands as
the number two man in University
During his six months as execu-
tive vice-president he has spent
much of his time working on the'
University budget. About one-third
of the funds come from a state
legislature appropriation financing;
faculty and administrative salaries
and maintenance of facilities.
The appropriation of $36.7 mil-
lion came last June. It was $6 mil-
See NIEHUSS, Page 10
Repairs Done
By Plant Dept.
I The tremendous job of main-
taining our University's campus,
is carried out by a small army of
A task force of approximately
1,000 men and women from the
plant department are charged with


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