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November 19, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-19

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See Editorial Page

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Union and League May

Merge Student Activities


EDITOR'S NOTE: Tonight the Michigan League Board of Directors will
meet to give final consideration to a plan for merging the activities wing of
the League and the activities wing- of the M9ichigan Union. The board meet-
ing climaxes a series of meetings of the various Union and League groups
who must approve the merger. If the League board approves the plan, it
will need only the Regents' approval to become reality.
The following article tells the story of the two organizations and of the
attempts to unite them.
"No Smoking, Briefcases, Coats, Beverages, Ladies."
This sign in front of the Michigan Union's Pendleton Library is
one of the last vestiges of a tradition that is slowly fading.
As late as the early fifties, a man nemed George Johnson sat at
the front door of the Union to make sure no female entered.
When University President Harlan Hatcher arrived here in 1954,
he first went to the Union. He 'was told he could enter but his wife
and young daughter would have to stand outside in the rain.
Union Origins ,
The Union was founded around the turn of the century as a club
for male students. It was the counterpart of the parlors of Barbour
Gymnasium, the social center for women, which later gave way to
the Michigan League.
Both the Union and the League are divided into two sections: a
service wing which oversees the business operations and an activities
wing which sponsors student functions such as MUSKET and Soph
Show. Until recently both wings of each organization functioned
separately from the corresponding wings of the other organization;
few people questioned the logic of this setup.
But lately this division along sexual lines has come to be seen as
highly artificial. Suggestions for the merger of the Union and League
have been tossed about since the end of World War II.
Reed Report
No one was motivated to do anything about the situation until
the publication of the Reed Report, a study of the University's phi-
losophy of student affairs, in February 1962.
The purpose of a university, the report said, is to "stimulate in
each student the maximum intellectual growth of which he is capable
and to enable him ..,. to make maximum contribution to his society."
Extracurricular life is as important as the classroom in achiev-
ing these goals, the report added. It went on to spotlight, "the cleav-
age in philosophy and policy ... symbolized by the geographic separa-
tion of men's and women's residence halls and by the existence of the
Union primarily for men and the League primarily for women, rather
than a student union for all students.
Youth Role
"The committee believes that the young people who enroll in the
University are primarily students seeking to learn, seeking to develop
not in isolation as men or women but together as equals and col-

On the basis of the Reed Report, the Union Board of Directors
decided to create a merger study committee, and appointed associate
Dean James H. Robertson of the literary college to head it.
In May of 1963 the committee recommended that both wings of
the Union be joined to their counterparts in the League. Specifically,
this meant:
-The merging of the business wings to form a "University Cen-
ter" under a single governing board, which would replace the separate
Union and League governing boards, and
-The merging of the activities wings into a co-educational stu-
dents activities organization, responsible to the new governing board.
Partial Rejection
At their October 1963 meeting the Regents rejected the Robertson
report-in part. They went along with the merger of the student-
activities wings but vetoed its plan to merge the business wings.
The Regents rejected the Robertson plan for a business-wing
merger because it called for students participating in the managerial
and financial operations of the proposed University Center. This par-
ticipation they termed "inappropriate" and "ineffective."
Elaborating on this point at a press conference after the Regents
meeting, President Hatcher said that the Regents simply questioned
whether student involvement in operations and policy outside the

"student activities" aspect was a "legitimate expenditure of their
time and energy."
Since that time, the past and present senior officers of both the
Union and the League have been working on plans for uniting the
activities wings.
The merged organization would be known as the University Activi-
ties Center (UAC). It would be solely responsible to the Union Board
of Directors. If approved, the merger of the two activities organiza-
tions would become effective next spring.
The Final Report of the 1964-1965 Union-League Senior Officer
Merger Committee states that although the proposed merger is
"ostensibly an amalgamation of the existing structures, the scope of
its activities should be broadened beyond the current range of en-
deavor of the Union and League." The committee expects the proposed
UAC to play a "lively role in the continuing development of the total
university." For this reason they named the organization the UAC.
Expand Activities
The present senior officers of the Union and League look to the
proposed UAC to expand the activities committees and to undertake a
thoughtful re-evaluation of current committee projects.
The senior officers in their unanimous final report outlined their
reasons for placing the UAC under the jurisdiction of only the
See MERGER, Page 2


