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September 18, 1962 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-18

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom







Establish Counseling Center

Legislators To Study Progress
Of Defense Research in State

Under a $250,000 grant from the
United States Office of Education,
the education school has estab-
lished a "Counseling and Guidance
Institute" for this academic year.
The University secured the con-
tract from the federal office last
year after competitive bidding.
It is the first year-long insti-
tute of this sort in the United
Intensive Instruction
Eleven education school faculty
members, directed by Prof. Garry
R. Walz of that school, will pro-
vide intensive instruction and as-
sistance for 30 specially selected
high school teachers who wish to
become secondary school guidance

Chosen from nation-wide ap'
plications, the enrollees will un-
dergo a rigorous 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
schedule of work, including sem-
inars, formal lectures, laboratory
exercises and field experience.
The training, Prof. Walz said,
will involve virtually every type of
counseling especially vocational,
academic, and personal, on both
the individual and group level.
Faculty Supervision
The 30 enrollees will perform
actual counseling of high school
students under the faculty's su-
pervision in the laboratory and
field setting. Prof. Walz expects
that about 600 such students will
receive counseling from the insti-
tute in the course of the year.
Included in the classroom in-

'U' HIGH SCHOOL - In the basement of the education school
the major programs of the year-long counseling institute will be
carried out. The institute is the first of its kind in the country.
To Publish Twain Works
With Anti-Religion Motif
A series of highly inflammatory anti-religious essays written by
Mark Twain in his later years will be made public for the first time
on Friday.
They were withheld by the humorist's daughter since 1939, when
they were edited by the late Bernard DeVoto. The pieces, humorous
in style but venomous in viewpoint, have been collected in a volume en-
titled "Letters from the Earth."
It was learned recently that Mark Twain's daughter, Mrs. Clara

struction will be a closed-circuit
television system. Lectures, inter-
views and in-depth study of case
problems will be presented on
video tapes produced at the Uni-
versity's television studio or on
programs broadcast within Uni-
versity High School, where all the
institute work will be done.
The enrollees receive stipends
from the federal office, and will
earn 24 hours of credit towards
master's degree programs.
Develop Idea
The University, along with Co-
lumbia University, first developed
the idea of a counseling institute
in 1958-59, Prof. Walz said, but
the program could not be imple-
mented until this year, as not
enough faculty members with the
opportunity and time to take part
could be found.
The Office of Education will de-
cide early next year whether the
University will sponsor the insti-
tute next year, he indicated.
Prof. Walz pointed to the "com-
prehensive nature of the program
and the great attention devoted
to each individual counselor" as
the primary factors in the Uni-
versity's securing the contract for
this year.
Study Genes,
At Meeting
The genetic code of life appears
to be more complicated than was
believed a few months ago, scien-
tists at a three-day symposium
held at the Institute of Micro-
biology at Rutgers University have
The code is the means by which
the genes direct the production of
proteins in all living things on
earth. Nevertheless, leading scien-
tists feel this genetic code will be
broken in the near future.
This achievement is expected to
have vast implications for the
understanding of the chemical
basis of life itself and vast impli-
cations for the prevention and
treatment of human disease.
NSF Conclave
Leading authorities in the field
of "informational macromolecules"
attended the conference, which
was supported by the National
Science Foundation.
Major advances in understand-
ing the chemical pr oc es se s
through which proteins are reat-
ed in accord with patterns laid
down in the hereditary materials
of living things were reported dur-
ing the session.
But some complications recently
encountered in laboratory studies,
which are being pursued in re-
search institutions around the
world, were also brought up.
Basic Processes
At stake in all the studies is an
intimate understanding of the1
chemical processes by means of
which life is brought into beingi
and flourishes until death.
Many scientists hope that if the1
process of heredity is understood,I
it can possibly be altered or con-)
trolled. In the human case, a num-3
ber of severe and sometimes fatal
afflictions are known to be caused
by a single mutation in the genetic
code, which results in a differentI
amino acid being incorporatedt
into' a protein.
Thus in human disease, a singlec
mutation in the code may result inc
a life-long affliction or in early1

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State-Wide School System?


