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December 01, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-01

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AOF4 lp
a t

Cloudy and not so cold
tonight; snow expected





Propose Housing Amendments Vt




By JULIE FITZGERALD covers buildings containing five
or more housing units. The
Three amendments to the city's amendment would extend control
ir Housing Ordinance were re- over all buildings which include
rred to the Ann Arbor Human more than two hnsin u udnits.

Relations Commissions for ap-
proval at last night's City Council
Democratic Councilwoman Mrs.
Eunice Burns, brought amend-
ments before council to extend the
housing units covered by the ordi-.
nance, to prohibit discriminatory
practices by realtors and to pre-
vent retaliation against persons
supporting the ordinance.
As it stands now, the ordinance

Specifies Practies
The second admendment speci-
fies tha situations in which real-
tors, salesmen, and their employes
are prohibited from discriminat-
ing in regard to race, color, creed,
national origin or ancestry.
The illegal practices are:
1) Refusing to sell, exhibit,
lease or otherwise deny or with-
hold from any person any prop-

William Habel were among those who voted to increase the may-
or's annual wages at the Ann Arbor City Council meeting last
City Council increases
M"ayor's Annual Salary,
Ann Arbor City Council passed a resolution last night increasing
the mayor's annual salary substantially.
Although Mayor Cecil O. Creal will not benefit by the wage in-
crease, because he is not running for reelection in April, he said he
wanted to see a raise in the mayor's salary from $630 to $3000 per
He also urged the council to pass a second section of the resolu-
tion which would give his successor $693. for expenses until the new
°budget is voted on in July.

Halleck Sets
Party Huddle
Republican Leader Charles A.
Halleck of Indiana has cleared the
way for an early party confer-
ence to discuss changes in lead-
ership procedures-if not in lead-
ership personnel.
Halleck, who earlier had set the
party huddle for Jan. 4, the day
the new Congress convenes, was
quoted yesterday by an official
spolesman as being willing to
change the date to permit fuller
discussion of policies.
A sizable group of conservatives
as well as liberal Republicans,
wants a meeting in mid-Decem-
ber Their objective currently is
not to try to depose Halleck as
floor leader but to widen the base
of party policy-making in Con-
"I am dissatisfied with our lead-
ership in the House, 'not neces-
sarily our leaders, however," said
Thomas B. Curtis (R-Mo) in a
letter to colleagues urging the
mid-December meeting.
Curtis and others unhappy over
GOP losses in this year's elections
want broader representation in
party councils. They want a
change in the makeup of the poli-
ey committee and an end to what
Curtis called "wheeling and deal-
ng" on public works programs.
Instead of the policy committee
being composed of the leaders and
the senior members from nine geo-
graphical regions, Curtis said, it
should have representation from
the minority members of each
standing House committee.
These and other matters, Curtis
wrote, require lengthy considera-
tion and to consider them on the
morning a new House meets would
be too late "unless again it is the
plan for a few self-appointed
members of our waning group to
make decisions for the rest of us
ahead of time in the hopes that
they can get the majority of us
to go along."
Theatres Ask

Democratic Councilman Rc
P. Weeks supported the v
raise resolution. He said M
Creal had found himself ou
money several times; and
should do better than break
financially. He cited an inst
when a former mayor' had to
sign because he couldn't"aff
another term in office.
Republican Councilman Will
E. Bandemer, who cast the
dissenting vote, said there w
certain amount of pride invc
in the projectedincrease as c
Michigan mayors receive a hip
wage. He also said this salary
taxable and wouldn't result i3
large an increase as the cot
Councilman Weeks said whi
teacher takes a civic post, al
his spare time is consumed,
he must forego any outside i
nue. This condition,.he contir
discourages men of average
come brackets and University
fessors, who could do a lot
Ann Arbor, taking on civic
Before the resolution coulh
voted on, Democratic Councili
Edward C. Pierce introduced
amendment changing the pro
ed increase to $5000. The vot
this amendment split along p
lines. Six Republicans, inclu
Mayor Creal, voted down the


