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November 13, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-13

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Sunny and

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom




Budget Hearing Praised To Form

Romney Blasts Educators

IUT'~ N "

By DAVID BLOCK President Hatcher said, "It was viding us with sufficient funds to ( - -
Univrsiy Pesidnt ar ne sfanhgnmost friendly and un-oerae and maintainth ee of T SS
University President Harlan derstandling discussions ever held high-quality university we desire," i . .
Hatcher yesterday was highly for this purpose in my tenure as he added.
optimistic about the University's President. We demonstrated the Current Prosperity By JUDITH WARREN
budget hearing in Lansing which University's need for the $11 mil-
took place Wednesday. lion increase included ir the ofThe current economic prosperity The regional chapter of the
At the hearing, the President budget request, and they listened awillnessiniheers publl United States National Student!o
and his three chief vice-presidents attentively and seemed to under- aAssociation is establishing a leg-
mtmet with State Controller Glenn stand our position.,,also act as' positive influences i islature composed of students
Allen to discuss the rationnale be- President Hatcher said that it prinaion for the Universy, Pr- m-supported schools ine lls
hind'this institution's $55.7 million was not possible now to surmize"Michigan.
request for state operating funds the final amount that Romney will dent Hatcher declared. "This legislature will consider
--over $11 million more than it is request from'the state Legislature. How the Democratic Legislature problems of state tax programs,Ce
currently receiving. "However, we can assume that will treat Republican Romney's ind'astrial and labor relationships 1sis'oVes
Allen was representing Gov. the governor realizes the large ($6 ultimate appropriations request and educational financing - all
George Romney, who will make a million) increase the University for the University is still an un- problems encountered by the regu-
financial recommendation to the received in this year's appropria- answered question, he observed. lar legislature in Lansing," Larry Call Higher Education
Legislature in January. tion was just a first step in pro- "However, the Democrats have Glazer, president of the Michigan Lcki i Ate i
--- - - -- always given higher education a region of USNSA, said yesterday..ng
.....high priority in their platform This group will not simply be
statements, and they should be an education lobby but will serve By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN
very sympathetic to the requests as an instrument for student to Special To The Daily
of the state schools.n m learn more about the problems of EAT
"..: Different Parties state T overment he explain, measures to mee the challenges
"tou ghthe governor and-the alule of the "crisise" years" in education
majority in the Legislature are of Sue Orrin, 65, the University's ere urged here yesterday at the
theys assodgnt.f a ddd orie omr e thre h s
different paris o' oserpeettv to the Michigan Michigan Conference of Higher
the evelopme of.any sth e mte Region, said the Legsature will Ed c d a yenr
>-has<.condition such as existed toward be especially helpful to students Newly-elected Board of Educa-
the endofs Gov.r. Mennen Wil-r- if they can apply the theories that tion members declare their inten-
rasn rg hthey have learned in class tot e tionrtotenacthese un-
That period during the late lrobs der the provisions
k ;E-PF-IDENT:F:,:.:UDE:T'>F<AI:::J :";s:A.:Lews l::nt:utafifties is now referred to as the government, constitution, which state that the
"leanbudget" years. The state fThiswill include not only the !Board should take the role of
nr n r plagued by economic lems, fields of sociology, and political "desh andd furerviimg oer
,fr re Ccould not adequately supply its science, but also such fields as en- all public education."
state ersi ithhe fun ineering and law," Miss Orrin Donald Thurernber of G ros s
they sought. added. Pointe, former Regent here, who is
Since that time, the University "It is also hoped that the Legis- newly-elected to a tro-year term,
S Need ther atte sltudabet Loegilaurpwilthesa."
has requested large increases oe auewl eal ocm pwt ad "If we sleep through these,
the previous year's budget apo recommendations that it can give yaso dctoa rssw a
appra nen tef h dctinasa H oeducthoa the Bo ma Y'l
t the t t oard~~~ BadoEuctn,
priation.tu sleep forever."
The necessity for these increases Glazer observed.
VICE-PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS James A. Lewis will continue until all University The eight-member state board, Nosad teralplsm o
(let),Dircto ofHouingEugne aun(riht) an asistnt faculty are receiving their due elected in early November will H adtera rbeso
(Ief),'Dirctorof ousng ugen Han (igh), ad asisant salaries and until classroom, re- advise the state legislature on the Michigan education were not "the
to the vice-president for student affairs, 'Peter Ostafin were search 'and living facilities can be, financial needs of the state-sup- percentage of out-of-state stu-
honored at an inter-Quadrangle Council reception at Markley maintained at a practical level of ported schools including the Uni- dents and the need for cutting out
last, night, for their role in helping to implement IQC ideas for quality and efficiency, President I versity. rls"btrte,"h ed o
a new dormitory, Bursley Ball. Hatcher said.I Miss Orrin also expressed hope more attention and money from
Same Needs that the student. Legislature will! the state."
a " ~concern itself with education as a. He noted that the Board will-
10 C. l annnr A rlI n I rqitnvq The University is !stressing the wh ole.1 have to test its powers because