... SGC orientation

SGC To Give!
An orientation program for stu-
dents interested in Student Gov-
ernmhent Council is under way.
More than 50 people have signed
up for a series of discussion ses-
sions, tours and speeches designed
to' explain Council's functions,
SGC Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Kenneth Miller, '64, said.
Subject to revision by the Coun-
cil's executive officers, Miller has
planned to keynote the program
with a panel discussion of the
"Philosophies of Student Govern-
ment and Its Role in the Educa-
tional Process." SGC President
Steven Stockmeyer, '63, Council
member Robert Ross, '63, and Vice
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis are scheduled to
present their views on SGC's role
at 4:15 p.m., Sept. 25.
The chairmen of SGC's related
boards and committees will dis-
cuss past and present projects on
Oct. 2. Issues facing the Council
will be the topic Oct. 9.
In order to encourage more in-
formed participants in Council c-
tivities, Miller has also proposed
that a discussion on the United
States National Student Associa-
tion and the concept of national
student community be included in
the training program in mid-Octo-
A discussion of SGC's relation-
ship to the power structure of the
University will be the concluding
In addition to the meetings, stu-
dents in the training program will
be encouraged to read the Reed
Report on the Office of Student
Affairs and SGC's comments on
the report.
The history of the Council's re-
lationship with sororities and fra-
ternities is another area to be ex-
plored, according to Miller.
Students participating in the or-
ientation program will attend
Council meetings, talk with mem-
bers about their experiences atthe
NSA Congress this summer, and
become acquainted with the ad-
ministrative structure of the Uni-
Miller pointed out that the pro-
gram is not only intended for
those interested in running for an
elective seat on Council, but for
those interested in working on
committees, the Student Book Ex-
change, the Human Relations
Board, the Cinema Guild or other
areas under SGC jurisdiction.

In 1959 a Ford Foundation
study showed that 69 per cent
of the students below the age
of 18 are expected by their par-
ents to go to college.
If even 45 per cent actually
do come to college, state col-
leges and universities are faced
with the enormous problem of
how to meet these demands.
In a new book, "A General
Pattern for American Public
Higher Education," Prof. T. R.
McConnell of the Center for the
Study of Higher Education at
the University of California at
Berkeley explores the problem.
Defines Problem
Prof. McConnell contends
that although many plans exist
for placing public institutions
into a definite pattern, it "does
not solve the fundamental edu-
cational problem." The prob-
lem, as he sees it, is to "give
vitality to educational programs
Plans exist, or are being for-
mulated, to integrate all pub-
lic institutions within a state
into one pattern: for instance,
a particular discipline could be
studied at only one institution
in the state.

It is argued that such a plan
would save money and channel
students into those areas which
need more people.
He Rebuts
In the process, duplication of
programs and thus wastes of
professors and facilities can be
Prof. McConnell-argues that
many of these plans are based
upon faulty assumptions, in-
cluding contentions that many
more women will continue to
go to college and that the per-
centage of occupations requir-
ing little or no college educa-
tion will be decreasing.
In addition, many arguments
for such plans fail to recognize
the "social forces" which pro-
pel students to college.
Stresses Diversity
He emphasizes that the di-
verse student body is one of the
characteristics of American
higher education. Junior col-
leges, Prof. McConnell notes,
more are becoming transition
points in a student's education
and less a terminal point.
The pressures of American
society are leading to more uni-
versities offering more diverse
It would be unfair, he argues,

to put a student within a pre-
scribed plan, for the student
may not be happy at one insti-
tution due to the overall envir-
onment while he would adjust
easily to another.
Sees Injustice
Students in America change
curricula often and to push a
student into one area where he
would be unable to change to
another is also an injustice.
Prof. McConnell's answer to
the problem, then, is not to or-
ganize public colleges and uni-
versities into one central plan.
Instead, increasing collabora-
tion and comprehensive plan-
ning are needed as well as
"purposeful sharing" among the
Need New Ideas
"If colleges and universities
are to meet future needs, they
will have to engage in extensive
experimentation and encourage
fruitful innovation," Prof. Mc-
Connell says.
He claims that the United
States should leave room with-
in its educational program for
competition between systems of
colleges or individual institu-
tions; elasticity should be a
keynote of any program rather
than rigidity.

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Jeffrey Works for Voter Registration


Clemens Samossoud, who is 88 year

Recruiters it
Scramble he
For Grads
The recruiting of college gradu- s'
ates has become "a very competi- 1
tive process with a very active
market," A. S. Hann, Director of t
Placement for the business admin-
istration school, indicated. f
One and one-half times as many a;
companiies will send recruiters to h
the University this spring in 1T
search of business administration I
graduates as there are students
registered for placement, Hann a
The business administration w
school sets up interviews for its p
prospective graduates with a va-
riety of companies, averaging be- ei
tween six and nine per day during p
the busy season, he indicated. t
Three Characteristics
Hann pointed out three charac-'T
teristics of a student which differ-
entiate strong candidates from _
weak ones. "Someone who has
shown a solid academic perform-
ance, orientation toward a specific_
field, and maturity, both social and
chronological," will rate highest
with the campus recruiter.
A male graduate who has his
military service out of the way has
an advantage over one who
doesn't, he added.
C o m p a n y recruiters should
probe the "self-image" of college
students, Hann andhGeorge S.
Odiorne, Director of the University
Bureau of Industrial Relations,
recommend in a new book on "Ef-
fective College Recruiting."
Four Questions
They suggest four general ques-
tions for the company representa-
tive to use in discovering what a
student thinks about himself:
What forms of recognition does
he seek? To what groups does he
belong? At what activity does he
feel most adequate? How much
security does he want and need?
The book, based on interviews
with several hundred students and
recruiters at the University last
year, brings out the fact that the
single most important conclusion
fto be drawn frome the interviews
is the concept of the "knock-out"
in esrmnus ecruitno-