erty to contain more than two
housing units;
2) Falsely reporting to any pe
so h tt i r p ryi o v i-able for inspecion;
3) Failing to transmit to the WASHINGTON (P)-Ambassa-
person having the right to sell, dor Maxwell D. Taylor held a
lease or rent the property any final round of preliminary talks
offer to transact the same; yesterday before reporting direct-
4) Failing to show listed prop- ly to President Lyndon B. John-
erties to a person because of his son at the White House today
race, creed, color, national origin on the tangled South Viet Nam
or ancestry; situation.
5) Soliciting, accepting or re- Meanwhile in Saigon, United
taining property listings on the States government forces ripped
understanding that the property the Communist Viet Cong around
is not to be shown to certain per- Saigon and far to the north. In
sons or is to be shown to such fighting near the capital, govern-
persons on different terms or in ment forces stood off a charge
a different way; by seven wild buffalo in addition
6) Making any record or inquiry to the Viet Cong.
of a property owner's preference Within both the State and De-
concerning a prospective buyer's fense Departments there is evi-
or tenant's race, creed, color, re- dence of some disagreement on
ligion, national origin or ancestry; the best means to safeguard the
7) Representing prospective independence of beleaguered South
renters or buyers as causing a Viet Nam and meet the Commu-
possible fall in neighborhood re- nist guerrilla threat.
tail prices. Individual Argument
Retaliation Offenses This divergence of views is more
The third amendment prohibits between individual officials in the
retaliation a n d discriminatory U.S. government than between the
practices against persons who sup- State and Defense Departments
port the ordinance and its amend- and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
ments. Also protected by this are OfficialUSpokesmesatfStaan
persons who have filed a com- Official spokesmen at State and
plaint, testified or assisted in any Defense Departments were under
proceeding under the ordinance. strict injunctions not to speculate
Mrs. Burns said the ordinance or forecast the outcome of the
was passed a year and two months President's meeting with Taylor.
ago and has been in effect for 11 The meeting is deemed of suffi-
months. She added that the exist- jcient importance to call back
ing ordinance had had a minimal Secretary of State Dean Rusk
impact on Negro families. She from today's opening session of
also said 75 per cent of the com- the United Nations General As-
munity is not presently covered sembly's autumn meeting. Secre-
by the ordinance. tary of Defense Robert S. Mc-
"The amendments are designed Namara also is due to attend, to-
to alleviate discriminatory hous- gether with other high State and
ing practices in Ann Arbor," she Defense officials.
said. The President made clear at aa
Building Code news conference Saturday that he
In other business, Councilman plans no dramatic announcement
Edward Pierce said he would bring after his meeting with Taylor.
to council next week three amend-
ments for first reading on high- Press Action
rise construction in Ann Arbor. Some pressure for strong action
Pierce said the first amendment including limited bombing of Red
would change the parking ordi- supply routes in Laos, has come
nance so it doesn't apply to resi- from Viet Nam, and from within
dential buildings. the Pentagon.
The second high-rise amend- Advocates of extending the war
ment concerns commercial build- contend the President has the
ings having appropriate set-backs power to do this under a congres-i
from their lot lines. sional resolution on Southeast Asia
Require Approval enacted after the Tonking Gulf
That building permits for incident last June. They argue
structures over ten stories high also that Johnson's landslide vic-
require council approval was the tory in the Nov. 3 election ndi-
third amendment Pierce said he cates the public will support him
would present. in stronger action in Southeast
Pierce said these were only Asia.
stop-gap measures he hoped to Advocates of the go-slow policy
place on high-rise construction feel there still is much room for
until the council could hear the improvement in the U.S.-backed
reports being prepared by a spe- pacification program to control
cial committee set up to study and defeat the Viet Cong.,
this problem.
The measures resulted from New Tactics
last week's monthly work session Improved weapons and tactics
at which council discussed the could be introduced into South
problem of high-rise construction Viet Nam, it is felt. The economic
in Ann Arbor. and psychological programs need-
Noise Ordinance ed to win the support of the pop-
The council also heard a report ulation are under constant review.
on a possible noise ordinance for The Taylor-Johnson meeting1
the city. The ordinance would probably will include a discussion
cover defective mufflers. of military and economic expen-
A study was made by city offi- ditures in South Viet Nam. Dur-
cials on the possibility of testing ing the current csfial year, end-
the sound frequency of "offend- ing next June 30, Congress ap-
ing" mufflers. propriated $207 million for eco-
Councilman William Bandemer nomic aid and $205.8 million for,
said motorcycles are the worst military assistance.
offenders and wanted to know This does not include the cost
what they could do to. enforce the of maintaining some 22,000 mili-
ordinance if it were enacted. tary advisers and support troops;
"An educational campaign to in South Viet Nam.
instruct the University, students, Taylor met with McNamara,
citizens and local storekeepers Gen. Earle Wheeler, chairman of:
about defective mufflers could be the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and As-
carried out," City Administrator sistant Secretary of State William
Guy Larcom said. P. Bundy yesterday. He also at-
The proposed ordinance was tended a regular session of the
tabled for further study. Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Diplomats from the 112 member -" Ul l GLL] .
nionpresnt frthe2emoner-any of these procedures, and this
natio nysetfortheinsesondn-left the delegates entirely up in
n n y foreign ministers and the air as they gathered for the
others of top cabinet rank. k assembly session.
Watch Soviets ! There was speculation even that
All were watching the Soviet the assembly might be postponed
delegation headed by Foreign before the 3 p.m. EST opening
Minister Andrei Gromyko for I hour.
clues to Soviet policy in the wake See Danger
of the change in the Moscow lead- Lord Caradon, the chief British


to business-will again reject the
proposal to admit Communist
China and expel the Chinese Na-
Another top issue which will
generate hot debate include Cy-
prus' demands that the assembly
endorse self-determination as a
principle to be followed in work-
ing out the political future of that

