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November 13, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-13

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iMr i4an Balyf
Seventy-Fifth Year

Distorted View of Crusade

ir MEENCE-1? m

W ere thinOnaArePvFree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEws Pxown: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Residential College:
They're Taking a Risk

To the Editor:
'THE CRUSADE Marches On"
was one of the most distort-
ing and vicious editorials I have
ever read. Afraid, unable or too
lazy to counter the crusade's views
with logic and reason, Roger Ra-
poport chose to rely on smear and
unfounded ridicule.
Instead of presenting the liberal
view on the issues involved, Rapo-
port merely states Schwartz' ar-
guments (in a distorted form, of
course) as if they were obviously
false. For instance, Schwarz did
not make the blanket 6tatement
that Communism and fascism are
the same thing. In effect, Schwarz
said that Communists employ a
fascist type governmental system
to achieve its ends.
According to the American Col-
lege Dictionary, fascism is a "gov -
ernmental system with strong cen-
tralized power, permitting no op-
position or criticism, controlling
all affairs of the nation (induc-
trial, commercial, etc.), emphasiz-
ing an aggressive nationalism, and
often anti - Communist." Anti-

Communism, then, is not necos-
sary to a fascist governmental
system. The governmental systems
of both Nazi Germany and the
USSR are remarkably similar in
most of these respects.
Janet Greene's anti-Communist
songs, but probably thought Chad
Mitchell's anti-Goldwater lyrics
were profoundly clever.
By mentioning that Herbert
Philbrick was a counterspy over
a decade ago, Rapoport attompts
to dismiss the possibility that Phil-
brick's experience has any appli-
cation to Communist activity to-
day. Perhaps Rapoport should
read some of J. Edgar Hoover's
recent statements on the internal
Communist threat.
In the ultimate of smear and ab-
surdity, Rapoport likens the cru-
sade to Hitler's Nazi Party. He
said, "They (the liberals) laughed
about another anti-Communist
too. Hitler." Rapoport should
study his history. The liberals
didn't laugh at Hitler. They

THE PROPOSED residential college in-
volves a calculated risk. Its planners
have tentatively elected to admit to the
college a student body approximating in
ability a cross section of literary college
students. At the same time, they intend
to press ahead with sweeping academic
The aims of the innovations are to
allow academic pursuits to become a
complementary part of the student's life,
and to allow the student and his teacher
to have greatly increased contact.
The planners of the college envision
a compact, unified, relatively isolated
physical framework for the students. Liv-
ing, eating, library, classroom and fac-
ulty facilities would, according to present
tentative plans, be centered in a small
complex of buildings.
THE RISK the planners are taking is
this: They are in effect betting that
the students they admit-roughly equal
in ability to a cross-section of the literary
college-will be ready for and able to
take advantage of the extensive faculty
contact and thoroughgoing learning ex-
perience offered in the residential college.
If their bet is wrong, the result could be
great personal difficulties and incon-
venience for many students involved-
those not ready for the residential
The cross-section which enters the
residential college will-like today's lit-
erary college students-be composed of
a myriad of different people.
Many literary college students are
great students-but some attend very
few classes and study very little. Some
thrive- on extensive contact with their
faculty--but some are much too busy
finding themselves to give time to fac-
ulty or studies. Many would love the
nearness and convenience of classes in
the residential college-but many would
cringe at its proximity and look in vain
for an opportunity to retreat into se-
clusion and anonymity-an opportunity
they would have to a much greater extent
outside the confines of the residential
IF IT ADMITS students according to
present plans, the residential college
may take many students as unable to
conform to its intimate teacher-student
contact as other students are to the
anonymity and impersonality of the Uni-
versity at large. While it will almost un-
questionably help those in the latter

