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September 23, 1962 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-23

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Seventy-Third Year
Trutb Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Best Little Old Tool On The Market"

Requests Vigil
SFor Fair Housing.




Conservation Hopes Lost
In Congress Wilderness

ON TUESDAY of last week the long-delayed,
much-discussed Wilderness Bill (HR 776)
finally reached the floor of the House of Rep-
resentatives and died there.
The Wilderness Bill, designed to protect wil-
derness areas from being ravaged by mining,
petroleum, lumber, and other concerns, stirred
up a great deal of controversy between these
interests and the conservation leaders who
fought so strenuously for its passage. The sad
fact of the matter, however, is that by allow-
ing the bill to die, its supporters may well have
done more good than harm for the cause of
conservation in the long run.
To understand this seemingly heretic pro-
nouncement from one who has always been in
favor of any effective means of conserving our
nation's resources, it is necessary to review
the events leading up to Tuesday's action in
the House.
HE WILDERNESS Bill was introduced in
the Senate on Jan. 5, 1961 by Clinton P.
Anderson (D-N.M.). As set forth in the bill
itself (S 174), its aim was "to establish a Na-
tional Wilderness Preservation System for the
permanent good of the whole people, and for
other purposes." In effect, it was an act which
would protect over six million acres of wilder-
ness (defined in the act partially as "an 6rea
where the earth and its community are un-
trammeled by man, where man himself is a
visitor who does not remain") against the many
concerns which might otherwise despoil and
destroy it.
The bill would recognize as part of this sys-
tem areas which are already reserved, without
alteration of their purpose or administration.
Further acts of Congress could add more acre-
age to the system - acreage which might oth-
erwise be taken over by other interests. As such,
the bill passed the Senate by a vote of 78-8,
despite, objections by Barry Goldwater (R-
Ariz.), J. J. Hickey (D-Wyo.) and others.
IF THIS same measure had then gone to the
House, no problem would have arisen for
those who favored its passage. But politics is
rarely that simple. The House had its own
The Crowd
OVERCROWDED classrooms are becoming a
deplorable reality in American education,
But even more deplorable is a class that can't
take all the students signed up for it.
History 561, "The Emergence of Modern
America," is a good example of the problem
facing educators and legislators. It was sched-
uled to meet and has been meeting in room
2235 of Angell Hall. The room is large but not
large enough, and even with every seat filled'
it has been necessary for nearly two dozen
students to stand or sit on the floor. This makes
note-taking hard at best and impossible at
worst, and hinders the education process in
other ways too.
The instructor, Prof. Sidney Fine, has tried
to get a larger place for the class to meet, but
no such place is available. As a result, he has
had to °ask auditors, special students and a
sophomore to drop the class. He regrets having
to do this, and the students who will not be
able to attend his lectures regret missing them.
THE MOST immediate solution would be to
schedule history 561 in a larger room -
perhaps one of the auditoriums - next year.
But this won't solve the long range problem
of increasing overcrowding, for if history 561
is given a larger room next year, some other
large class may be denied it.
Overcrowding should not be solved by a
stricter limitation on enrollment in the Univer-
sity or its classes, because then more students
would be denied a good education. Dividing
advanced classes into sections would not solve
the problem of space.
The best answer lies in further expansion
of University facilities, and this can be made
possible only with more money - from stu-
dents, from alumni and other contributors,
and from the state Legislature.

