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September 21, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-21

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Romney: New Image,
New Reconstruction

"POWER CORRUPTS and absolute power
corrupts absolutely."
The Democratic Party has been in power in
the State House for 14 years. Although one can-
not argue that the Democrats are absolutely
corrupt or that they are entirely responsible for
the stagnation of the state's economy, one can
say that there seems to be little reason for
allowing such a group to stay in power when it
can do nothing constructive and is encumbered
with the symptoms of security in power.
It's time for a change.
GEORGE ROMNEY, Republican candidate for
governor of the State of Michigan, promises
leadership in place of an intrenched machine.
He is promoting a new image of the Republican
Party that can do more than obstruct the half
plignned efforts of the Democratic Party.
He brings to the campaign a mature and
proven ability to lead and is rapidly learning
the art of statesmanship.
His ability to lead has been proved repeatedly.
The renovation of American Motors Corpora-
tion, the big step forward in integrating Detroit
schools, the bringing about of a Constitutional
Convention and the writing of a reasonably
good document can largely be attributed to him.
His ability to handle the political scene was
slower in evidencing itself. It took time to learn
the. backstabbing ways of the Democrats at the
Con-Con. When he did, he learned to bypass
It took him even longer to learn to cooperate
with the ultra-conservative members of his own
party, but he evidenced the ability to cooperate
with them in the drafting of the constitution.
ANY GOVERNOR must have control of his
party to put through his platform and he
must also believe in his platform to implement
it sincerely. Romney has had the courage to
insist on these two principles from the start
of his campaign.
Charges that he is turning the party into a
dictatorship are either unfounded or vicious
twisting of the facts. Yes, he has attempted to
rid the party of the unprincipled advocates of
the John Birch Society-not for their political
beliefs alone but because their political methods

are not welcome in American politics. The
frauds perpetrated by Richard C. Durant in
the struggle for control of the 14th District in
Wayne County have no place in a country where
men are assumed honest.
Charges that Romney acted high handedly
during the Michigan Republican Convention
are also misleading. If critics meant that he
refused to allow something he did not believe
in to enter the platform, then they are correct.
That is courage, however, not an attempt to
subvert the freedom of the party. The right of
a man to stand up for what he believes and
only for what he believes is a fundamental
freedom. Any time that a political group finds
it "politically expedient" to force a man to
repudiate this right, it lets the ends subvert
what it should stand for.
THE INCOME TAX has been seen as both the
hemlock and the panacea for the Michigan
Romney, again showing courage, refuses to
make a simple campaign slogan out of a com-
plex issue. He will not support an income tax
unless budget and revenue reforms accompany
the legislation. He believes that no one action
can clean up the economy. An integrated cam-
paign, to make Michigan a good home for in-
dustry might do the trick.
Romney has also attacked one of the major
problems in the Michigan economy. He is at-
tempting to end the stranglehold of an eco-
nomic group on Michigan. The labor unions
have brought major economic benefits to the
workers of Michigan. However, as big business
works only in the economic sphere, so also
should labor work only in the economic sphere.
Political parties should be the vehicle for the
individual citizen, not for economic groups or
Romney, pledging that he has made no com-
mitments to any interest, by taking firm control
of his party's reins, and by attempting to turn
out a Democratic machine encrusted with eco-
nomic interests, hopes to return the adminis-
tration of this state to the people. A vote for
Romney in November will help him.
Personnel Director

