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September 26, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-26

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Sit i!3garn


Cloudy in morning,
warmer tonight

See Page 4

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Presidents Approve
Report Procedures
To Provide Data for Legislature
On College Incomes from Students
The Michigan Council of State College Presidents approved a
formula yesterday which sets up uniform procedures for reporting
each institutions' income from students to the Legislature.
The Presidents agreed that each of the 10 state schools would
use the same procedure and report the same items to Lansing. The
items include the institution's income from (a) appropriations,
(b) freshman-sophomore fees, (c) junior-senior fees and (d) gradu-




Curb Hits

In Courses
About 55 students were unable
to enroll in French 111 and 112
this semester, thus highlighting
problems that continue to exist in
the special language courses pro-
vided for graduate and doctoral
degree students.
Due to budget difficulties last
year, these courses had to be cur-
tailed somewhat, while an increas-
ingly large number of students de-
sired to enroll in them.
Masters and doctoral degree
candidates must have a reading
knowledge of two languages -
usually French, German or Rus-
sian. These courses 'are not re-
quired, but many students find it
necessary to take them.
Slightly Better
Prof. James C. O'Neill, chair-
man of the Romance languages
department, noted that the situa-
tion last year was a serious one,
"and this year it is only slightly
He explained that the entire
French department was hit by a
very sharp increase in enrollment,
as 275 more students dnirolled than
last year, and an extra 17 sec-
tions in the overall curriculum had
to be established during registra-
As a result, the department was
able to add only one more section
for French 111 to attempt handl-
ing the overflow. Normally, there
are three sections of about 30
students each in the special lan-
guage courses.
No Rejects
Prof. Clarence Pott, chairman
of the German department, and
Prof. John Mersereau, acting
chairman of the Slavic languages
department, reported that no
graduate students had to be
turned away from German and
Russian 111 and 112, although
classes are very large.
The German department had to
add a fourth section to the 111
class, but Prof. Pott said there
would be no decline in quality of
course content.
He and Prof. Mersereau ex-
plained that a language course de-
signed to impart a reading knowl-
edge only "can be streamlined to
handle large enrollments without
lowering achievement."
Compiles Figures
Graduate School Council Presi-
dent Edward Sasaki, whose organ-
ization compiled the figures on
the overcrowding, said the council
would continue to discuss the sit-
uation with the executive board
for the graduate school, which
controls the graduate student lan-
guage requirements.
The literary college executive
committee, however, oversees the
finances for these courses.
Vice-President for Academic Af-

>ate fees, (where applicable). The
income per student in eachclassi-
fication will also be reported.
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin L. Niehuss, who at-
tended the meeting, explained that
state-supported colleges and uni-
versities have been required to file
these reports for several years, and
this new procedure was imple-
mented simply to insure uniform-
ity in their content.
No Use
The effect of the new procedure,
once its reports reach Lansing, is
not yet clear. "Not much use has
been made of the reports in the
past, and we don't know what will
happen now," Niehuss commented.
In other actions, the presidents
took the first step in a plan to in-
crease efforts to increase the
availability of cross-enrollment
and credit transfers between the
state schools. They approved "in
principle," a plan worked out by
the schools' extension directors
"to allow freer change of credit,"
Niehuss said.
Implementation of the cross-
enrollment principle, applying
mainly to master's degree candi-
dates, will be at the option of each
school's governing board.
Cut Duplication
Presidents' Council Chairman,
President James Miller of Western
Michigan University, noted that
this is one way to eliminate un-
necessary duplication of courses.
Niehuss reported "nothing but
informal discussion" by the con-
ference of the issue of controver-
sial speakers on state-supported
campuses. He said he passed out
copies of the University's new pol-
icy on off-campus speakers to the
members present, but added that
the group was not in a position to
take a stand on the question, at
least until the Michigan Coordin-
ating Council for Higher Educa-
tion, presently debating the prob-
lem, has come to a decision.
LSA Receives
Federal Aid
For Honors
The literary college has been
awarded a $69,595 federal grant to
help hbnors students do a greater
quantity and better quality inde-
pendent research and study.
The grant was awarded to the
literary college honors program y
the National Science Foundation,
and is intended for use by honors
students in science, mathematics,
and interdisciplinary areas. ,'
Prof. Otto Graf of the German
department, head of the honors
program, will direct the NSF grant
distribution and the direction of
the independent research program.
Nazi Party Head
Arrives To Speak
BUFFALO ()-Sir Oswald Mos-
ley, self-styled leader of England's
Nazi party, arrived here last night
amid mounting protests over his
scheduled appearance at a stu-
dent-sponsored forum at the State
University of New York at Buffalo.

