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September 20, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-20

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a sa .war aYi1Fi'Ai1.

President Claims Aid Cut


World Safety

UN Body Set To Debate
Hungary, Korea Issues
UNITED NATIONS (A3)-The General Assembly's 21-nation steer-
ing committee overrode Soviet Bloc objection yesterday and recom-
mended that the Assembly again debate Hungary and Korea.
Debate in the committee on the 93 issues proposed for Assembly
consideration was the forerunner to the general policy debate that
will begin today. Soviet bloc delegates staged a bitter fight on pro-
posals they oppose. Western diplomatic sources remarked at the sharp

331 Thompson


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8:00 p.m.
ADMISSION-members free
non-members .50
SAT., Sept. 22-MOVIE
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Act Against
Red Threat
ate committees hung out a blunt
advance warning to the Commu-
nist world yesterday: the United'
States will use force if necessary'
to halt the advance of Communism
in this hemisphere.
The Senate Foreign Relations
and Armed Services Committees'
unanimously approved a joint res-
olution stating U.S. determination
"to prevent by whatever means
may be necessary, including the'
use of arms, the Marxist-Lenin re-
gime in Cuba from extending by
force or threat of force its aggres-
sive or subversive activities to any
part of this hemisphere."
Key House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee members were in consulta-
tion with the Senate groups in
hammering out the final language.
Their committee was working on a
similar resolution.
The firm statement of policy,
expected to be approved by both
houses of Congress today and sent
to President John F. Kennedy for
his signature, also states U.S. de-
termination to :
--"Prevent in Cuba the creation
or use of an externally supported
military capability endangering
the security of the U.S.
Work with OAS
-"Work with the Organization
of American States and with free-
dom-loving Cubans to support the
aspirations of the Cuban people
for self-determination."
The resolution cites three bases
for its conclusions-the Monroe
Doctrine, which opposes any ef-
fort of a European power .to ex-
tend its system into the Western
Hemisphere; the Rio treaty of
1947, which- holds that an attack
on one American state would be
an attack on all, and the declara-
tion of OAS foreign ministers at
Punta Del Este last January.

REVOLT LEADERS-Gen. Juan Carlos Ongania (left) and Gen.
Pascual Pistarini led the Argentine army revolt,
Guido Censures Moves
Of Rebel Army Faction
BUENOS AIRES ()-President Jose Maria Guido last night de-
nounced the rebellion of a powerful army faction which claims it
seeks to guarantee the president's constitutional powers and ordered
the revolt crushed.
Gen. Juan Carlos Ongania, leader of one of Argentina's largest
army units, stationed just outside Buenos Aires, charged military lead-
ers in the Guido regime were bent

Algeria Plans
First Election
ALGIERS (P)-Algeria elects its
first national assembly today and
will soon have a regular govern-
ment, but democracy in the new
nation is off to a shaky start.
The 196 assembly candidates, in-
cluding 16 Europeans, were hand-
picked by Ahmed Ben Bella. They
will give him a crushing majority
throughout the legislature's initial
one-year term.
There are no opposition candi-
dates, and the campaign has been
confined to a few posters and