bill, which had been introduced by John P.
Saylor (R-Pa.). This bill was not dissimilar
to the Senate bill, and conservationists gener-
ally favored both measures. In the House,
however, the Saylor bill was referred to the
Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs,
headed by Wayne Aspinall (D-Col.), and then
to a public subcommittee headed by Gracie
Pfost (D-Ida.), on which Aspinall also served.
Here it was as brutally mutilated as any bill
could be.
The subcommittee saw fit to strike out most
of Saylor's bill (in fact, every word following
the enacting clause) and ring in a "substi-
tute proposal" of their own, in which any re-
semblance to the original legislation was pure-
ly coincidental.
WHETHER IT was "purely coincidental" as
well that the majority of the members
of the subcommittee were from western states
where most of the wilderness acreage would
be located remains to be seen. At any rate,
the members of the subcommittee put their
heads together and came up with nothing less
than the. very sort of "crippling amendment"
warned against and feared by the sponsors
of the original Senate bill.
AS FINALLY brought to the floor of tIe
House, the bill would have hampered desig-
nation not only of future additions to the
system, but even of areas now treated as wil-
derness. Whereas the original idea had been
to preserve wilderness areas forever, the cur-
rent act, if passed, would have required these
areas to run a gauntlet of opponents every 25
years. This idea was the brainchild of oppon-
ents to wilderness legislation. This part of
the Aspinall-Pfost measure is only one indica-
tion that said bill served the interests of lumber
and mining interests more than conservation.
The end result is that when the bill finally
drawn up by the sub-committee came to the
floor of the House as HR 776, it had become
practically an anti-wilderness bill rather than
a wilderness bill. So conservation-minded con-
gressmen had two choices open to them. They
could vote against Aspinall's legislation as it
stood (for the interior committee had asked
to bring the bill to the floor of the House under
suspension of rules, thus preventing any
amendments from restoring the bill to its for-
mer value.) Or they could vote for the Wilder-
ness Bill and cause the conservation program
actually to suffer an eventual setback.
As it turned out, the congressmen were saved
the problem of resolving this dichotomy; for
Aspinall, saying he was "not inclined to get
the bill involved in ... emotionalism," appar-
ently decided to let the entire matter drop -
until next year and a new session of Congress.
At that time, Aspinall forecast, a bill similar
to HR 776 would be adopted by the House.
WHAT DOES this all mean to us who are
interested in saving a small part of our
wilderness areas for future generations? Ob-
viously, the most important direct result of
Tuesday's session is that we still do not have
the legislation we need to protect our van-
ishing wilderness.
But it also means that even if the bill comes
up again a year from now, and even if the
House passes it, the cause of conservation will
be no better off - in fact, it will undoubtedly
be worse off - than it is now, unless some-
thing is done. This "something" should take the
form of the following plan of action:
REWRITE HR 776 to serve the needs of con-
servation, not those of opposing interests
sudh as mining and lumbering industries.
Revise the House subcommittee so that it is
no longer stacked in favor of western states
whose representatives (Aspinall, et al) appar-
ently feel a greater duty to their constituents
than to the cause at hand.)
Unless drastic steps are taken before Aspinall
and company bring their ersatz wilderness bill
to the floor of the House again, we may awaken
to find our national heritage dwindling steadily
instead of growing as a result of the passage
of biased and unfair legislation.

The Press Roadblock

ONE OF THE maior stumbling
blocks to a rational, effective
United States foreign policy is the
American press. Still largely
shackled by provincialism, Amer-
ican newspapers, the wire services
that feed them and news maga-
zines have provided the American
public a sensational, narrow and
often biased view of world events.
This roadblock has rarely been
more visible than in recent weeks
when the American printed media
have been trumpeting the Berlin
and Cuban crises. They have lift-
ed them out of context, created,
in part, a fear hysteria and have
made sane foreign policy difficult.
Most segments of the American
press played the recent Berlin riot
and wall incidents without really
evaluating them. Few news media
reflected upon the nature of the
rioters. Did these people represent
the sentiment of Berlin or were
they hooligans looking for a way
to vent their energy? Would the
world be driven into severe crisis
on account of several hundred
demonstrators - a small part of
the Berlin population-who stoned
Soviet buses and yelled cat-calls at
the wall. The Nation, among sev-
eral magazines raised these sorts
of questions; Inez Robb stated
strong reservations, declaring "I
do not want to go to war over the
Russian war memorial."
* * *
HOWEVER, the immediate crisis
over Berlin has passed, and a more
immediate one, centered on near-
by Cuba, has taken its place. As
Cuba is closer to home, the Amer-
ican coverage has been more in-
tense and hysterical.
The press has been helped in
this venture by headline-hunting
senators and, inadvertantly, Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy, who asked
for stand-by authority to call up
150,000 reservists and extend the.
tour of duty for servicemen with
vital skills.
Fueled by Kennedy's request,
several senators, notably Senators
Kenneth Keating (R-NY) and
George Smathers (D-Fla), have
sought to dramatize the situation.
The wire services faithfully re-
ported them and in fact gave them
more than the usual amount of
attention. Newspapers, looking for
the startling, played up these
charges. The American people
have been whipped into a frenzy
and the Kennedy Administration
has tried to apply the brakes, but
only partially succeeded.
* * *
THE NEWS magazines have
supplemented the "newspapers by
making cases for invading Cuba.
Time Magazine ran a cover story
on the Monroe Doctrine, neglecting
to mention its double-edged ef-
United States News and World