old and an invalid at her home
a Mission Beach, Calif., recently
greed to publication on the
round that "Mark Twain be-
nged to the world" and that pub-
i opinion had become more tol-
It was also understood that an-
ther factor leading to Mrs. Sam-
ssoud's change of mind was her
nnoyance by Soviet charges that
:me of her father's ideas were be-
ag suppressed.
In the opening section of "Let-
ers from the Earth," Twain, in
he guise of Satan, writes detailed
eports to the Archangels Gabriel
nd Michael. He describes the in-
abitants of earth as long-suffer-
ig victims of their own ludicrous
eligious beliefs.
The essays were written during
period of personal tragedy in the
uthor's life, after he had lost his
ife and a daughter, and was
lunged into debt. He died in 1910.
In March, 1939, when the edit-
I manuscript was ready for the
sinter, Mrs. Samossoud objected
a parts of it on the ground that
hey presented a "distorted view"
f her father's ideas and attitudes.
'he project was dropped.
Copyright, 1962, The New York Times

The National Student Associa-
tion sent a group of 15 students
to Raleigh, N.C., this summer to
participate in a voter registration
The group worked with the Ra-
leigh Citizens' Association, which
is a Negro organization interest-
ed in increasing the opportunities
and rights of Negro citizens. The
U Professors
To Give Talks
Professors James K. Pollock and.
Arthur W. Bromage of the politi-
cal science department will ad-
dress the 64th annual Michigan
Municipal Convention in Detroit,
tomorrow through Friday.
About 1,000 people are expected
to attend the convention. Included
in this number are various candi-
dates for state positions in the
Nov. 6 elections.
Gov. John B. Swainson and his
opponent George Romney have
been invited to address the clos-
ing luncheon Sept. 21.
The Michigan Municipal League
was organized in 1899. It is made
up of 433 cities and villages in
Michigan and has dedicated itself
to the improvement of municipal
government through co-operative
efforts and the advancement of
home rule. The league's headquar-
ters are in Ann Arbor.

students remained in Raleigh from
June 10 until Aug. 4.
The citizens' association had In-
vited the NSA students, of whom
there were Negro and white and
northern and southern representa-
They had two functions: reg-
istering Negro citizens, and tutor-
ing Negro students who will at-
tend a previously all-white junior
high school this fall.
Significant Number
During the summer 1,645 Ne-
groes were registered in Raleigh,
Sharon Jeffrey, '63, a member of
the 15-man team, reported. Ra-
leigh has a Negro population of
10,000 of which about 66 per cent
are under 21 years of age. Thus,
the new bulk of registered voters
represents a number significant
enough to change the outcome of
an election.
The registration project was
carried out during the late after-
noons and early evenings. The city
was divided into precincts and
each precinct was carefully map-
ped out before the group went in.
Two cars were sent out every
afternoon to opposite ends of a
given precinct. The students work-
ed in pairs with four pairs in every
car. Each car would be parked in
the middle of a block with a float-
ing registrar inside who could reg-
ister anybody from the car.
Explain Voting, Politics
On the given block, the students
would knock on doors and explain
to residents the significance of
voting and also explain a little

about politics. Then the people, if
willing, would come to the car and
take a literacy test. If they passed,
they would register, Miss Jeffreyj
There was pre-work done to
prepare the citizens for the arrival
of the registration teams. Some
Negro members of the community

