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December 01, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-01

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'rTTVQ"AV Y VA-1L'AA"RTin 1 IfteA

a v~ I +.vW A T naTv 'l, aCf 'sua .._It. .,f cn



Call League Program

The Women's League Big Sis-
ter" Program, designed to help
acquaint foreign students with
American customs, has had a high-
ly successful semester, Linda Yee,
'66, chairman of the League's In-
ternational Committee said re-
In contrast to the Michigan Un-
ion's Big Brother Program, which
has suffered from a lack of re-
sponse on the part of American
students, the Big Sister Program
has consistently found many Uni-
versity women interested in intro-
ducing girls from foreign nations
to the American way of life,
The Committee sent letters de-
scribing the program to every
women's housing unit at .the be-
ginning of the semester. Forty-five
University women expressed inter-
est in the program while only 15
foreign students joined. Miss Yee
found that many foreign students
were "shy" about joining the pro-
gram but expressed more interest
after representatives of the Com-
mittee contacted them.
English Courses
Many of the foreign women who
did join were taking intensive
eight-week courses at the English
Language Institute. They were es-
pecially pleased at having the op-
portunity to practice English with
their American "big sisters," Miss
Yee said. In turn, the American
women welcomed the chance to
gain first-hand knowledge about

foreign customs.
The program consisted mainly of
teas, parties and discussions. How-
ever, the Committee sponsored
several formal activities, such as
Halloween and bowling parties,
with a relatively small turnout.
In the future' we will place even
more emphasis on informal activi-
ties initiated by the women them-
selves," Miss Yee said.

Twice as many foreign women
will participate next semester, she
said. "We obtained a directory of
foreign students earlier than us-
ual, making it easier to contact
them," she said. Plans include field
trips to points of interest such as
Detroit museums, automobile fac-
tories and the state capital. In
future years, the program will be
expanded as interest warrants.

Exam Schedule

The following e x a m i n a t i o n
schtdule is for all University de-
partments and schools with the
exception of the Law and Medical
The examination code letter
corresponds to the time of the
first lecture for courses having
both lecture and recitation periods
or to the time of the first recita-
tion in courses which do not have
lectures. Certain courses having
special examination periods are
indicated below. Classes beginning
on the half hour will be scheduled
for the preceeding hour.

red by the department, it is in
boldface type; students may elect!
the other only if a conflict occursI
and special permission is secured
from the department. If neitherf
is in boldface, either is available
by each student without regard to
the section of the course in which
he is enrolled.
School of Business Administration
Course FExamination Code Letter1

Accounting 271, 500...... W,
Busi. Admin. 305, 505 ..... Q,
Busi. Admin. 450........
Finance 300 .J,
Indust. Rel. 322, 522 ...... P,
Indust. Rel 500, 300. ....,
Marketing 300, 301, 500, 501 H,
Statistics 505 ............. S,
College of Engineering
Eng. Graphics 101 ........U,
Eng. Graphics 102, 104 ... Q, j
LSA Colleee

Across 4
Among University psychologists
who recently participated in pro-
fessional conferences or address
off-campus audiences were:
Prof. Frederick Wyott addressed
a convocation at the University of
Buffalo on "Psychology and Liter-
ature-An Ancient and Uneasy
Prof. Herbert C. Kelman par-I
ticipated in "The American Con-I
ference on Universities and the
Quest for Peace" in Lima, Peru.
Prof. James C. Lingoes will
deliver a paper entitled "New
Computers in Psychological Re-
search" at Blaricum, Netherlands,
Nov. 24-27.
Prof. Warren T. Norman pre-F
sented a paper on "Toward an
Adequate Data Language for Per-
sonality Description" at the meet-
ings of the Society of Multivariate
Experimental Psychology atI
Princeton, N.J.
* * *
John H. Romani, assistant dean
of the public health school, has
been elected to the 10-man Board
of Directors of the American As-
sociation of Management in Pub-
lic Health.
The association members in-
clude some 2500 administrative
officers of federal, state and local
health agencies throughout the
United States.
The University received $57,654
from the United States Public
Health Service to provide faculty
support and fellowships for grad-
uate students entering the field of
medical care organization. The
career field, taught in the School
of Public Health, involves teach-
ing and research on organizational
and financial methods for bring-
ing the benefits of medical science
to the general public.
The initial grant, received Nov.
1, will support the program for one
year. Subsequent grants during the
next five years are expected to
bring the total federal support to

about half a million dollars.
* ** *
4 p.m.-String instrument stu-
dents will perform in a recital in
the Recital Hall of the School of
Music Bldg.


