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November 21, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-21

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WhereOpinionsAr eree,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.

NEWs PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The 'Need' Factor
In Athletic Scholarships

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A FIRST STEP in an attempt "to back
down the ladder of professionalism" in
intercollegiate athletics, a phrase attrib-
uted to Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz)
Crisler, will probably be approved Mon-
day by the University Senate.
A motion to this effect will be submit-
ted to the faculty from the Subcommittee
on Professionalism in Intercollegiate Ath-
letics. It calls for University President
Harlan Hatcher and members of the fac-
ulty to convey the faculty's view to other
Big Ten schools that the "need" factor in
athletic scholarships be reinstituted. The
"need" factor, a system ended by a vote
of conference faculty representatives in
December, 1961, allowed scholarships to
any athlete in the upper one-fourth of his
high school class while all other athletes
had to show a financial need to be put
on athletic tender.
ANY ACTION the Senate could take
Monday will be relatively meaning-
less. Prof.' Robert C. Angell of the so-
ciology department, who chaired the sub-
committee, has already tried in various
ways to interest the faculty at other Big
Ten schools in tightening standards for
giving athletic scholarships. All attempts
have failed.
If all the faculty at the other confer-
ence schools were polled, as Angell's re-
port points out, the vote would almost
certainly be for a return to the "need"
factor. When a random sample of the
University faculty was taken in the fall
of 1962, for example, over two-fifths said
there should be no grants-in-aid at all
specifically for athletes, 30 per cent fav-
ored reestablishing the "need" factor, and
only 22 per cent approved the current
THE REASON WHY the "need" factor
was eliminated is that the faculty, in
actuality,does not have control of ath-
letic policy in the Dig Ten. Just as in
other areas of the University, control of
intercollegiate athletics has slipped away
from the faculty because it simply does
not know enough about the athletic sit-
uation to have much effect on policy.
The problems of athletic administration,
just like those of administration in oth-
er areas of the University, have grown so
complex that only full-time administra-
tors have the expertise needed to make
rational decisions.
The University's Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics is in tune with
faculty opinion on the question of the
"need" factor. Crisler, along with facul-

ty representative Marcus Plant, supports
the reinstitution of the "need" factor and
has communicated this attitude, which
also represents the attitude of the board
as a whole, to the other Big Ten boards
in control.
However, there is no indication that
the boards are any more willing to sup-
port the "need" factor than they were in
1961 when the vote was 6-4. As Angell's
report states, "It seems likely that, lack-
ing clear mandates from their faculties
on these specific points, the boards suc-
cumb to the natural desires of athletic
backers to be untrammeled in their pro-
curement of athletes, and that 'faculty
control' fails to effectuate faculty opin-
BUT THE BIG TEN is a leader in at-
tempts to resist professional tenden-
cies and the elimination of the "need"
factor in 1961 did not signal the aban-
donment of that principle.
The Big Ten already has the stiffest
standards for giving of scholarships and
for eligibility of any major athletic con-
ference in the country. Maximum schol-
arship aid in the Big Ten includes the
cost of board, room, books, tuition and
fees. Under NCAA regulations, the con-
ference is also empowered to give out $15
a month for incidentals. At the same
time the faculty representatives repealed
the "need" factor, they increased stand-
ards for eligibility.
The "need" factor was eliminated be-
cause coaches protested that it was hurt-
ing recruiting against conferences with
less strict standards. So the ideal thing
to do would be to toughen standards on
a national basis. But this is even less
likely than the possibility of action by
the Big Ten.
COLLEGE ATHLETIC programs have be-
come a big business. There are some
trends toward professionalism which seem
necessary to maintain a modern athletic
program. Reinstating the "need" factor
is not going to make a noticeable differ-
ence in the degree of professionalism to
which the Big Ten has committed itself.
And the University, which has higher
eligibility standards than the Big Ten
standard, is resisting the trend to pro-
fessionalism with greater success than
most institutions-and at the same time
it is maintaining a first-rate intercol-
legiate athletic program.
Sports Editor




Romney and State Education

To the Editor:
MR. ROSS' LETTER which stat-
ed "he (Governor Romney)
criticized Michigan's educators for
not doing more political lobbying"
not only misrepresents the gov-
ernor's statements but also shows
political naivete. Furthermove,
his implication that the governor
is not a leader clearly shows he
has not been keeping up with the
situation here in Michigan.
In this world of scarcity, state
funds are limited; therefore ap-
propriations for various state
functions must be given priority.
Legislators are under pressure to
give various bills priorities from
the governor, lobbyists and con-
stituents among others.
Certainly in most states lobby-
ists hold the balance of power
unless there is broad public sup-
port for a particular piece of
legislation. Even then, in states
such as Illinois, anti-crime :egis-
kation cannot be passed because
of extraneous political influences.
What the governor advocated was
for educators to build this strong
public support.
THE DAILY of November 13
states: " 'I don't want the crisis
approach,' said Romney. He em-
phasized that the only alternative
to this approach (for getting
funds for education) was for state
educators to take their case to
the people, and through them, to
the legislators."

