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September 29, 1962 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-29

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N~e trVian Waig
Se'venty-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"-
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Mind and the Head at Michigan Stat(

SGC Considers Ref orms;
Postpones Sorority Hearings

ALTHOUGH STUDENT Government Council
passed only one motion at Wednesday
night's meeting, three important topics were
considered: judicial reform, sorority hearings
and the Office of Student Affairs Advisory
On the judicial question Council took the
initiative of establishing a committee to in-
vestigate the entire University judiciary system
as a whole.
Even though Joint Judiciary Council and
Women's Judiciary Council are implementing
isolated policy changes in the next few weeks,
a comprehensive review of judicial machinery,
working toward consistent decision-making
along lines of due process of law is of primary
importance to the University community.
ONLY AN impartial, but informed, body out-
side the sphere of the present judiciary sys-
tem can properly evaluate the present structure
and policies. Since the judicial system involves
the rights of students, it is reasonable that
students should play the dominant role in
analyzing the system.
Recognizing these two points, SGC set up a
study committee consisting of six students and
four faculty members with the director for
student organizations and discipline sitting in
a non-voting exofficio capacity. This com-
mittee will report its findings in March which
will give the body ample time to evaluate the
present system as well as the effectiveness of
the new changes.
The problem of student rights and responsi-
bilities will not be defined or solved by October
1 when several new judicial policies go into
effect. Only through persistent studies, recom-
mendations and demands will a judicial policy
evolve that will be compatible with the edu-
cational and not administrational goals of the
SGC CAN BE commended for keeping the ball
rolling towards judicial reform by planning
extensive research on the total problem.
Certainly, this committee will help alleviate
a common trend in Council procedure-open-
ing a discussion with a lack of information
about subjects under consideration. In a pros-
pectus on Council offered Wednesday night by
SGC President Steven Stockmeyer, it was
pointed out that "many times Council debates
for hours matters which could be decided in
a short period of time if members would only
take time to inform themselves, not only
about the University and student concerns in
general, but about immediate areas of legisla-
tion before the Council."
The irony of this criticism became flagrantly
apparent when Council emerged from a two-
hour executive session, held to consider legal-
istic problems posed by Prof. Robert J. Harris
of the law school on proceeding for penalties
or hearings for seven sororities. These sorori-
ties failed to submit adequate membership se-
lection practice statements by the established
deadline last May.
Judging by the public statement, concerning
Council's decision to postpone the hearings
until SGC obtained adequate legal counsel,
one might assume that Council has made a
blunder of a very serious nature, because
Council did not "take the time to inform (itself)
about immediate areas of legislation."
THE STATEMENT indicated that SGC
wished to "postpone its consideration of the
procedure for adequacy hearings until such
time as adequate legal counsel and guidance
has been obtained."

If Council would have gotten comprehensive
legal advice earlier, not only might it have
avoided much meaningless discussion, but it
would have saved the body from this em-
barrassing delay.
COUNCIL HAS striven to build a reputation
of responsibility. It has tried to impress
sororities and fraternities with its power over
student organizations. It has attempted to paint
the picture of a slow-moving, thorough, pre-
pared body. Wednesday night's announcement
of delay with all its vague implications has
gone a long way to dispell this aura of pre-
Once SGC gets its legal counsel, it may move
ahead in a dynamic manner, but not without
the stigma of having left itself open to doubt.
The question of whether SGC has already over-
stepped its bounds or was on the brink of doing
so has come to light.
In view of the fact that SGC may have to
move more carefully regarding the membership
selection practice statements, there may have
to be a closer contact with the Office of Student
SGC has been asked to participate in an
OSA Advisory Committee of students and fac-
ulty to the extent of sending five student dele-
gates. However, no matter which five Council
members would be chosen, they would not be
entirely representative of the University stu-
dent community.
Robert Ross and Daily Editor Michael Ol-
inick introduced a motion which 'states that
since SGC defines itself as the "official liaison
between University policy-making agencies
and the University student community," the
whole Council should actively participate on
the committee.
SGC SHOULD participate on the advisory
committee as a unified entity to assure
adequate student representation. The mere
size of such a committee would not hinder the
discussion of informed, interested students.
Council cannot afford to refuse to partici-
pate. Although some SOC members are skep-
tical about serving on a powerless committee
which they fear will not sway decision-makers,
Council owes it to the student body to give it
a try. If it is found that the committee is not
serving student interest and is being used as
a guise to make OSA decisions appear to coin-
cide with student views, Council's resignation
would act as a forceful expose of this unfor-
tunate situation.
Were Council to refuse initially to sit on the
committee, it never would be known if any-
thing useful could have been gained.
EVEN THOUGH Lewis has indicated that he
would like the committee to act solely in
an advisory capacity, the easiest way for him
to note consensus would be to establish a
formal voting procedure for the body. This
would in no way life from his shoulders re-
sponsibility for decisions since he must make
the ultimate choice. If his decision is in accord
with student opinion, he would have a stand-
ing vote of support from the committee. How-
ever, when Lewis' decisions contradict com-
mittee concensus, lack of committee support
would place an informal pressure upon him
to explain his rationale. Certainly, this is with-
in the student's right to know. -
This motion was postponed until next
Wednesday's meeting to work out details of
the role and composition of the student con-
tingent. Hopefully, Council will adopt a motion
that will fairly represent students.