-Daily-James Keson

... the characters dance across the imaginary stage.. .

8 .A
9 .B
10 C
11. D
12 Q
1. E
2 F
3 G
4. R


Wed., Dec. 16, 8-10
Thurs., Dec. 17, 8-10
Fri., Dec. 18, 8-10
Tues., Dec. 22, 8-10"
Wed., Dec. 16, 4-6
Mon., Dec. 21, 8-10
Sat., Dec. 19, 8-10
Thurs., Dec. 17, 4-6
Fri., Dec. 18, 4-6
Tues., Dec. 22, 4-6
Mon., Dec. 21, 4-6
Tues., Dec. 22, 8-10
Wed., Dec. 16, 10:30-
Mon., Dec. 21, 10:30-


ARTS and LETTERS By Candida Eisenstein
'Wonderful Town' A rrives

4:10 p.m.-J. Edwin Orr of the
International Christian Leader-
ship will speak in Aud. A, Angell
7:30 p.m.-Prof. Aram Yengoy-
an of the anthropology depart-
ment will speak on the Philip-
pines' cultural character in the
Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI
8 p.m.-Richard Murphy, poet
and critic, will give a reading and
commentary on his works in Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
8:30 p.m.-The Ann Arbor Can-
tata Singers, conducted by Prof.
Richard A. Crawford of the music
school, will perform Bach's Can-
tata 131 and Schutz's "Christmas
Story" in Rackham Aud.
1:10 p.m. - Prof. Norman E.
Kemp of the zoology department
will speak on "Metamorphic
Changes in the Skeletons of Tad-
poles of Rana Pipiens Exposed to
Thyroxin" in Rm. 2501, East Med-
ical Bldg.
4:10 p.m.-J. Edwin Orr of the
International Christian Leader-
ship will speak in Aud. A, Angell
4:10 p.m. - Prof. Francis C.
Evans of the zoology department
will speak on "Field Ecology" in
Rm. 1210, Chemistry Bldg.
7:30 p.m.-Prof. Ferrel Heady of
the political science department
will speak on the Philippines' role
in today's world in the Multi-
purpose Rm. of the UGLI.
8 p.m.-Prof. Charles R. Adrian
of Michigan State University's
political science department will
speak on "Social Change and Ad-
ministrative Stresses" in the East
Conference Rm. of the Rackham
8:30 p.m.-The Stanley Quartet
will perform in Rackham Aud.


8 H
9 .I
10 J
12. S


Chemistry 103, 104 ..... R, Y
Economics 101, 102, 103, 104 S, X
Economics 271... ....... W, Y By CANDIDA EISENSTEIN wood played by Henriette Kein-
English 123, 124 . . . L You hear the line, "Such inter- pEel and her sister Eileen (Karen
French 101, 102, 103, 111, esting people live on Christopher '30's for the adventures of the
112, 221, 231, 232, 361, 362 P, U Street." You look around the room. "wonderful town" of New York
German 101, 102, 111, 231, Half-finished milk shakes, thread- City. Your heart goes out to Ei-
232, 236 . ..............T, V ed sewing machines, swaths of leen, a sweet young thing who at-
Italian 101, 102 ...... . . T, V bright green, yellow cloth. A call, tracts men like honey attracts flies.
Latin 103, 221, 222K........-P, V Scene 7!" Her older sister Ruth tries to con-
Mathematics 115, 215.....K, W From a disorganized mass of stu- ( trol both Eileen and the men,I
Physics 153 O, Y dents a certain group appears. while also trying to make a suc-j
Psychology 380 2 0 , y They fall into place around chairs cess of writing.-
Russian 101, 111, 201, 202, and imaginary scenery. They sing,!
301, 401 .............. . . P, U they forget their lines; the direc- Odd Characters
Russian 351..............T, Q {tor wipes his hands on his levis The characters these innocentsI
Russian 451 ............ K, Q and T-shirt. And suddenly the meet are as funny as they are
Sociology 380... O, Y crowd bursts into spontaneous strange. There is Appopolous, the
Spanish 101, 102, 103, 221, laughter. MUSKET's "Wonderful girls' incredible landlord, who im-
231, 232 ..........T, V Town" begins to fall into place. agines himself a modern painter
when he takes time off from his