Report ran a blueprint for war,
entitled "To Win in Cuba-Why
It's a Major Job Now" by Gen.
Max. S. Johnson (ret.)
In detail he describes the need
for six infantry divisions, a naval
blockade, a reserve callup and un-
friendly world opinion. He esti-
mates that the job would take
from three weeks to three months
but does not predict casualties. It
all looks like a lark and a large
segment of the public is clamor-
ing for this kind of action.
* * *
ALL THIS makes the adminis-
tration's task more difficult. Amer-
ican hysteria narrows the amount
of alternative courses of action
available to the President and
State Department. The adminis-
tration has difficulty defeating
rash proposals such as the pro-
posed amendment to the Cuba
declaration which would forbid
American aid to any nation whose
ships the Russians had chartered
to ferry their supplies to Cuba.
Therpress-stirred hysteria makes
it difficult to maintain the pa-
tience necessary to implement the
watchful-waiting the Kennedy Ad-
ministration deems necessary to
keep the United States out of
trouble in Cuba.
The press has come a long way
since the first Cuban crisis in
1898. No longer do American pa-
pers present the most lurid stories
and pictures about alleged atroci-
ties. The time has passed when
newspapers beat the drums for
* * *
BUT THE press is far from so-
phisticated about foreign affairs.

It relies on American wire-serv-
ices which still like to tag world
leaders pro-U.S. or anti-U.S. when
no black or white designation is
possible. The services play up the
sensation event, like the Berlins
wall incidents, rather than present
thoughtful interpretives. Most AP
commentaries are very shallow
and fail to consider all the factors
or ramifications.
Few papers avail themselves of'
the sophisticated foreign services
such as Reuters, a British news
service, long reporting the news
for a world-conscious people, the
New York Times Service, provid-
ing the most complete foreign cov-
erage, or the Chicago Daily News
service which has a long-standing
reputation of excellence.
** *
THE PRESS has made progress
and will continue to do so as this
age becomes more and more com-
plex. Editors realize that sex and
scandal no longer suffice as news
fare and have put increasing em-
phasis on national and interna-
tional events. This trend is recog-
nized in the schools and depart-
ments of journalism which are
setting stiffer educational re-
quirements for their students and
seeking to make a profession out
of journalism.
The time lag between today's
journalism student and the need
for serious, sober coverage of na-
tional and international news still
exists. As long as it functions and
sensational reporting results in
mass hysteria, effective United
States foreign policy will be ex-
tremely difficult.

To the Editor:
WHETHER the reader is a long-
time resident or a new ar-
rival in Ann Arbor, at some time
he has to consider the choices of
housing open to him. Then he be-
comes aware how much depends
on housing: privacy, safe play for
children, school opportunities, the
sense of decency that comes from
clean, attractive surroundings.
The Ann Arbor Area Fair Hous-
ing Association, a voluntary group
of citizens, concerns itself contin-
uously with racial discrimination
in housing, and on the basis of our
experience we know that housing
opportunities are unequal in Ann
We believe there are builders,
realtors, and private owners who
would like to sell and rent on a
fair, open occupancy basis. But
these people need the protection of
the law just as others need a law
to set a just standard of behavior
under which to operate.
"* r
THE CITY Council of Ann Ar-
bor is now considering such a fair
housing law. A working meeting
with the Human Relations Com-
mission will be held on Monday
evening. The Fair Housing Asso-
ciation will hold a vigil that even-
ing, a "Stand for Fair Housing
Legislation," beginning at 7:00
p.m. at City Hall. We wish to ex-
press our support of and concern
for the fair housing legislation
they will be considering.
People who wish to join in some
simple act for fair housing, who
wish to join the vigil and give
visible support to their convic-
tions, are invited to call the Ann
Arbor Area Fair Housing Associa-
tion at NO 5-3445 or NO 2-6378.
New students are welcome, too.
You will be living in Ann Arbor
for most of the next half-decade.
You are part of this community;
its problems will touch you, and
you might help in their solution.
-LaMar Miller, Chairman
Ann Arbor Area Fair
Housing Association
Romney ..
To the Editor:
I AM A firm believer in editorial
freedom. While I seldom agree
with Daily editorials, I usually
have no complaint other than a
difference of opinion.
However, there are two members
of The Daily staff who are in the
habit of writing misinformed, mis-
leading, and just plain stupid edi-
torials. These two are Mike Har-
rah and Dave Marcus. If one is
familiar with their political view-
points, he surely finds them to be
strange bedfellows.
However, the boys decided to
start the year off on the right
track by co-authoring the editor-
ial, "Romney Power Play,"- and in
so-doing, disgraced The Daily with
.the lowest possible journalistic
* * *
FIRST, Mike Harrah Is a Re-
publican and to the best of my
knowledge, he has always been
one. However, Mike is a rural Re-
publican, often referredrto asa
"Neanderthal." In other words,
Mike probably would like to see
the repeal of the 16th Amendment
to the Constitution, the repeal of
the Sherman and NLRB Acts; etc.
to infinity. For years, Mike and his
neighbors ran the Republican par-
ty in Michigan. For years, the Re-
publican Party has lost elections.
Now the Party has an outstand-
ing candidate. But, he is from
Detroit!! (One of them big city
swindlers') And, he is not a reac-
tionary!! In other words, when
Romney wins in November, Mike
and his "Neanderthals" will no
longer hold Republican leadership,
not because they are not wanted,
but because they refuse to realize
the simplest of political facts.
Mike Harrah is the city editor
of this newspaper. He has used