SGC Move
Establish Group
To Study Parking
Student Government C o u n c i 1
unanimously approved a motion
last night which further encour-
aged the work of the University of
Michigan Student Employees' Un-
ion in the area of student wages.
The motion, proposed by Barry
Bluestone, '66, recommends that
the University c o n s ider the
UMSEU the official bargaining
agent for student employes.
The proposal also asks that the
University readjust its budget to
insure an absolute minimum wage
of $1.25 an hour this year. SGC
asks that the University provide
the UMSEU with sufficient data
so that the UMSEU can continue
to discuss the problem with Uni-
versity officials.
Welcomes Support
"I, welcome SGC's unanimous
backing of the union's position. I
hope the University administration
That Game
The Michigan-Ohio State
game on ,Saturday will be tele-
vised by WWJ-TV, Detroit. For
all details, including those
about tonight's pep rally, see
pages 6-7.
will note this and take immediate
action to effect our proposals,"
David Salmon, '66, vice-president
of the UMSEU stated.
In further action relating to
the controversy o v e r student
wages, SGC accepted the one por-
tion of the grievance report of the
Student Economic Welfare Com-
mittee that was proposed.
The motion further affirms the
need of a $1.25 minimum wage for
student employes.
Parking Report
The report from the Committee
on the Parking Problem was ac-
cepted by Council. By passing this
report, SGC supports the joint
effort of a committee composed of
representatives from the Ann Ar-
bor City Council, the University
and the Ann Arbor Chamber of
Commerce, which has been formed
to study the parking problems en-
countered by students.
As a result of this report, SGC
will establish its own committee
to study the parking problem. The
committee will work with the Uni-
versity in order to reach an ade-
quate solution to the problem.
The report was based on SGC's
belief that it is the role, not only
of the students, but of the entire
University community to seek
some solution to the parking
Class Cancellation
As a result of the passage of a
motion submitted by Eugene Won,
'66, SGC will recommend to the
University that classes be can-
celled by individual professors
Monday, Dec. 14, thus giving a
two day study period before final
The executive committee of
SGC, Ann Wickens, '65 and
Thomas Smithson, '65, will hold

In Sum:1






U' Conducts Traffic Survey

The University yesterday con-
ducted a comprehensive survey
on traffic patterns and traffic
volume in the campus area. Over
70,000 vehicles were clocked as
they passed 13 checking stations,
John Telfer, assistant to the Uni-

Roosevelt Head Pitehell Suspends Editors
Of 'Torch' from Activities During Probe

The editorial board of Chicago's
Roosevelt University's newspaper,
the Torch, was suspended from
all student activities by President
Robert J. Pitchell yesterday morn-
This action followed the admin-
istration's confiscation of the
Torch's latest issue Saturday be-
cause of an article stating Presi-
dent Pitchell had been "unoffi-
cially fired" and that the univer-
sity was $700,000 in debt. The
newspapers were released Tues-
day after the Torch agreed to
publish a supplement with let-
ters from the administration an-
swering the article.
The six students on the edi-
torial board were notified of their
suspension yesterday morning in a
memo from Pitchell, Judy Halprin,
editor-in-chief of the Torch, said
in a phone call to The Daily. The
suspension is temporary until the
investigating committee of the
Student Activities Board turns in
its final report on the situation.
The story which set off the
controversy was a bulletin on
page three of the Torch which
stated that Pitchell had been
unofficially fired.
The story added that the presi-
dent's administrative power had
been removed and given to the Ad-
ministrative Council which is a
board composed of the deans of
the university and five other ad-
ministrators. The reason behind
the action of the Board of Trus-
tees was that Pitchell had failed
to bring funds to the university
which is $700,000 in debt.
Verifies Report
Subsequently Pitchell has ver-
ified to Chicago news media that
the university is in debt and that
his power had been removed, John
Douard said.