M Tues., Dec. 22,
N Sat., Dec. 19,
P Thurs., Dec. 17,
T Fri., Dec. 18,


primary occupation-hounding his
We are reminded of University
President Harlan Hatcher's com-
ment about "Prof. Elliott and his
scholars" in the character of
Wreck, the professional college
football player. Wreck passed his
courses because he could "pass
that football." Wreck lives with a
young expectant mother, Helen,
who hopes to marry him some day.
As you watch the characters
dance across the imaginary stage
in levis and sweatshirts, you can
see the plot materialize. You
learn to sympathize with hard-
pressed Ruth and Eileen, to laugh
or hiss at their offbeat Greenwich
neighbors, the New York police
force; and the Brazilian navy.
Success Found
You sigh with the director, the

Special Periods
Each course, except English 123
and 124, requiring a special exam-
ination is assigned two examina-
tion code letters. If one is prefer-

IeI 1')1 l M]1'

MUSKET is a student-run dra- -
ma group, an outgrowth of the,
all-male Union Opera. The Opera Hi Ridic le
outgrew male portrayals of fe- ; l ea ss edrcr-e

.. -0 1


Price, Richter!
Will Appear
Russian pianist Sviatoslav Rich-
ter and Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany soprano Leontyne Price.,are
two of the featured soloists for the
seventy-second annual Ann A'bor
May Festival, the University Musi-
cal Society of the University of
Michigan announced yesterday.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, Eu-
gene Ormandy, Musical Director,
will perform in all six concerts,
beginning Thurs., May 6. Mr. Or-
mandy, William Smith, and Thor
Johnson are the conductors.
In the opening concert Miss
Price will sing arias of Mozart
and Verdi; Mr. Ormandy will con-
duct orchestral works including
Beethoven's Fourth Symphony
and Stravinsky's "Firebird Suite."
Conduct Again
Mr. Ormandy will again conduct
on the Saturday evening perform-
ance and Metropolitan Opera Co.
bass Cesare Siepi will sing solo
Mr. Richter will make his Ann
Arbor debut on the closing per-
formance, Sunday evening, May 9,
playing Grieg's Piano Concerto.
Mr. ' Ormandy will conduct Mo-
zart's Symphony No. 30 and the
Mussourgsky-Ravel "Pictures at
an Exhibition."
Other programs include the per-
formance of choral works: Ben-
jamin Britten's "Spring Sym-
phony," Chausson's "Poeme de
1'amour et de la mer," and the
Berlioz "Te Deum" featuring the
soloists Saramae Endich, soprano,
Maureen Forrester, contralto, and
Murray Dickie, tenor.
First Violist
Concertmaster Anshel Brusilow
(violinist) and Joseph de Pas-
quale, the new first violist of the
Philadelphia Orchestra, will per-
form Mozart's Concertante in E-
fiat major.
Series ticket orders may be
placed with the University Musi-
cal Society in Burton Tower. tick-
ets for individual concerts will go
on sale March 1.
Dial 662-6264
Shows Start at
1:00-2:35-4:45-6:50 & 9:00