U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE DEAN RUSK and Soviet Minister Andrei A. Gromyko held a luncheon
discussion yesterday to try to postpone a confrontation in today's UN General Assembly session
over the Soviet's peacekeeping bill. Shortly after their session word came that the Soviet Union re-
jected UN Secretary-General U Thant's compromise formula.
iplomats Voice Uncertainty
NEW YORK (P)-In an atmos- declare Quaison - Sackey elected Republic foreign minister, Mah-'
phere of unprecedented uncer- by acclamation. moud Riad.
tainty diplomats from around the The same pattern could be fol- After an hour's meeting with,
world converged on U.N. =head- lowed in the election of 17 vice Rusk, Riad told newsmen that
quarters yesterday for a General presidents, who with. the presi- "depriving certain powers of their
Assembly session many regard as dent and chairmen of the assem- vote would not strengthen the
the most critical in U.N. history. bly's main committees make up United Nations-it would weaken
Failure to find a formula for the assembly's powerful, steering the U.N. and at the same time not
postponing a U.S.-Soviet con- committee. lead to collecting money.
frontation over U.N. peacekeep- , New Members
ing assessments caused gloom to Similarly the assembly could At the sarpe time, we feel that
spread through the big glass and Saccept without a formal vote the the U.N. needs money to be effec-
stone headquarters building in admission of three new members tive,' the Egyptian envoy added.
vance of today's Assembly open- adiso-ftre e ebr
vn Malta. Malawi and Zambia. Most diplomats expected that
ing. But uncertainty persisted on the assembly-when it gets down

: May Recess
To Prevent

Differences Arise
Over Russian Refusal
To Finance Projects
NEW YORK () - The Soviet
Union yesterday rejected a com-
promise formula .put forward by
UN Secretary-General U Thant
in the hope of avoiding a U.S.-
Soviet confrontation on UN fi-
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
and Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei A. Gromyko also met during
the day without, they said, any
conclusive result.
If the two big powers stay on
collision course, the Soviet Unio
could be deprived of UN voting
Through the eve of the assem-
bly, the Soviet Union held to the
position that it would not parti-
cipate in the costs of peacekeep-
ing ordered by the Assembly, con-
tending that only the Security
Council-where the big power veto
powers lie--can order such proj-
May Recess
There was a possibility ttiat the
Assembly might recess quickly
after opening its twice-postponed
fall session-thus staving off a
"confrontation which most of the
112 UN members want to avoid.
Rusk met with Gromyko during
the afternoon in what both term-
ed an "inconclusive" session. They
agreed to talk again in a few days.
Meanwhile, the Russians issued
a tough-worded statement "cate-
gorically" opposing Secretary-
General U Thant's plan to put
off important General Assembly
mattersswhile talks on financing
go on1.
U.S. sources said, however, they
expect the Russians will want to
stall the fight that could cost
them their vote.
Russian Plans
UN informants reported that
Gromyko has proposed to Secre-
tary-General U Thant that the
Assembly open on schedule today,
elect a president by acclamation,
then recess for, a short period
while the backstage parleys about
the money crisis continue.
The possibility of a major show-
down, which remained after Rusk
and Gromyko failed to settle the
issue, sent envoys from the Afri-
can-Asian, neutralist and Latin
American blocs into a series of
huddles to see what last-minute
compromise might be worked out.
Both Rusk and Gromyko met with
U Thant.
After his meeting with Rusk,
Gromyko declined to say specific-
ally that the Soviets will push fr
a showdown. A Rusk spokesman
also,would not say that the So-
viets are going to bring the dis-
pu'te to a quick climax.
. Avoid Conflict
Other U.S. sources said that
while some other UN members
could bring on a showdown at the
Assembly start, they believe that
both the United States and the
Soviet Union want to put off a
In Rusk's behalf, State Depart-
ment Press Officer Robert J. Mc-
Closkey said:
"The United States is interest-
ed in a solution to the- problem
which meets the satisfaction of the
membership at large. We have
not, sought a confrontation with
the Soviet Union."
Count Votes
At the same time, U.S. strate
gists were counting noses for a
possible vote today in the wake
of the Russian snub of a bid by
UN Secretary-General U Thant
to stave off a showdown pending
further financial talks.
The Americans, on preliminary
information figured that' a major-
ity of. the 112 members in the
world organization would vote to

uphold the charter's article 19,
saying members more than two
years behind in their assessments
shall have no vote in the General
Assembly. The Russians now have
fallen more than two years de-

