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November 21, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-21

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy and windy
with snow flurries



Student Politics Allowed

Merits, Dangers of Research Probed

In action taken yesterday eve-
ning, the Regents of the Univer-
sity of California at Berkeley re-
instated eight students who had
been suspended last September for
"illegally soliciting funds" for
political groups.'
They also passed a ruling al-
lowing students to solicit funds
and recruit members on cam-j
pus for off-campus political ac-j
tivities, Berkeley sources report-
ed by phone last night.
These measures were approved
as partdof a 10 point package
proposed by University of Cali-
fornia President Clark Kerr.
Under the proposal, six of the
eight suspended students would
be reinstated immediately, while
the other two would be on pro-
bation for the semester. It was
not established what proba-
tionary status entails.
Certain Areas
Solicitation and recruiting are
now allowed in certain designated'
"Hyde Park areas." These have
not been established yet.
Previously, the political groups
were allowed, to use the steps of
the administration building, Spro-
ul Hall. Under the new ruling,
this area is no longer open to
the students. They were told that

their temporary use of the steps
was an "experiment."
The Regents meeting was ac-
companied by a silent vigil of
some 2000 students. Five members
of the *FreerSpeech Movement
(FSN), an organization of most
of the campus' student groups, at-
tended the meeting but were not
allowed to make any oral pres-
Not Well-Received
The Regents' action was not
well received by student leaders,
due to the vagueness of terms.
Future action of the FSM is
not definite, although it will hold
a meeting Monday night. It is ex-
pected that the students will move
to test the new definition of a
"Hyde Park area." Further dem-
onstrations may take place on
the steps of Sproul Hall, and in
the Telegraph-Bancroft area,

where the issue started.
The action to be taken against
75 students who have manned ta-
bles for soliciting and recruiting
on the steps of Sproul Hall has
not been definitely defined. The
students were mailed letters ask-
ing them to appear at the dean
of students office.
In similar action, the status of
300 teaching assistants has been
put in question. The teaching as-
sistants have actively supported
the student movements.
They signed lists notifying the
deans that they had taken part
in the "illegal activities," along
with the students.
Yesterday each assistant receiv-
ed a letter saying that the deans
were not sure if his name was cor-
rectly included on the lists. Each
assistant was asked to notify the
office if his name was to be in-

Economists See
Mild GNP Gains
A continued but moderate growth was forecast for 1965 by the
12th annual Conference of the Economic Outlook yesterday.
The Michigan Econometric Forecast set a conservative pace with
an estimate of 4.4 per cent increase in Gross National Product.
However, most of the conference participants, responding in a
questionnaire, envisioned a 5.1 per cent increase in the GNP. This
economic barometer is defined as the total of consumer and govern-
mental expenditures, capital investment and surplus of exports over
Both the forecast and the conference participants predicted the
moderate growth would be reflected in reduced corporate profits,

Managing Editor
The federal government gave'
the University $32 million for re-
search last year. What would hap-
pen here if some or all of this
money were suddenlyrcut off?
This was the focal question yes-
terday as the Regents debated the
merits and problems involved in
having a multi-million dollar re-
search program.
Vice-President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman touched off the,
debate as he gave financial sta-
tistics and projections on research
Norman said the University's
research in 1963-64, including both
federal and non-federal support,
totaled $42.2 million-8 per cent
higher than in 1962-63.And this
year's budget, he predicted, will
top last year's by some nine per
cent or $4 million.
Not 'Federal Grant' University
However, Norman asserted, the
University "is not becoming a 'fed-
eral grant' university"-an insti-
tution which has staked its whole
future on Washington's generos-
Several Regents expressed con-
cern about the level of federal
Regent Frederick C. Matthaei of
Ann Arbor pointed out that the
federal government is becoming
increasingly committed to expen-
dituresfor non-research purposes,
'such as the War on Poverty.
"What happens if a groupof fed-
eral administrators or congress-
men decides too much money has
gone into research?"
Sudden Cutback
Regent Carl Brablec of Rose-
ville agreed. He cited Secretary of
Defense Robert McNamara's re-
cent announcement that numer-
ous military bases are being clos-
ed. "Suppose we received news
quite suddenly of a research cut-
back in proportion to McNamara's
statement. Wouldn't some kind
of shudder go through our struc-
Various Regents and adminis-
Jfudge Joins
OSA Staff
Charles Judge, Grad, has been
added to the staff of the Office
of Student Affairs to work in the
general area of student activities
and organizations, John Bingley,
director of student activities and
organizations, announced recently.
Judge will assume his position
on a part-time basis working di-
rectly under John Feldkamp, who
is Bingley's assistant. Judge will
be working with student activities
as well as with fraternities.
He, Feldkamp and Bingley will
share the administration of stu-
dent activities and organizations
in what Bingley termed a "team
effort" designed to promote great-
er flexibility in student affairs.
Judge, a graduate student in
higher education here, was recent-
ly elected to a position on the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications for 1964-65. For the past
two years, he has been the resident
advisor, of Wenley house, West
Quad. He has resigned this
Judge received his bachelor de-
gree in business administration in
1962 and a masters in Far Eastern
Studies in 1964, both from the