ckerrng over Funds

higher education were former Regent Donald M.D. Thurber of
Grosse Pointe (left) and Vice-President for the Dearborn Center
William Stirton (right) who organized the conference.
Faculty-Student Group
To Spur Speaker Plans




The faculty-student committee on public discussion yesterday
announced it will prepare a report outlining the criteria for allocat-
ing funds to student groups which sponsor programs of public dis-
The chairman, Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns, said the report will be dis.ributed to the public and will also

For Role in Bursley Hall
Inter Quadrangle Courcil ]st r4ght honored three University
administrators for their role in gaining Regent approval of Bursley
Hall, an IQC-backed dormitory aimed at alleviating the housing
Honored were Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
his assistant Peter Ostafin, and. Director of Housing Eugene Haun.
The IQC study favoring Bursley Hall to smaller residence units was
presented by the administration
a [-to the Regents last month.
IQC Meeting
An IQC meeting, under the
leadership of President John
-" R 1 tS Eadie, 65, followed. The group
tabled a previously postponed mo-
tion to extend women's visiting
By DONALD FLIPPO hours in men's rooms.
The proposal would allow wo-
The Fraternity Presidents As- men to be in men's rooms week
sembly last night passed a motion nights from 6:30 p.m. to women's
which approves the participation closing. It will be brought up again
of 19-20 new Acacia pledges in the in February.
fraternity intramural a t h 1 e t i c A motion to allow Interquad-
program. rangle Council to permit represen-
The local chapter recently pro- tatives from the fraternity sys-
moted its active members to alum- tem to present -rush information
ni status in order to accommodate programs in quadrangle houses,
a new, "more enthusiastic" pledge prior to the beginning of Rush,
class, passed.

same asic areas of development
for 1965-66 that we em hasized
in requesting this year's record
appropriation, he said. These are:
-Additional funds for faculty
and staff salaries; '
-The growing needs of individ-
ual educational facilities such as
the library system, and
-The maintenance and operat-
ing costs of the University, which
grow proportionately with the
University's expansion.
In addition to the President, the
University was represented at the
hearing by Vice-Presidents Mar-
vin Niehuss, Wilbur K. Pierpont
and Roger W. Heyns.
Ford Lays Of f
33,500 Menr
DETROIT 'OP) - A layoff of
approximately 33,500 workers, ef-
fective tonight, was announced
yesterday by the Ford Motor Co.
as a result of week-old strikes at
eight factories in five states.
The layoff will cripple passen-
ger car and truck production of
the nation's second largest car
With+ 25,500 men already idle
in the 'eight plants, Ford's total
idle will be more than a third 9f
its entire hourly paid work force.
Locals of the United Auto
Workers Union, have been on
strike at the eight factories over
unresolved local agreements to
supplement a national agreement.

Total Education
"I hope that it will discuss total
education in Michigan, including
the grade and high school level,
and noting how education at the
lower levels affects the education
offered by the University," Miss
Orrin added.
Problems concerning the struc-
ture of the Legislature were dele-
gated to study committees at the
member schools in Michigan. The
University chapter of USNSA has
been studying the relationship
that the 'Legislature will have to
both the NSA and to the Michigan
region chapter of USNSA.
The results of-the study will be
presented to the regional assembly.
Eight Delegates From 'U'
" The University will be allowed
to send eight delegates and eight
alternates to the assembly. The
delegates will be drawn from Stu-
dent Government Council and the
USNSA committee of SGC.
There has been no discussion of
drawing the delegates from the
general campus.
"This is because the general
campus has little knowledge of the
workings of NSA and would thus,
require a massive orientation pro-
gram. We are not trying to main-
tain an elitist group," Miss Orrin
Some USNSA members have ex-
pressed a desire to advise the gov-
ernor's "blue ribbon" committee
on higher education whose report
has been delayed until next
month. However, no final deci-
sion has been reached on whether
to undertake this project.

