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December 03, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-03

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See Editorial Page

£t Ua
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


High 29
Partly cloudy
and colder



Heyns Classi f ies
Enrollment Hike
To Include 400 New Freshmen
No Large Facility Expansion Seen
In spite of a record enrollment of 30,900 planned for next fall,
the freshman class in Ann Arbor will increase by only. 400, Vice-
President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said yesterday. An
additional 200 freshmen in Flint plus 1200 upperclass and graduate
students will account for the University's 1800 extra students over
this year's 29,103.
The number of freshmen has particular bearing on the housing
problem as all freshmen must live in the dormitory system. Director
of Housing Eugene Haun said last night that he has not yet
received this enrollment figure from the Office of Academic Affairs.

To Require Greek Recommendation Forms

Group Asks
Submitting of
Alumni Data
The Student Government Coun-
cil Membership Committee is now
requiring fraternities and sorori-
ties to submit their alumni recom-
mendation forms as part of their
membership selection statements.
No deadline has been set for the
The requirement was disclosed
yesterday when William Burns,
'65, chairman of the committee,
told a meeting of Panhellenic As-
sociation that, the committee
wanted the form itself, or acom-
plete literal quotation of the form.
Included should be an interpre-
tation of how the information on
the recommendation forms isr
used, he said.













Oust Roosevelt 'Torch' Editorial


.n., Russi


Meet on UN
United States and Russia discuss-
ed the United Nations financial is-
sue in . depth yesterday, then
agreed that Secretary-General U
Thant should conduct further ne-
gotiations among UN members.
In reporting this after a three-
hour luncheon meeting between
Secretary of State Dean Rusk and
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.
Gromyko, U.S sources showed
some optimism about Russian in-
terest in solving the deep UN fi-
nancial crisis.
Rusk declined comment about
authoritative reports that the So-
viets had offered to pay some
money-amount not stated-into
a UN fund.
However, Rusk said the talks
had been along "constructive"
lines even though the problem
has not yet been solved. He indi-
cated Thant would be dealing
with it because the UN money
question involves many members,
not just the United States and
U.S. Ambassador Adlai E. Stev-
enson, who stayed at the Gromyko
luncheon an additional half hour,
said there had been "preliminary
talks on all aspects of the peace-
keeping problem and perhaps the
secretary-general will take an ini-
tiative very soon."
Stevenson was reported to have
found the session "useful" and the
talks with the Russians "good."
Rusk said disarmament also
was a discussion topic at the aft-
ernoon meeting.
A spokesman said no further
Rusk-Gromyko talks have been
scheduled at this time.

4Haun added that the figure io
"one of the keys" to housing
planning, alongkwith the number
of students who will return t
the dorms.
Concerning other adjustments
Heyns said that no new facilities
on a large scale will be createC
for the new students. "We believe
that we will have the facilities tc
handle them," he declared.
New Classroom Space
Heyns added that the three
floors of the Administration
Building that have been planned
as new classroom space will not
be available until 1966.
While new instructors are being
hired, the rate of staff increase
is the same as it was last year
Heyns said. However, the Univer-
sity is trying to increase this rate
because there has been a lag in
the pupil-teacher ratio in the last
few years,. he added.
Commenting on this year's bud-
get request, Heyns said. that about
half of the asked budget increase
was caused by the increased en-
rollment of the University. In
terms of actual components, how-
ever, this year's budget -equest
is very similar to last year's, he
Go to Lansing
Every year University represen-
tatives go to Lansing to present
salary, enrollment and research
needs here. While in the past
Tours Closing
The University is still taking
reservations for $128 bus pack-
age tours to Pasadena and ten-
tative reservations for $192
train tours, but air accommo-'
-dations are no longer available.
An offer which would have
provided the University with
750 more air package tours for
students, staff and faculty will
not be taken, Maurice Rinkel,
auditor of student organiza-
tions, said last night.
years the research image of the
University was emphasized in the
budget requests, this year the en-
rollment problem has been the
major aspect, Heyns said.
This isunot because the enroll-
ment situation at the University
has changed drastically in the
past year, but because pressure
from high schools has become the
most important problem of edu-
cation in the state, Heyns said.
"The statewide need has given
greater publicity to the enrollment
aspect of the University's budget
request," he said.
In past years, when research
was the theme of the budget re-
quest, the state was much more
concerned over economic develop-
ment as a major problem, Heyns