trators gave answers to the ques-
tions from Matthael and Brablec.
These Reasons
They stressed these points:
-Most important is that they
don't expect any radical cutback
to occur. "The increasing import-
ance of research is being recog-
nized by both the government and
private industry. I doubt that
either party will change very
much," Regent Eugene B. Power
of Ann Arbor commented.
-Even if such a cutback did
occur, it could not be absolutely
instantaneous, Norman observed.
This is because the total researchj
effort consists of hundreds of
projects, many of which last sev-
eral years. Thus, even if new
projects were drastically curtailed,'
the University would have some
time to adjust before the current

projects ran out.
-Another cushion is the sep-
aration of tenure faculty from
purely research personnel in terms
of where each group's paychecks
originate, University President
Harlan Hatcher added.
Some Fallback
Because tenure faculty are paid
largely from state money, no one
on tenure would find himself with-
out a paycheck if federal sup-
port stopped. He said the "ma-
jor dislocations" would be in the
"adjunct" institutions, such as in-
stitutions and centers.
Everyone admitted, however,
that the relatively sudden loss of
millions of dollars from any source
would entail major readjustments,
and setbacks such as the loss of
top faculty members. The crucial
point, they emphasized, is that



To Create

no one expects any such thing to
Regent Paul Goebel of Grand
Rapids added, "I don't think that
fear of what might happen in the
future should stop us from going
out and getting this money, which
is of such benefit now to the Uni-
versity's teaching program."
So for better or for worse, the
University will continue to accept
increasing numbers of Washing-
ton's grants and contracts, Nor-
man said. "Our research will
grow," he predicted, "but prob-
ably not as rapidly as it has, be-
cause the disposable time of our
faculty and the disposable space
is pretty much taken up."
Educational Capacity Increased
Norman told the Regents that
the huge research effort has not
"diverted or distorted education-

al processes at the University. On
the contrary, our educational
capacity has been increased."
He cited three ways in which,
he feels, research reinforces edu-
-It provides a "meshing" be-
tween research and instructional
activities on both graduate and
undergraduate levels. For exam-
ple, some 1800 graduate students
and 1700 undergraduates last year
received support from research
projects, and 700 PhD candidates
were working on project-associat-
ed dissertations.
-Research programs have been
the major source of additions to
equipment, totaling about $2.5
million last year; and
--The research structure pro-
vides a "reserve cadre" for the
enlargement of teaching faculty.

Communication DiV-ision

Wethey Is Russel. Le cturer '


IFC Postpones
Case Hearing
The hearing of a fraternity
charged with religious discrimina-
tion in its selection of members
has been postponed indefinitely.
The hearing of Trigon fratern-
ity before the judicial body of In-
terfraternity Council, the IFC Ex-
ecutive Committee had been slated
for Nov. 24.
The postponement of the hear-
ing, to give newly-installed alumni
officers of the fraternity time to
become acquainted with the case,
was announced yesterday by IFC
President Lawrence Lossing, '65.
Indicted Earlier
Trigon was indicted in early
October by the IFC membership
committee which presented the in-
dictment to the Executive Com-
mittee in a closed session.
It was disclosed that Trigon was
being charged with a violation of
the IFC bylaws which prohibit
fraternities from choosing mem-
bers according to race, color, re-
ligion, creed, national origin or
The issue in the Trigon case,
Lossing said yesterday, is whether
the fraternity is violating the
"spirit" of that bylaw. The house
has what he described a "positive"
religious orientation which results
in a favoritism of Christian mem-
Letter of Law
Hence, while the house is in
violation of the bylaw "according
to the letter of the law," Lossing
said the executive committee
would have to weigh the signifi-
cance of its religious orientation.
Once the Executive Committee!
acts, and its powers include the
right to dismiss Trigon from IFC,
the Student Government Council
is expected to review the case.
SGC also has a membership
committee and a judicial tribunal'
which can terminate recognition
of Trigon as a student group, sub-
ject to the approval of SGC and
the vice-president for student
The fraternity's termination of
membership in IFC or its loss of,
student-group status would be
totamonmt tn deth for that or-