the provisions in the new state
Constitution are so vague. There Sub Causes
is a possibility, Thurber said, that
this test of power nrtay take place
in the state courts. ~
Another newly-elected member
of the Board, Peter Oppewell of
Grand Rapids, said that finance SASEBO, Japan UP)- The
is the biggest problem in stateUtSA aeO, cJa rnu() a-iTe
education today. He also stressed United States nuclear submarine
the need for higher faculty sal- Sea Dragon arrived at this south-
aries and urged that collegescon- leftist demonstrations failed to ,
duct, more practical industrial re- materializeon the scale promised
search. mhterfhi"lz ntesc rmsd

Bartlett Wants Aid
Lynn Bartlett, the superintend-
ent of public instruction, whose
term will end in mid-June, adcho-
cated closer cooperation between
state colleges. He noted that the
needs of highe'r education "can
and must be met."
The new eight man board will
take office on Jan. 1. All the mem-
bers of the board are Democrats.
Board member Leon Fill of
Huntington Woods said that moi e
attention should be given to the
need for trade schools.

by tir sponsors.
An estimatedr2000 demonstra-
tors massed near the main gate of
the United States navy base, but
heavy police cordons held them
back. Except for some pushing and
minor skirmishing, it was mostly
a waiting game.
The Sea Dragon is the first
nuclear-power warship to visit
Japan, the only nation ever atom
bombed. Socialists and other left-
ists claimed the sub's visit is a
step toward introduction of nu-
clear weapons into the mainland
of Japan.

'clearly define the committees pur-
Public Discussion
The committee was set up in.
the fall of 1962 by the Regents,
to see that a "comprehensive, im-
partial and objective program of
on-campus public discussions of
important and controversial so-
cial issues" be provided.
The Michigan Union and Voice
political party have recently re-
quested funds and have been asked
to provide more information on
their proposed speaking, programs
and budgets, Heyns said.
Give Funds
The committee formerly directed
student groups to sources where,
they could obtain funds for dis-;
cussion programs. Heyns said the
committee now hopes to directly
allocate funds.
The public discussion commit-
tee consists of three students, two
faculty members, the vice-presi-
dent for academic affairs as chair-'
man and the vice-president for
student affairs as secretary.

Hits Failure
To Support
His Budget
Governor Stresses
Need for Getting
Backing from People,
Special To The Daly
EAST LANSING - Gov. George
Romney sharply criticized state
educators in a speech delivered
here last night to the Michigan
Conference on Higher Education.,
Romney's comments were spark-
ed by the alleged failure of Mich-
igan educators to back his policy
of fiscal responsibility in 1962. At
that time, he urged educators to
voluntarily accept a financial cut-
back so the state could stabilize
its budget. He said he assured
educators of increased f u n d s
But Romney charged educators
failed to see the larger picture and
quibbled about. their reduced
funds. This seriously hurt his ef-
forts to get educational funds
from the Legislature,nRomney
Practical Matter
Romney emphasized the prac-
tical aspects of obtaining funds
for education saying, "All the ed-
ucators can talk to all the com-
mittess they want, but until legis-
lative votesare affected, there will
be no more educational fund in-
creases in Michigan.
"State money for school operat-
ing costs has increased $40 mil-
lion since 1962," Romney said.
"Out of a total state budget of
$1 billion, some $600 million. 60
per bt e for education," he
"So you can't say I'm not In-
terested in education," Romney
noted, "yet there are only two
ways we can increase state funds
for education in Michigan."
Two Ways
These two ways are either for
state educators to develop a broad
popular support for increased
funds for higher education, or for
a crisis to develop and force more
money to be spent to keep it from
falling to pieces.
"Of these two, I don't want the
crisis approach, and neither do
you," Romney said. He emphasized
that the only alternative to this
approach was for the state's edu-
cators to take their case -to people
and, through them, to the Legis-
"We now have the colleges re-
quests for funds," Romney said,
"but the only way they can be
filled is through educational votes.
Important Form
"Education must be the most
important action of government
and, outside of religion and family
life, the most important human
activity," he noted.
Considering this importance,
Romney said, it is vital that the
people of Michigan be persuaded
to make a strong committment to
education in their state.
Also at the conference, Irving
Bluestone, co-chairman of Rom-
ney's "blue ribbon" Citizen's Com-
mittee on Higher Education, gave
a general outline of the commit-
tee's report, to be released in mid-
The committee's report, expect-
ed to shape Michigan's higher edu-
cation for years to come, will fall
into four categories, Bluestone
said. These are:
-Undergraduate studies;
--Graduate and professional
-Financial studies and
-Planning and coordination

It is estimated that the report,
originally scheduled to be released
at last night's meeting, will be
issued around Dec. 15.
N ews Strk
Still Unsolved
DETROIT OP) - The lengthy
newspaper strike continued here
after yesterday's talks, despite the
of-is- rf n- +-- _ U,.T -- -IA