At the same time, Panhel took
e action on recommendation forms
o in an unrelated move. A meeting
between members of Panhel Ex-
ecutive Council and invited soror-
e ity alumnae of the Ann Arbor
a area is scheduled for Dec. 7 at the
I Michigan League.
t . To Discuss System
At this meeting, the present
recommendation system will be
discussed and Panhel members
will present their views and poli-
cies to the alumnae.
The purpose of the meeting is
"to inform," Panhellenic Presi-
tdent Ann Wickins, '65, said. "We
want to start with a small nucleus
of concerned people and work
from there," she said.
Some sorority women were con-
cerned about the influence of their
nationals on the membership
issue. Sorority women cited the
problem that some nationals ob-
ject strongly to local chapters
submitting their recommendation,
Discounts Local Autonomy
Burns, however, discounted local
autonomy in the recommendation
issue. "This concerns an addition
to the original membership state-
ments previously submitted," he
Burns feels that these forms are
a necessary addition since they
are "a binding factor for member-
ship qualification in many soror-
ities." Some forms include racial
and religious information and can,a
therefore, be relevant to discrim-
mation, he said.
In May, 1960, Student Govern-
ment Council adopted the regula-
tion on membership of student or-
ganizations, prohibiting all dis-
criminating practices. At this time
SGC also established its Member-
ship Committee.
In December, 1960, SGC re-
quired that all student organiza-
tions submit membership state-
ments. A deadline for the state-
ments was set for Jan. 17, 1962.
All of the student organizationst
complied with the deadline. How-
ever, many of the statements weref
inadequate because they did nott
contain quotes from the constitu-
tions, pertaining to membership
Thus on Oct. 23, 1963, thev
Membership Committee requestedr
fraternities and sororities to sub-
mit actual quotations of their re-2
spective clausesnconcerning mem-t
bership selection.
The membership selectionf
clauses have been solicited by SGCc
under a mandate it received last
year to investigate affiliates to9
see that they were not using ra-
cial or religious criteria in pledg-
ing new members.t

The members of the editorial
board of the Torch, the newspa-
per of Chicago's Roosevelt Uni-
versity have been removed from
their positions by the Student
Activities Board.
Their removal was suggested by
a committee which had been set
up by the SAB to investigate the
circumstances under which the
Torch had published an article on
the "unofficial firing" of President
Robert J. Pitchell and a reported
$700,000 debt of the university.
The article which started the
controversy was a bulletin on
page three of the Torch's No-
vember 16 issue which stated that
the president's administrative
power had been given to the Ad-
ministrative Council which isE
made up of all the deans of the.
Issue Confiscated
The issue containing the bulle-
tin was confiscated by the ad-
ministration and returned four
days later when the Torch edi-
tors agreed to publish a special
insert which would contain the
statements of the president, chair-
man of the Administrative Coun-
cil and chairman of the Board
of Trustees.
The papers were finally released
on Tuesday, November 19; with a
special four'page supplement ex-
plaining what had happened over
the weekend.
On Wednesday the six students
on the editorial board were noti-
fied by Pitchell that they had

been suspended from all student
activities until the investigating
committee made a full report to
the SAB.
Turn in Report
At a meeting of the SAB Mon-
day night, the committee turned
in its full report, Judi Halprin,,
editor-in-chief of the Torch, said
in a phone call to The Daily. The
report suggested that:
-The editor and editorial board
be removed from their positions;
-Pitchell remove his suspen-

sion so that the students could
work on other student activities;
--Judy Halprin be allowed to
keep her scholarship.
Violate Canon
Their removal from the Torch
was centered around the question
of violating the Roosevelt canons
of journalism. Under the canons,
editors of the Torch are not re-
quired to reveal their sources ex-
cept in a closed session. Miss
Halprin has refused to reveal her
confidential sources as she feels

and u
peal t]

Faculty Committee Decides T(
Residence-College More Land

The faculty committee planning
the residential college has decided
to give the proposed living-learn-
ing unit more room to operate,
Associate Dean Burton D. Thuma
of the literary college, head of
the faculty planners, announced
last night.
Thuma spoke at an open ques-
tion-and-answer discussion of the
college at the Michigan Union.
He explained that in lecent weeks,
the faculty committee, which in-
cludes the dozen members who
will form the nucleus of the col-
lege's teaching staff, had decided
that the space tentatively allotted
to the college was too small.
Three weeks ago, when the com-