For Teaching
Strong measures to deal with
the impending shortage of college
teachers are recommended by the
trustees of the Carnegie Founda-
tion for the. Advancement of
Teaching in the opening essay of
the Foundation's 1963-64 annual
report being issued today.
John W. Gardner, president of
the Foundation, is the author of
the essay which summarizes a dis-
cussion held by the trustees on
the teacher shortage in higher
education. He includes the esti-
mates that by 1969-70 the nation
will need 37,500 new college teach-
ers but that the major source for
these teachers, the Ph.D. pro-
grams in universities, will be pro-
ducing less than half that number.
Specific Ideas
Gardner lists a number of spe-
cific ideas that college administra-
tors might consider as ways of
coping with the problem of de-
mand and supply:
-Inventing a new degree short
of the Ph.D. for those who do
not really need a Ph.D.;
-Helping more of those who do,
by shortening the period be-
tween the A.B. and the Ph.D.,
in part with fellowships so
that they can study full-
rather than part-time;
-Creating flexible retirement
policies to allow for effective
use of older but still vigorous
faculty members;
-Collaborating with nearby in-
dustrial, governmental, and
non-profit research organiza-
tions that harbor substantial
numbers of highly qualified
research personnel to make
them available for teaching;
-Encouraging and using tal-
ented women;
-Enlarging the total supply of
talent by reducing the waste
of economic and social depri-
vation; and
-Making better use of present
* faculty by providing them
more supporting personnel,
such as secretaries and teach-
ing assistants, and by using
television, programmed in-
struction, and off-campus ed-
ucational -programs to reach
larger numbers of students.

f cast, andand
views in 1957. It presented its sthe two Ohi
F h r a eEBroadway show, "Oklahoma" i~n IlLhpies
that year adding coeds to itsess,
Shortage ranks and calling itself "Michi- Sarcasm and ridicule are hard ondeful
Union Show Ko-Eds Too." on a student because they indi- MUSKET
cate to him that the teacher re- cember 2-5
But, Garner writes, "though all 'Wonderful Town' jects him as an individual, says Saturday ma
of these measures may be helpful, This year's show "Wonderful John Check, associate professor sale in theT
the college teacher shortage will mhsyer hoWne ful e
Town," is directed by the men of education of Flint College of and after N
never be solved without an inten- who ade a hit of last year's the University. Lydia Mende
sive and thoroughgoig effort to MUSKET production: Jack Rouse, "When a teacher lacks order in
re-establish the status of teach- director and choreographer, and the classroom, it is certain that
ing. In many small liberal a Bruce Fisher, musical director. The respect for the individual is not 1osc
colleges, teaching has not lost its play wasaed from th tBro considered," Check says.C
status as the principal activity of way hit show "My Sister Eileen "
a professor, but "in universities w ithoi"y ListerdEen- "In a room where the teacher's Weekly f
the problem is acute, particularly With music by Leonard Bern- presentation is inaudible because English or
at the undergraduate level. stein, " or Twnran o of the noise created by the class, f
"As a rule the university ad- Broadway for seven years. will usually rely on sarcasm, of Soviet Ii
ministration is so busy struggling As you observe, the plot of the ridicule and intimiations to bring ernment st
to maintain the strength of its play falls into line. You laugh at about some semblance of order," subscription
huge graduate and professional the zany mishaps of Ruth Sher- he says.
schools that it neglects the under- +_Importedl
graduate. And so does the faculty."
"The shortage will be more se.. -ILYflU ULE IN Union Sq
vere in some fields and more dam- A
aging at some levels of higher ed- --
ucation than at others," he re-___
ports. "The strong colleges and The Daily Official Bulletin is an cordially invited.
universities, whose prestige and official publication of The Univer-1
dollars will attract whatever tal- sity of Michigan, for which The Regents' Meeting: Dec. 18. Communi-
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- cations for consideration at this meet-
ent is available, will suffer least." ial responsibility. Notices should be ing must be in the President's hands
Lion Bites Woman sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to not later than Dec. 4.
The shortage will be brought Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
abou, Gadne expain, bythe fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding . Fulbright-Hay's Act Lectureships A l
about, Gardner explains, by the publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday which have become available for 1965-.
rapid increase in the colllege-age for Saturday and Sunday. General 66 are summarized in a list which may
population over the next 15 years. Notices may be published a maxi- be consulted in the Graduate Fellow-
It is developing, too, as the result mum of two times on Request; Day ship Office, Room 110 Rackham Bldg
o derae intenme of Calendar items appear once only. I The range of disciplines and countries F :
of decreases in the number of Studentorganization notices are notIin which the lectureships are avail
hours that a professor gives to accepted for publication, able is wide. Appointments begin in
classroom teaching. March, June or September, 1965, de-=
The rise in funds available for TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 pending upon the academic calendar
research has made it fiancially in each country,
possible for many teachers to Day Calendar The Premier Production of "The
spend more time pursuing profes- Peacemaker" by Carl Oglesby, local au-Msi
thor, is tomorrow night at the True-
sional intellectual interests. Fed- Bureau of Industrial Relations Per- loo Au F mri Blg. a the Sunday, D
eeral research expenditures alone sonnel Techniques Seminar-George S. Hatfield-McCoy vendetta, this original Tickets:
have increased from $74 million bo ane Bureau of IndustrialvRea- play is being presented by the Uni- on sale at:C
i190talot$5blininRutios-Oen"dManagement by Objectives ,,"'"' --,wad aw
in 1940 to almost $15 billion Results-Oriented Appraisal Systems": ward; Marwi
1964. Many of the leading univer- Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. World, 4861V
sities have, in addition, purposely cle sef-add
reduced the number of teaching school of Music Recital-String In-
hours that they ask of their fac- of Music, 4 p.m...R...S.
ulty because they believe that re- . Ending Thursday
search is as much a part of their Office of Religious Affairs Lecture-
proessrs'duties as teaching. J. Edwin Orr, lecturer and writer
professors' [nternational Christian Leadership, Aud
Government and industry con- A, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
sulting assignments have diverted
other time and energy from teach- Dept. of English Reading-Richard b
in Murphy, poet and critic, Reading and regii lL
Commentary on his Works: Aud. A,
The government as well as the Angell Hall, 8 p.m.
universities must provide anti-
dotes for the problem, the Foun- Doctoral Examination for Carl George
dation's trustees believe. "The fed- ison, hre Chemical Engineering; thes-
s:T oaesene f icron--Si ze ze WE