BUENOS AIRES (A') - Spread-
ing dissension among the armed
forces set up new roadblocks yes-
terday to President Jose Maria
Guido's efforts to impose his fresh-
ly won civilian authority on the
'There was obvious dissension in
all three services over Guido's new
military appointments. A flood of
unconfirmed reports said a large
number of anti-Guido officers had
been arrested. It was just such a
shakeup in the military high com-
mandstlast August which touched
off last week's brief but bloody re-
Brig. Gen. Cayo Antonio Alsina,
air force commander, and Gen;
Juan Carlos Ongania, the rebel-
lion leader and now army com-
mander in chief, called on dissi-
dent elements within their own
forces and on the navy to pledge
support of Guido.
Alsina placed the air force on
alert, declaring: "There are oth-
er armed forces which at this time
have not defined their allegiance."
The navy, which took no part
in the fight last week that gave
Guido a victory over one set of
military bosses, said it had not re-
ceived an army-air force demand
to clarify its position.

': II ini u tp IDrhqm it Prah1 pm c

Governor Faees

The three candidates for con-
gressman-at-large debated federal
aid to education, medicare, and'
the Cuban crisis before the Lea-
gue of Women Voters yesterday.
GOP candidate Alvin Bentley
said that this country should ,not
waste another opportunity as it
did in the Bay of Pigs invasion.
He suggested a blockade of Cuba
modelled after the World War II
blockade of Germany.
"A blockade is not an act of- war
unless the other sides see the ac-
tion this way," Bentley noted.
Staebler's Views
His Democratic rival Neil Staeb-
ler said that Bentley was more
moderate than he was in a sim-
ilar session last Friday in Flint.
"On Friday Bentley was for
shooting at ships, now he is for
action under the Organization of
American States-something that
will take a long time," he noted.
Staebler called Republican talk'
about blockades "a grandstand
plan" and said that the United
Statesshould remember that Cuba
is part of a larger Latin American'
problem, that action must be
taken in concert with other South
American nations.
The United States, he said, is
using and should continue to exer-
cize its great world advantage.
Both Staebler and Bentley in-
dicated their support for federal
aid to education on the primary,


with the five sororities that have submitted inadequate membership
statements at its meeting onigh.
SGC will also discuss the desirability and method of filling -the
five student seats on the Advisory Committee for the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
In addition, Vice-President of Students Affairs James A. Lewis and
John Bingley, director of Student Organizations and Discipline, will
speak on the recent restructuring '

__________________ _- -ontemptOrer
secondary and higher education He claimed the Republican
levels. party has taken an "anti-property
Limited Aid owners attitude" in the debate
"It should be limited to ;hose over Medicare. "The Repuolican Meredith To Make Third Attempt
states unable to provide a decent approach to health care under the
minimum level of education," Kerr-Mills Act is to make charity To Enter 'Ole Miss' Registration
Bentley commented. cases out of our old people. Ard
He also advocated a federally this means only one thing-more
financed loan fund to aid students taxes on property owners." JACKSON 2--Gov. Ross Barnett defied federal court or-
who could not otherwise pay for Socialist Labor Party candidate ders for the second time yesterday and refused to allow Negro
college. Ralph Muncy discussed generally James H. Meredith to enroll at the University of Mississippi.
Staebler saved his fire for an "the insidious erosion of American Four hours later the Fifth United States Circuit Court of
attack on the GOP refusal to en- courage and independence which Appeals at New Orleans ordered Barnett to appear at a con-
act a medical care program for the arises out of the economic condi-
aged under social security. tions under which we live." tempt hearing Friday.
Meredith, a 29-year-old Korean war veteran, is expected
T oE. to go to the Oxford campus today to make a third attempt at
A source close to Barnett said the governor would also go
* * to Oxford today and would again block Meredith's attempt to
For Hearing Sorority Case endh114 years of segregation
at the University of Mississip-
By RICHARD KRAUT p1. Barnett was in seclusion
late last night and not avail-
Student Government Council will consider procedure for hearings able for comment.