world NewsRoundup
By The Associated Press
BELGRADE-Communist Yugoslavia published last night a draft
of a new constitution creating a prime ministry but leaving President
Tito firmly in control.
* . * .
WASHINGTON-The House leadership was routed yesterday in its
efforts to bypass the Rules Committee and bring two administration
measures to the floor.
Opponents of the bills-a $500 million mass transportation meas-
ure and one to establish a youth conservation corps-tied the House
in such procedural knots the attempt to call them up was abandoned.
* * * *
NEW DELHI-Chinese Communists who entered Northeast India
last week have withdrawn across the Tibetan border, a report from In-
dian military headquarters in the area said yesterday.
-ELISABETHVILLE-The Katanga government claimed last night
that aerial reconnaissance has shown between 2,000 and 3,000 cen-
tral government troops advancing deep inside North Katanga after
bloody clashes with Katanga forces.
* * . *
WASHINGTON-The House voted yesterday to give the secretary
of defense more control over National Security Agency employes, but
beat a bill to extend his authority over defense plant workers.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.-The 100th Atlas missile fired from Cape
Canaveral logged a successful 5,000-mile test flight yesterday.
WASHINGTON-The Atomic Energy Commission announced that
the Soviet Union conducted the second largest nuclear explosion of
its current series in the Arctic yesterday.
WASHINGTON-The Senate-House Republican leadership joined
yesterday in a formal demand that Congress close up shop no later
than Sept. 29.
* * * *
VIENNA-The Soviet Union yesterday challenged the United
States and other Western nations to join it in a $2.3 million nuclear
development program for less-developed countries and said the East
bloc would pay one-third of the costs.
* # * .
LAS VEGAS-The Air Force announced Tuesday a new interna-
tional loaded-plane altitude record of 85,360.84 feet, set by a B-58
# * * .
CAPE CANAVERAL-The third Saturn space rocket arrived by
barge yesterday and preparations began to transfer it to the launching
pad for a scheduled mid-November test firing.
WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy announced last night
that labor agreements have been reached with two aerospace indus-
try firms, North American and General Dynamics (Convair Division),
ending the threat of a Saturday strike.

on a dictatorship. He demanded
their ouster.
Issues Communique
The president spurned the rebel-
lion in a communique accusing On-
gania and hsi followers of tak-
ing "an unjustified stand 'which
gravely affects discipline within
the army and, above all, the gov-
ernment's sincere desire to achieve
constitutional normality and to
insure peace and dignity for the
Ongania sped to the presidential
palace in downtown Buenos Aires
after Guido issued the communi-
que. He talked with Guido for 30
minutes and emerged looking
"I am worried because of a
mistaken attitude of the president
which may modify the clear ob-
jectives we have had," Ongania
told newsmen.
Troops Leave Barracks
Meanwhile, reports from nearby'
La Plata and Mar Del Plata said
troops believed loyal to Guido's
war secretary, Gen. Cornejo Sar-
avia, had left their barracks.
At La Plata, about 35 miles
southeast of here; the troops were
said to be taking up positions on
roads approaching Buenos Aires.
At Mar Del Plata, 2,000 fully
armed soldiers were reported to
have left on trucks for Buenos
Aires, 240 miles away.
Ongania called for speedy elec-
tions to restore constitutional gov-
ernment and said Guido must get
rid of "army cliques" he claims are
bent on setting up a military dic-
tatorship. The issue facing Guido,
he said, is "Democracy or dicta-

Rusk Warns
Of Crippling
Senator Vows Fight
On Restoration Try
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy said last night a
massive cut in foreign aid funds
"poses a threat to free world se-
Thus Kennedy joined Secretary
of State Dean Rusk in an admin-
istration drive for restoration of a
House Appropriations Committee
cut Tuesday of nearly $1.4 billion
in funds for economic and military
assistance overseas.
Cripple Leadership
Rusk earlier, in letters to House
Speaker John W. McCormack and
House Republican Leader Charles
A. Halleck, said the cut might re-
sult in "crippling" United States
world leadership.
"You cannot separate guns from
roads and schools when it comes
to resisting Communist subversion
in underdeveloped countries," Ken-
nedy said in a statement. "This is
a lesson we have learned clearly
in South Viet Nam and elsewhere
in Southeast Asia."
Quick Response
Rusk's plea for restoration of the
cut in funds for economic and mil-
itary assistance brought a quick
response from one key House
"Not one cent will be put back
if I have anything to do with it,"
said Rep. Otto E. Passman (D-
La). chairman of an appropria-
tions subcommittee that drafted
the bill.
Passman will be floor manager
when the House starts debate on
the bill today. He often has claim-
ed the aid program could get along
for more than a year on money
already appropriated and not
Rusk, in effect, also urged the
American people to write their con-
gressmen on the issue. "If a citi-
zen wants to 'do something' at
this time of crisis he can do it by
supporting the President in this
matter," he said.
Can Afford Program
Rusk said this country could af-
ford the cost of foreign aid in an
effort to win the cold war peace-
fully if possible and "to support
and reinforce our men in uniform
who are 'standing guard in for-
eign places."
The measure currently would
appropriate about $5.9 billion for
foreign economic and military aid.
Kennedy had asked for $7.3 bil-
Rusk's plea was made to House
leaders at a time when they were
undecided on whether to try to
put back some of the funds or
let the Senate vote the increases.
A losing battle in the House
could prejudice chances to salvage
some of the bill later in a Senate-
House conference.