y stray spectators as
o girls find husbands,
and success in the
will be presented De-
at 8:00 with a 2:00
tinee. Tickets are on
Union until vacation
rovember 30, at the
lssohn Box Office.

The best in bluegrass and blues
sponsored by

rom Soviet Union.
Spanish. All aspects
fe. Full Soviet gov-
atements. One year
$2.00. By air mail,
Pub. & Prod. (M)
quare, N.Y.C. 10003

Friday, Dec. 4
8:30 p.m.

Auditorium A
Angell Hall

*WIENER SCHNITZELS . . . . . . . .1.35
8-oz. NEW YORK STRIP STEAK... 1.50
Both served with choice of potatoes,
salad, homemade roll, butter
Student Specials 95c 0 German meat pattie 35c
T 300S. THAYER 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
665-4967 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat.

Temple, Detroit
ec. 6, at 7:30 P.M.
$1.75, 2.75, 3.75, 4.75
Grinnell's, 1515 Wood-
l's, Northland; Music
Woodward; The Retort,
rd. For mail orders en-
lessed stamped envelope

eral government must u
how essential it is to ma
vitality of our colleges
versities as teaching in

intain the
and uni-

Drops in Liquid-Liquid Dispersions in
F1 owPast Fine-Mesh Screen," Tues.,
Dec. 1, 2076 E. Engrg. Bldg., at 10 a.m.
Chairman, S. W. Churchill.
General Notices
Student Tea: At the home of Presi-
dent and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher on Wed.,
Dec. 2, from 4-6 p.m. All students are I


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