Af fr, ia
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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
U.S. Refuses Pledge
To UN Special Fund
Declines Because of Soviet Debts
For Congo, Middle East Operations
By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS-The United States refused yesterday to
make a 1965 money pledge to the United Nations special fund and
expanded program of technical aid pending a solution to the U.S.-
Soviet crisis over overdue peacekeeping assessments.
As principal contributor the United States normally pledges 40
r per cent of the total raised by voluntary contributions to the two
major U.N. programs for help to economically handicapped nations.
The Soviet Union pledged the same for 1965 as last year-2,700,000
rubles, or the equivalent of $3 million. It was subject to the same
Czechs Take Part
In Tariff Talks
View Communist Entry as Friendly
But of Little Economic Importance
By The Associated Press
GENEVA-The Kennedy round of tariff talks opened with a mild
surprise yesterday as a Communist country-Czechoslovakia-began
to take part in the bargaining.
Including Czechoslovakia, 12 major trading units of the world
began to confer in what is widely considered the most ambitious
attempt in modern times to slash global customs duties.
Although Czechoslovakia's actions were looked upon as a gesture
of friendliness and cooperation, officials explained that her tariff
actions iadin fact little economic import.
This is because Communist countries, where the state has com-
plete control over exports and imports, need not rely on tariffs to
control their economic exchanges
H ie rarchy
evs Linesl
[Name Three.
Is rael, S yria
Debate over
asked the UN Security Council
yesterday to condemn Israel for
a border air raid last Friday it
called an act of barbarism and
naked aggression. Israel counter-
ed with a demand that the coun-
cil call upon Syria to stop threats
and shooting.
Their bids for action came as
the 11-nation council opened de-
bate on Syrian and Israeli com-
plaints growing out of a two-
hour artillery and air clash north
of the Sea of Galilee, the worst
in years. Ten persons were re-
ported killed and 37 wounded.
Secretary-General U Thant said
he had asked for a full factual
report from Norwegian Lt. Gen.
Odd Bull, head of UN truce ob-
servers in Palestine, and would
send it to the council "very skort-
Israeli chief delegate Michael
S. Comay suggested that the
council "take twos pecific meas-
ures to reinforce stability" on the
"The council can insist," he
said, "that Syrians refrain (a)
from all further attacks upon or
interference with Israel activities
in the border zone, and in par-
ticular all firing across the bor-
der; (b) from all further threats
against the political independ-
ence and territorial integrity of
Syrian chief delegate Rafik As-
ha declared "the latest action
committed by Israel against my
country calls for urgent action."
"We respectfully request the
council to condemn Israel in the
strongest terms as it has done
several times in the past," he
The two ambassadors did not
mention a series of air battles re-
ported by their two countries
Saturday. They disagreed over
which country started the fight-
ing on Friday.
Papers Reject
Union Offer
DETROIT (W) - The Detroit
Free Press yesterday refused to
admit to work returning members
of Local 13 of the International'
Printing Pressmen's Union. The
union had called off its strike and
offered to return to work at the
Free Press but not at the Detroit
Local 13 is still at odds with the
News over manpower requirements
for manning several newly-install-
ed presses.
"dPublishers assailed the union
offer as a "'grandstand play"
restrictions - that it be used to
pay only Soviet technicians em-
ployed in the two programs.
In announcing the pledge Sov-
iet Delegate Nikolai T. Federenko
made no reference to the U.S. an-
nouncement, but said only that
his country favored U.N. opera-
tions "carried out in accord with
the U.N. charter."
"In view of circumstances with
which members are familiar, my
government is not in a position to
make a pledge for 1965 at this
time, U.S. Ambassador Franklin H.
Williams told the delegates in the
General Assembly Hall.
"We have every hope that de-
velopments will make it possible
for us to announce a substantial
pledge in thenear future."
This was a reference to private
diplomatic efforts now going on
to resolve the deadlock over pay-
ment of past due assessments for
The Soviet Union is two years
in arrears on Middle East and
Congo peacekeeping assessments.
The United States contends that
under Article 19 of the U.N. char-
ter the Soviet Union and eight
other nations in a similar situa-
tion must lose their assembly vote.
Russia owes a total of $52.6 mil-
lion for Congo and the Middle
East. They could get out of the'
two-year column by paying a little
less than $6 million. U.S. sources
said the U.S. would consider the
bill satisfied if they paid the entire
sum into any kind of a fund.
Two Year's.
France will be two years in
arrears on Jan. 1 because of fail-
ure to pay Congo assessments.
Both Moscow and Paris contend
that the assessments are illegal
because they were approved by the
General Assembly instead of the;
Security Council.