On the orders of the Adminis- The Torch has filed a protest
trative Council the papers were with the Administrative Council
confiscated Saturday afternoon. on the suspension. The newspaper
In -a series of meetings over the feels that the president's action
next five days with the Torch was an arbitrary one which did
editors, thehadministration agreed not go through proper channels
to return the papers if the Torch as the Torch is only responsible to
would publish a supplement in- the SAB and can only be punish-
cluding the statements of Presi- ed by them.
dent Pitchell, Dean Ralph Weial, "If the original objection to the
chairman of the Administrative story was that it brought unfav-
Council, and Lyle Spencer, chair- orable publicity to the Univer-
man of the Board of Trustees. sity then we feel that the con-
fiscation of the papers by the Ad-
Thespementtdburnh edinon mnistrative Council and the sus-
odyTorch had added an italicized in-peso by President Pitchell
sert over the letters that explain- brought the most unfavorable
ed biefy wat ad hppeed.Thepublicity to the university which
ed briefly what had happened. The has a life-long tradition of aca-
papers were released on Tues- demic freedom," Miss Halprin
day with the stipulation that the said.
objectionable insert be replaced The United States Student Press
by one written by the adminis- ThUntdSaeSuetPrs
tration. Association has protested Pitch,
ell's action and asked for a rein-
Publish Explanation statement of the editors.
In place of the page three in-
sert the Torch published a four
page supplement which explained u
in detail what has happened and
which included the letters of the
administration. Freedom Fast
Tuesday night the editorial
board went before the Student President Lyndon B. Johnson
Activities Board to explain their has given his endorsement to the
actions. An inevstigating commit- Thanksgiving Fast for Freedom,
tee of three students and three which students on over 150 Amer-
faculty members was set up to ican college campuses will par-
investigate the.situation. ticipate in today.
Miss Halprin went before a The fast, which is sponsored
closed-session of the committee by the United States National Stu-
yesterday afternoon and refused dent Association, the Northern.
to reveal the sources of her story. Student Movement, and the Unit-
Under the canons of journalism ed States Youth Council, is de-
at Roosevelt, the newspaper is not signed to raise money to aid un-
required to reveal its sources un- der-privileged Negroes in the
less it is before a closed session South.
of the council. In campuses participating, stu-
Moral Responsibility dents with pre-paid meal contracts
"We are stressing that we have will refrain from one meal today,
a responsibility to a higher ethi- the money thus saved being used
cal code than the Roosevelt code," to buy food for impoverished Ne-
Miss Halprin stated. gro families in Mississippi.

versity architect, said.
Over 40 people operated the sta-
tions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The
license numbers of every car en-
tering and leaving the station
areas were taken, Telfer explain-
ed. In previous surveys, mechani-
cal counters made the amount of
traffic volume in certain areasj
available. However, the new man-
ual method used yesterday releas-
ed more valuable information, he
The data includes points where
cars entered areas, how long they
stayed, where and for how long
they parked, the volume of vew
hicles in lots and how they left
the area, Telfer explained.
Traffic Count
A new data sheet was used
every 15 minutes to record the
flow of traffic and no car could
get through an area without first
passing a station. With nearly 100
sheets of data collected, he said
that it would take a while be-
fore they could all be processed.
The city cooperated in the traf-
fic check and supplied four su-
pervisors. The piolice also control-
led traffic and blocked off the
station areas, Telfer added.
The actual purpose of the sur-
vey and results that may follow
are unknown, he said. The data is
important because the University
must know the volume of traffic
flow before working at all on the
north side of campus. However,
there are no present plans to
change streets or to control traf-
fic volume, Telfer emphasized.
Central Campus Plan
The material will be used in
accord with the central campus
study on traffic developments and
will follow up in more detail the
report on traffic in the Ann Ar-
bor area by Harold Bartholo-
mew and Associates, Telfer said.
The whole survey is a positive
approach to find out what traffic
demands exist at the University,
and any other problems that might
exist in this area. However, plans
for developing or changing traffic
patterns cannot be determined yet,
Telfer concluded.
The data will be used in devel-
oping efficient pedestrian and ve-
hicle traffic plans for the Mall
and State Street areas.
Steps taken against the con-
gested traffic conditions in the
campus area eventually may in-
clude closing several streets near

D. Telfer checks volume of cam-
pus traffic.
Pentagon Head
To Enumerate
Base Closings
tagon will disclose today 95 more
military bases-some small and
some quite large-which will be
closed down.
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara told a news conference
yesterday the bases-Army and
Air Force as well as Navy ship-
yards-will be closed gradually
over a period of years.
McNamara said they can all
be eliminated "without in any way
reducing our military strength or
combat readiness."
McNamara provided figures,
however, which indicate the clos-
ings will include some of the larg-
est bases shut down so far. He
estimated the total savings at
$500 million a year and said this
would bring the figure for all
bases closed since 1961 to over $1
billion saved annually.
The secretary said 63,000 job po-
sitions, both military and civil-
ian, will be wiped out by the new
closings. The defense chief prom-
ised to guarantee a job oppor-
tunity for every career employe
whose job is eliminated and to
protect individual workrs affect-

