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December 10, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-10

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:43 a t I

Mostly cloudy with
rain tonight

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Overwork Leads
LeSaboTo Resign
Associate Dean Describes Faculty's
Attitude, Desire To Teach as Factors
Asserting that administrative and teaching duties together are
too much of a personal burden, Associate Dean Dick A. Leabo of the
business administration school has submitted his resignation effective
at the end of the winter term, 1965. He will assume increased class-
room duties in statistics as a full professor.
Leabo also cited faculty attitudes toward administrators,
and his desire to do more teaching as factors in his decision.
In his resignation letter to Dean Floyd A. Bond of the business
administration school, he charged that "most faculty members (and
the central administration of the

'U' Students May Get Exam Study Period in Fall

If current soundings of faculty
sentiment prove correct and fac-
ulty meetings over the next month
approve, students will have a
three-day study period before
finals starting next fall:
Deans and faculties recently be-
gan discussion on the proposal at
the request of Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns.
Heyns' action was in response to
a request by Student Government
Council that his office consider
establishing a study period.
Heyns commented last night

that if faculties approve the idea,
the three-day period will go into
effect in the calendar year 1964-
65. It would replace the current
one-day gap between the end of
classes and the beginning of
Discussion Begins
Discussion of the study period
has just started among the facul-
ties. General sentiment seems to
favor the plan, though there are
a few qualifications and com-
At its closed meeting Monday
night, the literary college faculty
was presented the proposal for

approval, but chose to put it on
the agenda for the January meet-
ing to allow time for discussion
before a vote is taken. A request
from any faculty member was
sufficient to place the item on the
January agenda, and one member
requested it.
However, sentiment at the meet-
ing was reportedly in favor of the
proposal, and chances are good
for its passage in January.
Sentiment Favorable
Dean Stephen S. Attwood of the
engineering college said last night
that though sentiment on the en-
gineering college faculty was gen-

erally in favor of a longer study
period before examinations, not
all favor a three-day period. Some
faculty members, pointing out that
the three-day period will always
be joined to a weekend, have ask-
ed whether the combined five-day
period is necessary.
Some in the college may seek a
"compromise"-perhaps a two-day
study period-but the faculty will
probably go along with the con-
sensus of the University's facul-
ties on the matter, he said. Fur-
ther discussion and a vote will
come at the monthly faculty
meeting in January.

Dean Rhoda Russell of the
nursing school said that "though
we haven't discussed the matter
in detail," there is some sympathy
toward the proposal from the
nursing faculty. Several members
have been hesitant on the ground
that the lengthened period might
cut too much class time from
what they see as a crowded sched-
ule, but there has as yet been no
extended discussion or vote on the
Must Await Meeting
Dean -Myron Wegman of the
public health school, while noting
that some faculty members have

been favorable to the proposal,
said no consensus can be reached
until the school's faculty meeting
Monday. The proposal will be on
the agenda and discussed there.
The faculty of the business ad-
ministration has not yet had an
opportunity to discuss the pro-
posal but will take it up at its
meeting tomorrow, according to
Dean Floyd Bond.
Deans Willard C. Olsen of the
education school and Reginald
Malcolmson of the architecture
and design college said their fac-
ulties will discuss the proposal at
January meetings.

Union, League Resolve Ilerger Differences

Panhel Looks
Favorably on
Rush Plan
Sorority presidents last night
had no serious objections to an
unstructed plan for fajl rush.
However, Panhellenic Associa-
tion will not vote on the formal
proposal for the revision of fall
rush until the week of Jan. 28.
Tentatively, the ,new plan for
fall rush would replace the four
sets of highly organized evening
parties with unstructured mixers
and a type of "open rush"-with
more informal contact between
rushees and sorority women.
Similar Plan
The plan for unstructured mix-
ers would be similar to the plan
defeated last month for spring
rush. Rushees would be allowed
to visit houses in whichever se-
quence they chose and might stay
at each house for any amount of
According to the present plan,
rushees are led around in groups
by rush .counselors. Th~ey must
visit all 21 houses in a certain
sequence, staying at each house
for 30 minutes.
Under the plan for a type of
"open rush," houses could invite
rushees to the house at any time
of the day and for any length of
time during the formal rush
At present, rushees may not be
in houses except during formal
rushing parties.
Panhel also considered the re-
actions of national and local
alumni chapters to the Student
Government Council membership
committee's recent request for
alumni recommendation forms.
SGC Objectives
Some Panhel members said that
their nationals would like the SGC
membership committee to state
its ultimate objectives, instead of
continually adding requests. Ear-
lier this fall all fraternities and'
sororities were asked to submit
membership reports. This month,
the membership committee also
requested alumni recommendation
Several members asked that
Panhel either approve or disap-
prove of the membership commit-
tee's requests. President Ann
Wickins, '65, said that this would
not be in keeping with the tra-
ditional role of Panhel-as a con-
federation rather than an organi-
zation for determining policy for
individual sororities.
She said, however, that there is
a need for Panhel to express the
position of sororities on member-
ship. While there isn't time this
semester, it should be an area of
concern next semester, she said.