France and a number of other
countries increased their pledges
by a amount-but not
enough to overcome a gap left by
the U.S. action.
The target for 1965 is $150 mil-
lion. For the current year 109
countries have pledged or paid
$137,100,000 - including the
United States.
Last year's pledging conference
raised $74,663,616, not counting
the U.S. pledge.1
It was apparent that the1
pledges yesterday would exceedJ
that figure.
-Associated Press
MANLIO BROSIO, LEFT FOREGROUND, secretary-general of the North AqJantic Treaty Organi-
zation, is shown during a speech in Paris yesterday in which he challenged French President
Charles de Gaulle to state clearly his position on the alliance's problems. At right is French For-
eign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville. Brosio spoke at the 10',h annual session of the NATO
parliamentary conference in the French capital.
Unions Set To Strike Rails
By the Associated Press
CHICAGO-Six railroad unions
announced yesterdaythat a strike
against most of the nation's rail-
roads has been set for 7 a.m. (Ann
Arbor time) Monday, Nov. 23.
But spokesmen said that "ser-
ious consideration would be given
any requests concerning the
strike frgm the White House."
The unions represent railroad
workers who build, maintain, re-
pair and service railroad locomo-
tives and cars.
All "cooling off" provisions of
the railway labor act have been
exhausted and a strike can be
called legally anytime a f t e r
Nov. 19.
Michael Fox, president of the
AFL-CIO railway department, said
the six unions involved have noti-
fied all their general chairmen
throughout the country of plans'
for the shutdown and have issued
detailed instructions concerning,
E picketing
The u
other ra
could b+
picket li
on the 1
and swit
which h
cent of
The o
way Sysi
Coast F
strike a;
Coast Ra
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Fox in'
an effort
find a si
mh (
g and conduct of the
union chief said he will
the cooperation of all
il unions and said they
e expected to recognize
nes of the shop' workers.
Halt Service
a strike would halt service
87 railroads and terminal
ching companies involved,
andle more than 90 per
the rail traffic in the
nly major railroads not
are the Southern Rail-
tem and the Florida East
Railroad. Non - operating
unions have been on
gainst the Florida East
ailroad since Jan. 23, 1963.
s A. O'Neill of the Na-
ediation Board met with
Washington last week in
t to head off the planned
O'Neill came to Chicago
y in a last ditch effort to
ix shop unions have re-
inadequate a presidential
cy board's recommended
of 27 cents an hour over
rnions contend that skill-
workers are paid less than
workers in industry. They
that the board took no
ce of this because it
nded an identical wage
four other non-operating
unions which also had
mands pending.
No Comment
ailroads have not com-
publicly on the board's
ndations made Oct. 20.
The board's report automatically
banned any walkout for 30 days,
under terms of the Railway Labor
Fox said the unions have met
with the carriers three times since
the board's recommendations were
announced and that the talks were
unproductive. He said manage-
ment has not made any settle-
ment proposal.
Secretary of Labor W. Willard
Wirtz said in Washington last
week that he did not expect a rail
strike or White House interven-
tion in the case.
The six shop unions are among
11 non-operating unions involved
in wage disputes. The other five
have taken no strike action.
Abboud Steps
Down in Sudan,
CAIRO 0P)--President Ibrahim
Abboud yesterday announced his
resignation as chief of state and
armed forces commander in Su-
dan, a broadcast over Radio
Omdurman said.
Sudan's new civilian cabinet had
put pressure on Abboud to step
down. He gave up most of his
power last month after 10 days of,
violent street demonstrations.
A renewed outbreak last week
apparently convinced him to yield
all his authority.
Abboud appointed General Mo-
hamed Ahmed Alkawwad to re-
place him as the Sudanese armed
forces commander, the broadcast
To Positions
With Council
Abolish Khrushchev's
Structural Divisions
Of Subcommittees
MOSCOW (A - A month after
ousting Nikita S. Khrushchev, the
Soviet Communist Party's Cen-
tral Committee elevated three of
its leaders to its highest council
yesterday and decreed important
personnel and policy changes.
The actions, taken at a one-
day secret meeting of the com-
mittee, appeared to observers to
be an effort by Leonid I. Brezh-
nev, Khrushchev's successor as
first secretary of the party, to or-
ganize the party along the lines
he wants.