mittee saw the site plans of the
college for the first time, it dis-
covered the college was allotted
only half the space many of them
had assumed it would occupy. A
second residential college, it was
explained, would be located on the
other half of the site.
Land Available
The committee met with ad-
minsitrarors, who told it that
more land was available if needed.
After conferring further with site
planners, the architect and mem-
bers of the University's plant de-
partment, the committee decided
in a special meeting Tuesday night
to plan only one residential col-
lege for the entire site origin-
ally designated for two colleges.
Thus there is now available for
the 1200-student college about
twice the space allotted before.
The planners do not, however, in-
tend to use the entire space for
the college as presently planned,
Thuma said. They will probably
choose either of two alternatives:
-Reserve any space not needed

for th
sion o
tire d
ings o
the cu
ulty h
the cui
ma s
by giv
they a
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Board Plan Strike
there is a higher code ofInS mpathy
involved than Roosevelt's."
report was adopted by the Students Singt, d
and was sent to Pitchell for tudnt Sud
d tapproval. Pitchell was re- Teachers Hold Class
dly out of town yesterday
nable to be reached for com- By ROBERT BENDELOW
Torch editorial board dis- Some 1100 students took over
d with the findings of the the administration building of the
'and issued a statement of University of California at Berke-
views to the Chicago news ley last night in a sit-in demon-
. They have no plans to ap- stration against the threatened
Their removal. aexpulsion of four of their leaders.
Berkeley teaching assistants
have mapped plans for a sympa-
thy strike; to take place in the
oGive "T'a
near future. They threatened to
strike immediately if any disci-
plinary action was taken against
the demonstrators.
Protest leader Mario Savio told
a rally which preceded the sit-in,
le college for future expan- "We're not going to break this up
r recreation space; until we get what we want."
nlarge the size of the college Set Up Classes
the presently planned 1200 Inside the locked building, pro-
its to 15-1800 students, cre- testors set up classes in such sub-
sufficient need for the en- jects as literature and Spanish.
)ubled area. . The classes were conducted by
Details Ideas sympathetic teaching assistants.
ing the discussion of the res- The fourth floor of the adnminis-
al college, Thuma detailed tration building, Sproul Hall, was
.1 ideas which have gained set up as a study hall. For those
during the first few meet- who did not wish to study, a mo
f faculty membersplanning vie.projector was in opera oto
.rriculum of the. college: Folk singer Joan Baez, who help-
nphasis on English in other ed lead the protestors into the
English courses. Some fac- building, led singing in another
ave favored elimination of room. Sympathizers sent food In
h as a separate subject from to the students in the building.
rriculum of the college, Thu- A protest leader told ThemDaily
aid. Instructors in other by telephone ,that e~en full pro-
s would compensate, for this fessors were inside the building,
ing increased attention to teaching impromptu sessions In
sition and grammar in "constitutional law, civil disobed-
work. "ence and non-violence."
he elimination of lectures as Follows Noon Rally
re now constituted. Facul The sit-in, following a noon
nners are against lectures rally, occupied the first four floors
;e they limit student-faculty of Sproul Hall. The protestors did
unication, Thuma explained, not obstruct traffic while the
building was open, and left door-
S.v ways and corridors open.
y .., Campus police locked the doors
'** at 10 p.m. Ann Arbor time and
gave students, one hour to clear
:T the building. But at 12:45 a.m.,
t . {Ann Arbor time, leaders inside the
r' tbuilding said "only a couple" of
students had left and the police
University officials warned the
protestors early this morning that
all were subject to arrest. De-
u ,>'"'. .,::>'' r.Na'fclaring themselves to be "the
- Free University of California in
Ssession," the protestors replied by
vowing that they would have to
be carried out of the building.
The teaching assistants have
planned a strike for Friday. How-
- - ;ever, the date of the strike may
be extended to Monday dependent
upon administration reaction to
'.' .- the demonstration, and other, as
yet unnamed, issues.
Economics department teaching
assistants said they would affili-
ate with the American Federation
sidential college decided )f Teachers to put more force be-
, room to operate. Under hind their demands.
mmodate the college now The demonstration was orga-
odat he college wnized by the Free Speech Move-
second residential college ment (FSM), a coalition of polI-
first college will occupy tical groups formed to protest re-

1 and 2. Area 3 will be strictions on Berkeley political ac.
area depicted is between tivity. It was held to force the ad-
ministration to accede to three
demands placed before it by the
-"Arbitrary and vengeful charg-
es against leaders and organiza-
tions must be dropped;
00 ra m -"There must be no new pun-
ishments for protesting adminis-
tration policies;
- "Immediate and substantial
countries that participate improvements in the regulations
ast. The group is presently must be made."
n. Savio and the three others were
notified this week that they would
each country on a one to be summoned before the faculty
e companies in the United committee on student conduct for
the program, so that one violation of university regulations.
r each one that leaves. All participated in an Oct. 1-2