University) cannot, and do not,
appreciate fully the dedicated sac-
rifices and personal effort you
make daily...
"This lack of knowledge about
the total problems of the school,
in my judgment generates an at-
titude which is. . extremely un-
fortunate. Instead of appreciating
the dedicated work of the school's
administrative staff, faculty mem-
bers far too frequently belittle
(and in some cases obstruct) these.
vital efforts. Personally, I have
found this attitudehextremely cut-
ting' and onie which I cannot
accept nor begin to comprehend."
He added in an interview last
night that he found teaching more
rewarding than administrative
"I think a university is designed
primarily for students and teach-
ing. Students really appreciate a
dedicated faculty member who
prepares himself, and thisLis a
real incentive: to do well," Leabo
In his letter of resignation
Leabo recommended "that a re-
placement willing to devote all of
his efforts to the tasks of the
associate dean on a 12-month
basis" be hired.
Bond commented that he had
hoped to persuade Leabo to accept
a full-time administrative ap-
pointment, but the associate dean
preferred to return to full-time
Savio Here
Mario Savio, leader of the
current student demonstrations
at Berkeley, will speak here on
the Diag at noon today. Also
appearing will be Steve Weiss-
man, organizer of the teaching
assistants' strike which sup-
ported Savio's Free Speech
Deny Berkeley,
Amnesty Plea'
By The Associated Press
BERKELEY - University oft
California students held a, jubi-
lant noon rally yesterday after the
faculty senate adopted 824-115 a
resolution recommending the stu-
dents be given most of what theyt
have been demanding through
four massive demonstrations. t
However, Gov. Edmund G.t
Brown refused to grant amnesty to
814 arrested students despite ant
appeal by student leaders.
Meanwhile in Ann Arbor, 31
professors and administrators havex
signed a telegram to University of
California President Clark Kerr
in which they support student and
faculty action at Berkeley. The
telegram is being sent by Voicee
political party, the Ann Arbor2
chapter of Students for a Demo-r
cratic Society. i

Activities To
Be jointly
To Finance Group
On Per Capita Basis
One of the last remaining
bridges in the path of the mer-
ger of the student activities orga-
nizations of the Michigan Union
and Women's League was crossed
last night.
The Union Board of Directors
and League Board of Governors
after meeting in a rare joint ses-
sion unanimously adopted a com-
promise plan for the merger.
. The merged student activities
organizations, known as the Uni-
versity Activities Center, will now
be responsible to the governing
boards of both the Union and
League. Currently, the Union
Board exercises a greater control
of its student activities wing than
does the League Board.
Walter Rea, a member of the
Union Board, in discussing the
suggestion to make the UAC re-
of the Union's said, "The Union
does not want to give up its long
established tradition of excellence
(in the area of board supervi-
sion of student activities) for
something that is not as good."
Nancy Freitag, '65, president of
the League Executive Council, the
student activities wing of the
League, argued that the original
"plan to place the UAC under the
direction of the Union Board
alone was inadequate because it
was contrary to the concept of a
true merger.I
In effect, the original plan would
have given one of the League's
major fnuctions to the Union
rather than have truly merged the
two organizations, Miss Freitag
The other major revision in pre-
vious plans for the merger was
the decision to have the Union
and League support the UAC ac-
cording to the ratio of men to
women students. Former plans
called for an equal division oe
this cost.
The merger still needs the ap-1
proval of the Union members. ItI
is not yet known whether it willI
also require the consent of the
The Union Board passed an
amendment to its constitution to
allow the implementation of the
merger. Union members consent
is needed for its adoption.

