CENTER OF CONTROVERSY-Beaumont Tower stands in the center of the main campus of Michigan
State University at East Lansing and marks the site of Old College hall, the first building in the world
built expressly for the teaching of scientific agriculture. The Tower stands as a landmark of the campus
attacked by a former MSU professor and defended by its current president.

Hannah Answers Kirk

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Russell Kirk's
column in the Aug. 28 issue of the
National Review magazine deals with
"The Mind and the Head at MSU."
The Daily invited MSU President
John A. Hannah to reply. Kirk's col-
umn and Hannah's response are
printed here.)
To the Editor:
YOUR letter of September 12 in-
forms me that because of in-
terest on your campus in Michigan
State University, you intend to re-
print in The Daily Russell Kirk's
most recent article in "The Na-
tional Review," and you invite me
to respond to it.
First I believe that if you will
investigate the factual background
of Mr. Kirk's charges, you will
conclude that his diatribe is not
worthy of space in your paper.
Mr. Kirk has been using the col-
umns of "The National Review"
for the past several years to cas-
tigate me and to criticize Michi-
gan State University.
* * *
I WOULD not be honest if I did
not say that I have not been
pleased by this acrimony. Up until
now, I have not dignified it by any
notice or response.
A president of a public univer-
sity learn early that he had better
develop a thick hide and a calm
spirit, or life could become rather
unpleasant at times.
I would certainly defend the
right of Mr. Kirk, or that of any
other, to appraise me as a person,
my shortcomings and imperfec-
tions as an administrator, or in
any other capacity, as he sees fit.
Every person in any public posi-
tion must always expect to be ex-
posed to scrutiny and comment. I
have sometimes felt that certain
personal criticisms were unfair
and unwarranted, but on the oth-
er hand I have often been given
credit far beyond what was mer-
WERE WE concerned now only
with Mr. Kirk's references to me
as a person, I would respond by
saying only that one of his reputa-
tion and self-esteem should make
a little more effort to adhere to
facts than he often does in his
references to me. As an example,
in response to his personal refer-
ence in the August 28 article:
I was never employed at any
time as a "desk clerk" or in any
other capacity by the Student Un-
ion. I consider such employment,
however, to be entirely honorable
and not of a nature to necessarily
bar one from other types of later
activity. I do not subscribe to the
theory that education should be
aristocratic in nature or limited
to those "born to the purple",
economically, socially or in spirit.
I was Secretary of the Board of
Trustees and Secretary of the Uni-
versity many years before I mar-
ried the daughter of former Pres-
ident Shaw. If there was any re-
lationship between my wife's fath-
er and my present position, this
could be attested to only by the
members of the Board of Trustees
at the time I was appointed presi-
dent more than 20 years ago. Ial-
ways appreciated Mr. Shaw's rec-
ognition during the 10 years that
I was a member of the staff of
the ;College of Agriculture and his
recommendation to the Trustees
that returned me from a leave of
absence in another capacity to the
secretaryship of the University in
1934. I never felt that he was par-
ticularly impressed with me as a
prospective son-in-law. In any
event, I am very proud of and
grateful to my good wife for hav-
ing endured me as a spouse for
some 24 years and regret that Mr.
Kirk spews her with his spleen.
* * *
IN RESPONSE to Mr. Kirk's
criticism of Michigan State Uni-
versity and its administration, its