Affairs James A. Lewisl
promised toevaluate carefully
rearranged office at the end o
trial-period first year.
He says he will examine the
fectiveness of his functional
rectorships, his system of spe
assistants, the advisory om
tee and otherstructural and p
formance aspects of the new
fice of Student Affairs.
Most important, he will tak
fresh look at whether the C
conforms as closely as possible
the University's philosophy of
ministration-and then makes
changes he feels are necessary
ensure a stronger tie betw
ideals and action.
* * *
THIS IS, of course, a comme
able attitude on the part of
vice-president, for he has the
pledged to admit his mista
honestly, and take steps to cor
Given the inherent limits of
man capability, there are bo
to be errors of omission and c
mission that will become ap;
ent as the OSA moves through
first year after the shakeup.
Although virtually any cha
would have been an improvem
Lewis's version certainly re
sents a step forward from
previous student affairs setup
the University. His structure
the OSA was much better tl
most of the faculty and stud
close to the situation were
Nevertheless, there are curi
policy, personnel and structi
aspects that should undergo c
ful scrutiny, and hopefully w
the vice-president carries out
re-examination next year he
consider them.
* * *
LAST MAY the Regents ado
the philosophy of administra
expounded in the now-far
Reed Report. Presumably, they
tended that actions of the OS/
any other University adminis
tive unit must comply with
education-oriented theories wi
they made into official policy.
Unfortunately, there seem t
several conflicts between the
at present, particularly in the
fering rules and treatment for i
and women, The University's
ficial philosophy of administra
says that "the particular inter
and needs of both men and wo
must be accommodated, but w
out cleavage in administra
structure and policy determi
At another point, the offi
philosophy laid down by the
gents provides that "in gener
substantial degree of supervi
and guidance should be off
freshman students, but tha
should decline sharply thereaf
and that in all the environme
aspects of the students' lives,
matter what their age or sta
regard must be given to the e
cational importance of offe
them continually increasing
portunities for carving out t
* * *
TO ANYONE at all familiar
the new OSA, it is obvious t
these principles are being di
Consider the jungle of rules
erning women. Here, supervh~
does not "sharply decline" a
the freshman year; here, "cle
age in administrative struci
and policy determination" certi
ly does exist.
How much more responsible
the OSA consider sophomore
junior women than freshm
Well, it considers them about

per cent more responsible. Th2
how many more hours per wi
sophomore and junior women r
(legally) be out of the dorm.
The OSA apparently now thi
that women of senior stan(
have achieved the ultimate in
sponsibility, for it has kir
abolished hours for senior wor
this year.

conform with the University's of-
ficial philosophy about a sharp de-
crease in supervision as student
age and maturity increases?
Indications are otherwise. The
initiative for such a change came
from Women's Judiciary Council,
and not the OSA. It is also strong-
ly probable, although no concrete
proof exists, that the elimination
of hours, commendable though it
may be, was done only to meet
competition from private housing.
After all, there have to be some
senior women living in the dorms,
and something had to be done to
offset the freedom and advantages
offered by apartment living.
(Automatic apartment permis-
sion for women was granted be-
ginning this year-after a long
history of student pressures. But
a 21-year-old freshman woman
still must be granted permission
from the OSA to live in an apart-
All this is OK by the philosophy

ships of men and women was a
step in the right direction; so when
Mr. Lewis re-evaluates the OSA
next year, he surely should take
into account the remaining poli-
cies and structural anomalies that
explicitly contradict provisions in
the University's official philosophy
of administration.
* * *
deserving re-evaluation are the
Bureau of School Services, the In-
ternational Center and Health
Service, all of which lie under
the authority of the vice-president
for student affairs.
Lewis is already taking a sec-
ond look at the school bureau, and
is contemplating whether or not
it should remain in the OSA. As
the bureau serves elementary and
secondary schools outside the Uni-
versity, and has nothing to do with
the non-academic lives of students
here, a transfer to another unit-
perhaps the office of academic af-
fairs-might be in order.