tone and said it presaged a stormy
Assembly session.
Adlai F Stevenson, chief Unit-
ed States delegate, will deliver his
country's main policy speech this
He is expected to make a strong
plea for endorsement of the World
Court opinion declaring that all
members are obligated to pay for
United Nations peace - keeping
operations. Soviet Foreign Minis-'
ter Andrei A. Gromyko will speak
The vote to recommend the
Hungarian issue for debate was 13
in favor, 4 opposed and 4 abstain-
ing. On Korea it was 14 in favor,
3 opposed and 4 abstaining.
Chin11a ViewTVS
Atomic Club
nist China will probably have some
nuclear devices within a year to
three years, the top United tSates
disarmament official said in tes-
timony released yesterday.
William C. Foster, director of
the Arms Control and Disarma-
ment Agency, estimated that "over'
10 additional countries can acquire,
at least a few nuclear weapons
and a crude delivery capability
during thenext 10 years, assum-
ing no basic change in technol-
"The incentives to possess such
weapons-prestige, coercive and
deterrent value and a military util-
ity-are probably most meaningful
now to Communist China and Is-
rael," he said.
Foster's comments came in tes-
timony before a Senate armed
services preparedness subcommit-
tee, carefully censored before it
was released.
He explained why the U.S.
agreed to "some risk of cheating
by the Soviet Union" in lowering
earlier demands for inspection in
test ban proposals.
"We believe that risk (of Soviet
cheating) is outweighed by the
danger to our security resulting
from a continuation of unlimited
testing," Foster said.
He said further testing would
not add greatly to United States
capability but, "At the same time,
if the Soviet Union is now behind
us in certain areas as we believe,
unlimited testing will inevitably
permit it to catch up."
Also, Foster said, continued un-
limited testing "is a spur to coun-
tries which do not have the bomb
to bend every effort to produce it."
Folklore Society
Folk Sing and Meeting
On the Mall between
the League and Hill Aud.
or in the Union
depending on the weather

Senate Votes
UN Bond Act
WASHINGTON (;P)-The Senate
gave final congressional approval
yesterday to President John F.
Kennedy's request for authority
to buy up to $100 million of Unit-
ed Nations bonds.
The measure was sent to the
White House when the Senate ac-
cepted, by voice vote, the House
version of a measure which Ken-
nedy had put on his "must" legis-
lative program.
Under it, the President may lend
the UN up to $100 million, or buy
up to half of a $200 million UN
bond issue.
The bill carries House restric-
tions limiting United States pur-
chases of the 2 per cent UN bonds,
repayable over a period of 25 years,
to matching the purchases of all
other member nations.
So far, 17 other nations have
bought $27.5 million of the bonds
and 26 others have pledged pur-
chases of $45 million more.
Another provision put in the bill
by the House forbids use of U.S.
bond purchase proceeds for pay-
ment of past due debts of other
UN members.
The UN financial crisis arose
from refusal of Soviet bloc and
ether nations to pay their special
assessments for peace keeping
operations in the Congo and along
the Gaza Strip.
The World Court has given an
advisory opinion that all member
nations are responsible for back
dues, including special as well as
regular assessments.
Yemeni Monarch


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