Alexander N. Shelepin, 46, for-
mer head of the State Security
Committee (KGB), the state po-
lice organization, waspromoted
to the committee's ruling presi-
Pyotr Y. Shelest, 56, head of the
party from the influential Ukraine
republic, was elevated to the pre-
sidium from candidate member-
Pyotr N. Demichev, 46, a partyt
secretary specializing in light and
chemical industries, became a
candidate member of the presi-
Drop Kozlov
The Central Committee drop-
ped Frol R. Kozlov, once regard-
ed as a top aide to Khrushchev,
from the presidium, explaining
that the reason was Kozlov's
physical incapacity. Kozlov was
felled by a stroke last year.
The Central Committee gave
no explanation for dropping Vas-
ily I. Polyakov from his post as
a member of the party secretar-
iat. Polyakov specialized in agri-
culture, Khrushchev's favorite
field and the field of Khrush-
chev's most noteworthy failures.
The p a r ty also dismissed
Khrushchev's son-in-law, Alexei
Adzhubei, from membership in
the Central Committee. Adzhubei,
former editor of the government
newspaper Izvestia, was expelled
from the committee "for errors
committed in his work."
Abolish Changes
The committee also decided to
abolish structural changes in the
party instituted by Khrushchev.
It reversed the Khrushchev re-
organization which had divided
party subcommittees into parallel
organizations to specialize in ag-
riculture and industry. Thi
Khrushchev reform had been re-
ported causing widespread confu-
sion and dissatisfaction among
the party rank and file.
The 175-member Central. Com-
mittee's meeting was its first since
Brezhnev met last week with for-
eign Communists and represen-
tatives of the Chinese party on
the split in the world movement.
It was not known whether the
committee was filled in on the
talks, and the brevity of the ses-
sion suggested that there had
been no detailed briefing..
with other countries.
The participating countries had
until early this morning to, say
what industrial goods they are
prepared. to include in a general
cut of import duties by one half
of the present duties.
In effect each country put for-
ward its position in the form of a
so-called exceptions list. This
tables products not to be included
in the Kennedy round because
they are particularly sensitive to
foreign competition. Any products
not on the list will automaticaliy
be included.
By late afternoon all the main
nations taking part had deposited
their sealed lists on the desk of
Eric Wyndham White, executive
secretary of GATT (General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade),
which .is administering the Ken-
nedy round.
Lists were submitted by the
United States, the European Com-
mon Market, Canada, Japan, Bri-
tain, Austria, Denmark, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, and
No one had expected a Com-
munist country to turn up but
GATT officials said Czechoslo-
vakia had every right to submit
a list and thereby give notice of
its intention to take part in the
Kennedy round.
The six nations of the Common
Market agreed only on a joint
list after months of frantic back-
stage bargaining in Brussels.
Students' Ask
Study Days'
Five student leaders yesterday
presented a request for a reading
period before finals to Vice-Pres-
ident for Academic Affairs Roger
W. Heyns, Sarah Mahler, activi-
ties and scholarship chairman of
Assembly Association, said last
The recommendation, signed by
the chairmen of the Literary Col-
lege Steering Committee, Honors
Steering Council, Education an'
Culture Committee of the League,
Panhellenic Scholarship Commit-
tee and Miss Mahler, presented
two requests.
First, it requested that a three
day study period be included in
future academic calendars. This
reading or study period could be
either directly before exams or
in the latter half of the semes-
ter, Miss Mahler explained.
"It would not be effective this
year," she said.
The second request could af'
feet this semester, however. It
asked the O:Nice of Academic
Affairs to suggest to the faculty
that classes be canceled on the
Monday before finals, Miss Mah-
ler said.
"The Office of Student Affairs
can't demand that the classes be
canceled, since a study day is
not scheduled for that date," she
"However, Assembly has dis-
tributed signs to be put up in
residence halls urging students
to talk to their instructors about
canceling Monday's classes," she
criticize U.S.
Policies in
South Asia
Viet Nam is the battlefield on
which the United States must test
its policy assumptions for under-
developed countries, Todd Gitlin,
a coordinator of the Students for
Democratic Society sponsored
Peace Research and Education
Project, said last night.
Speaking at a panel discussion
sponsored by Voice, Gitlin focus-
ed on six "critical issues".
Richard Horovitz, president of
Voice, moderated the discussion.
-Viet Nam will help resolve
the struggle among military lead-
ers over what are suitable 'mili-
tary tactics.
-The Vietnamese effort may
reveal what direct economic is-
sues are at .stake in underde-
veloped countries in relation to
the West.
Domino Theory
-Viet Nam success or failure
will test the Dulles inspired dom-
ino theory of foreign policy, that
is the fall of one country threat-
ens the security of its neighbor
and induces its fall.