Liberal Delegates
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following paragraphs were accidentally omit-
ted from yesterday's article "Delegates: Duty, Delinquency by Editor
Michael Olinick.)
COUNCIL LIBERALS Robert Ross, Sharon Jeffrey and Howard
Abrams were the other three delegates.
Ross, like Stockmeyer, spread himself too thin. Named as
a member of NSA's National Executive Committee, the Congress
steering organ, Ross missed important hours of NEC sessions
to fulfill his obligations to the Liberal Study Group, a Students
for a Democratic Society-Americans for Democratic Action dis-
cussion group.
During the post-Congress NEC which met to consider mo-
tions which the full Congress did not have time to debate, Ross
had to hop back and forth between the NEC and a similar body
of SDS, meeting two buildings away.
When he was concentrating on Congress work, Ross did ac-
complish quite a bit. He debated effectively in committees, on
the NEC and the Congress floor and wrote the basic policy dec-
laration on the university and the cold war. He also slept through
several morning plenary sessions.
* * *
MISS JEFFREY managed to find time and energy enough to
do the twist on the plenary floor with Miller and attend most of
the liberal meetings, but she either didfn't show up at plenary
sessions or gave her vote to a politically sympathetic alternate.
In both committee and plenary sessions, Miss Jeffrey was
frequently oblivious to the debate on motions, preferring to en-
gage in side discussions or collect pamphlets. Most of her con-
tributions came outside the formal structure of the congress.
Abrams replaced Katherine Ford as a delegate. He made
himself very active in the liberal cause, acting as the liberal

71 T
Yew Lf
"Students must be active partici-
pants in the whole process, not
merely because it is essentially fair
to allow the 'governed' to partici-
pate in the 'government,' or be-
cause student participation helps
bridge gaps in attitude, age and
insight into student needs, but
especially because opportunities
for participation are indispensable
for individual educational growth."
One possible structure for a
democratically-based OSA might
be the following: A board of four
faculty members, three adminis-
trators and two students would
govern the OSA.
The numerical representation is
made this way because, first of all,
the faculty is recognized by most
members of the campus communi-
ty as holding the ultimate educa-
tional responsibility for the Uni-
versity, and since the OSA is sup-
posed to enhance the students' ex-
tra-classroom academic experience,
the major policy-making power
should logically rest with the fac-
SECOND, the philosophy says
that administrators and faculty
members must pull more weight on
a governing "troika" than stu-
dents, due to student transience.
The four faculty members would
be elected at large from the Uni-
versity Senate. Each would serve
a three-year period, with the terms
eventually staggered so as to pro-
vide continuity.
The two students would be elect-
ed at large by the student body
each spring.
OF THE THREE administrators,
one would be a director of hous-
ing, the second a director of coun-
seling, the third a director of stu-
dent services.
The director of housing would
have charge over residence halls,
affiliatedrunits,rmarried couples'
apartments, private housing, and
any other type of living unit.
The director of counseling would
supervise any OSA activities which
involve intensive personal consul-
tation with students. The present
directorship of financial aids would
be subsumed in this unit, as appli-
cation for scholarships almost al-
ways involves a counseling fac-
tion. This director would strive to
coordinate the various services on
campus that function for any kind
of counseling, except academic. He
also would handle many discipline
The director of student services
would provide aid for student or-
ganizations, handle programs such
as automobile regulations and stu-
dent safety, and oversee the In-
ternational Center, Health Serv-
ice, Bureau of Appointments and
the Office of Religious Affairs.
make any major OSA decision
(subject to reversal only by the
Regents), leaving the bulk of im-


plementation to the administra-
tors, although a majority vote of
the board could reverse any ad-
ministrative decision.
Authority to hire or fire policy-
making administrators w o u1 d,
however, rest solely with the six
faculty members and students.
The chairman of the board
would be elected by a majority
vote; however, he would have to
be one of the four faculty men.
He would have the status of a
vice-president, and would thus be
entitled to sit at private Regents
meetings and participate in over-
all University decision-making as
the other six vice-presidents do.
(Thus, for the first time, a mem-
ber of the faculty would be brought
into the power-structure of the
University administration.)
exist for the board. Instead, griev-
ances or suggestions from any
source about the OSA would be
channeled directly through to the
board by contact with any of its
The board's mandate would be
to ensure that OSA policies and
functions are commensurate with
and further the University's aca-
demically-oriented philosophy of
'Such a structure, of course,
would have its problems. The line
between policy-making and im-
plementation is always hard to
draw. A clear and fair relationship
would have to be drawn between
the power of the board and the
power of Student Government and
the authority of student judiciar-
ies. The three directors might not
have equal administrative respon-
sibility. It might be difficult to
find faculty men willing to serve
on the OSA. And action by a
group is always more cumbersome
and plodding than by an individ-
BUT SUCH a structure, or any
other democratically-based one, is
surely necessary. It must be done
not only because it would repre-
sent the most progressive student
affairs structure in the country,
not only because it would rec-
ognize the "rights" of students and
faculty, but because it would close
the gap between what the Uni-
versity professes and what it does,
and with that, further immensely
the basic educational purposes of
the University.
Hopefully, Mr. Lewis will bear
in mind this rudimentary list of
considerations when he re-evalu-
ates his revised office next year.
Even more hopefully, he will take
action on them.
The University has the disap-
pointing characteristic of desper-
ately wanting to be recognized as a
leader, and yet being afraid to
lead. It is time for this to end, and
time to construct the best Office
of Student Affairs possible.