oviet Aide
Hold Talks
Leaders Consider
Disarmament, Call
Meeting 'Friendly'
WASHINGTON ("P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson and Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko discussed disarmament and
other East-West issues at a 1% -
hour meeting last night which the
Soviet leader termed "useful" and
The White House session was
the first meeting between Johnson
as President and Gromyko, who
recently had a change of bosses
in the Kremlin.
United States sources said the
Moscow foreign policy line ap-
peared to be generally the same
as it had been under former Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev. They
held the door open for further
U.S.-Soviet agreements but said
nothing specific was agreed on
Welcome Announcement-
The White House said the Unit-
ed States welcomes the Soviet an-
nouncement of a $555 million cut
in the Russian arms budget. U.S.
authorities suggested privately,
however, that the Soviet move
was mainly a propaganda play in
the wake of a previous U.S. state-
rnent of intent to hold down Amer-
ican military expenditures.
The White House said that Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk had
told some of the Russians at the
United Nations what McNamara
had said on the U.S. military
budget and "I presume this is the
basis of Mr. Kosygin's statement
this morning."
No Agreement
Gromyko said, as did a White
House spokesman, that there was
not an "agreement" between the
United States and Russia as such
to cut back on arms outlays.

U' Specialists Analyze

Bv RIA m E V U

The announced cut in th
defense budget represents
tinuation of peaceful coe
policies by the USSR,
Zimmerman of t h e
science department said it
phone interview last nigh
"The defense cut fits
things done in recent m
emphasize consumer goo,
duction. There has been a
in emphasis but no basi
changes," Prof. Daniel R.
of the economics departm(
"They are still princi
terested in high savings af
growth," he added.
"We're seeing a good
of what Khrushchev in
couple of years meant by
ful coexistence," Zimmerm
Error in Thinking
Americans mistakenly
that peaceful coexistence
either hard-line cold war
or theproliferationbof
concessions and global
policies, he said.
Congo Char
United Nations Security
yesterday overrode Soviet
tions and decided to tak
complaint by Congolese
Moise Tshombe charging
Ghana and the United A
public with aiding Congol
The vote was 7-4, with
viet Union, Czechoslovaki
Coast and Morocco voting
placing the complaint on th
da of the 11-nation council
The council already had
it a complaint by 22 Africa
tries charging the United
and Belgium with aggres
connection with the Belgia
troop landings in Stanleyv

ie Soviet
a con-

"It is important that the Ameri-
can people realize that the Rus-
sian policy of peaceful coexistence
has meant both cooperation and
conflict between the two camps,"
he emphasized.

na tee- Brezhnev and Kosygin have
it. given indications that while they
support some opposition, as in
in with Africa, they also support increases
onths toin mutual world security, he con-
hds pg otinued.
change Fusfeld pointed out that if the
c uohcy defense cut (a very small portion
Fusfeld of the budget) is being used for
ynt said. a ploy, it could be camouflaged
ply id in other parts of the budget such
nd rabid : as machine building and heavy in-
dustry production.
example Parellels Other Changes
his last He reasoned, however, that the
peace- cut is authentic because it par-
an said. ellels other changes in recent
monthsibolstering consumer goods
think production.
means Commenting on the supposition
policies that the Soviet defense budget
mutualf reduction was made with the
security agreement that the United States
would also cut back on defense
expenditure, Zimmerman indicat-
ed that it is not necessary that
'ISS this be the case.
Prof. James H. Meisel of the
oes political science department noted
that this is not the first Soviet
defense cut in recent years. 'This
- The is pretty routine, they have cut
Council several times in the last ten
objec- years."
e up a Same Policies
Premier Comparing the Soviet policies
Algeria, under Khrushchev with those of
rab Re- the present Soviet leadership,
ese reb- Zimmerman said, "There has been
no evidence so far that Brezhaey
the So- and Kosygin differ from Khrush-
a, Ivory chev in any significant way.
against "This means that Russia isn't
ie agen- moving in the direction of the
t. Chinese, in the Sino-Soviet split,"
I before he added.
n coun- Answering the supposition that
States the defense budget cut represents
sion in some sort of strengthening of gov-
n para- ernment strength over'military in-
ille last fluence, he maintained that it is
not terribly useful to talk about

a distinction 1
"The role d
is pretty mu
said. "A distir
however, betw
party who see
weapons asso
rence purpose
this use coup
capacity. This
sents contin
that strategic
for deterrence
ament talks
directions in
There will be
to additional
strict supplyin
like the Mid
grant or by o
yesterday halt
of three shop
the nation's ra
for higher wag
The strike c
Arbor time Tu
have crippled
system at th
#Christmas tr
United Sta
Judge Joseph
order enjoinir
10 days and t
Monday. The
tended to sign
would be eff
from the time
He also set;
day on a pre
sought by ma
spokesman sa
tie up 187 rail
and switching
ing nearly al