IFC, Panhel
Not Affected
By Merger
The merger of the activity wings
of the Michigan Union and Mich-
igan League will not immediately
affect the activities of Interfra-
ternity Council and Panhellenic
Association but it will influence
the Union's projects, the presi-
dents of these organizations said
The merger of the two student
wings into a co-educational Uni-
versity Activities Union, respon-
sible to the Union Board of Direc-
tors, was approved by the League's
Board of Governors Thursday eve-
ning. This was the last hurdle to
the merger before it goes to the
Regents for final approval.
The UAC will not affect the two
governing boards of the institu-
tions which are remaining sepa-
Already Cooperate
The student activities wings of
the Union and League already co-
operate in many projects, but in
the merger they would work to-
gether as one organization instead
of two.s,
IFC President -Lawrence Lossing,
'65, said the merger would not
have a major affect on the pro-
jects conducted by IFC because
there would not be a substantial
change in the amount of person-
nel attracted to the Union away
from IFC.
"The Union doesn't interest it-
self in our activities except for its
participation with us in the pro-
jected campus speaker program."
Joint Projects
IFC and the Union presently
conduct concurrent projects, and I
feel that in the future their rela-
tionship will remain as it is now,
Lossing said.
Panhel President Ann Wickins,
'65, said that the Union-League
merger might affect Panhel's ac-
tivities in the future, but it is more
probable that sorority projects will
continue to operate as they do
"Panhel will always have the
legislative and coordinating func-
tion's of forming policy for hous-
ing units," Miss Wickins said.
Added Projects
It is possible that the proposed
UAC will sponsor some of the serv-
ice projects which Panhel current-
ly operates, such as concerts and
Winter Weekend, she said.
"The League and Union work-
ing together might be able to con-
duct these service projects more
effectively than Panhel, but these
functions are not Panhel's most
important concern," Miss Wickins
Kent Cartwright. '65. president

'bond yields and stock prices
next year.
Prof. Daniel Suits of the eco-
nomics department said the eco-
nomic moderation could be traced
to the reduced effects of the tax
cut, which spurred a seven per
cent GNP increase this year.,
Prof. George Katona of the
University'ssurveyaresearch cen-
ter saw the slow-down in psycho-
logical terms. "In 1963 a stimulus
for economic gain was lacking, but
in early 1964 the American people
found something new and some-
thing favorable-the tax cut."
He echoed Suits' prediction that
the tax stimulant will have worn
off although huge excise tax de-
creases are being recommended to
the Congress.
The conference participants also
predicted an increase in prices
and wages above the 1964 increase.
They foresee -a rise in the con-
sumer price index of 1.8 points in
1965 as compared to an increase
of 1.3 in 1964.
Remain Stable
The consensus regarding unem-
ployment was that it will remain
relatively stable at 5.2 per cent in
1965. This forecast was confirmed
by Prof. Robert C. Turner of In-
diana University who said that the
average rate of unemployment will
be about 5.5 per cent over the span
of the next ten years.
Discussing long - range change,
Turner observed that the average
work week in 1975 should be be-
tween 32 and 36 hours "with only
modest amounts of moonlighting
and overtime."
He predicted that productivity
between now and 1975 will in-
crease at the rate of about 3 per
cent annually.

Prof. Harold E. Wethey of the history of art department has
been named the 1964 Henry Russel Lecturer, the University's
highest award for academic and research excellence.
The award was given by the Regents yesterday following the
recommendation of the University Research Club and consultation
with former Russel Lecturers.
Wethey will deliver the Russel lecture next spring. He will
also be awarded an honorarium of $1,250.
Last Winner
Prof. William Randolph Taylor of the botany department
was the 1963 winner of the lectureship, whose history dates back
four decades.
It was established in 1920 by a bequest of Henry Russel of
Detroit, who received undergraduate and law degrees here in
the 1870's.
Quarter of Century
Wethey has been with the University since 1940. He was cited
yesterday for his research in the three major branches of the arts:
painting, sculpture and architecture.
His specialties include Spanish and Latin American art from
the 15th-17th centuries and early Italian baroque works. On
these topics he has published numerous articles and book reviews
which have gained international acclaim, including the election to
the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Spain.