Hence what Governor Romney
really advocated was grass roots
action to make the public more
aware of the state's educational
needs. No one can doubt that the
governor has done much for edu-
cation in this state His first
activity in public life was in De-
troit working on a citizens' com-
mittee for education. Certainly, if
he feels that in addition to his
efforts, which in his two years as
governor ,have yielded great in-
creases in the educational budget,
that educators must "take their
case to the people," it is a posi-
tion taken from strength not
-Alan Sager, '65L
Students for Romney
Discriminatory Clauses
To the Editor:
I READ with interest yesterday's
editorial by Lauren Bahr about
fraternity and sorority discrimina-
Lest readers of that editorial
generalize its findings to the en-
tire fraternity and sorority sys-
tem, they should know that there
are also many of us who are not
hampered by any such national
discriminatory clause.
As a matter of fact, our nation-
al organization, as typical of many
others, is on record with the Uni-
versity, saying:

Phi Sigma Kappa currently
does not have any rules, regu-
lations, policies, written or
oral agreements, or any oth-
er written or unwritten cri-
teria which in any way effect
selection of members by its
constituent members.
-James K. Greiner, '67
President, Phi Sigma Kappa
Student Apathy
To the Editor:
vember 18 crystallized several
molten elements which have been
flowing through my mind for
some time. I have one question
and several statements to make.
The question is a rather gen-
eral one: How long has it been
since The Daily said something
nice about anything on the Uni-
versity campus? You seem to think
that no one will respect you unless
you offer some criticism. Unfor-
tunately, it is seldom constructive
make is that I'm sick and tired
of hearingheveryone rant about
student apathy. It Just so hap-
pens that my education provides
enough worries. I seldom even
have time for relaxation, much
less Causes. And I'm quite sure
that I'm not atypical. (By the
way, I work for good grades be-
cause I think they are an in-
dication of how much a person
learns-not a displaced goal.)
And to Miss Weinberg, I would
like to say that, however many
of us wanted to cheer our team
last Saturday, there was the small
matter of transportation to the
As you can tell, I regret my
"apathy." Many of us do-but we
value our time here.
-Sybil Russell, '66
MEN'S UNITS may serenade the
women's residenceshalls on
any night, but serenades must be
held the hour after women's clos-
ing hours. These serenades must
be registered with the head coun-
selor of the center involved, who
may suggest appropriate timing
and number of songs.
Men may arrange a serenade
with a hall chorus by contacting
the chorus director of a hall.
These serenades must be register-
ed the same as those listed above.
The women's chorus stays in the
doorway or on the porch of their
Responses to serenades, other
than those by the hall chorus,
should be by applause only.
(From "Your Key to
Residence Hall Living,"
Indiana University)

Perpetuating Plutocracy

THE RICH GET RICHER and the poor
get poorer.
The veracity of this saying in the edu-
cational field today is due largely to the
educational aid policies of the federal
The most recent example of these poli-
cies is the Higher Education Facilities
Act. Under Title I of this law, institutions
of higher learning are eligible for federal
aid for undergraduate construction projf-
ects if they can supply two-thirds of the
cost of the project.
Relatively wealthy institutions benefit
greatly from these policies as they have
the required matching funds. However,
the poorer institutions which cannot
supply adequate matching funds for
needed construction projects must wal-
low in their poverty.
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN...............Personnel Director
BILL BULLARDI..................... Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY .... Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE......Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND ...,........ Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER...............Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER..............Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUICHER..........Contributing Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor
JAMES KESON .................. Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey
Goodman, Robert Hippler, Robert Johnston, Lau-
rence Kirshbaum.
Blumberg. John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Barbara

HE FEDERAL government is perpetu-
ating a stagnant plutocratic hierarchy
of educational institutions on a dynamic
educational world-an imposition which
will have detrimental effects on the na-
tion when the education system fails to
meet its challenges.
If the government wishes to help the
broad cause of education, federal aid pro-
grams should be based on need rather
than wealth.
License Plates
A LETTER recently sent to the mem-
bers of the Michigan Legislature from
Secretary of State James A. Hare in-
cluded his remark: "With Michigain's
period of extreme austerity apparently
over, it is my considered opinion that we
should again return to issuing annual
license plates."
Hopefully the Legislature will give this
plan a little closer consideration than
Hare apparently has: simply because the
state has the money is no reason for
spending it on things that aren't neces-
Both California and Pennsylvania are
states that are not in financial diffi-
culty, yet both instituted long-term li-
cense plate plans several years ago. The
only argument presented against Michi-
gan's- long-term plates is that they tend
to rust; this problem is easily solved by
making the plates from non-rusting al-