group, it may well hurt many in the
It's true that students will have a
choice whether or not to apply to the
residential college. But this will by no
means keep out students unsuited to its
academic disciplines. For the opportunity
of such a choice cannot help a prospec-
tive college student unless he uses rele-
vant criteria; and recent studies have
shown that the vast majority of students
attend college not principally for aca-
demic reasons, but for motives relating
to job opportunities and social life.
Most students in fact do not know what
they are after-beyond money and a
good social life-when they enter college.
Thus the fact that students will have a
choice whether or not to apply to the
residential college will often not help
those unsuited for the college-they will
choose it for faulty or irrelevant reasons.
And they will in many cases be hurt by
their choice.
IT IS ALSO TRUE that students un-
happy with the residential college will
have the opportunity to leave it and en-
ter the literary college if they wish, but
this opportunity will not be without its
disadvantages. There could develop,
through the specific intent of nobody at
all, tremendous pressures on students-
from peer groups, parents and perhaps
faculty-to try to persevere in the col-
lege--a place possibly unsuited to their
The planners of the residential college
could have lessened, if they had wished,
the risk of hurting some students by
diluting the academic thoroughness of
the residential college innovations. Or
they could have reduced the risk by
keeping the academic thoroughness un-
diluted and admitting only the most
highly qualified applicants. To have done
the former would have slowed the rate
of innovation--and possibly, the rise in
academic achievement which the plan-
ners see as one of their principal goals.
To have done the latter would have re-
stricted to a hand-picked student elite
the benefits of academic progress.
THE FACT that they did neither and
took the risk reflects their purpose:
to bring to the entire student body in
the near future that integration of living
and learning experiences which they
deem essential-and which a residential
college can best provide.

Johnson's Chance To
'Damn the Torpedoes'

THANKS TO the kind of victory
he has won, President Lyndon
Johnson can now look forward to
a stretch of time when he has a
license to follow his own judgment,
free from partisan politics. He is
free not only because the size of
his majority is an enormous vote
of confidence in him personally
but also because a principal ele-
ment of the landslide was the re-
jection of extremism at home and
As soon as the votes are counted,
a newly elected President is beset
by factions in the bureaucracy
which have their special causes
and their pet projects to promote.
They tell the President that dur-
ing the campaign many things in
foreign affairs had to be post-
poned. Now that he has won, he
must reach immediate decisions
and move promptly.
These pressures on the Presi-
dent come from sincere men who
have invested personally in their
projects. But the effect of yielding
to their insistence would be to tie
the President's hands before he
has had a chance to make use of
the unique opportunity to take a
fresh look which his election gives
* * *
PRESIDENT John Kennedy was
a victim of these bureaucratic
pressures, and in yielding to them
he came near to wrecking his ad-
ministration at the outset. Presi-
dent Johnson in 1964 is in a much
stronger position than was Presi-
dent Kennedy after his election in
1960. For President Kennedy had
not yet acquired enough self con-
pue asnoH{ t1MAA , Ul aouapij
he was acutely aware of the frailty
of his majority.
He did not feel that he was free.
That is why President Kennedy
acquiesced, though with doubt and
a bad conscience, in the crazy
project of the Bay of Pigs. That
is why he allowed himself to be-
come more extensively and deeply
committed in South Viet Nam
than President Dwight Eisenhower
had ever been. That is why at the
outset he adopted without reserve
the Dulles-Adenauer line on the