To Examine
New Proposals
For 'U' Work
Joint Commission
To Meet at Dearborn
The Joint Legislative Committee
on Economic Growth will meet
next Friday at the-Dearborn Cen-
ter to review progress on the var-
ious suggestions made in last
spring's report on defense research
in Michigan and also to consider
its relationship to University re-
search programs and facilities.
After touring the Army Mobolity
Command in Wayne County's Ster-
ling Township, the committee will
hear a preliminary report from
Joseph Crafton of the Center who
is finishing a study of defense
procurement in Michigan.
Three members of the commit-
tee, its chairman, Rep. Gilbert
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), Sen. John
Stahlin (R-Belding) and Senate
Minority Leader Raymond Dzend-
zel (D-Detroit) conferred with
Robert Steadman, economic ad-
justment adviser to Defense Sec-
retary Robert S. McNamara, and
Pentagon aides last month on pos-
sible means of improving Michi-
gan's competitive position in de-
fense industries.
Various Strategies
The talks developed several in-
definite leads in seeking defense
jobs and emphasized the impor-
tance of Crafton's survey in as-
sessing Michigan's position, Burs-
ley indicated.
The survey asked companies em-
ploying more than 500 persons and
smaller defense-related firms three
1) The firm's marketing orga-
nization and its relation with de-
fense procurement agencies;
2) The research capabilities of
the firm, including the caliber of
the people working there; and
3) The type of research projects
that can be possibly undertaken,
noting whether the firm does ap-
plied or basic research.
Urge New 'U' Facility
In its April report, the commit-
tee stressed the need "for Michi-
gan to strike out to become a
great space age and electronics
center." It recommended that a
space science institute be created
out of the Institute of Science and
Technology to facilitate such de-
Bursley said he thought that
creation of the center would be
"in part a bookkeeping transac-
tion, dramatizing the extensive
work now being done in IST."
Vice - President for Research
Ralph Sawyer said, however, that
the University has no immediate
plans to create such a center, nor
will it operate a government-own-
ed center.
Much NASA Work
He said that the University does
$4.5 million worth of research for
the National Aeronautics ad
Space Agency.
In the same vein the committee
recommended that studies about
the feasibility of using Keweenaw
Peninsula as a rocket launching
site be undertaken.
Members of the committee have
surveyed the proposed area and
have made other studies. However,
Bursiey cautioned that these are
Sizes Up South
Noting that "Michigan competes
with the tax free lures and gim-
micks of some southern states by
maintaining a much higher level
of educational and health facili-
ties" and that "these are major
factors in plant location," the
committee urged continued sup-
port and plans for capital outlay
growth of higher education.

It also stressed the need for re-
taining trained manpower in Mich-
igan and asked for suggestions for
maintaining it.
"I can't over-emphasize the
committee's concern over losing
trained brains in the state. It is a
challenge to keep youth in the
state. The re-creation of oppor-
tunity for graduates is a challenge
confronting all levels of govern-
ment," Bursley declared.
View Research Funds
Increased state support for re-
search was also suggested bythe
committee. It called for the enact-
ment of a bill to provide $500,000

... works in South


Succeed in College

Without Really Trying
Since the beginning of time (immemorial), civilization has pro-
gressed in uncertain steps.
YOUR turn comes this year. A few not uncertain positions are
open for trainees on The Daily, the publication referred to by Thomas
Jefferson as "that obstetrical digression."
Pregnant with meaning, rich in ambiguity, Jefferson was not
far wrong, for The Daily offers freshmen an unparalleled opportunity
to close ranks on the University and get straight onto the inside track.
Hiya Dean
Within days, you'll be calling deans by their first names, telling
fraternity presidents where to get off, and compiling an imposing
list of official secrets and friends.
You'll get a chance to see your name in print just as fast as
you can write it, buy ten cent cokes for a nickel, and learn the print-
ing trade. Your, will be the knowledge of all parties on campus, both
social and political; yours will be the power to know and be known.
In short, you can live the life of a small-time student prince at twen-'
ty per cent off.
Sit Down=There's More

informed others of the project. Al-
so, leaflets were passed out,.
Upon arriving at a given block,
they would often talk to one per-
son and give him leaflets to dis-
tribute. They would encourage him
to talk to others about politics, an
activity which helps build up the
groundwork for a political orga-
nization, Miss Jeffrey noted.
Attend Churches
Another way in which they pre-
pared the Negro community was
by attending different churches
every Sunday and speaking about,
their project..
There were signs up in stores
explaining the project as well as a
mass rally featuring speakers from
the Negro citizenry of Raleigh.
Miss Jeffrey explained that
the people responded in three
ways. Orie group included those
who expected the registration team
and registered immediately.
Need Persuasion
The next group was composed of
those who had to be persuaded.
These were people who were afraid
or did not understand the signifi-
cance of their voting, Miss Jeffrey
noted. They were people who could
not conceive of the Negro taking a
role in politics for the first time
in a hundred years..
She pointed out that teachers
would be fired by the white boards
of regents, which control Negro
schools, if they taught Negroes of
their potential role incpolitics.
The third group included those

But all this is short-range excitement-calculated to dazzle you.
And, of course, it's all true, but it's a trivial set of considerations when
compared with the really big-time benefits of Daily life.
Who got sent free to student conventions all over the country

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