Congo Rebel Head Says
Belgians Killed Hostages
KHARTOUM, Sudan (A)-The self-styled defense minister of the
Congolese rebels, Gaston Soumialot, yesterday disputed eyewitness
accounts of the murder of white hostages in Stanleyville. He claimed
that Belgian paratroopers actually massacred the victims they were
sent to save.
Soumialot, on the run from his Chinese Communist-sponsored
revolt, also charged at a news conference here that the United States
was committing genocide in his,

WU StCouncil To Vote
O n Possibility of USNSA Referendum


Although Soumialot and about
200 other Congolese rebels have
turned up in Sudan, this country's
foreign minister Mohammed Ah-
med Mahgoub said during the day
that his government has no plans
to permit establishment of Con-
golese rebel bases.
He commented in a separate in-
terview on widespread reports that
this northern neighbor of the
Congo would become a logistics
and training center for Chris-
tophe Gbenye's so-called Congo-
lese People's Republic.
"I don't think it is the inten-
tion of my government to use part
of its territory for military opera-
tions in the Congo," he said.
The bearded Congo rebel leader,
addressed Sudanese and foreign
newsmen in a smoke-filled Khar-
toum hotel room. He said he was
ust passing through Sudan en
route to Europe and the United
Nations to "enlighten public
opinion about American crimes."

Ask More Pay
security, increased wages and
greater employment loom as key
demands of the United Steel-
workers, AFL-CIO, in forthcom-
ing contract talks with the basic
steel industry.
The' 33-man executive board of
the USW drafted these and other
recommendations during a pri-
vate two-hour meeting yesterday,
the Associated Press learned.
Other recommendations included:
-Earlier retirement (now set
at 65);
-Improved grievance proced-
ures with local unions given the
right to strike should there be
no improvement;
-Provisions against "arbitrary
disciplinary action in the name of
safety," and improved medical
and life insurance plans.

Wayne University's Student -
Faculty Council tomorrow night
will consider a motion for a ref-
erendum vote on whether or not
Wayne should continue its mem-
bership in the United States Na-
tional Student Association.
The motion, having been tabled
at the last meeting of the Student-
Faculty Council in October, for
lack of specific information about
the referendum, is being sponsored
by the School of Business Admin-
istration Student Council..
"The chances of the motion
Grant Program
HIs Unlaw a
RICHMOND O)A federal ap-

passing are limited because many
of the students on the Student-
Faculty Council are directly in-
volved in the activities of USNSA,"
Sue Orrin, '65, chairman of Stu-
dent Government Council's US-
NSA committee, said yesterday.
'Open Question'
However, representatives from
Wayne say that it is an "open
"The reason that we are not
really sure if the Student-Faculty
Council will decide to hold the
referendum is that we don't really
know what the final proposal will
be," Larry Glazer, member of the
Student-Faculty Council, said.
The Student Council of Mon-
teith College, a branch of Wayne,
is expected to offer a substitute
proposal, asking that 15 per cent
of the student body at Wayne sign
a petition saying that they sup-
port withdrawal from USNSA,

servative" member of Wayne's
Young Republican group, Miss
Orrin added.
The controversy now raging at
Wayne is quite similar to the one
that occurred here in the winter
of 1962-63 when BOO fought a
loosing battle in the campaign to
have the University disaffiliate
from USNSA.
Statewide Attempt
At that time, there were rum-
ors that the referendum here was
a manifestation of a statewide
attempt, including Wayne and
Michigan State University, to
withdraw from USNSA. But, due
to the defeat of BOO, any plans
that had been made for a mass
Michigan withdrawal were drop-
ped, Miss Orrin said.
"I think that one of the rea-
sons for the defeat of BOO was
that the students here did not feel
that there was a suitable alterna-

Tuesday night to give the college more
previous plans, area 1 above was to acco
being planned, while 2 was to hold as
not yet in the planning stage. Now, the
most or all of the combined space of7
allotted for recreational facilities. The
North and Central campus.

IAESTE Promotes Exchange Pr

The International Association for the Exchange of Students
for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is a group that arranges to
have students trained in foreign countries in the natural and physical
sciences and in engineering.
IAESTE organizes a summer exchange for students with back-
grounds in these sciences each year. The students travel to another

IAESTE for each student they train. The
are primarily from Europe and the Near E
trying to expand its Latin America program
IAESTE sends students to and from
one basis. This means that there must be
States that are willing to participate in
student can train in the United States fo

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