two Germanys and on relations
with the Soviet Union. For Presi-
dent Kennedy never had the op-
portunity which President John-
son now has, which is to review
deliberately what comes up to the
White House from the State De-
partment and the Pentagon.
IT IS ALREADY apparent that
President Johnson will be under
pressure from various bureau-
cratic lobbies promoting the sale
of their projects. One of the char-
acteristics of the bureaucratic lob-
bies is that they redouble their
pressures when their projects run
into trouble.
Th'e bureaucratic lobbies will all
be in a hurry. They will tell the
President that Europe in is dis-
array and that the President must
act at once to set Europe in order.
They will tell him that Asia is in
chaos and that unless the Presi-
dent acts at once, the Chinese will
drive the Americans back to San
Francisco and beyond.
The bureaucratic lobbies will all
be pressing the President to fore-
go his most precious right, which
is to get out of the ruts and un-
snarl the tangles which come from
a quite different past. Surely the
first business of a President elect-
ed with such a majority after such
a campaign is to enjoy the luxury
of taking a new look at the na-
tional interest, and of making a
fresh judgment of the workability
of policies.
IN THIS UNIQUE time when
partisan politics is adjourned,
when the air is noilonger filled
with campaign slogans, there can
be an unhurried and calm re-
examination of how to fulfill our
commitments in South Viet Nam,
of such projects as the mixed-
manned nuclear fleet (MLF)
which is the brainchild of profes-
sors miscast as military strate-
gists, on our antiquated China
policy, our obsolescent German
policy, our confused European
In this whole field, President
Johnson will never again be so
free as he is now to do what is
right and damn the torpedoes.
(c) 1964, The Washington Post Co.

groveled before him until war was
inevitable. In the same way, to-
day's liberals are appeasing and
groveling at the feet of the Com-
Perhaps the crusaders are overly
zealous, but one should not put
them in the same class as the
often paranoiac Birchers. One is
being equally extreme if he implies
(as Rapoport seems to) that the
internal and external threat of
Communism is scarcely worthy of
the "liberals" opposition. This type
of thinking can only lead us to
another Munich and eventually
-Peter McAlphine, '68
To tihe Editor:
EDITORIALS in The Daily are
basically "sound," even though
often controversial.
I would like to voice my objec-
tion to what I consider to be the
most absurd and illogical piece of
editorial writing that I have seen
in The Daily - "The Crusade
Marches On" by Roger Rapoport.
"Hitler was an anti-Communist;
therefore, all anti-Communists are
akin to Hitler," is as illogical a
comparison as "all queens wear
diamonds; therfore, all women
who wear diamonds are queens."
PERHAPS Dr. Schwarz' "cru-
sade" is homespun and "corny,"
but its purpose is basically sound.
Communism, fascism and Nazism
are all partners. If we had more
conscientious anti - Communists,
this world and this nation would
be much better off.
To relate Life magazine, "lib-
eral" Democrat Stuart Symington
and Cardinal Cushing with Hit-
ler's fascism is . . . well, the ul-
timate of absurdities.
-Robert M. Hall, 67M
It is indeed unpleasant to read
about Communism; it is much
more unpleasant to live under
Communism, and it is frequently
* * *
We persist in considering the
Communist rulers as civilized
human beings. The record is
Socialism, or collectivism of any
kind, can only be made to func-
tion under a dictatorship. The
planned economy must necessarily
deny more and more freedoms.
Free men resist their loss of free-
doms, and force and coercion - are
* * *
Freedom is a jealous mistress.
To possess her, we must reject her
ancient competitor, slavery. She
will not accept a divided alle-
I regard Communism, Nazism
and Fascism as having one under-
lying principle-dictatorship-the
theory that government should
have the right to control the
lives, the fortunes, the happiness,
the beliefs, and every detail of
life of the human being, and
that man is a pawn of the Gov-
ernment, rather than the Ameri-
can conception that Government
is created for the benefit of man-
-Excerpts from Rep. Martin
Dies' (D-Tex.) recent book,
"Martin Dies' Story," as
quoted in American Opinion.