caucus' representative in one of

the five major legislative com-

Freedom of Speech

STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council has missed
an opportunity to urge a strong and com-
plete liberalization of the University's restric-
tive lecture policy.
Last Wednesday night it endorsed a motion,
introduced by Michigan Union president Rob-
ert Finke, which went only half-way in advo-
cating a "freer exchange of ideas."
Although Finke's motion called for an elim-
ination of "those barriers in the current Re-
gents' Bylaw which seek to deny the University
freer access to opinions and ideas," it damaged
this ideal by recommending that the University
not provide facilities for those who advocate
violent overthrow of the government.
FINKE ASSERTED that the University being
a state institution cannot lend its facilities
to speakers who would attempt to overthrow
that very institution. He argued that the state
must always safe-guard its own existence.
Although it is agreed the state has the right
to protect itself, this protection already exists in
the form of the National Guard and police
forces, so there is no need to deny the individ-
ual the right to speak and the student the right
to listen. The possibility that a controversial
speaker will incite students to violence is so re-
mote that it hardly seems necessary to ban
that speaker from this campus.
. Not only is the denial of facilities unneces-
sary, but it is also inconsistent with the very
ideals expressed in the same motion.
A DECEPTIVELY impressive looking docu-
ment recently fell into The Daily mailbox.
Marked in big red letters are the words: "Em-
bargoed Release." This report may not be pub-
licly released before 0300 hours GMT, Septem-
:ber 7, 1962." Thus the introduction to the an-
nualofficial comments of Pote Sarasin, secre-
tary-general of the Southeast Asia Treaty Or'-
Every year this little booklet comes out, pur-
porting to show SEATO's progress in the "fight
against Communism." Each year's booket con-
tains little more than empty phrases, for SEATO
is not a very progressive organization.
What, after all, has SEATO accomplished in
the eight years of its existence? Formed for de-
fensive purposes in 1954 ifter the French
debacle at Dienbienphu, it was supposed to
"turn the tide" against the Communists, then
very much on the move in Southeast Asia. But
SEATO remains a powerless organization; its
main activity is as a sponge for United States
foreign aid.

THE RESOLUTION states: "SGC reaffirms its
belief in the obligation of every student to
seek out, in every way possible, opinions and be-
liefs which are both like and unlike his own,
and that it is the responsibility of the Univer-
sity to provide him with the opportunities to
become familiar with varying opinion."
How can the University fulfill this obligation
to the student if it cannot freely offer its audi-
toriums to all types of speakers? How can the
student seek out varying opinions, if the Uni-
versity prohibits the expression of certain be-
liefs? Can the University really be dedicated to
the ideal of free exchange of ideas, if it bans
so much as one idea? How can the American
citizen really know that his form of govern-
ment is best, unless he is permitted to learn
about all political systems?
"The University cannot become so free," the
motion reads, "as to allow those who would de-
stroy freedom the opportunity to do so." This is
a direct insult to the intelligence of today's stu-
dent, attending one of the better schools in
the nation. Students do have the ability to eval-
uate effectively and parry even the most subtle
FINKE MADE a distinction between the right
of the University library to house books ad-
vocating the violent or unlawful overthrow of
the government and the right of the University
to allow speakers to urge the same. A speaker
can more effectively sway his listeners, Finke
said, than a book its readers. He forgets that
the most forceful arguments in favor of violent
revolution were stated in book form-"The
Communist Manifesto," for example.
The motion urged the Board of Regents to
prevent prior censorship in its new speaker
policy, which it will formalize soon. It is un-
comprehensible, however, that the Regents will
be able to prevent prior censorship if they adopt
SGC's recommendations and follow a policy of
prohibiting speakers with certain beliefs. Finke
proposes that students, not the faculty lecture
committee, assume the responsibility for in-
forming speakers of University lecture policy.
It seems that Finke's motion is both for and
against prior censorship.
Some may argue that prior censorship is
justifiable on the grounds that the Legislature,
would decrease University appropriations if a
controversial speaker appeared on campus and
"embarrassed" the University. However, one
must always distinguish between the values of
the Legislature and the values of an academic
community. It would be better if the University
failed because of lack of funds than because its
values had become corrupted. The University
will not fail if it preserves its educational goals.