In past sessions diplomats could
look forward to a normally rou-
tine opening day with the chief
event the election of a new assem-
bly president.
Ambassador A 1 e x Quaison-
Sackey of Ghana is regarded as
certain to get the post. But any
move to hold a secret vote as in
the past could bring about an im-
mediate clash over whether the
Soviet Union should lose its vote
because it is two years behind in
peacekeeping assessments.
Delay Issues
This would set off a debate that
could last for days, and put off
indefinitely consideration of the
92 issues on the agenda of the 19th
session. These range from the
question of Chinese representa-
tion to the demands of the lesser
developed nations for a bigger
slice of the world's economic out-
Conceivably Carlos Sosa-Rod-
riquez of Venezuela, who will pre-
side at the opening session in his
role as last year's president, could

U.N. delegate, told a group of cor- eastern Mediterranean i s 1 a n d
respondents at a briefing that country.
the United Nations "is in the 11th The assembly must decide also
hour." on the future of the UN. agency
"If we start going downhill I which cares for the mo'e than a
don't know if we can stop," he million Palestinian refugees, and
added. consider demands from Asian-
The hope of many of the African nations for more stringent
smaller, neutralist nations of measures against South Africa for
avoiding a big power showdown its refusal to abandon its white
was voiced by the United Arab supremacy policies.
Consider Interdisciplinary
LSA Program in Science
The literary college steering committee last night considered
instituting an interdisciplinary science program which would pro-
vide liberal arts majors with an awareness of certain basic scientific
concepts, rather than the specialized knowledge of a few sciences that
students now obtain.
Instead of following a specific descipline such as botany or zoo-
logy, students Could fulfill the requirement for a two-semester labora-
tory sequence with the interdis-
ciplinary course, which would seek
to correlate all the sciences.
Following this course in' scienti-
fic concepts, students would then
specialize, electing one course in
a specific area of the sciences.
The interdisciplinary course
would be similar to the "Revolu-
Furthermore, the power struc- tionary Ideas" course offered by
ture in the area, according to the honors college, with rotat-
Caudill, is "conservative and ing lecturers from the various sc-
deadening" because it is often a ence departments.
political machine "tied to the In such a course, major ideas
status quo, politically, economical- of science would be studied in all
ly, and socially." their aspects. For instance, the
County Machine topic of evolution might be stud-
Citing one county machine as led from the points of view of
typcial, Caudill said it controlled geology, chemistry, biology, an-
school patronage, usually a coun- thropology, physics and, astrono-
ty's largest employer; state pat- my.
ronage, particularly highway con-
struction; and welfare patronage.D e e Fi n
Caudill noted that "this iseffective means of controlling the nF r
electorate," and that no problems Of FBI Chief
get solved.
He doubted that some of the

Views Reasons for Poverty in Ap

"Eastern Kentucky has an
extremely interesting s y s t e m
whereby its weath is exploited and
its destitution remains," Henry
Caudill, lawyer, author and Ken-
tucky state senator, said yester-
Because of the "deadening"
conservatism of the local authori-
ties, "the people are in a political
trap," he added. "It will be very
difficult to improve the situation
until the federal government is
willing to take direct action," he
"Most of, the poverty in Appa-
lachia is poor-land poverty - it

History has also worked to pro-
mote this kind of poverty in Ap-
palachia, he added. The original
settlers ignored road-building and
schools. Today, most roads are
often Indian trails and are im-
passable much of the year. 900
one-room schools, 40 per cent of
the nation's total, are in Appa-
lachia. The result, Caudill explain-
ed, has been poverty, isolation and
ignorance "impossible for the city-
dweller to conceive."
Industrial Poverty
Caudill noted that Appalachia
has also been afflicted by what
'he called "industrial poverty."
The coal industry began exten-
sive operations before the turn of

government has had to build high
schools for them."
Frequently, when there were
taxes, the companies named the
assessors. "In effect, they taxed
themselves, and, obviously, they
were lenient," Caudill remarked.
This . advantage held by the
companies allowed them to exploit
great wealth from the region
which wa's consequently prevented
from accumulating any weath of
its own, he charged.
When coal companies automat-
ed or decided to close down oper-
ations temporarily in response to
low coal prices, the situation
worsened, Caudill added.
Mining Dangers

"The apologists for the coal com-
panies have long said that nature
will heal the scars and that forest
fires are prevented. That is in-
escapably true, since if you bury
a forest with mud, it cannot
burn," he said.

........ .. a m m

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