DECEMBER 9, 1964
lurch To Bring Appeal To
-OP National Committee;
Faders To Confer
WASHINGTON (P)-Republican
National Chairman Dean Burch,
beset by critics within his party,
plans to take his case to the GOP
National Committee with a letter
spelling out his views on leader-
ship and party issues.
Burch said in an interview that
he would draft a detailed sum-
mary of his own views and send
it to the 132 national committee
members who meet in Chicago
Jan. 22 and 23 to decide, among
other things, whether to retain
Burch, chosen last July for his
post by GOP presidential nominee
Sen. Barry Goldwater.
Goldwater is expected to ask
former President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and former Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon to support Dean
Burch in the battle over the na-
tional party chairman. Goldwater
will meet with Eisenhower and
Nixon in New York today.
The issue will be decided Jan.
22-23 in Chicago when the 132
members of the GOP National
Committee must decide whether
t.o keep Burch, a Goldwater pro-
tege, as national chairman. Each
side is lobbying for votes in the
committee, and Burch supporters
De liberate Stepping, Up
Viet Nam ar Effort
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-Viet Cong guerrillas killed three U.S. servicemen
in one of a series of attacks across the countryside yesterday while
American and Vietnamese authorities in Saigon weighed possible
changes in war policy..
Nine Vietnamese troopers died with the Americans in vain
defense of a small outpost in Kien Giang province 125 miles south-
west of Saigon.
The upsurge in Viet .Cong activity coincided with the secret
deliberations of U.S. Ambassador1
Banks Hold
Line Against
Interest Hike
NEW YORK (A)-The bankingl
Industry-with a verbal prod from
President Lyndon B. Johnson-
apparently has held the line'
against higher consumer interest
One of the last major sources
of pressure for higher consumer'
rates faded yesterday when the
Citizens & Southern National
Brank, Savannah, Ga., rescinded
a boost in its basic interest charge.'
It had initiated the increase'
from 41/2 per cent to 4% per centl
following the Nov. 23 Federal Re-
serve increase in the discount rate
from 31/ to 4 per cent.
A handful of other banks had
followed the C & S prime rate
boost, including Boston's First Na-
tional. Major banks in New York
and California kept their plans
silent. i.
Until Wednesday of last week it
appeared the nation was in for
a round of consumer interest in-
Then on Dec. 2, in an address
to businessmen, Johnson pointedly
advised the banking industry that
he believed a general rise in con-
sumer interest charges would
hamper the economy.
Behind the scenes there was
other activity. Some major bank
executives reported they had been
contacted directly by the Johnson
administration and asked to main-
tain the prime rate level.
The next day Boston's First Na-
tional rescinded its prime rate
increase. It said it acted in def-
erence to Johnson. Other major
banks apparently dropped any
plans they might have had for
an increase.
In Los Angeles, the Union Bank'
said its prime interest rate is still
43/4 per cent.
The prime rate is that charged
by a bank against its best-rated
borrowers, usually corporations.
From it all other interest charges
are scaled.
Iaxwell D. Taylor and Vietnamese
4leaders that are expected to lead
to attacks on Viet Cong supply
lines in neighboring Laos.
Taylor met with Chief of State'
Phan Khac Suu and members of
the High National Council to
discuss urgent means of stepping
up the war effort.
Taylor conferred Monday with
Premier Tran Van Huong and
the Vietnamese armed forces
Commander in Chief, Maj. Gen.
Nguyen Khanh.
The consultations may lead to
bombing of Viet Cong supply lines
through Laos.
A North Vietnamese foreign
ministry statement ,today said
American plans to extend the war
in Viet Nam "have rendered the
already grave situation in Viet
and Indochina still more dan-
Jagan in Lead
In uaaVoite
SGEORGETOWN, British Guiana
(R)-Marxist Prime Minister Ched-
di Jagan's People's Progressive
Party moved into the lead yester-'
day in National Assembly election
returns, but it appeared certain
he would fail to obtain the major-
ity required for him to retain the
premiership of this British colony.
Official returns from 25 out of
35 voting districts comprising 72
per cent of the registered vote
gave Jagan 79,547 votes to 75,119
for the People's National Congress
led by Forbes Burnham.
In the absence of a majority
for Jagan, the premiership was
expected to go to a coalition head-
ed by Burnham, a pro-Western
socialist. Burnham was expected
to join forces with the ultra-
conservative United Force to mar-
shal a bare majority in the as-
The most reliable projections
indicate no fewer than 25 seats
out of 53 for Jagan, leaving the
Burnham' coalition a 3- or prob-
ably 2-seat assembly majority.
The contest was along racial
lines. The Negro is behind Burn-
ham. The East Indian majority is
behind Jagan. The two factions
have engaged in racial strife this
past year that has taken 167 lives
and left $1.3 million in property
say they have enough to beat
back and attempt by the so-called
liberal-moderate forces to oust
But some informed sources said
yesterday that as of now 'the
count was very close.