'Fiorello' Introduces
Sophs' Tuneful Talent
EIGHT MONTHS of work and planning came brightly to life last
night as the sophomore class unveiled a sparkling assortment of
talented young entertainers in the Ann Arbor premiere of Fiorello.
Off to a nervous start and dragging a bit through the changes of
scenery, the show from overture to finale was nonetheless a tre-
mendously entertaining succession of bright spots, carried from peak
to peak by a handful of delightful characters supported by a nimble,
brassy chorus.
Danny Syme, as the fiery Fiorello LaGuardia, was the strong and
able center of this lively crowd. His performance set a pace that was
met and often exquisitely balanced by the two charming women of his
life, Sheila Bernstein and Mary Vereen. The latter, warm and con-
vincing as the politician's wife, also lent a very adequate voice to the
beautiful "Till Tomorrow" melody, and the quiet, engaging "When
Did I Fall in Love." Patricia Bredin, love-struck and charming in her
supporting role, was equally able in her light and happy "I Love a Cop."
BUT YOU WILL be especially surprised and won over by the two
young coeds who draw the show and the audience to themselves in a
burst of first-rate talent. Miss Bernstein, as the ever-waiting, ever-
adoring Marie, not only shows herself able as an actress, but brings
to the show a versatile singing voice of some quality. "Marie's Law," and
"The Very Next Man," come at you with sound-track quality, and
even the acoustical difficulties that cloak the stage can't dim the fact
that she's got it. And as though she weren't enough, there's Paulette
Farr, belting out "Gentleman Jimmy," and capturing the house com-
pletely as she leads a bouncing squad of chorines through a profes-
sional routine that comes right from the follies era.
The chorus of card players is fine. The staging, the production
numbers, the overall direction is a credit to Becky Rapport. The or-
chestra, under Paul Kirby, does its job with skill and flair. And there
are limitations, since the stage crew obviously can't keep up with the
pace of a show designed for a revolving stage.
* * * *
BUT THE central criticism that this show prompts is of the
University itself. These young people were disinherited by their own
school, forced by the more polished fringes of our super-aestheticized
community to turn to a local high school for a hall. They had to play
in an auditorium, not a theater, one totally unsuited to a musical, one
that the best pubilcity in years couldn't -fill. If we're going to preach
the importance of the student on this campus, we shouldn't need to
ride a mile on a bus to show it.
Simply because it's a student show, and well done, Fiorello is the
best entertainment on campus this weekend.
-John Manning
Burton Weakness Hurts
Successful Spectacular
At the Campus Theatre
BECKET" is at last a film spectacular that manages to interest
instead of only dazzle, to say something of love instead of only
sex, and to have some real meaning beyond the usual vibrating
stereophonic strains of pomp and technicolor glory. At times it
achieves the excellence of a Bayeux tapestry hung onto the screen
by the lancet-sharp performance of Burton and O'Toole, splendid
with a woven richness that can squander Sir John Gielgud in a
minor role.
Jean Anouilh, who wrote the play, subtitled his work: "or, The
Honor of God." "Becket" tells the story of a libertine and "collabora-
tor" who by the circumstances of his life is forced to decide whether
to serve the worldly city or the city of God. As Chancellor of
England his duty is to his king and to the glory of his country;
as Archbishop it is to God. In fulfilling the ltter role he must
deny the former; but Henry, his friend and king, is tied by his
destiny to only the former. Both in their own places are right-
but by their natures are necessarily opposed. Yet, "We must do-
absurdly-what we have been given to do-right to the end," says
Becket. It is in this playing out of "the supreme folly" that Anoulh
sees "the honor of God."
TO A LARGE DEGREE the "spectacular" quality of the film
lends itself to this theme. The photography and color are excellent
and the predominate heavy cathedral background creates an ap-
propriate atmosphere for the anguished protagonists. The camera
concentrates on the characters themselves, yet brings the settings
into almost equal focus. When Becket and Henry meet for the last
time, their words are directed not only to themselves, but echo
across the sea, the stretching sand, and into the brooding sky above
charging them with a greater import and grandeur.
The film is successful, however, because of its actors. Burton
and O'Toole are backed by a supporting cast that normally would
have starring roles, and here turn in a performance that often
nears perfection.
* * * *

