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August 25, 1964 - Image 79

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-08-25

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wer, Purpose

Rites, Ordeals Reward the Chosen


... SGC members make heroes or fools of themselves.

ties Bldg. to watch the "Wednes-
day night fights."
Ho Hum
Those 'who do aren't likely to
return. Council discussion is a
rather insipid morass of parlia-
The elected representatives tend
to divide into student activists
and fraternity playpals. The for-
mer have a demanding outlook on
student issues. The latter couldn't


care less. Hence, .Council .finds
itself able to agree only on mo-
tions concerning Viet Nam or
Affairs vital to students are
thus committed to meager atten-
tion. There are some exceptions,
and these have been the Coun-
cil's highpoint. In the past year,
ex-president Thomas Brown en-
gineered the membership regula-
tions into existence and accept-

ance. Daily Editor Ronald Wilton,

Hatcher Invites Students
To Convocations, Teas,

'64, helped establish a dialogue
between so-called "liberal" and
"conservative" factions. IFC Pres-
ident Clifford Taylor, '64, proved
that he was hisown man - and
not IFC's schill.
Liberal Leader
New liberal blood, like Howard
Schechter, 166, and Barry Blue-
stone, '66, will be joined by the
first liberal president in several
years, Thomas Smithson, '65, who
also has widespread personal ap-
peal on campus.
The "liberals" assert that their
major battle will be against the
limited powers given in the Plan.
The procedures section also out-
lines the powers of the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs to veto
any action. He is assisted in the
task of ratification by a commit-
tee on referral whenever he wishes
to invoke it.
Campus protest groups, such as
the Student Government Reform
Union last year arose to call for
the abolition of SGC in its pres-
ent form. The group's candidates
were trounced in the elections, as
campus moderates apparently pre-
fer to see Council reformed from
within the present context.

Often the springtime visitor sees
strangely dressed (or undressed)
students undergoing the mild tor-
ture of crawling from the Diag to
the League Fountain or being
showered with brickdust around
an oak tree.
Such a panorama isn't a fra-
ternity hazing or a -physical edu-
cation department project. It's a
University student honorary hold-
ing its annual initiation.
A neophyte is "tapped" for the
organization by the old members
in a nighttime visit. The lucky
individual generally finds him-
self taken unwittingly from bed,
immersed with water- and brick-
dust or oil, and told of his selec-
tion. Public initiation ordeals fol-
low on the Diag, in which the
chosen undergo other tests to
prove their worthiness and self-
dedication to the group.
Women's honoraries do not tapi
in as colorful a manner, but they
too have their traditional cere-
monies in which they show the
public that a new class of women
has been honored for service.
Every men's honorary and the
majority of women's organizations
are strictly local in origin and
present status.
Circle, formed in 1957, strives to
recognize leadership, service and
citizenship in the residence halls,
and promote' interest in these
Two years ago the group spon-
sored by Assembly Association, put
on an art show to display the
works of independent women. It
succeeded so well it is to become
an annual event.
Outstanding senior men in
every school but engineering are
eligible for Druids, which chooses
as initiates for achievement in
athletics and activities. "Saplings"
(those tapped) become mighty
trees through plenty of water and
green dust. Duckwalking around
the Diag and the reciting of Joyce
Kilmer's "Trees" also is a tra-
ditional part of the ceremony.
New members are given tree
names which are announced pub-
licly at the initiation. Druids,
named after the forest priests of
old England, was founded in 1909.