was right would make no differ-
Michigan State University is
what it is. Accusations that it is
something else will not change the
facts. Whatever it is, it is a much
better educational institution in
every way, by any standard, than
it was when Mr. Kirk enrolled as a
freshman in 1936, and than it was
when he resigned as an assistant
professor in September 1953.
Michigan State University is a
respectable and generally respect-
ed university. It is willing to be ap-
praised by persons competent to
appraise it objectively at any time.
It has a distinguished faculty, a
proud history, and a bright future
of service to Michigan, the nation,
and the world, and nothing Mr.
Kirk has saidaor can say will
change those facts.
* * *
I REGRET very much that Mr.
Kirk has now seen fit to impugn
the important work of the United
States Commission on Civil Rights.
For five years under two presi-
dents, I have had the honor of
serving as chairman of that Com-
mission. I believe it has made not-
able contributions to forwarding
the important work of lessening
discrimination and discouraging
the denial of civil rights to Amer-
ican citizens because of race, creed,
color, or national origin.
Mr. Kirk accuses me of declar-
ing that criticisms of me and of
Michigan State University by Dr.
Griswold and Dr. Hutchins were
because of my chairmanship of the
Civil Rights Commission..
I have never made any such
statement or declaration. Here, Mr.
Kirk resorts to a base type of in-
nuendo, guilt by association, and
distortion. I have known Dr. Gris-
wold and Dr. Hutchins for many
years and consider both of them to
be personal friends. I know that
they are as much interested in the
civil rights issue as I am. The
feeble reed Mr. Kirk clutches for
is a critical statement some months
ago by Dr. Griswold and Dr.
Hutchins decrying what they con-
sidered to be an undesirable trend
in higher education by the inclu-
sion ,in curricula of technical
courses at the expense of the fun-
damental educational disciplines.
In the publication, Dr. Hutchins
used an erroneous five-year-old
report copied from an out-of-state
newspaper purporting to describe
a Michigan State University pro-
gram financed by a manufactur-
ers' association. The decision to
discontinue this program had been
made long before the statement.
Those interested in the facts
should refer to an editorial in
"The Detroit News" of December
14, 1961.
In any event, Dr. Griswold and
Dr. Hutchins did not criticize or
comment on the quality of the doc-
torates conferred by Michigan
State University as stated by Mr.
Kirk. Yale University, of' which
Dr. Griswold is President and of
which Dr. Hutchins is a distin-
guished alumnus, grants degrees
in many technical fields, including
such subjects as engineering, for-
estry, and the like. These activities
do not in any way or manner de-
tract from the reputation or sta-
tus of Yale as one of our truly dis-
tinguished and outstanding uni-
*' * *
NOW AS to the charge that
Michigan State University is less
than perfect in its treatment of
American Negroes, which I as-
sume is, calculated to feed fuel to
the fire of criticism that many ad-
vocates involved in the civil rights
controversy are long on preach-
ment but short on performance:
Mr. Kirk makes well-deserved,
favorable comments about Prof.
David Dickson of our English De-
partment. who is a distinguished