Extension Service
Meets New Trend
Year-round operations, mushrooming enrollments, new
community colleges: these are some of the most important edu-
cational patterns emerging in Michigan.
These "new factors" are currently undergoing close scrutiny
from the University's Extension Service to determine what ad-
justments it might have to make in order to continue provid-
ing special education programs for individuals outside the Ann
Arbor campus, Extension Service Director Everett J. Soop
noted recently.
His organization will have to contend with upcoming year-
round operations, at other colleges within the state as well as
the University.
Rearrange Courses
For just as classes on central campus must be inserted
into the shortened-semester scheme of things, so must Extension
Service rearrange its courses, Soop points out.
At present, many of the students taking extension programs
are high school teachers desiring further education. Courses for
these individuals must begin past the middle of September, after
the secondary schools have begun their year.
But with the University's fall term under year-round oper-
ations ending before Christmas instead of at the end of January,
the extension programs must either be curtailed in content or
the class hour lengthened. The latter alternative will probably
be taken, Soop says.
A more difficult problem appears, however, in coordinating
extension programs between two colleges with differing semester
Formulation of cooperative courses between the University's
14-week trimester, Wayne State University 11-week quarter and
Michigan State University's 12-week quarter system, for example,
poses knotty questions of faculty men'f schedules and adminis-
istrative facility.'-
These questions are part of the larger aspect of field service
coordination among state institutions. At present, the Michigan
Coordinating Council of State College Field Services (of which
See SOOP, Page 2

of the Office of Student Affairs
and its relations to Council.
Council President Steven Stock-=
meyer, '63, will submit for SGC's
approval the procedure for hear-
ings with the five delinquent sor-
orities. Stockmeyer will propose
that hearings be held in executive
session, unless the sorority re-
quests an open hearing.
During the hearing, three ques-
tions would be asked: Is the Coun-
cil's report concerning the failure
of this sorority to submit an ade-
quate membership statement com-
plete and true? Is the sorority in
violation of the procedures to in-
sure adequate membership selec-
tice statmeents? And if so, what
action, if any, should be taken?

Raid Season
Starts Anew
A small group of about 300 men
charged up the Hill for the year's
first panty-raid last night.
The yelling throng picked off
a couple dozen souvenirs along
with frilly pieces of tissue paper.
The raid started at East Quad-
rangle, where a group of Hinsdale
House men ran through corridors
of Strauss House shouting the
traditional "To the Hill!" About
80 collected in front of East Quad,
then went to South and West

r Federal Troops
Meanwhile in New Orleans, a
source close to the United States
Circuit Court said it "now ap-
pears there is no other way to en-
force the court's orders than to
use federal troops. The court has
gone as far as it can go."
The federal government used
troops of the 101st Airborne to
enforce court-ordered public school
desegregation at Little Rock in
In Washington, Justice Depart-
ment officials declined to forecast
future moves in the clash between
federat and state authorities over
adnmi sn of Meredith.
Court Obedience
However,a department source
said the government may have to
use troops to see to it that the,
courts are obeyed.
Ole Miss registrar Robert B. El-i
lis said in, Jackson he would re-
turn to Oxford and would accept
Meredith under orders from the
State Coege Board if Meredith