this position to write an obnoxious
editorial filled with falsehoods and
misinterpretations. He has at-
tempted to mislead the reader into
believing that Republicans are not
for Romney, when the fact is that
Mr. Harrah has a personal grudge
to bear. He is entitled to his opin-
ions, but he should not be allowed
to lower the standards of the Daily
with his personal grudges. This is
the lowest form of journalism.
* * *
SECONDLY, there is the fact
that Dave Marcus co-authored this
editorial. Dave is a Democrat, and
his readers are well aware of it.
Yet Mr. Marcus stoops to Harrah's
standards, the standards of a
turncoat. It is bad enough to read
Dave's own editorials.
Finally, I find it unnecessary to
defend George Romney. His char-
acter is the finest and his sincer-
ity the deepest. He is a proven
leader in business and government.
He is against the Birch society
and he is not afraid to make his
opinion known. Regardless of the
outcome of the election, Mr. Har-
rah and his friends will no longer
have much to say in Republican
policy in Michigan. Perhaps, he
will restrain himself in The Daily.
Let us hope for both.
Vunt Reuhlians Club

Justify their petty, partisan, and
usually unsupportable views.
A good example appeared in
Tuesday's Daily in an editorial
purportedly presented to "analyze"
the activities of the University's
delegates to the 15th National Stu-
dent Association. Let's look at a
few samples:
Michael Olinick says that SGC
Conservatives never achieved "en-
thusiasm" about the Congress be-
cause they spent so little time in
Columbus. Obviously he is assum-
ing that anybody that attended
the entire two-week indoctrination
session would become enthusiastic.
We would submit that one day
would be enough for anyone, ex-
cept those weak-minded individ-
uals who sit back and enjoy hear-
ing their views constantly rein-
forced, to sum up the whole pre-
staged affair as worthless. Olinick
goes on to berate SGC President
Steven Stockmeyer and other dele-
gates for being irresponsible in
that they missed parts of the Con-
gress. While Olinick takes great
pains in praising himself and
Frank Heselton for their work in
pre-Congress meetings, he fails to
point out Stockmeyer's leadership
role and contributions to the Stu-
dent Body President's Conference
which took place before The
Daily's monitoring committee ar-
rived on the scene. Most of the
delegates who left early or arrived
late found their other commit-
ments much more valuable to the
University than playing around at
THE ARTICLE attributes an al-
leged abortive attempt at forging
a coalition of Big Ten presidents
to Bob Finke. The facts are that
Finke never assumed this role,
mainly because the group was al-
ready formed and had met several
times long before Finke arrived
in Columbus and besides the group
was successful. Evidently Olinick
himself was not as observant as
he expected his fellow delegates
to be.t
Olinick praises delegate Ken
Miller for being concerned about
legislation. The only concern Mil-
ler showed was when he offered
an amendment to a resolution.
Miller later admitted that this
material was prepared for him by
someone else. Obviously Olinick's
omniscieit judgement of Miller
should have been very high be-
cause he seemed most susceptible
to the indoctrination and thus
was enthusiastic about the Con-
Olinick's own analysis of him-
self as a delegate is very thought-
p r o v o k i n g. In part he says
. mostly he sat and absorbed
all." We seem to remember him
doing quite a bit of sitting, but
as to the absorbing he must be
referring to the blond member of
The Daily delegation that was
constantly hanging on him during
most of the sessions.
* **
WE ARE NOT sure as to the
reason for the initial omission of
any analysis of delegates Ross and
Jeffrey. However, the truth is, the
Michigan delegation saw very little
of Bob Ross during the Congress.
He found it more important to
deal for the power elite in the old
smoke-filled-room tradition than
to honor the Michigan delegation
with his presence and counsel.
Many times he faied to designate
an alternate to cast his vote dur-
ing the "crucial" sessions. As far
as representing Michigan's 26,000
students is concerned, he might as
well have disappeared like Bill
Bob Finke also reports that once
again a Union president has had
the honor of being misquoted and
having his words twisted in The
Daily. This time it concerned his
stand at NSA on Nuclear Testing.
Olinick seemed very proud of
his little voting chart. However,
like the rest of his copy, this too
was filled with errors.