of administration, if it can be jus-
tified on grounds of the "differ-
ing needs" (although OSA offi-
cials seldom explain what they
are) of men and women, and if it
is done without administrative or
policy cleavage.
* * *
personnel, one finds that Sally Jo
Sawyer, last year's Assembly As-
sociation president, has been hand-
ed a job as "assistant program di-
rector" for Assembly;. one finds
similar aides for Panhel and the
League. But there are no parallel
posts for Inter-Quadrangle Coun-
cil, Interfraternity Council or the
One hears a great deal of the
phrase "the special needs of wom-
en"; former acting Dean of Women
ElizabethDavenport, accordingly,
has as her special duty the care
of the special needs of women.
There is no such talk, however,
to soothe male alumni about the
special needs of men that must be
accommodated by the OSA, and
Lewis did not set aside anybody
in the new structure to take care
of any mysterious special needs of
In short, the Reed Report
philosophy about the progressive--
ly declining supervision and the
differing needs of men and women
-a legitimate concept if applied
only to physical facilities and deli-
cate counseling-has been man-
gled almost beyond recognition in
the OSA.
The elimination of the dean-'

The International Center does
a fair to good job in counseling
foreign students and orienting
them to a strange society. How-
ever, its avowed purpose of in-
tegrating them into the American
student body may be hampered
by the de facto status of an In-
ternational Center. Perhaps if the
counseling functions were retain-
ed, but placed under normal coun-
seling agencies for American stu-
dents, and the center as such,
abolished, better integration might
be achieved.
On the other hand, it may be
that an International Center is
needed to draw out foreign stu-
dents, and encourage them to
make the social adjustment. At any
rate, the entire question of wheth-
er such a center per se ultimately
aids or thwarts the integration of
foreign students into the Univer-
sity deserves study.
Last year, a man suddenly was
seized with an attack of epilepsy
in the Union. Health Service,
which is supposed to admit only,
students, was immediately con-
tacted. In spite of the fact that it
was an emergency, Health Service
quibbled over the phone for ap-
proximately 10 minutes with those
attending the stricken man, whose
student or non-student status
could not be determined. Certainly
an agency whose policies almost
caused a death should be re-exam-
* * *


State. Records,
How Public?

Kelly Not at Fault

To the Editor:
IN AN editorial in your Sept. 18
edition, Ruth Hetmanski ac-
cused Prof. Alfred H. Kelly of dis-
gracing his profession and his uni-
versity; she said Kelly failed to
meet his responsibility to truth
and dignity. However, if reports
of the Senate judiciary subcom-
mittee's hearings in the New York
Times were correct, several per-
tinent facts were ignored in the
editorial and Miss Hetmanski has
made an unjustifiable slur on Prof.
Kelly and - since she chose to in-
clude them - on Wayne State
University and university profes-
Miss Hetmanski said that Mar-
shall declared the alleged state-
ment was an old Negro joke and
had been made in jest. Accord-
ing to the Times (Aug. 21), Mar-
shall denied he had ever made the
statement as it was quoted by

a threat or even a philosophical
observation is absurd, even gro-
tesque, in its bizarre distortion of
reality." (Aug. 25) The Times said
Kelly actually praised Marshall
and rejected any implication that
he was opposed to the nomination.
NONE OF this is mentioned in
Miss Hetmanski's editorial. The
reader was left with the impres-
sion that Kelly, a responsible his-
torian from a responsible univer-
sity, was catering to the influences
of bigotry and ignorance. It seems
to me that Miss Hetmanski is guil-
ty of the same error on which
Kelly indicts the subcommittee:
she has quoted out of context and
distorted Kelly's role in the hear-
Kelly can hardly be blamed be-
cause someone chooses to distort
what he wrote with an entirely
different purpose in mind, espe-
cially in the light of his later clar-