Burch, fighting to keep his po-
sition as head of the national
organization has made two state-
ments that appeared designed to
mute the revolt against his leader-
18 Governors
In one, he said he and Gold-
water could endorse a policy state-
ment by the party's 18 governors
and governor-elect which urged
the national committee to "adopt
leadership which clearly represents
a broad view of Republicanism
and practices a policy of inclusion,
rather than exclusion."
Burch said that Thursday he
will send the letter dealing with
his attitude towa d the squabble
that has broken but in the Re-
publican Party. "I want to put the
whole thing into perspective," he
Some of the governors at a
meeting in Denver last week-in-
cluding Nelson A. Rockefeller of
New York, George Romney of
Michigan and William W. Scran-
ton of Pennsylvania-said Burch
did not fit this leadership descrip-
tion and that he should be replac-
Burch disagreed that the state-
ment affected him.
In another move, he announced
the resignation of his right-hand
man, John Grenier, as executive
director of the committee.
Law Practice
Grenier, returning to his Birm-
ingham law practice and his orig-
inal position as Alabama state
party chairman, announced that
he would be in the forefront of
the battle to save Burch's job.
At a Birmingham press confer-
ence Grenier termed Rockefeller,
Romney and Scranton "so-called
Republicans" and argued that the
blame for the Nov. 3 loss rests
on their shoulders-not on Gold-
water's or Burch's.
Gov. Robert A. Smylie of Idaho,
who pressed hardest for a declara-
tion urging Burch's removal, made
clear he didn't consider Burch's
statement a flag of truce.
Smylie called it "a hollow and
shallow promise" and "a desperate
reaction to the very apparent fact
that the Republican National
Committee is swinging heavily
against him and his leadership."
Colorado Gov. John A. Love,
who expressed the hope last week
that Burch would be replaced, said
he was "more than pleased" with
the national chairman's state-
ment. "I hope this will lead the
way toward a greater unification
of the party than we presently
have," he said.
Cuban Suicide May
Indicate Power Fight
WASHINGTON ()-The report-
ed attempt at suicide today by
an ousted member of Fidel Cas-
tro's cabinet spurred speculation
in official circles here that the
Cuban Communist regime is in-
volved in a critical power struggle.
Internal strife within the Cu-
ban government, reminiscent of
similar occurrences in other Com-
munist bloc countries-most re-
cently in the Soviet Union--ap-
pears to have been under way in
Cuba for many months.
United States officials said it is
too early to evaluate the serious-
ness of the struggle apparently
now in progress in Cuba. But they
said the reported suicide attempt
by Cuban labor minister Augusto
Martinez Sanchez is by no means
the first sign of internal strife in
the Havanai regime.
Havana Radio reported Mar- PREMIER CASTRO
tinez shot himself in the head
after being told he was ousted.
Only recently the Castro gov-W e t C s
enent announced suspension
from office of Joaquin Ordoqui,
member of the Cuban Communist Necessitates
party and undersecretary of the
armed forces. It said his activities
-chief quartermaster in Raul t d
Castro's ministry-are under inu Law s Study
Last week a mysterious shooting LANSING ()-The House Elec-
was reported in the presidential tions Committee will meet in De-
palace in Havana. Details of that troit Friday to consider whether
incident, and its political implica- or not certain election laws are
tions, are yet to be made known adequate in light of the Rep.
outside Cuba. Daniel West (D-Detroit) case,
Internal political troubles in the Committee Chairman Rep. Russell
Castro regime come at a' time Strange (R-Clare) said Monday.
when the Cuban regime apparent- The action came as a result of
ly is facing increasing problems charges brought against West in
on two fronts. One is that its noth state and federal courts.
diplomatic and trade isolation ap- West is charged with hiding a
pears to be more acute, and its prison record for 10 years by
economy is faltering, claiming a deceased New York
There have been reports that lawyer's reputation as his own.
some elements of the Castro re- In addition, while West was
gime have 'sounded out Cuban appearing yesterday in a state
exile leaders on the possibility of court in a vote registration fraud
replacing Castro. U. S. officials case, federal agents arrested him
say they have heard of such re- on income tax charges.
ports, but have no information to The Internal Revenue Service
substantiaterthem. said West, representing himself
Alternatives as a tax consultant, prepared
They do not discount the pos- phony tax returns for more than
sibility, however, that disillusioned 1500 Detroit area residents.
elements in the armed forces and The state's case against West
other sectors may be looking charges that he induced voters to
around for some alternatives to register fraudulently for him in
Castro. the 24th state legislative district.
Observers here believe a big There is no state law to forbid
problem in Cuba, economically West's taking his seat in the Leg-
and politically, may be the change istlature when the body convenes
of regime in Moscow. next month. However, the Legis-
lature had a right to refuse a
S Clses seat to a challenged member..
Seaway Cl s s Civic Searchlight, Inc., a non-
partisan organization that rates
At New Record candidates for political office, and
Thomas W. O'Hara, one of West's
defeated rivals for the legislature,
MONTREAL (l--Winter closed brought the masquerade charges
the Montreal end of the St. Law- against West.
rence Seaway Monday, ending the
biggest shipping year in the sea-
way's six-season history.
Until the end of November,
some 38.5 million tons of cargo
was carried through the system
this year, an increase from 31
million in' 1963.
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