available to most young whites.
Over the years, the lack of job op-
portunities for Negroes has dis-
couraged them from acquiring the
degrees and the educational exper-
iences that would fit them to com-
pete evenly with well-qualified
whites for academic appointments.
The result is that even at a uni-
versity as dedicated to fair treat-
ment as Michigan State Univer-
sity is, there are too few Negro
faculty members.
* * *
MICHIGAN State University has
long subscribed to the policy that
it should not employ a person be-
cause of his color or religion, but
neither should it refuse to employ
him for those reasons. It is felt
that the University should be
blind on the issue of race, creed,
religion,,or national origin. Neith-
er Mr. Kirk's accusation nor my
defense will change the facts. They
stand as they are. We are neither
proud of our record nor do we
apologize for it. We intend to con-
tinue to try to do what is right.
Now, finally, as to Mr. Kirk's
disparagement of two doctor's de-
grees granted in the field of phy-
sical education: He bases his crit-
icism on the titles of the doctoral
theses. I know nothing of these
two specific theses or the research
projects that generated them. I
would only comment that I often
find myself involved in commence-
ment exercises at other universities
as well as our own, and I note that
a popular pastime engaged in by
faculty members and others is to
surmise on the meaning or signifi-
cance of the work back of the pub-
lished titles of the doctoral theses.
Dr. Henry J. Montoye, who in 1961
left the Michigan State University
to become Professor of Physical
Education and Supervisor of Phy-
sical Education for Men at the
University of Michigan, was in
1960 the faculty director for one of
these theses and was on the faculty
committee which approved the
I believe that the College of Edu-
cation and all other Colleges at
Michigan State University are as
scholarly in their demands of de-
gree candidates at all levels as are
the colleges and departments in
the same 'fields in our most re-
spected American universities, but
I will leave debate on this topic
where it belongs - in the hand of
our faculty.
* * *
HARRASSMENT by gnats, mos-
quitoes, and flies buzzing about
one's head can be very trying and
unpleasant, but is seldom if ever
I suspect Michigan State Uni-
versity will continue to survive the
buzzings of Mr. Kirk.
--John A. Hannah
President, Michigan
State University

AS REGULAR readers of this
page may just possibly have
observed, now and again I cast
an eye toward Michigan State
University, East Lansing. I know
something of the place, being an
alumnus and having resigned from
the Michigan State faculty in 1953,
in protest against the deliberate
lowering of academic standards.
Also Michigan State today -
once a good agricultufal college.
with some commendable associated
schools - is a prime example of
the damage done to the higher
learning in America by the em-
pire-building university president,
bent upon quantity and positively
hostile to quality.
It is the perfect type of the phe-
nomenon that has become known
as "the waist-high university."
* * *
THE energumen at MSU is a
gentleman who once was desk-
clerk in the student union, mar-
ried the president's daughter, was
appointed secretary to the college's
board of trustees, and in due
course was invested with the
hereditary majesty of the MSU
presidency: Mr. John Hannah.
Recently Mr. 'Hannah and his
empire have been candidly criti-
cized by all sorts of people, from
leaders in the Michigan legisla-
ture to President Griswold of Yale
and Dr. Robert M; Hutchins. Some
have gone so far as to compare
the Hannah administration with
the now-dissolved regime of the
unlamented "Curly" Byrd at the
University of Maryland.
Apparently somewhat uneasy at
such lese majeste, not long ago
Mr. Hannah (whose doctorate is
honorary only) declared that these
criticisms of his regime occurred
only because he has been chair-
man of the Civil Rights Commis-
sion - under both Eisenhower
and Kennedy. (Doubtless it will
please Dr. Griswold and Dr.
Hutchins to learn that their ob-
jections to the sort of doctorates
conferred at MSU were motivated
by their detestation of civil rights.)
As a matter of fact, no critic has
paid any attention to Mr. Han-
nah's Commission post-in which,
anyway, he is a species of wooden
BUT THE point which Mr. Han-
nah raises here is of some interest.
Apparently he desires to be known
as a champion of the rights of col-
ored people: well and good. But
how many Negroes are members
of the faculty of MSU, which has
the biggest undergraduate college
in the nation? Just one: ,a very
able professor of English, Dr. Da-
vid Dickson. Dr. Dickson, a grad-
uate of Bowdoin, has been a fac-
ulty member at MSU for more
than a decade, and everyone
agrees that he is very good indeed.
Why has President Hannah never
appointed another scholar of col-
or? Does he want only a prize
Also, Mr. Hannah has contrived
to get himself into hot water by
his arbitrary discharge of Mr.
Charles Rogers, formerly of the