VIA do
~, iZNix

Vienna Lives Again As
'Fledermaus' Sparkles
A SPARKLING "FLEDERMAUS" opened the New York City Opera's
three-day stand at Hill Auditorium last night.
Eclairs and bonbons should have been passed out to the audience.
Paced by a fine group of principals, the entire company turned in
a first-rate performance of the Viennese classic. Particularly out-
standing were Beverly Sills as Rosalinda, Jon Crain as Alfred, Anne
Elgar as Adele, and David Smith as Prince Orofsky.
The comic hit of the evening was Coley Worth, as the inebriated
jailer Frosch. His well-choreographed drunkeness and delivery of
funny (and some unfunny) lines was classic. Both Frosch and Prince
Orlofsky produced some good topical lines, some even, tailor-made
for an Ann Arbor audience. This type of kidding is traditional in
"Fledermaus" productions.
Pulling out a bottle of whiskey, Frosch declaimed, "I smell roses,"
which brought a delayed response from the audience. Earlier, the
Pretzel Bell, as well as Barry Goldwater, came in for some digs.
SETTINGS AND STAGING were somewhat more than adequate,
but not quite up to the level of the performance. The Hill stage
is somewhat cumbersome for a big opera company, despite the
large curtains and improved resources. The acoustics, at least in the
first balcony, favored the pit orchestra somewhat; at times the singers,
all strong, were overpowered.
In general, the whole production, including choreography, was
above the standard of the run-of-the-mill Metropolitan Opera pro-
duction. New Yorkers realize this at times, and Ann Arbor audiences
are finding out now.
"Fledermaus" is certainly a classic, and it is interesting that
it has taken so long for it to become a hit in this country. Not until
the 1940's when an adaptation called "Rosalinda" appeared in New
York did Strauss' operatic triumph turn into an American standby.
Even in Vienna, the opera was at first greeted coolly, even though
Strauss was already renowned for his waltzes.
* * * *
SEEING "FLEDERMAUSS" in English is a treat, as it is for
"Barber of Seville" and other works in that vein. The singing is mainly
an obliggato for the tunes anyway, and the audience might just
as well enjoy the laughs as well as the tunes.
The "Merry Widow" Sunday afternoon and "Faust" Sunday
evening round out the New York City Opera's stay in Ann Arbor; go
see them.
-Mark Slobin




Welles wears Arty Macbeth' on a Tattered Sleeve


At Cinema Guild
JAMES AGEE, the novelist, film
script writer and movie critic,
once said, in reference to a fine
movie made by the director he
most admired, John Huston, that
it "does not wear its art on its
sleeve." Orson Welles could have
sagely followed this advice in
making "Macbeth," (as well as in
his initial effort in the medium,
"Citizen Kane"-that fine PhD
thesis on the cinema.)
Shot in three weeks in 1948 on
the sound stages of that moving
nicture companv snecializing in

a respectable and intelligible pace
until after Banquo's ghost scares
the fur off of Macbeth's rabbit-
skin smock. To make up for this
and many other deficiences which
I will mention later, Welles de-
cided to wear his art on his
sleeve and for that reason, "Mac-
beth" is very heavy-handed in-
* * *
CHIARSCURO lighting, wierd
and eerie angles, dramatic scenic
compositions continually excite
the eye, but toward no ends that
enhance Shakespeare's play, and

stark hilarity.
The infinitely capable Shake-
speare keeps "Macbeth" as a play
one precarious step from plunging
into the ludicrous, but the show-
man Welles lets "Macbeth," as
a movie, pass into that netherland
of the absurd and unbelievable.
Welles works for effect and
form, rather than substance and
content. Because the first two-
thirds of the plot proceeds at an
unbelievably fast pace, an audi-
ence ignorant of the story and the
characters is scarcely able to com-
prehend why Macbeth kills Dun-

for the part. Jeanette Nolan plays
Lady Macbeth as if somebody had
stuck a spear up her nose. The
rest of the cast is mostly insen-
sitive to the Shakespearean lines
that Welles and his script-writers
haven't mangled through abridge-
ment or distorted through altera-
tion in context.
And that brings us to the point
of Shakespeare's poetry. It is lit-
erally eclipsed by Welles' tricks
with the camera. The eye is so
continually excited and rushed
along, though rarely satisfied, that
the ear can never catch up to the

attention on both at the same
time and therefore the two me-
diums, poetry of the word and
poetry of the screen, are incom-
patible in the way Welles has
tried to use them.
* * *
WELLES IS the P. T. Barnum
of the art film in the same way
Cecil B. DeMille was the Barnum
of the Hollywood "spectacular."
He has pretensions of artiness and
displays them so prominently that
the audience cannot possibly miss
them. He uses his cinematic ploys
to achieve no other end than to

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