Scle Pol cy
Asks Equalized Pay Levels
For Third Trimester Term
Request Rests upon Regental Definition
Of 'Academic Year' Eight Months Long
The University must revise its thinking on faculty pay scales
if it is to treat its faculty fairly under the trimester system, a
faculty subcommittee of the University Senate has declared.
The Subcommittee on Economic Status of the Faculty has
recommended in a report that professors working half the coming
spring-summer trimester term be paid the same amount they would
be paid for working half of a fall or wzinter term.
The administration, in its latest report on faculty salaries-
dated June 29-recommended that faculty working half the summer
term be paid about 88 per cent
of the amount they would be paid
for half a fall or winter term. r* ~;
The spring-summer faculty pay
term will be composed of twort:
overly apinghalves, one extending
from May 23 through July 22x
the other extending from June
21 to August 20. Most professors
plan to work no more than one
two-month period.
Under the faculty proposal, a
professor making a total of $9000 a}.
during the fall and winter terms y
would receive $2,250 for his work
during half the spring-summer
term. Under the administration
proposal, he would receive $2000
during the same period-$250 less
The University is now consider-
ing the faculty recommendations
and is revising its own recommen
dations, but the administrators'>h<
basic premises are likely to re-
main the same, Associate Dean ASSOCIATE DEAN LEABO
Dick Leabo of the business ad-
ministration school and chairman
of the committee commented in a Panhel Downs
preface to the report.
The key difference betweenIN w P a fo
administration and faculty pro-
posals is this: the administration "
argues that fall-winter faculty pay Sp ing R
should be spread, as it has been
in the past, over nine months. By PHYLLIS KOCH
The faculty argues that since tri-
mester schedules have squeezed Panhellenic Presidents' Council
vacation time out of the fall- yesterday rejected another pro-
winter terms, the pay - while re- posal for open mixers inspring
maining the same-should be rush.
I spread over only eight months. The proposal was a modifie-
Each group says that faculty tion of the original plan for un-
working two months during the structured mixers which was de-
summer should receive two full feated by Panhel last week.
months' fall-winter pay. But The compromise measure reject-
fall-winter pay is higher under ed yesterday would have follow-
the faculty proposal. hed the original proposal, with the
Traditionally, there has been addition of a provision for en-
an assumption of a one-month forced attendace at all houses.
vacation period during the aca- a eay llhs
demic year," the committee said. Delay Plans
But "as a result of the compress- Panhel decided to delay con-
ed trimester calendar, terms have sideration of a modified mixer
been compressed somewhat by the policy until next semester when
curtailment of Christmas, Easter plans for fall rush would be dis-
and between semester recesses." cussed.
Thus, professors should be paid The time factor was expressed
during the "academic year" of the by sorority presidents as the ma-
fall and winter terms for eight jor objection to the proposal.
months' work. To back up this Many of the presidents said they
point, the faculty points to the felt pressured with only three
Regents' bylaws, Chapter V, SEec. weeks left in the semester to work
5.01, par. (7), which defines the out a new system.
"academic year" as a period ex- In other action, Panhel discuss-
tending "from one week before ed and planned exchange activi-
classes begin until commence- ties with Assembly House Coun-
ment." Under the trimester, this cil. Exchange dinners and service
is an eight-month period. It fol- projects involving women in sor-
lows, the faculty report asserts, orities and dormitories are plan-
that a. fac1tyv member working ned for the near futunre.


Summer Placement Service Grows with Trimester

The Bureau of Appointment's Summer Placement Service is
accommodating itself to the problems caused by trimester.
The bureau is considering expansion to a year-round place-
ment service to accommodate students who will want jobs during
the winter and spring semesters.
It also is informing employers of the University's new aca-
demic calender. Under the trimester schedule University students
leave school earlier and are expected back earlier than students
in mnc i tha ~wnthr nlp P-,nd uivmersites. mniovers have

I have talked to many company recruiters about it-they will
probably set up programs to hire students during the winter
and spring semesters," Ardis predicted.
"There has been both positive and negative feedback on
the changed summer schedule from the employers who hire
students," Ardis said.
Employment Prospects
He claimed, "The fact that students are available for a third
of the year instead of just a few weeks in the summer makes
them more attractive employment prospects in business and


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