Union Board Considers Merger Plan

Bruce Larson, former president,
said that the old actives were not
really giving enough enthusiastic
support to the fraternity to keep
it from declining. Acacia had
dropped drastically in academic
rating to 28th, IM participation
slacked off and new pledges did
not materialize.
During this fall's rush program,
Acacia received no pledges. The
national field secretary, knowing
something should be done, called
in a "rush specialist," Larson said.j
This specialist instituted a more
vigorous open rush program to get'
new members who would work for
the fraternity.
Larson told the group thatrthere
was a need for some activity to
keep the pledges interested in
Acacia. He said that permission'
to participate in the IM program
would keep the group's spirits at
a high level. This would be one
step toward incorporating the
"new" Acacia back into the fra-

Unanimously Passed
IQC unanimously passed a ano-
tion advising revision of the Great
Books 191, 192 program. The
council, acting because of "great
discontent" over the courses, ad-
vised that the program "be re-
formed along the lines of the
visiting lecturer program of psy-
chology 190." Each section holds
one recitation a week, periodically
visited by the regular lecturer.
The recommendations will be
forwarded to Dean William Haber
of the literary college.
In other action IQC made two
appropriations. The first was for
a trophy of "not more than $30,"
which will be the award for the
top quadrangle homecoming dis-
play. The second was a grant of
$25 to help support a South
African conference here in Feb-
The Conference is being planned
by the United States National
Student Association.

Plans for the merger of the
student activities wings of the
Michigan Union and Women's
League were discussed last night
by the Union's governing body, its
Board of Directors.
Their decision will not be made

public until next Thursday when
the League's governing body, its
Board of Governors, considers the
same plans.
"We don't think it would be
appropriate to use our decision
as a means of influencing the
League Board," Union President
KentCartwright, '65, said.

orld's Fair Features Foreign Displays
Pink and purple balloons bearing the phrase "World's Fair"
seen floating over the Diag this afternoon herald the opening of the
Michigan Union's "Showplace of Nations" to be held today and
tomorrow in the Michigan Union.
The World's Fair offers a unique experience to students of this
University in providing them with the, opportunity of viewing the
foreign cultures represented here," Susan Webb, '65, chairman of the
Michigan Union International Affairs Committee said yesterday.
It is co-sponsored by the International Affairs Committee of
the Union, the International Students Association and the nationality
clubs at the University.
8000 Visitors Expected
Travel posters lining the Union walls, and colorfully dressed
guides representing the 1800 international students at the Univer-
sity will welcome the expected 8,000 visitors to the Fair.
Inside the "Showplace of Nations" will be 18 booths representing
a span of nations from Latvia and the Ukraine to Indonesia and
the African Continent.
The booths, manned by students from the various nations, will
feature cultural displays. There will be Turkish and African refresh-
-__ n r -, - . -;_" . ..Lnn.....- r~in .ils ln

The proposed merger would be
a union of only the student wings
while the policy-making bodies of
the organizations would still re-
main separate.
Two Years
Plans for the merger of the
Union and League have been un-
der serious consideration for the
past two years.
In May of 1963 a Union-League
study committee, chaired by Asso-
ciate Dean James Robertson of the
literary college, recommended the
consolidation of the two institu-
tions into a University Center.
The report suggested that the
consolidation be accomplished by
forming a single governing board
and creating a co-educational stu-
dent activities organization re-
sponsible to that board.
Reject It
The Regents rejected the report
since it would place students in
positions of managerial and fi-
nancial control. They did, how-
ever, accept the Robertson recom-
mendation that student activities
be merged.
Last fall, the Union and League
jointly established an implement-
ation group to work toward a stu-
dent activities merger..
The League Executive Council--
its student officers-reviewed the
current proposal for the merger
last Tuesday. Its final action will
also be announced after the
League Board meeting n e x t

ternity system, Larson added. Unanimous Decision'
Larson said that the boys were 'The council decided unanimously
already holding parties on week- to send a letter to Detroit area
ends, but '-hat something new, like newspapers stating that despite
IM participation, was necessary to recent unfavorable publicity, not
keep the fraternity appealing to "all Michigan student govern-
the group. i mental organizations are irre-
The FPA. also approved a mo- sponsible agitators.
tion to underwrite the Interna- "The majority of student gov-'
ional Student Association Spring ernment positions are held by re-
1965 Concert in the amount of sponsible students, anxious to co-
$1000. The general concensus was operate with the administration
thAt it i nrnor fnr fraternitv to help solve nroblems in the uni-

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