-Finally, the Vietnamese strug-
gle should help reveal the limits
and possibilities of Communist
Discussing problems in develop-
ing a policy towards underdevel-
oped countries, Prof. Charles Mos-
kos of the sociology department
;criticized that the U.S. social
scientist "follows the flag. They
are three years behind the gov-
ernment in reaching policy pro-
Analogies between United States'
domestic problems and global
problems have been emerging in
recent years, asserted William
Livant, an associate resident psy-
chologist of the Mental Health
Research Institute.
Livant suggested that. the pub-
lic and social scientists are com-
ing to the realization that "Just
as social workers in U.S. slums
are almost doomed to failure .
so are urban planners and geog-
raphers doomed in their efforts to
affect improvement in underde-
veloped countries."
They are learning that they
must create plans that work with-
in the framework of the under-
lying realities in those countries,
he continued.
Referring to the great number
of congressmen elected on the
coattails of President Lyndon B.
Johnson, Livant hypothesized that
the way to get ahead in ther
Democratic Congress will be to
organize a caucus on particular
He expressed hope that some
senators would join Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore) in recurrent cri-
ticism of U.S. foreign policy. He
suggested that senators and con-
gressmen be urged to create cau-
cuses to evaluate current policy.
Rebutting Livant's view, Mos-
kos said, "To have a dozen con-
gressmen raise critical questions
of the administration is to ask
them in effect to be traitors."
He drew a parallel to French in-
1 e su
T T ] jected as
Michigan AAUP Elects '' ec a
eS~s Uemergenc
Professor as President Theu
ed shopa
similar w
Prof. Ralph A. Loomis of the engineering college was elected contend
president of the Michigan Conference of the American Association of cognizan
University Professors at the group's annual meeting Saturday. recomme
The group, which met at Central Michigan University in Mt. hike forJ
Pleasant, chose Prof. Loomis to succeed the outgoing Prof. Louis Doll railroad
of Delta College. wage der
Prof. Edward M. Shafter Jr. of the engineering college was named The r
corresponding secretary. Elected to other offices were Prof. Wesley mented1
Dykstra of Alma College, vice-president, and Prof. Earle Labor of recomme
Adrian College, recording secre- *'
tary and treasurer. MASS MEETING AT L
Seven Points M
The conference adopted a seven- w
point program for organization of
higher education in Michigan de- I. k o r111 n tr
veloped by a committee headed by
Prof. Willard Kaplan of the,
mathematics department. The By PHYLLIS KOCH The i
program calls for the establish- lo o
ment of a co-ordinating board of "The sorority system strives to- ook o
higher education to be appointed ward a more meaningful exper- pointed t
by the governor. ience for the individual in the "and fac
University," Ann Wickens, '65,
Michigan presently has an president of Panhellenic Associa- "Now
eight-member State Board of Ed- tion, said yesterday at the sorority you," sh
ucation, which encompasses all rush mass meeting at the Wom- tige valu
education, not just the college and en's League. ship is
university level. The board pro- e Lege sacademi
posed by the AAUP could concen- Over 1000 women heard Missacdm
trate its efforts on higher edu- Wickens speak at two meetings imperson
cat exclusively. which were held to give the back. versity.
cation ground and mechanics of soror- fore, mo
Responsibilities ity rush. for each
The proposed responsibilities of Rush registration will take place it is that
the board as outlined by the pro- Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. Miss W
gram would include recommend- to 4:30 p.m. on the third floor ing the
ing the amounts the Legislature of the Student Activities Build- an oppo
should appropriate for each in- ing. A three-dollar registration own goa
stitution, establishment of prin- fee is required. Rush will be held volve an
ciples for optimum size and rate next semester between January interests
y Leaders Evaluate Rush Experience
deals are there if you
ruthem," Miss Wickens
out. "But you must be
with yourself," she added,
e disappointments."
I will be honest with
e continued. "The pres-
e of the sorority member-
declining as a result of
c pressures and the vast,
al atmosphere of the uni-
She said that it is, there-
ore important than ever
girl to ask herself what
draws her to rush.
Wickens concluded by urg-
women to view rush as
rtunity to develop their
ils. "It is a way to in-
nd commit yourself and
to a group of individuals
sorority group are important," she
continued. "Those of you who
pledge are the people who will
develop it. Affiliation is thus a
commitment, both financial and
spiritual," she said.
Miss Miller encouraged the girls
to rush with "an open mind,"
making their decisions on "the
merits of the individual sorori-
Karen Hubbard, chairman of
rushing counselors, added that
"it is time to start thinking about
what you can contribute to the
sorority system."
Miss Hubbard also urged that
girls participating in rush con-
sider their rush cuonselors as
"friends," not merely "informa-
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