... disobeys court


Council's ultimate decision would Quads,. returned to East, and, now Friday Hearings
be announced after the hearing 300 strong, ran to the hill. The circuit court ordered Bar-'
and the various opinions of Coun- Inspired, the mob spearheaded nett 'o appear at 10 a.m. (CST)
c ; members would be made public. toward Stockwell, was rebuffed Friday in New Orleans. Signing cne
Council will also consider a mo- with a cold reception and few order vcre Circuit Judges John
tion from the executive committee panties there, then charged to Minor Wisdom of New Orleans;
to fill the five student positions on Mary Markley for a few more. Walter P Gewin of Tuscaloosa,
the OSA Advisory Committee. Most of the action, however, Ala., and Richard T. Rives of
Postponed from last week's meet- came at Alace Lloyd where red Montgomery, Ala.
ng, this would give the executive lights blinked on and screens and All nine members of the court
committee the power to recomn- out over them. One student k- will conduct the hearing but a
mend five Council members for the rou nderth.Onirudntwalk- source said not all may appear.
Advisory Committee. ed around with a pair on his head. Meredith returned by plane to
HoweerDaiy EdtorMicael The mob broke up. Some went New Orleans after his futile meet-
However, Daily Editor Michael to Couzens Hall. Some stopped offNe resatrhsft eme-
Olinick, '63, and Robert Ross, '63, at Co ns Halloe s pe of withBarnett in Jackson.
atwindows along the way. The atre ecie eeiha
plan to introduce a motion that rest went back to Stockwell for "reyescribed Merdithuag
SGC not appoint members to the a second try. Relatively unsuccess- relaxed now, and not discourag-
proposed committee. ful at Couzens, the men there ed."
Their motion notes that it is trailed back to Stockwell where Meredith flew into Jackson in
already one of the functions of the one man had managed to climb a government plane late yester-
entire body of SGC to serve in an two stories up a scaffolding near day, making the trip from Ned
adviory apacty.the uildng.Orleans where the Fifth United
advisory capacity. the building. - States Circuit Court of Appeals
had given him two new weapons
eiA vfor his battle against a century of
tradition at Ole Miss.
Restraining Order
One was sweeping restraining
Communist Speaker Banorder aimed at the governor and
virtually all of the state's peace
officers, prohibiting them from in-
By DENISE WACKER terfering with the registration of
Ann Byerlein, who from time to time has traveled throughout The other was a State College
the state urging that Communists be refused permission to speak be- Board order to university officials
fore public gatherings, has indicated that she may visit the University to admit Meredith.
later this semester. In addition, the Appeals Court
She would come here if Soviet Ambassador to the United States overturned the last outstanding
Anatoly F. Dobrynin decides to accept an invitation, from the Michi- state court injunction barring the
gan League, to address students admission of Meredith.
here on some topic probably relat- Meredith and the Justice Depart-
ed to students in the Soviet Union. Met and he Jutic epart-
Miss Byerlein feels that any ment attorney, flatly refused to
Communist represents a threat to accept the process on the appeals
the internal security of the Coun- court's orders. He said he was act-
try since those people are out to ing on the advice of the state at-
destroy us - they'd use torture, torney general.
subversion, even murder, if it were Passing Notice
necessary, because for them any When Beredith arrived at the
make compromises we would be means at all is legitimate." Jackson Municipal Airport, and
like this man. Some of the differ- Her formal protest against Do- again when he stopped for an hour'
ence between us and this man lie brynin would be lodged as a tax- at the Federal Building, there was
simply in our dishonesty and cow- payer. She intends to ask that he scarcely more than passing notice
ardice, he added. It is not incon- be refused the right to use facili- paid him.
ceivable that "the stranger" is ties paid for, at least in party, by But the real crowd waited at the
murdered for his sincerity, state funds. State Office Building, where Bar-
Prof. Bergmann said he did not Miss Byerlein added that it did nett was huddled with the board.
b e 1 i e v e "The Stranger" was not matter if the Communist It grew rapidly after Meredith
Camus' attempt to portray the speaker were Dobrynin, or some walked into the building with
innate aloneness of man. This is other Russian Communist, or a plainclothesmen escorting him.
too romantic for him, Camus, he member of the American Com Also reported in the board's
said. munist party. "A Red is a Red, no meeting room was Robert B. Ellis,
u¢ mP n.riu nots withcomulete matter where chance has put him registrar of the university. He, like

Lewis, SGC
Discuss Role
We all have "something to learn
from students," said Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
at the first Student Government
Council orientation meeting yes-
The vice-president outlined his
views on the subject "Philosophy
of Student Government and its
Role in the Educational Process"
before approximately 30 freshmen
interested in student government
at the University.
He explained that it was impor-
tant people develop "strong ego
involvements" on campus, and
that student government was one
way in which they could do this.
Student Power
Council member Robert Ross, '63.
argued that student government
was a part of the educational proc-
ess for citizenship, and therefore
"students should not be just ad-
visors, but have authority."
SGC President Steven Stock-
meyer, '63, emphasized student
government as one unit "working
on overall education at the Uni-
The meeting was the first of
five as part of the new SGC orien-
tation program. SGC Administra-
tive Vice-President Ken Miller, '64,
who developed the program, ex-
plained that its purpose is "to give
information necessary for mean-
ingful participation in student
Upon completion of the pro-
gram, those interested will have
an opportunity to work for one of
SGC's standing committees or re-
lated boards.
Miller acted as moderator at
erday's meeting.
Stockmeyer and Ross debated
the question of to whom the Coun-
cil was responsible.
Ross argued that it had a duty
to stir controversy and arouse
student interest while Stockmeyer
emphasized the obligation of the
University to the state of Michi-
gan and that Student Government
Council must realize this obliga-
tion whenever it acts.


Bergmann Analyzes Cam

By JEAN TENANDER losophy, Prof. Bergmann said.i
'"The thesis of the novel is not a1
"terso thestranr,'hmgatphilosophy at all but a rejectionc
matters to 'the stranger,' what itself of the philosophy that does
matters to him is the immediate, not have a philosophy. It rejects<
what doesn't matter to him is the the whole abstract sphere ofc
past and the future." thought." Most important, Prof.
Speaking of Albert Camus' novel Bergmann said, was that it stops
"The Stranger," Prof. Frithjof at this rejection. It does not make
Bergmann of the philosophy de- a philosophy out of rejection
partment denied the current as- which is all too easy to do, he
sumption that "the stranger" is continued.
unfeeling, immoral, and unemo- Doesn't Care Enough
tional.. nn 1' fan that th1


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