Labor and Industrial Relations
Center of MSU, because Mr. Rog-
ers ventured to suggest that some-
thing might be said in favor of
management. The senate of the
State of Michigan has censured
Mr. Hannah for this arrogance,
through a special committee:and
the Michigan legislature has cut
off the appropriation for the prop-
agandizing Labor and Industrial
Relations Center. (The director of
that Center, a Mr. Jack Stieber,
a CIO zealot, wanted no less than
two million dollars for the Center
for the period 1961-1965!)
What with these and other in-
stances of high-handedness. the
Michigan press has grown less and
less friendly toward Mr. Hannah.
But he has enjoyed one triumph
recently: bludgeoning the stu-
dents' Conservative Club on the
campus. One of the faculty spon-
sors has resigned, and the club's
membership has diminished under
constant assault from the State
News, the campus paper that nom-
inally belongs to the students but
actually -- like most other things
at MSU -- is directed from the ad-
ministration building. Of course,
Mr. Hannah and company are all
in favor of complete freedom of
expression - for people who agree
supinely with them.
YET, PLEASE don't think that
culture in East Lansing is only
waist-high: somedpeople there are
interested in heads, too - at least
in the school of physical educa-
tion. If, gentle reader, you will
turn to your library copy of "Dis-
sertation Abstracts," May 1961,
you will find therein synopses of
two brand-new doctoral diss'rta-
tions completed beside the campus'
Red Cedar River.
One is by a scholar named John
Francis Alexander, upon whom
MSU conferred a doctorate in
1960. The subject of his learned
researches was this: "An Evalua-
tion of Thirteen Brands of Foot-
ball Helmets on the Basis of Cer-
tain Impact Measures." You can
buy this invaluable work, in Xer-
ox, for $6.80. "The helmets were
ranked according to the lower val-
ues for each evaluating measure
at each velocity and position.
Graphs depicted the mean respon-
ses of acceleration, deceleration,
and rate of acceleration for all
velocities and positions." Welcome,
Dr. Alexander, to the company of
the Schoolmen!
A worthy colleague of his is one
Richard Carroll Nelson, also de-
voted to educational studies in
football. He was awarded his MSU
doctorate for a curiously similar
contribution to the higher learn-
ing: "An Investigation of Various
Measures Used in Football Helmet
Evaluation." "Thirty-nine football
helmets were impacted by a pen-
dulum striker at four velocities."
Why, Dr. Nelson even went so far
as to photograph the impacts with
a Polaroid camera. Make way,
Thomas Aquinas and Henry
Oh, there's something for every
head at MSU - so long as one
fresh only about the physical im-
Reprinted from: National Review
150 E. 35th St., New York 16, N.Y.

You wonder where
The Money Went

The Hoodlum Champ

world's heavyweight boxing champion Tues-
day evening. Liston, reputedly the "bad man"
of the ring, has been the center of a contro-
versy which now seems resolved by his victory.
Everyone admires the champ, but before this
week's event, Liston was far from an estimable
character. In July 1961, he was arrested for the
19th time since 1950.
Although Sonny admits that he was a juvenile
delinquent in his younger days, he wasn't con-
victed until January, 1950. At that time, he was
charged with robbery in the first degree on
two counts and larceny, two counts. Liston
was sentenced to five years in the Missouri
State Penitentiary at Jefferson City on each
charge, the sentences to run concurrently. He
was paroled in Oct., 1952.
SINCE THAT TIME, Liston has managed to
remain outside prison bars. However, his
connection with the underworld is a generally
accepted fact. According to St. Louis police,
John Vitale (arrested 58 times, convicted three
times) owns 12 per cent of Liston's contract,
Frank Carbo owns 52 per cent, Blinky Palermo
possesses 12 per cent, and two unidentified
persons control 12 per cent each. Carbo and
Palermo are at present in California facing
possible maximum sentences of 85 and 125 years