Sove oviet Chief
between military and Xpects . .
if the Soviet military T o S m
ch exaggerated," he
nction can be made,
veer those within the Kosygin Reiterates
the use of strategic , R t,
ociated with deter- Criticism of NATO
s and those who see Multilateral Force
pled with aggressive
s kind of cut repre- MOSCOW (If') - Soviet Premier
ued determination Alexei Kosygin announced yester-
c forces are largely day a small cut in the publicly an-
e." nounced part of Sovid defense
noted that disarm- spending and said the United
will move in two States has "made appropriate
the near future. statements to us" indicating its
e efforts to control military budget will be cut too.
of nuclear weapons The cuts "constitute a defi-
powers and to re- nite, positive step toward reduc-
ng weapons to areas ing international tension," Kosy-
dle East either by gin told the Supreme Soviet, Rus-
ccupation. sia's parliament.
He expressed willingness to
Block solve problems with Western
B~oc~s countries but denounced U.S.s ac-
tions in the Congo, Cuba and
ad Strike South Viet Nam.
Kosygin also reiterated criti-
cism of the proposed North At-
G)-A federal judge lantic Treaty Organization's mul-
ed temporarily plans tilateral nuclear force and issued
p unions to tie up a call for a meeting of the Euro-
ailroads with a strike pean Communist military alliance
ges. to consider it.
Balled for 7 a.m. Ann First Speech
esday, Dec. 15, would Kosygin was making his first
the rail transport "State of the Soviet Union"
e start of the pre- speech since replacing Nikita S.
avel and shipping Khrushchev two months ago.
Most of Kosygin's speech was
ates District Court devoted to a far more realistic
Sam Perry ,directed appraisal of the Soviet economy
counsel to draft an than Khrushchev used to give in
ng the walkout for year-end economic summaries.
o present it in court Kosygin disclosed failures in both
judge said he in- quantity and quality of produc-
n it at that time. It tion.
ective for 10 days Continues Emphasis
it was signed. He continued the Khrushchev
a hearing for Mon- emphasis on more and better con-
'liminary injunction sumer goods and a rising standard
anagement. A union of living, promising even faster
id a walkout would progress toward a good life for
ilroads and terminal Russia's 227 million people.
companies handl- Both the emphasis on softer liv-
1 the nation's rail ing and on seeking friendship with
See SOVIET, Page 2

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1964: Crowding,
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles reviewing the year
at the University.
Assistant Editorial Director
More than anything else, 1964 has been a year of expansion
for the University.
In an attempt to accommodate the increasing number of stu-
dents seeking a berth in higher education, the University has ex-
panded its plant and its plans on a number of fronts: it increased
its enrollment to a record high, approved a proposal to expand
Flint College to a four-year institution, initiated the first, year of
operation on the trimester system, endorsed plans for several new
buildings and continued the groundwork for a new residential col-
Other major events of the year included state approval of a
rnnn A. TTn;..n..rcif4 .u , f n l.a nh minn,.+nf- n nnnint nf.,


Expansion Highlight


year represented a 1,715 student increase over last year.
Administrators worked throughout the month of September
to place 460 students residing in temporary dormitory quarters in
newly-converted doubles and triples.
A plan proposed by Inter-Fraternity Council President Law-
rence Lossing, '65, to allow this fall's upperclass pledges to move
into their fraternity and sorority houses without delay or financial
penalty was approved by the Office of Student Affairs. However, the
OSA declined to extend a similar privilege to those dormitory resi-
dents wishing to leave University housing for apartments.
By the end of the month, 832 dormitory residents were occupy-
ing rooms to which the University had added an extra man. Fees for
the newly converted doubles and triples were reduced $70.
However, the housing squeeze was only one facet of the general
enrollment crisis. Schools and colleges within the University also
felt the weight of numbers.

pense of quality education.
According to official University estimates, next year's enroll-
ment will expand by an additional 1800 students: 400 extra fresh-
men, 200 freshmen at Flint (the first freshman class for the cur-
rently junior-senior institution) and 1200 upperclassmen and
graduates. This year's dormitory overcrowding will probably con-
tinue in 1965, according to a prediction made by Residence Halls
Business Manager Leonard Schaadt.
Meanwhile, University administrators compiled tentative statis-
tics to illustrate the "desired growth" of the University between
now and 1975. A report released by Vice-President for Academic Af-
faris Roger W. Heyns, working in conjunction with the Advisory
Council on Academic Affairs, listed chief trends which would be
established by 1975:
-Non-Ann Arbor enrollment would increase more than Ann
Arbor enrollment;

. ..... ..
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