THE RISK OF THE RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE See Editorial Page Y Sir i6a :4Iat Ij FAIR High--54 Lower-40 Sunny and Cooler Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 65 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES HATCHER OPTIMISTIC: USNSA Budget Hearing Praised To Form Romney Blasts Educators IUT'~ N " By DAVID BLOCK President Hatcher said, "It was viding us with sufficient funds to ( - - Univrsiy Pesidnt ar ne sfanhgnmost friendly and un-oerae and maintainth ee of T SS University President Harlan derstandling discussions ever held high-quality university we desire," i . . Hatcher yesterday was highly for this purpose in my tenure as he added. optimistic about the University's President. We demonstrated the Current Prosperity By JUDITH WARREN budget hearing in Lansing which University's need for the $11 mil- took place Wednesday. lion increase included ir the ofThe current economic prosperity The regional chapter of the At the hearing, the President budget request, and they listened awillnessiniheers publl United States National Student!o and his three chief vice-presidents attentively and seemed to under- aAssociation is establishing a leg- mtmet with State Controller Glenn stand our position.,,also act as' positive influences i islature composed of students Allen to discuss the rationnale be- President Hatcher said that it prinaion for the Universy, Pr- m-supported schools ine lls hind'this institution's $55.7 million was not possible now to surmize"Michigan. request for state operating funds the final amount that Romney will dent Hatcher declared. "This legislature will consider --over $11 million more than it is request from'the state Legislature. How the Democratic Legislature problems of state tax programs,Ce currently receiving. "However, we can assume that will treat Republican Romney's ind'astrial and labor relationships 1sis'oVes Allen was representing Gov. the governor realizes the large ($6 ultimate appropriations request and educational financing - all George Romney, who will make a million) increase the University for the University is still an un- problems encountered by the regu- financial recommendation to the received in this year's appropria- answered question, he observed. lar legislature in Lansing," Larry Call Higher Education Legislature in January. tion was just a first step in pro- "However, the Democrats have Glazer, president of the Michigan Lcki i Ate i --- - - -- always given higher education a region of USNSA, said .....high priority in their platform This group will not simply be statements, and they should be an education lobby but will serve By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN very sympathetic to the requests as an instrument for student to Special To The Daily of the state schools.n m learn more about the problems of EAT "..: Different Parties state T overment he explain, measures to mee the challenges "tou ghthe governor and-the alule of the "crisise" years" in education majority in the Legislature are of Sue Orrin, 65, the University's ere urged here yesterday at the theys assodgnt.f a ddd orie omr e thre h s different paris o' oserpeettv to the Michigan Michigan Conference of Higher the evelopme of.any sth e mte Region, said the Legsature will Ed c d a yenr >-has<.condition such as existed toward be especially helpful to students Newly-elected Board of Educa- the endofs Gov.r. Mennen Wil-r- if they can apply the theories that tion members declare their inten- rasn rg hthey have learned in class tot e tionrtotenacthese un- That period during the late lrobs der the provisions k ;E-PF-IDENT:F:,:.:UDE:T'>F