BURTON'S BECKET is sober and yet witty, quiet, yet forceful.
Given a mass of ambiguities to project he does reasonably well, his
performance almost stubbornly restrained. He is far better, though,
through the first half of the film than the second. There he relies too
much on his remarkable voice to do his acting for him while his face
becomes only a sad, slightly blurred mask.
O'Tolle dominates the film, though this is due partly to a slightly
better written role. Henry II is also ambiguous, though not as deeply
as Becket, and O'Tolle brings him off -perfectly. His vitrolic anger to-
ward his wife and family is cold hate toward the Bishop of London
and utter anguish toward Becket. His struggle with Becket reveals
within himself a being striving beyond the mediocrity and boredom
of the world to which he is fated.
PRECISELY, HERE, however, the film misses. It makes its point-
"the honor of God"-but in the case of Becket a little too obviously and
too soon. In its own way, Henry's torment is also part of God's "honor."
Whereas the nature of their conditions demand both of them to be
tragic, O'Toole's portrayal overshadows Burton's and Henry almost
becomes the sole tragic figure.
-Bob Zalisk
Here WeGoAgan . .
At the State Theatre
IF YOU MISSED "Beach Party," "Muscle Beach Party," and "Bikini
Beach," don't despair-all your favorite teenage beachboys and
starlets are back once again in yet another variation on the same
old theme, "Pajama Party." Apparently this series of puberty-rite
pictures is going to keep right on until Annett, Donna, Susan, Bobbi
and Candy get tired of it all and decide to grow old gracefully.
Trying to explain the plot of an Annette-Tommy Kirk movie is
like an unsharpened pencil-there's just no point to it. For what
it's worth, Tommy Kirk plays a bungling Martian and Elsa Lan-
chester plays a lady who talks to flowers-and you can take it from


Offset: Campus Will Benefit

'THE OFFSET publication, the new, stu-
dent-organized magazine, will be pre-
sented to the campus sometime next
semester. It has survived, remarkably
enough, a fusillade of violent and exces-
,lve criticism from the staff of Genera-
tion. The near-success of Generation's
campaign to stop the new magazine is
reflected in the decision by the Board
in Control of Student Publications to
allow the Offset group permission to pub-
lish only one issue.
Fearful of losing their cherished mono-
poly, the Generation-oriented critics
claim that the new magazine will be un-
necessarily harmful to their publication
and may even result in the "dissolution"
of the established literary group. They
allege that competition for quality stu-
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN ................ Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD ...................Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY............Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE.......Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND .......Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND............ Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER .............. Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER.............Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER ........Contributing Editor
CHARLES TOWLE ........ Contributing Sports Editor
JAMES KESON .................. Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey
Goodman, Robert Hippler, Robert Johnston, Lau-
rence Kirshbaum.
Blumberg, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Barbara
Seyfried, Karen Weinhouse.
.Business Stuff

dent writing will result in two mediocre
magazines instead of one very good one.
This argument is predicated on the
assumption that University students can
produce only a limited amount of good
writing. One answer to this contention
can be found in the increased enrollment
of the University.
fifteen years ago, University enroll-
ment has increased by almost ten thou-
sand students. But while the student
populace has grown, the size and scope
of Generation has not changed consider-
ably. In fact the first edition of that
magazine, published in 1950, is larger
than the most recent one.
Can the critics from the office of
Generation continue to assume that with
ten thousand new and more intelligent
students (as University surveys and tests
have proven), more quality writing can-
not be produced? It is very difficult to
accept, as the fervent critics of Offset
would have one believe, that if a chicken
coup is doubled in size to accommodate a
greater number of hens, the egg produc-
tion will remain the same.
HE UNIVERSITY is a dynamic entity.
All elements-sports facilities, librar-
ies, classrooms, residence halls, magazines
--must change with the pace or become
inadequate to deal with the new influx.
The campus is ready for another literary
magazine. It is highly probable that there
are many quality writers on campus
whose work Generation does not or can-
not publish. It would be a good thing if
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"And How Is Our Little Patient Today?"
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