hoodlums in his background, he reluctantly
bought out Barone and acquired a third man-
ager, Georgie Katz.
Liston seems to be an enigma even to those
who have met and conversed with him. To
some he is a shy, withdrawn man who needs
love and understanding. To others, he is a
brute, an animal with no human feelings who
should be locked in a cage.
SONNY HIMSELF does little to resolve the
puzzle of what he is really like. Granted
that he is scarcely literate and has never had
an adequate education, the question still re-
mains whether he is mentally defective, as has
been suggested.
However, all these enquiries are now aca-
demic since Liston has effectively displayed the
only quality he possesses about which everyone
agrees, namely his ability to box.
Prior to the championship bout, much soul-
searching was done as to whether Liston should
be allowed to meet Patterson (it seemed to be a
foregone conclusion that Liston, with his super-
ior strength, would win). The main objection
to the bout was typified in a statement by an
eminent boxing figure who noted that "He
would be a poor example as champion; not only
for youth but as an international representa-

to the

i f ?A

AMERICAN consumers are in
tough shape. They are con-
stantly being deceived by manu-
facturers and advertisers. The con-
sumer is a person analyzed, prop-
agandized and mesmerized.
The exploitation of theconsum-
er need not continue, however, and
may not, once the bill that Sen.
Philip A. Hart of Michigan intro-
duced this week is passed.
Sen. Hart calls it a "truth-in-
packaging" bill and hopes that it
will remove many of the psycho-
logical traps, confusions and de-
ceptions facing consumers. He es-
timates that the careful consumer
will be able to save hundreds of
dollars a year in family marketing
if the bill's packaging regulations
are effective.
* * *
THE legislation is badly needed.
An examination of one type of
consumer exploitation-that prac-
ticed by the toothpaste industry-
will show why.
The toothpastes with well known
brand names usually offer four
sizes: "large" which sells for 31
cents and which has 1.75 ounces
net weight of the toothpaste; "gi-
ant" which sells for 53 cents and
contains 3.25 ounces; "economy"
which sells for 69 cents and con-
tains five ounces; and "family"
which sells for 83 cents and con-
tains 6.75 ounces. This is the prac-
tice with Stripe, Colgate and Pep-
Here is a deception already: the
"large" size is actually the small
Gleem follows the same prac-
tices in weights and prices, but
calls the 31 cent version "medium"
size and the 53 cent version "large"

cents compared with smallest size
available." The use of the term
"large size" implies a greater sav-
ing than the consumer actually
Another deception in the use of
terms is that the "economy" size
is not the most economical size -
the "family" size is. With Stripe,
Colgate and Pepsodent, the "econ-
omy" size costs 13.8 cents per
ounce, while the "farhily" size
costs less - 12.3 per ounce.
* * *
IPANA toothpaste seems to of-
fer only two sizes, the larger size
being labeled "economy" size and
containing only 4.2 ounces and the
smaller size being labeled "large
and containing 2.6 ounces. The
price of the "economy" size is 69
cents, which comes to 16.7 cents
per ounce. This is economy?
In case you want to check on
these net weights, take a magni-
fying glass with you, and be ready
to search all over the box. The net
weight for almost any toothpaste
is usually mentioned only once, in
type less than an eighth of an inch
high and sometimes less than a
sixteenth of an inch high,
The toothpaste industry is not
the only offender, of course, and
Sen. Hart's bill aims to get at all
of them. The bill, according to
qualified sources, embodies "the
most comprehensive legislation
ever introduced in Congress in this
* * *
I T W O U L D eliminate the
"cents-off" come-on, the "econ-
omy-size" sales pitch, and other
designations suggestive of a price
advantage or bargain which some-
times does not exist. It would out-
law deceptive illustrations - un-
fulfilled by the contents of the

To the Editor:
panty-raid, from its first 1951
debut, has degenerated into a
mock epic of appalling blandness.
The atrocities and heinous crime
committed in the early days of
civilization have fortunately been
quelled by successful administra-
tive policies. But the name lingers
To the student, and most not-
ably the freshman, the panty-raid
presents the aura of his first "big
stuff." However, at most, the stu-
dent gets a hoarse throat, some
tissue paper, and essence of panty.

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