IN ANY re-evaluation of policy
and structure, the personnel who
carry them out also should be in-
cluded in the analysis, to deter-
mine whether or not they are im-
plementing to the fullest extent
the aims of the University.
Lewis has done an excellent job
so far with the director of hous-
ing. Instead of rushing to get the
appointment made in time for the
start of the fall semester, he has
taken his time, making sure that
he attempts to find the best man
possible for that important post.
Hopefully, this attitude will con-
tinue throughout the year for the
rest of the OSA officials.
For the vice-president must con-
struct a new sense of trust be-
tween the OSA and many of the
students. In spite of the fact that
the vast majority of the adminis-
trators are capable and interested
in student problems, the few who
have not lived up to this responsi-
bility have destroyed the bond of
trust that must exist between poli-
cy-maker and constituent.
Complete trust, no matter who
the personnel, can never exist,
however, unless the constituent
parties have a voice in the crea-
tion of the regulations they must

DEMOCRATS are lauding Gov.
John B. Swainson for allegedly
having "the courage to do what
is right," but maybe they should
prompt him to have the persever-
ance to keep doing what is right.
Back in June, Gov. Swainson of-
fered to open all the records of
his administration to his Repub-
lican gubernatorial o p p o n e n t,
George Romney. Romney's re-
sponse was good: "I thought pub-
lic records always were the pub-
lic's business."
This principle is essential to
American democracy but has been
one of the most violated of Amer-
ican principles. The governor's of-
fer was in effect a pledge to live
up to this principle.
THE GOVERNOR has broken
his pledge. He has prevented
Romney from inspecting state rec-
ords concerning $he safety of a
highway bridge over the New York
Central Railroad, near Benton
Harbor. The governor said that
requests for additional information
on the highway issue must be-sub-
mitted to Highway Commissioner
John C. Mackie.
But Mackie left last week for
a five-week trip to Scotland and
Spain. And so, what has resulted
is a ban on information about a
matter of public importance.
It is the nature of a democracy
that makes bans so despicable and
the principle that the public rec-
ords are the public's business so
important. For government to be
fully responsible to the people, the
people need to know exactly what
government is doing.
* * *
WHERE BANS begin, totalitar-

suppression is even more distaste-
ful when directed at the opposi-
tion, for those who care most to
know are deprived most of the
right to know.
Romney has suffered the loss of
factual material to use in his cam-
paign. The people of Michigan
have suffered the loss of accurate
information about the deeds of
the administration they elected.
And Gov. Swainson has also lost.
THE GOVERNOR has lost some
of the esteem liberals have held
for him by violating a tenet of
the libertarian society. He has lost
by giving the impression that the
bridge is unsafe and that he is
to blame. He has lost because his
gubernatorial opponent will be un-
able to conduct as factual an op-
position as desirable. He has lost
because he has fired up some of his
enemies and disappointed some of
his defenders.
But, most important, he may
have set an unfortunate precedent.
If the ban stands and is upheld,
future governors and other gov-
ernment officials may revert to
squelching facts thinking that do-
ing so will lessen embarrassment.
Power has been said to corrupt and
absolute power has been said to
corrupt absolutely; at any rate the
reversion to dictatorial methods
can provide fodder for more dic-
tatorial methods. One totalitarian
act can feed upon another. One
turn away from democratic pro-
cedures can cause the push for an-
* * *
IT TAKES courage to live up
to democracy, for democracy is
troublesome for the rulers, as Gov.
Swainson knows well by now. But


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