TOM BROWN seems to remem-
ber Margaret Skiles agreeing to
cast his vote according to his
wishes. Obviously swayed by the
opinion and presence of an NSA
officer and pressure from the Lib-
eral delegates, Miss Skiles changed
her mind without the courtesy of
notifying Brown or abstaining
from the vote.
It seems that a staff continually
expounding that students are re-
sponsible, should consider prac-
ticing some responsibility in their
own back yard. However, to safe-
guard the old campus tradition of
Daily irresponsibility, this would
be asking too much.
Could it be that the Board in
Control of Student Publications
did not go far enough?
-Steve Stockmeyer, '63
-Richard G'sell, '63
-Robert Finke, '63
-John Meyerholz, '63
-Tom Brown,-'63
"HE instability of our laws is
really an immense evil. I




Michigan World Debut


On My Honor

THE BOY Scouts of America, often referred
to as "the patriotic training ground" and
beloved of the American Legion, are now be-
ing required to take a loyalty oath.
San Francisco Boy Scouts are required to
sign a loyalty oath in order to work as volun-
teer orderlies in a mass polio innoculation
next Sunday. The program, part of a civil
defense exercise, comes under the California
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
CAROLINE DOW............... Personnel Director
*lT flfl fLT 1 TFlfl A ......,..riaf u.. B'A44iinr

Levering Act which requires defense employees
-to attest to their loyalty by signing an oath.
This act is not only an insult to the organ-
ization of the Boy Scouts, (which is organized
to encourage citizenship), it is also redundant.
THE BOY SCOUT oath reads "On my honor-
I will do my best to do my duty. to God and
my country, to help other people at all times,
to keep myself physically strong, mentally
awake and morally straight."
Does this imply that the Boy Scout is "pre-
pared" to sabotage the country's defense sys-
tem? (Admittedly, he knows morse code and
might send secret messages.) However, he
has already pledged his allegiance to his coun-
It is ridiculous to ask a Boy Scout if he is

an Island" is no less than the
Michigan world premiere showing.
Read the marquee. It's true. What
it translates as, is that the world
premiere was in Detroit Thursday
night and the movie has been re-
leased only to Michigan theatres
so far. So much for the gala event.
The movie opens with the same
lines quoted in "For Whom the
Bell Tolls" by Hemingway who got
them from John Donne. Only this
movie leaves out the part about
the bells.
The quote is issued forth while
Jeffrey Hunter sits on a mountain
in Guam. You'll recognize the shot
from hundreds of American war
From the quote the movie goes
on in a thoroughly predictable
manner to restate and reaffirm a
whole series of old and honored
* * *
THOSE OF you who missed last
week's issue of G. I. Joe Comics
or Jeffrey Hunter's last war movie
(or maybe you just forgot to read
"Battle Cry") need no longer fret

down pat. He's chicken and gets
killed when he tries to surrender.
* * *
MAYBE YOU prefer the native
turncoat who helps the Japanese,
or the little old lady who changes
the name of her bar from "Little
Chicago" to "Little Tokyo" but
still swears like a loyal American.
And of course there is a beautiful
native girl for the hero to fall in
love with.
Like all the recent war movies
this is based on a "true" story.
This time it's the true story of
George Tweed, USN, stationed on
Guam December 7. You guess
which year.
The movie was written, directed
and produced by John Monks Jr.
and Richard Goldstone. The
brightest thing that can be seen
in the entire movie is the color
THE REST of it is rather dull
and flat. Not only is it predictable
but it is also a somewhat simple-
minded parroting in plot, lines,
direction, and acting.
What more is there left to say?
Right now this and John Glenn

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