Committee Favors Diversified Scholar

The student advisory committee
on the residential college is op-
posed to overemphasizing social
sciences and humanities in the
"We want all kinds of students
who are interested in everything,"
Burton D. Thuma, associate dean
of the literary college told the
group recently. "If we set up a
curriculum that limits the kinds
of students in the college we will
only be hurting ourselves."
The committee fears that an
overly strong emphasis on the
humanities and the social sciences
will discourage students interested
in the sciences from applying to
the residential college,

The committee further reviewed
a report on humanities and social
science requirements compiled by
four faculty members.
The report recommends that the
requirements in humanities and
social sciences be met by passing
a comprehensive examination in
the subject at the end of the
second year.
The student would also under-
take the following sequence of
-A freshman seminar offered
in the first term; and
-A sequence entitled "The De-
velopment of Western Man," of-
fered in the second, third and
fourth terms.
Freshman seminars would have
eight or nine students, taught by


Church Told, To Help, Not Judge People

one man. There would be weekly
papers based on a short list of
books such as Marx, Machiavelli,
Darwin, Freud, etc.
"The Development of Western
Man" would be staffed coopera-
tively, drawing mainly from the
humanities and social sciences. It
would be organized historically-
chronologically and not by dis-
ciplines, the report suggests.
It could contain in its core of
readings something like the read-
ing lists of the current Great
Books courses in the literary col-
lege. Hence, the course would pro-
vide the student with a general
overview of history including all
areas in the development of civili-
No English Course
There would be no specific
English composition course; the
freshman seminar will serve this
function. The faculty in all other
courses will bear some of the re-
sponsibility in evaluating writing
skills, the report recommends.
The committee strongly endors-
ed the idea that English composi-
tion should be integrated in other
course work.
The mention of sophomore com-
prehensives in the report prompt-
ed much discussion. No explana-
tion of what is meant by sopho-
more comprehensives was given in
the report so the committee
branched out into a general dis-
cussion of exams.
The group seemed to feel that
the pressure of grades caused by
exams should be alleviated some-
what and that a comprehensive of
some type could possibly serve
this function.
Dislikes Comprehensive
Yet it expressed concern over
the idea of having one compre-
hensive at the end of two years
which would present a "do or die"
The idea of having exams spac-
ed intermittently to give the stu-
dents feedback, without grades,
met with general approval. Then
there would be a comprehensive

To Replace
Board Also Sets Up
Center for Human
Development Study
The Regents yesterday turned
the University's unique interdisci-
plinary program in communication
sciences into a full-scale literary
college department.
At their monthly meeting, the
University's governing officers
also voted to establish a Center
for Human Growth and Develop-
The communications science de-
partment will offer both under-
graduate and graduate training,
through instruction and research,
in such far-ranging fields as in-
formation processing, theory of
digital computers and .studies of
neural mechanisms.
Absorb Functions
The department will absorb the
teaching and research functions
of the unit now called the Com-
munication Sciences Laboratory.
The chairman and faculty of the
department are yet to be named.
The University's program in
communication sciences was set
up in 1958 as the first interdisci-
plinary approach to the subject.
This program currently enrolls 62
graduate students.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns said that
the communication sciences de-
partment will have as the nucleus
of its faculty professors from sev-
eral other departments whose pri-
mary fields of study involve the
broad area of information process-
Included will be representatives
from the psychology department
who will concentrate on the hu-
man nervous system and teachers
By The Associated Press
DETROIT (M) - The Ford
Motor Co. rushed plans last
night to get back into the pas-
senger car production next
week after a settlement of its
Sterling Township parts plant
Ford, with all of its assembly
lines at a dead halt and more
than 80,000 men idle, said it
hoped to resume production
Tuesday or Wednesday in some
The Sterling Plant was view-
ed as the key plant in the
strike. It produced parts that
Ford spokesmen said held up
production all over the coun-
See Earlier Story, Page 3
from the mathematics and elec-
trical engineering departments
who will cover the functioning of
There will also be faculty mem
bers from the linguistics depart-
ment who will be concerned with
the role of languages as methods

>"Modern psychoanalysis does and should challenge the church's
sincerity in its concern for human persons," Prof. Seward Hiltner of
the Princeton University theological seminary said yesterday.
Hiltner's talk on the "Challenge of Psychoanalysis to the Church"
was the second of a two part series entitled "Psychoanalysis: Enemy
or Ally."
He said psychoanalysis is worried that the church is limited by
its moral codes in dealing with indviduals.
"We in the church must ask ourselves f we are getting enough
information on the depth of human need and if we are aiding our
conferees to give needed help instead of trying to judge who needs
help," Hiltner said.
He explained that the church once refused to discuss alcoholism
f::because it was afraid of spreading kntowledge and interest in the
' subject. The alcoholic was denounced as immoral. Hiltner noted the
same general attitude today toward the criminal and the juvenile
Change in Morals
To aid the individual, Hiltner advised a revision of the church's
attitude on morals. He said this could take into account the psy-
chologist's point of view.
PROF. SEWARD HILTNER OF PRINCETON University theolog- For example, he pointed out that psychoanalytic research has
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