Hectorians, founded in 1953,
recognizes and honors outstanding
fraternity men and meets to dis-
cuss fraternity problems.
Members are chosen from the
fraternity presidents, Interfrater-
nity Council officers, and Frater-
nity Buyer's Association.
The Tribe of Michigamua is an
all-campus senior men's honorary
for excellence in activities and
athletics. Members dress for
"Rope Day" (initiation day) in
Indian costume and turn the
chosen palefaces into young
braves through an ordeal that
takes the selected ones on a duck-
walk journey "seven flights up
and seven flights down" the Mich-
igan Union. Initiates are doused
with brickdust and water and are
given secret Indian names, re-
vealed only at the end of the year
at the next Rope Day. Founded in
1901 to serve the University,
Michigamua is the oldest existent
campus honorary.
The national senior women's
honor society, Mortarboard, is the
first of the senior women's groups
to tap in the spring.
Members, chosen for service,
leadership, and scholarship, must
have a 3.0 average. The girls tap
at midnight clad in caps and
gowns, singing their song; "Thy
Ideals." New members wear mor-
tarboards the next day.
The Michigan chapter, Pi Sigma
Alpha, was one of four founding
chapters in 1918. There are now
The Quadrants is the honorary
of the quadrangles. Having chap-
ters in each quad, the group rec-
ognizes leadership in house and
quadrangle affairs.
Scabbard & Blade
Participants in either of the
three ROTC programs are selected
on the basis of leadership, patrio-
tism, efficiency, loyalty and honor
for Scabbard and Blade.
Initiates are tapped in the star-
light with sabers, and during the
trial period must guard the lions

and defend the scabbard and
blade in front, of the flagpole. -
The group's purpose is to raise
the standards of military educa- *'
tion and spread information on %
military service careers. -
A n o t h e r local organization,
Scroll honors senior affiliated wo-
men for leadership, character and
Members are tapped after hours
by the group singing, "Out of the
night comes a sound of voices.
Scroll is now tapping its loyal
Its purpose is to promote coop-
eration between alumnae and stu-
dents and further interest in cam-
pus activities. It also grants a $100
scholarship to a junior affiliated
woman on the basis of leadership -
and need.'
Senior Society
Senior Society recognizes inde-
pendent women with high scholas-
tic averagesdwho have actively
served their dormitories.
Girls recommended by their VULCANS ]PREPARE for initiation ceremony by ado
house directors and presidents are
tapped by members, whonsing, "In selves with motor oil. Other colors in vogue for ne
and out the halls we wander sing- members this year will be red (Sphinx and Michig
ing as we go; of the girls we're green (Druids).
going to favor with our pin of the night and taken out of town
black and gold."'thefidherabak tof town
During the initiation ceremony, to find their way back to campus. vern, also a
each member's name is added to a Then they undergo a public initia- ors girls who are act
long yellow ribbon with the names tion by blacking themselves with and have high schol
of all members since the organiza- oil, chaining themselves to each The sophomores a
tion's founding. other and c a r r y i n g torches ing dinner by a line
Sphinx through the underground steam ing, "Damn, damn, c
tunnels. Each member is given a igamua, to hell wit
A junior men's honorary estab- mythological name of a god and Vulcans, too, to tl
lished in 1905, Sphinx chooses the society, formed in 1904, wQrks the rest, for we kn
neophytes for its courts by the to serve the engineering college best, we are Wyve:
same standards as the, senior and the University as a whole. tried and true."
groups. Men may be tapped from
all schools except the engineering
college. Red brick dust and water
transform the neophytes i to
Egyptians and then the initiAtes
must crawl on their stomachs
looking for the Rive; Nile. When
they reach the Nile (usually
known as the League fountain)
they must prove their worth by
a final dip in that body of water.
Members are given secret Egyp-
tian names.
Triangles, for junior engineers,
Is also designed to recognize
achievement and to serve the
campus. Initiates are abducted in
the night and must find their way
back to campus from an isolated INSTRUMENT
part of the county. Then the pub- and INSTIl
lic initiation features such stunts.a I
as a human pyramid and scrub-
bing the Engineering Arch with a HUER.STD V I D
toothbrush. Triangles was formed GU ITAR STU DI0
in 1907.
n Ulcans.209 S. State St.
The only mortal acceptable in
the eyes of the god Vulcan is a
senior engineer who has served HOOTS I
the University in activities or ath-
letics. Neophytes, are abducted in
. .

Unlike many college presidents,
University President Harlan
Hatcher schedules regular events
throughout the year at which he
is available to meet with students
on both a formal and informal
Beginning this fall, the Presi-
dent will reinstitute regular stu-
dent convocations at which he
can address the student body on
matters directly affecting both
the' students themselves and the
University as a whole.
This practice was last regularly
used by the late University Presi-
dent Marion LeRoy Burton, who
died in 1925. President Hatcher
also held a student convocation in
Welcomes Opportunity
A student committee, formed
during the summer, has drawn up
the specific plans for the con-
vocations which will be revealed
soon after the beginning of the
President Hatcher has welcomed
the advent of these meetings
again, calling the "a chance for
all students to undertake a com,.-
mitment in the improvement of
our university."
The president also regularly ad-
dresses the freshman class and
other interested student and fac-
ulty at the annual Freshman Wel-

come, 'shortly after school opens
in the fall.
Special Reports
In addition, he has delivered
special reports to the University.
on his various trips for the State
Department. He last spoke follow-
ing his world tour in 1962.
Another opportunity for all stu-
dents to meet with both President
and Mrs. Hatcher on an informal
basis is at a regular series of
teas held in the Hatcher home
about three times each semester.
Under the sponsorship of com-
mittees from the Michigan Union
and the Women's League, invita-
tions are sent out to housing units,
fraternities and sororities, inter-
national student groups and
others. The Union-League com-
mittees also provide student guides
and entertainment.
Students Help
For instance, student singing
groups such as the Friars enter-
tained at last year's anrual
Christmas tea. All students have
a standing invitation to the teas..
Associate advisors and house-
mothers' from throughout the
University residence systems are
invited to serve.
In addition, students are per-
iodically selected from each hous-
ing unit on a rotating basis to
assist as hosts and hostesses along
with the Hatchers.n
A tour of the Hatcher residence
is always in order on these oc-
casions, conducted either by the
student guides or the Hatchers
themselves. The Hatcher home is
one - of the original buildings on
campus-built in 1840-and the
only original residence. The house
has always been the'home of the
University president, beginning
with the first president, Henry.
Philip Tappan who served from
1850 to 1863.
The Hatchers have occupied the
home since the president came to
the University in 1951 from his
post as vice-president for public
relations at Ohio State University.

MinBd idRelief Here

It's Hairstyling
No appointment needed
Custom Styling
by Experts

University Health Service has
been serving students and faculty
of the University for nearly 50
Providing basic clinical services
and a number of specialty clinics,
including mental hygiene, the
service is equipped to handle all
types of cases except those requir-
ing major surgery, or special test-
ing equipment..
Health Service has a complete
laboratory where all the clinical
tests are run. The Service owns an
electrocardiography, a complete
laboratory for blood tests, instru-
ments for making basal metabolic
determinations, and physio-ther-
apy equipment. Emergency dental
facilities and a diagnostic X-ray
department are also some of the
services offered.
Mangfactures rugs
Health Service has its own
pharmacy and many of the drugs
used are manufactured there. Ac-
cording to Dr. Morley Beckett, di-
rector of Health Service, one of
the finest college or university al-
lergy clinics is located in Health
Service. Allergens are individually
prepared in their own laboratories.'
Examinations and normal drugs
are free to all students taking four
hours of work or more at the Uni-
versity and to other students at a
small fees. Expensive X-rays and
laboratory work are provided at a
reasonable rate.
Health Service hours are from
9 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to
5 p.m. on weekdays and from 9
a.m. to noon on Saturdays. How-
ever. there is a physician on call
from Health Service at all times
in case of an emergency.
Maintain Records
Each new student must submit
a medical history and examination,

before being admitted to the Uni-
versity. This starts a folder which
is kept for all students. Present
file's extend back about 30 years.
In addition, each student is given
a free X-ray when he enters the
infimary facilities include 50
beds, eight full-time physicians,
three psychiatrists, and 15-20
part-time physicians who are on
the staff at the medical school.'
Most of the latter are specialists
who are called in for consultation.
The Service .has been in opera-
tion since 1913 and moved into its


present location at 207 Fletcher
Ave. in April 1940.,
750 Grand
The budget for Health Service
runs about three-quarters of a
million dollars a year, part of
which the Service is required to
raise for itself.
The Health Service established
on a voluntary basis last year a
health insurance plan sponsored
by Student Government Council.
T h r o u g h its environmental
health department, campus hous-
ing is investigated for sanitation
and safety and recommendations
are made to the administration.



is color
Our favori
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,A straight-as
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with 'Tom
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Eggplant with
blouse Irif
with pale
white, or c
with w]
Sizes S t

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ite look
comes in
it wool,
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color :
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ed from
i-an-arrow ' '
Rper tops a
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a Jones'
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h pale blue
sh green
~bluc, '
red with
~o 15.,





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